antifeminism drama kings entitled babies evil sexy ladies evil wives evil women eww grandiosity homophobia imaginary oppression incoherent rage men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy oppressed men patriarchy playing the victim precious bodily fluids

"My seed has too much dignity to be in the company of the rest of useless humanity" and other insights on marriage and sperm from

Gosh, who would ever have expected that this guy might prove popular with unhinged MRA types?
Gosh, who would ever have thought that this guy might prove to be popular with unhinged MRA types?

So while poking about the manosphere today I followed a link from an obscure Men’s Rights blog over to Alex Jones’ Infowars site — specifically to the comments on a news article about a study that claims internet porn is destroying marriage.

Jones, as you may know, is essentially the king of the world’s conspiracy theorists, so naturally I expected his commenters to be pretty unhinged. What I didn’t realize is that they would also all be Men’s Rights Activists.

Well, maybe they don’t all call themselves that, but they certainly think like MRAs; several even linked to a site for Men Going Their Own Way.

Most commenters agreed that porn was a better deal than a wife; after all, as numerous wits declared, porn won’t steal half your money in a divorce.

But alongside such familiar, indeed cliché, sentiments there were also some pretty inspired mini-rants. Here’s my favorite, which received several dozen upvotes from the regulars, making it one of the most popular comments in the 373-comment thread.

 EinNietzscheStein • 4 days ago  My body, my choice. Been woman free for 3 years now, and at least $60K richer for it. Also realized I can live off under $10K a year, and thus under the tax exemption bracket, meaning I don't need to suffer tax extortion to pay for the indoctrination of breeders kids in collectivization concentration camps called school. I can move to where the jobs are, I can travel the world and if need be, rent woman for just a night. And even if they shut down porn or the internet, they will never ever be able to locate or confiscate years of downloaded material. I will proudly be releasing my sperm down the bathtub drain rather than down any the throat of some duplicitious broad who is a threat to my personal sovereignity, wealth, and sanity. I've had my share of women, and checking out. Thanks for nothing, you empty shells. You are the true polygamists, married to the state, married to your smartphones, married to your burdensome eggs, and good men will only occupy that very tiny space you left for him. My seed has too much dignity to be in the company of the rest of useless humanity that has no dignity or principles of its own.  24 • Reply • Share ›      Avatar     Another Apostle EinNietzscheStein • 4 days ago      Well said Brother!     3     •     Reply     •     Share ›         −     Avatar     chris EinNietzscheStein • 4 days ago      Amen brother. Eloquently stated...

But there were other comments that were nearly as, er, inspired as this one. Take this righteous comment from one of Mr. EinNietzscheStein’s biggest fans:

 Another Apostle • 4 days ago  I thank our Lord and Savior for Comment Sites like this. It has finally allowed men to get there feelings out toward what is going on. I hope this grows into a maninism movement to reclaim our God Given right to lead the family, the workplace and set our women back where they belong. There are some very afraid feminists out there right now realizing that their little ploy is no longer on track; men are not the big dumb clods that they have taken us for. Gentlemen, let's get our dignity back. Anyone who agrees with me, upvote this comment and I will lead the way into a new tomorrow. Quit sitting back and taking it. This is why they have got so far, it's because we never really took them seriously. I wonder how many billions of dollars in male assets the feminist movement has aquired in their war against men in the last forty years or so.  11 • Reply • Share ›And who could forget this fellow’s intriguing theories about female sexuality?

 WEREFEAT010 • 4 days ago  The promotion of feminism and homosexuality, plus the woman's ability to get a divorce for any reason, keep the house and the children adds to the fact that women are weak and will cave in when put under stress. The typical American woman is unsure of her feminism and is looking for another woman with a man's body who will obey her, cook and do housework. Eventually the woman in a man's body becomes optional, and a woman in a woman's body is acceptable.  This is Cultural Communism in action. The goal is to destroy the Family unit.  New movie: "This is Where I Leave You." In the movie, we have gentiles who wish to be Jews, and Jane Fonda AKA "Hanoi Jane" apparently announcing that she is now lesbian. She is "turned" in the movie's plot. I'd call that divine justice.  3 • Reply • Share ›

“Hanoi Jane.” Hadn’t heard that in a long time. Really brings you back, doesn’t it?

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10 years ago

He also says, “Pet me.”

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

Also, because he sockpuppeted before as “Castle” (and at the time denied being a sockpuppet).

The only surprising bit about this is finding out that Castle was a sock and not a bot.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

Also, these are blurry but just too damn cute to not post.

Ash, one of mum’s many cats, doing what he does best (sitting on people’s heads, in this case my sister’s).

10 years ago

I would talk about the post but I’d rather squeeeee over the cute animals all over this thread!

10 years ago


The troll came to a thread about guys favoring masturbating to sex with a partner as a way of sticking it to the ebil wimminz, tries desperately to make the thread about him and then calls commenters slut shamers for singing about guys masturbating.

Meh. It’s a little humorous, but not all that funny. Manwalk/Castle’s final bid for troll of the year won’t cut the mustard.

10 years ago

Huey and Ash are ADORABLE. I have a special soft spot for shiny black kitties, as I’ve had several, and they were all darlings. I often wonder if there’s some kind of gene that codes for sweetness and is linked to sleek black coats. I bet there is.

And my, does it ever smell nice in here with one less troll. Why is it that they never seem to Go Their Own Way until they’re forcibly booted out?

10 years ago

Is this for real? Seriously, my bingo card is unrecognizable. Nice work finding such a perfect little microcosm of all the old hits. After all, what other force than misogyny could unite the Man of God and the Libertarian Atheist?

@wordsp1nner That lion though… I’m keeping that forever, thank you.

10 years ago

“It’s like they think their wives contribute absolutely nothing to the marriage, and they, as the men, own everything.”

Including the wives — or at least they think they should own them. Then by the transitive property of ownership …

I doubt that any of these guys would ever do hard, dirty, dangerous jobs at all. That’s for gammas and deltas. But as a club to beat feminists with …

I have finally learned not to read WHTM while eating. The alternative is to buy keyboards by the gross.

10 years ago

Mgtow, nobody cares! Just go! We want you to go! You are doing the world a favor! And by the way, God didn’t create women to serve men! Stop using the bible to excuse your narcisstic behavior!

These men sure are afraid of losing their money in divorce court but have no problem giving it all to paul elam.

10 years ago
Reply to  vyechera

He develops an entire theory of human nature around his seed. His seed somehow is needed to save the world. It is archived at Svalbard. His amazing seed, different from 3.500.000 billion other seed carriers. If she does not want his seed, she is to be punished His seed, well…his seed…his amazing seed…

Wow…just Wow. (bowing before true greatness)

10 years ago

I thought cultural communism was when everyone gets to go to the opera (or the symphony, or the art museum, or the sculpture garden*) at least once a year whether they want to or not. And all artists are paid by the government. That way the state owns the means of art production. Or something.

*you could also read one of the classics, but you have to submit a book report to prove you did. Same for going to see famous architecture. Proof of the other stuff can be provided by showing a ticket stub, like when you’re an art major in college**.

**Did anyone else have to do this? It was a requirement at George Mason University in the 90’s.

10 years ago


So, I found the Alex Jones article that you’re talking about, but he’s closed the comments. Maybe it got too overrun by MRAs for even his tastes.

Anyway, I couldn’t find the exchange that you’re talking about, but I have to know, did the commenter even mention that their friend’s baby’s father wasn’t in the picture, or did the MRA just assume?

10 years ago

Proof of the other stuff can be provided by showing a ticket stub, like when you’re an art major in college**.

**Did anyone else have to do this? It was a requirement at George Mason University in the 90’s.

Oh yes. But having to go to plays for drama class wasn’t half as bad as having to go to chemistry lectures for upper-division chemistry classes.

Dawn Incognito
Dawn Incognito
10 years ago


I have a special soft spot for shiny black kitties, as I’ve had several, and they were all darlings. I often wonder if there’s some kind of gene that codes for sweetness and is linked to sleek black coats. I bet there is.

I agree. My sleek shiny black kitty is very sweet and lovely and nice. She was originally a stray, and it’s taken several years for her to really get comfortable with anyone other than my boyfriend and his mom. She hated all other women until me, but has finally accepted me so I can pet her soft furry belly. Why would anyone abandon such a sweet girl?

Cat nursing ducklings:

10 years ago


“Cultural Marxism” (used unironically) is a near-perfect predictor of someone being a Nazi-type individual. Not even being able to come up with the proper name for said conspiracy theory is the mark of an especially stupid Nazi-type individual.

Tessa Ract
Tessa Ract
10 years ago

“The typical American woman is unsure of feminism and looking for another woman with a man’s body who will obey her, cook and do housework. Eventually the woman in a man’s body becomes optional, and a woman in a woman’s body becomes acceptable.”

As an occasionally submissive trans woman living happily with my cis female partner (who I do indeed cook and occasionally clean house for), I can only say, My God, they’re on to us!

10 years ago


Oh yes. But having to go to plays for drama class wasn’t half as bad as having to go to chemistry lectures for upper-division chemistry classes.

Oh, yeah. You’re sure right about that! I also forgot about having to be a guinea pig for upper division psych majors when I took psych 101. But that was rather fun! We art majors were encouraged to go to a variety of cultural events, not just art galleries. GMU had a great variety to choose from, too. I don’t cry at movies, but the performance of La Traviata I went to (on campus, even!) made me bawl like a baby!


“Cultural Marxism” (used unironically) is a near-perfect predictor of someone being a Nazi-type individual. Not even being able to come up with the proper name for said conspiracy theory is the mark of an especially stupid Nazi-type individual.

I don’t doubt it. That being said, I forgot the sarc tag on that first comment of mine 😉

@sundry: Black kitties are teh awesome! My old boy doesn’t have a mean bone in his body and is a superb nursemaid when my hubby or myself is ailing.

*crosses fingers that yesterday’s offering to the blockquote monster was sufficient*

10 years ago

Well, as an Honours Ancient History student, I had to spend a fortnight touring classical ruins. They even gave a (small) grant to pay for this.

Of course, I was ill my Senior Honours year, leading to repeating it, and when near the end of my 2nd time round I pointed out I’d never handed in the required report my Prof told me just to forget out it, if no-one had asked for it. So I suppose that adds up to a partially subsidised holiday in Sicily for me 🙂

10 years ago

I also forgot about having to be a guinea pig for upper division psych majors when I took psych 101. But that was rather fun!

All depends what studies you sign up for, I suppose.

10 years ago

And by the way, God didn’t create women to serve men!

Well, she kind of did, but… “it’s a cookbook!”

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago


<3 <3 <3

10 years ago

That kitty looks so very much like my friend Pixieixilus. She was one who lived with me her whole life long and I miss her still.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Hugs, thebewilderness, if you’d like them.

10 years ago

alaisvex, whenever I’ve seen them comment, it’s always that they just assume. Alex himself is not an MRA (I know this from comments he’s made elsewhere) so it wouldn’t surprise me if he starts some sort of moderation of this sort of thing.

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