So while poking about the manosphere today I followed a link from an obscure Men’s Rights blog over to Alex Jones’ Infowars site — specifically to the comments on a news article about a study that claims internet porn is destroying marriage.
Jones, as you may know, is essentially the king of the world’s conspiracy theorists, so naturally I expected his commenters to be pretty unhinged. What I didn’t realize is that they would also all be Men’s Rights Activists.
Well, maybe they don’t all call themselves that, but they certainly think like MRAs; several even linked to a site for Men Going Their Own Way.
Most commenters agreed that porn was a better deal than a wife; after all, as numerous wits declared, porn won’t steal half your money in a divorce.
But alongside such familiar, indeed cliché, sentiments there were also some pretty inspired mini-rants. Here’s my favorite, which received several dozen upvotes from the regulars, making it one of the most popular comments in the 373-comment thread.
But there were other comments that were nearly as, er, inspired as this one. Take this righteous comment from one of Mr. EinNietzscheStein’s biggest fans:
And who could forget this fellow’s intriguing theories about female sexuality?
“Hanoi Jane.” Hadn’t heard that in a long time. Really brings you back, doesn’t it?
Oh, isn’t it sweet? He’s got to page 5 of the Troll’s Handbook: pretend that people pointing and laughing at you are angry.
Nope. Fail again. However you are proving slightly more entertaining than ten minutes ago. Those stupidity classes seem to be paying off.
Just wait until he learns that “boner” these days just refers to arousal, and in the past it was a term for a mistake. Poor troll won’t know what to think of the english language anymore.
But alaisvex! Context is misandry, we all know this!
Oh no, I’ve got all this rage grool on me! Keep it coming. Show me how vile and hateful feminists are.
No one here is angry at you, ManWalk. Bemused and saddened by your wilful obtuseness, yes. But, that’s different than angry.
Yeah, but when feminists suggests that men can, in fact, keep themselves from harassing, sexually assaulting, and raping women, we’re being misandrous harpies who don’t understand how male sexuality works, are just demonizing male sexuality because we’re pointing out that SOME men do this, and are likely oppressing men with our sexiness.
I’m sure if I mention this to other feminists they’ll NAFALT all over me.
I think ManWank might have a deprecation fetish… Best we not indulge him any further.
Wow dude, you’re completely humorless, it’s kind of amazing. We’re amusing ourselves at your expense, it’s a pretty relaxed vibe overall.
@ kirbywarp – so, you would suggest backing away slowly and avoiding eye contact? I can do that!
Check out a great podcast on male sexuality.
It’ll be entertaining to see how long ManWalk can keep up the pretense that he doesn’t understand that words have multiple meanings, especially on the interwebz.
And aw! You think that one of us is gonna listen to your podcast? That’s cute.
I’m not the only one that sees the double-entendre in this, right? Right?
I think his rageboner’s popped and he’s started humping our legs. I think chasing him off with a broom would be best.
I told the guy at the bakery that I liked his bun* the other day. I’m guessing that’s actually misandry and/or cultural communism on account of him being tall, good looking, and black, though.
*The kind one gets by winding one’s hair up on top of one’s head, not to type with raisins in. Just thought I should clarify seeing as he works at a bakery and all.
You already posted that fucking link. Nobody cares about your hard on for honey badgers. We’re not going to join in your fap party.
Wait, so you are actually capable of holding a conversation with other adults? Hmmm, interesting and unexpected, though I have my doubts.
Like cassandra, I’m getting a vibe now that this might well be Steele/Mr Al making one of his return efforts. This is very fake stuff.
Been spat on in a lift lately, dude?
Of course. He’s clearly slut-shaming us. /s
The rage grool is starting to slow. Last call for a chance to shock me with hateful feminist bigotry. If it shocks me, I’ll screen cap it and use it. 😉
OHHH. The other day, my SO asked (obviously paraphrasing here) “so did you hear about that new movement thing? Man… manin… something -ism.” I didn’t know about maninism, so I just assumed he was talking about masculism or something, mostly because a name like manininininism sounds ridiculous to me.
In response to the last screenshot, I personally haven’t had the urge to dominate all men with an iron fist since I became a feminist. There are two possibilities: feminism actually isn’t about controlling/dominating men, meaning feminists can be dominant, submissive, both, neither or anything in between; or I need to be bitten by a member of the Feminist High Council before I can become a true feminist and develop a taste for misandry.
Wait wait, how is masturbation related to slut-shaming? Since when was masturbation considered promiscuous?
While I personally don’t agree with the use of the word because of the body-shaming aspect, it sounds like you’re attempting to use words you don’t understand because you’re hoping it’ll make us feel bad somehow. After all, it’s not like words like ‘body shaming’ and ‘slur’ have meanings or anything, they’re just insults SJWs throw at good-hearted MRAs to hurt their feels, right?
That, and “wanker” isn’t a slur. Yeah, no, you definitely have no idea what you’re on about.
By the way, what colour dress would best compliment earrings containing your tears? Oh, what am I doing asking a lowly male about fashion! Can I get a second opinion, fellow Matriarchs?
Actually, everyone should be putting the seat and the lid down on the toilet to keep the cats from drinking from it.
Even if you don’t have cats.
Also, “wanker” is slut shaming now? Trolly has reached new heights of prudishness if he’s decided that a person can become a “slut” by having sex with themselves.
@ alaisvex – there’s no way in Halifax I’m clicking on his links! My smalls use this computer!
@ kirbywarp – I’ve got a lovely corn broom by the front door! If it can sweep away small snow drifts, I’m sure it can chase off an amorous troll.
@ cassandrakitty – I was hoping it was the kind with sugar and cinnamon. ::drools::
Wait, why do you think this is an effective threat again?