So while poking about the manosphere today I followed a link from an obscure Men’s Rights blog over to Alex Jones’ Infowars site — specifically to the comments on a news article about a study that claims internet porn is destroying marriage.
Jones, as you may know, is essentially the king of the world’s conspiracy theorists, so naturally I expected his commenters to be pretty unhinged. What I didn’t realize is that they would also all be Men’s Rights Activists.
Well, maybe they don’t all call themselves that, but they certainly think like MRAs; several even linked to a site for Men Going Their Own Way.
Most commenters agreed that porn was a better deal than a wife; after all, as numerous wits declared, porn won’t steal half your money in a divorce.
But alongside such familiar, indeed cliché, sentiments there were also some pretty inspired mini-rants. Here’s my favorite, which received several dozen upvotes from the regulars, making it one of the most popular comments in the 373-comment thread.
But there were other comments that were nearly as, er, inspired as this one. Take this righteous comment from one of Mr. EinNietzscheStein’s biggest fans:
And who could forget this fellow’s intriguing theories about female sexuality?
“Hanoi Jane.” Hadn’t heard that in a long time. Really brings you back, doesn’t it?
the good thing is. these men will not reproduce.
going the way of the dodo, on their own accord.
the world is quite just, at times 😀
@ contrapangloss – Spot on, old bean! But, I notice that you forgot to add about how swimming through raw sewage is so much more dignified.
We have this thing called a legal system, and should use it. Brandishing a gun at the legislator who’s about to sign a misogynistic law won’t stop the law from going through, it will just get you locked up (and potentially lead to the rest of us being associated with your stupidity, which, do not want).
I’m married to the state??? When the hell did THAT happen, and why wasn’t I even invited to the fuckin’ wedding?
I’m married to my smartphone? Uh, I don’t own one. Never have, and don’t know if I ever will. I can happily live without one.
As for my eggs, I divorced them eleven years ago, when I tied my tubes without waiting to see if a “good man” would change my mind. None did, and none (good, bad or indifferent) ever will. My eggs and I won’t miss ’em.
Funny, I seem to be better at this “going one’s own way” thing than those guys are.
There are heaps of different adjectives one might use in relation to sperm depending on the context. Dignified has never occurred to me.
This man — and the rest of the world — will do much better if he just stays with porn. The idea of him being anywhere near a real live woman is a step too far for me.
Last dude, his first sentence makes no sense. It’s like he just stuck two different statements together without bothering to explain why statement one leads to statement two. That’s not even sophisticated enough to be called underpants gnomes logic – sock gnomes maybe?
I’m picturing someone trying to make a really tiny dinner jacket and monocle, just to make the sperm feel more dignified.
Also, what the fuckity fucking FUCK is “cultural communism”? The logical final outcome of “cultural Marxism”, I presume? Whatever it is, unless there is actual collective ownership of the means of production, which in the US is one big fat corporatist capitalist joke — well, it’s just not happening. I don’t care how perverse you think public schooling is, it’s NOT, in and of itself, socialistic. All the crumbling schools, and the half-baked minds like these that come out of them, should be proof enough of that.
I believe that their issue is purity. For at least 2 millenia, some people – mostly men – have been obsessed with purity. They even built religions around it.
Somehow, and it may be a blood thing and/or the fact that birth is a messy business, men have seen themselves as the pure and holy and women as the impure and earthly/fleshy. I am serious, here. “Holy” men see true “godliness” as self-denial. They stay away from women, especially, because their “holy” books all rant and rail against female evil and filth. Sex with women will keep men from whatever they believe to be heaven, and even women who take “holy” vows are to be avoided since they still bleed. In some of the more fundamentalist/orthodox versions of religions, even speaking with a woman or seeing her hair or any part of her body except for eyes and hands can put a man’s soul in peril. In their minds, the concepts of purity and femaleness are diametrically opposed to each other, and the only reason (besides reproduction) that women exist is to try to destroy the souls of good men and ruin their lives. We basically steal from them their heritage as sons of _____(fill in the deity of your choice. I prefer Cthullu)
So, in these days of possible environmental collapse, economic hardship and other fearful things, combined with the evils of feminism/women who just will not obey and religious, fear-based fundamentalism, I am not at all surprised to see such hate and terror in so many men. Thing is, they will not go their own way. Torn as they are between hate, fear and deep certainty that everything would be fine if only women lived on our knees (and all that that implies) and their loneliness and longing for the kinds of companionship that women can provide, the pressure is building.
And that sometimes scares me enough to stop my laughing.
Also, on a side note, Alex Jones is a few years younger than me, but oh my gawd does he ever look older. Being a douchebag who yells at clouds for a living does that to one, I guess.
Is this the sort of dignified sperm in question, maybe?
My guess as to what cultural communism is supposed to mean would be that communism is when the means of production are owned collectively rather than by individuals, and MRAs see women (the means of production, from their perspective) as being collectively owned by the state, which is a violation of their right to own us on an individual basis.
Samantha, hi! 🙂
kittehserf – Hi right back! 🙂 How ya be?
Yeah, that sounds about right. Every dog-jack of them is salivating to get back to the days of human-chattel ownership. It’s not even hard to see. Just look at how many of them are rubbing their hands at the prospect of an apocalypse, thinking that then, they’ll finally corral us “weak” women as nature intended, and from then on, life will be an every-man-for-himself, devil-take-the-hindermost, hide-yer-wimmin-and-chillun utopia.
Assuming that these neo-paleo cave-gunsuckers don’t all club each other to death with the butts of their AR-15s when the ammo runs out and no more factories exist to produce any, that is.
Honey Badger Radio: The beauty of male sexuality with guest Mercedes Carrera
Getting by, samantha, getting by! Had a great reading with a medium a couple of weeks back, gave the spirits a lift (no pun intended even though Sir’s rolling his eyes in the background here).
How are you doing?
Fuck off, ManWank. Or I’ll sing you another song about man tears.
Awww, little ManStrut is back dropping meaningless links. Isn’t it cute?
Troll harder, sonny.
Go ahead and sing. Try to shock me.
If guns make us safer, how come the US has much higher rates of gun related homicides and suicides than all those countries with strict gun control? I wish someone would take away our gun rights. I’m sick of there being a mass shooting every week.
Anyway, back on topic. My favorite part
Does this toolshed seriously think he’s going to lead the revolution by getting upvotes on infowars? Such delusions of grandeur.
Because anyone is going to take you seriously when you actually take this dude seriously.
You just say that because you want to ride the smartphone carousel.
Is there a GTOW term for non-smartphone-users? I don’t want to be on a carousel, I get dizzy after a while.
You’re not going to sing your song, Bina? Why don’t you show me how vile feminists are with your song mocking male pain and tears?