antifeminism drama kings entitled babies evil sexy ladies evil wives evil women eww grandiosity homophobia imaginary oppression incoherent rage men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy oppressed men patriarchy playing the victim precious bodily fluids

"My seed has too much dignity to be in the company of the rest of useless humanity" and other insights on marriage and sperm from

Gosh, who would ever have expected that this guy might prove popular with unhinged MRA types?
Gosh, who would ever have thought that this guy might prove to be popular with unhinged MRA types?

So while poking about the manosphere today I followed a link from an obscure Men’s Rights blog over to Alex Jones’ Infowars site — specifically to the comments on a news article about a study that claims internet porn is destroying marriage.

Jones, as you may know, is essentially the king of the world’s conspiracy theorists, so naturally I expected his commenters to be pretty unhinged. What I didn’t realize is that they would also all be Men’s Rights Activists.

Well, maybe they don’t all call themselves that, but they certainly think like MRAs; several even linked to a site for Men Going Their Own Way.

Most commenters agreed that porn was a better deal than a wife; after all, as numerous wits declared, porn won’t steal half your money in a divorce.

But alongside such familiar, indeed cliché, sentiments there were also some pretty inspired mini-rants. Here’s my favorite, which received several dozen upvotes from the regulars, making it one of the most popular comments in the 373-comment thread.

 EinNietzscheStein • 4 days ago  My body, my choice. Been woman free for 3 years now, and at least $60K richer for it. Also realized I can live off under $10K a year, and thus under the tax exemption bracket, meaning I don't need to suffer tax extortion to pay for the indoctrination of breeders kids in collectivization concentration camps called school. I can move to where the jobs are, I can travel the world and if need be, rent woman for just a night. And even if they shut down porn or the internet, they will never ever be able to locate or confiscate years of downloaded material. I will proudly be releasing my sperm down the bathtub drain rather than down any the throat of some duplicitious broad who is a threat to my personal sovereignity, wealth, and sanity. I've had my share of women, and checking out. Thanks for nothing, you empty shells. You are the true polygamists, married to the state, married to your smartphones, married to your burdensome eggs, and good men will only occupy that very tiny space you left for him. My seed has too much dignity to be in the company of the rest of useless humanity that has no dignity or principles of its own.  24 • Reply • Share ›      Avatar     Another Apostle EinNietzscheStein • 4 days ago      Well said Brother!     3     •     Reply     •     Share ›         −     Avatar     chris EinNietzscheStein • 4 days ago      Amen brother. Eloquently stated...

But there were other comments that were nearly as, er, inspired as this one. Take this righteous comment from one of Mr. EinNietzscheStein’s biggest fans:

 Another Apostle • 4 days ago  I thank our Lord and Savior for Comment Sites like this. It has finally allowed men to get there feelings out toward what is going on. I hope this grows into a maninism movement to reclaim our God Given right to lead the family, the workplace and set our women back where they belong. There are some very afraid feminists out there right now realizing that their little ploy is no longer on track; men are not the big dumb clods that they have taken us for. Gentlemen, let's get our dignity back. Anyone who agrees with me, upvote this comment and I will lead the way into a new tomorrow. Quit sitting back and taking it. This is why they have got so far, it's because we never really took them seriously. I wonder how many billions of dollars in male assets the feminist movement has aquired in their war against men in the last forty years or so.  11 • Reply • Share ›And who could forget this fellow’s intriguing theories about female sexuality?

 WEREFEAT010 • 4 days ago  The promotion of feminism and homosexuality, plus the woman's ability to get a divorce for any reason, keep the house and the children adds to the fact that women are weak and will cave in when put under stress. The typical American woman is unsure of her feminism and is looking for another woman with a man's body who will obey her, cook and do housework. Eventually the woman in a man's body becomes optional, and a woman in a woman's body is acceptable.  This is Cultural Communism in action. The goal is to destroy the Family unit.  New movie: "This is Where I Leave You." In the movie, we have gentiles who wish to be Jews, and Jane Fonda AKA "Hanoi Jane" apparently announcing that she is now lesbian. She is "turned" in the movie's plot. I'd call that divine justice.  3 • Reply • Share ›

“Hanoi Jane.” Hadn’t heard that in a long time. Really brings you back, doesn’t it?

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Nathan Hevenstone
10 years ago

Re: Laci Green

The fuck? She’s…


And I did a blog post around one of her videos!

Wow. Not happy.

Re: cute animal pics

I haz a sad. I tried to find a pic of a kitteh and a koala, and failed.


10 years ago

Was it Girl Writes What who claimed that a feminist who posted pictures of her bruised, swollen face and her chipped tooth after being punched by a man must not have been really punched by a man because a real man would’ve hurt her worse and because she’s gotten worse facial bruising from vigorous sex?

I’m gonna need a definition of “vigorous” here, cause I’m not sure how what I’m picturing when I hear that word in that context would result in facial bruising.

10 years ago

“My seed has too much dignity” Now imagining his sperm all sitting in a stuffy club wearing little tuxedos.

I misread “stuffy” as “stiffy”. I can haz dirty mind.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Good riddance to the troll! :: genuflects to Dark Lord ::

I haven’t seen Frozen but I’m loving that dude’s antler cap.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

I misread “stuffy” as “stiffy”. I can haz dirty mind.


Mind you, a stiffy club would be the venue they’d need, really.

10 years ago

Oh man, you were on Ghazi today as well. What a fucking parade of travesty. I just started reading that board after I saw all the cool kids from AMR were there and I just flipped out. I posted a dozen times just to vent **internet hugs wanted**

For people who blessedly don’t follow Gamergate, you in luck and should continue that strategy.

10 years ago

“Mind you, a stiffy club would be the venue they’d need, really.”

Fail, kitteh. For once you didn’t catch me with my mouth full. #keyboardsurvives

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

Fabulous. I’m on line for five minutes and all I can see is teeny sperm in suits in a stiffy club with drains in the floor and a tiny wee pole. Plus showers. And they are smoking cigars!

10 years ago

I’m gonna need a definition of “vigorous” here, cause I’m not sure how what I’m picturing when I hear that word in that context would result in facial bruising.

Sex on this bed, perhaps?

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Fail, kitteh. For once you didn’t catch me with my mouth full. #keyboardsurvives

Curses! Foiled again!

::gnashes teeth::

Fabulous. I’m on line for five minutes and all I can see is teeny sperm in suits in a stiffy club with drains in the floor and a tiny wee pole. Plus showers. And they are smoking cigars!

Never mind vigorous sex, I’m getting facial brusing falling off my chair laughing!

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
10 years ago

Okay I just want to say something as a married man. These assclowns complain that women steal their money. Okay.

In my own life, my wife has taken my money but there’s a catch, I’ve taken her money as well. and I don’t mean we steal from each other to feed a drug habit. I mean that our income is shared between us, what’s hers is mine and vice versa. We share everything equally.

and I think that’s the crux of it. Not only can these guys not understand in any way the word “equality” but they actively hate it and define people as only inferiors or superiors to one another.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Dan – that must mean, um, she’s misandering? Or you’re not being a dudely alpha dude? Or something something assfax?

Too true they don’t understand the concept of equality. They also don’t understand the concepts of loving and caring for other people, least of all that those feelings are mutual.

Basically they understand nothing, and it’d be insulting to lizards to call ’em lizard people.

10 years ago

If MRAs have any understanding of equality, it seems to be a desire to inflict equal suffering. Men getting drafted? Women should be drafted too. (No talk of eliminating the draft altogether.) Jobs involving hard labor are held in majority by men? Women should do these jobs in greater numbers. (No one suggests making those jobs safer.)

10 years ago

Never mind vigorous sex, I’m getting facial brusing falling off my chair laughing!

There’s a low blow to be made regarding how GWW got bruises having sex with MRAs.

10 years ago

Sorry for this but for some reason I have the audio of Vin Diesel shouting “I – Am – Grool!”

And as to mammoth mistakes I want a pygmy mammoth, evolution made a big mistake allowing it to go extinct. Dwarf elephants also

10 years ago

Have you listened to the Ask Me Another episode where they had the Lopez’s on? They were the songwriters for Frozen, and they seem like great people and a wonderful couple.

That’s something that always puzzled me… they complain that women are going to take half their money… but no, the women are going to take their half of their shared assets. It’s like they think their wives contribute absolutely nothing to the marriage, and they, as the men, own everything.

10 years ago

Jobs involving hard labor are held in majority by men? Women should do these jobs in greater numbers. (No one suggests making those jobs safer.)

Not only do they not suggest making those jobs safer, they also actively discourage women from joining. When people start pointing out that, actually, the women who do get into those fields are treated poorly, and that there are active efforts by some folks to recruit women to blue collar jobs and improve their situations there, the backpedaling is astonishing. This is where biotroofs start flying fast and thick about upper body strength and smaller frames and menstruation and relative gender value towards continuing the species and yadda yadda yadda.

Because, basically, as long as men continue to outnumber women in those dangerous fields, and as long as those fields remain dangerous, then MRAs feel justified in wielding it as a trump card. Therefore they won’t trouble themselves with greater safety measures, but they will oppose women’s participation, too.

On a different note, re: the term “maninism:—There is a Twitter account called “Meninism” (@meninist). I only know of its existence because a screen cap burbled to the surface on a website I visit, and it looks like it’s exactly as gross and disheartening as you might expect it to be. It seems to mostly be about vocally hating women in general, and feminists in particular. So pretty much like everything else in the Manosphere.

10 years ago

Anyone who agrees with me, upvote this comment and I will lead the way into a new tomorrow.

Least convincing leadership bid evar.

The wingnutosphere seems addicted to such stirring bullshit, and they never learn that it leads nowhere, or nowhere good. If some anonymous Internet dude offers me my activist heart’s desire, my response isn’t “you have my sword”, it’s more like: why should I believe you? What have you achieved so far? What’s your plan? How does it differ from what has failed in the past? Also: if you’re putting youself forward as a leader, chances are high that you’re a creep.

Don’t follow leaders, watch the parking meters.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Never mind vigorous sex, I’m getting facial brusing falling off my chair laughing!

There’s a low blow to be made regarding how GWW got bruises having sex with MRAs.


10 years ago

I’ve been seeing this phenomenon a lot whereby the mens rightsers try to take over the comments section of an article that wasn’t even about them and use the comments section to evangelize for their cause. I’ve even seen Uncle Elmer in a few places and called him out on Forbes once, alerting the moderator as to who he was and what he was really all about. They can pretty much be counted upon to show up whenever you see an article about a child custody dispute, but they seem to be branching out to other topics, trying to tie them in to the evil of feminism, women in general, and how men should go their own way, etc.

10 years ago

Here’s another example, from Alex’s current article on some parents threatened by social workers after their children played alone at a public park. A commenter relates a story about someone they knew who lost her child to what some claim is an economically motivated adoption racket. Then a member of the MRA Evangelical Outreach Ministry remarks:

“tward3 > Mr. Anomilus • an hour ago

She took the child away from its father. She started this. Women who tear a man’s child away from him do a irreparable violence to the father and to the child. Any woman who has such little concern for her child that she keeps the father away doesn’t deserve to have a child. It serves her right. Screw her. The kid is better without the selfish b I t c h.”

I’m seeing more and more of this sort of thing. They are definitely branching out and recruiting.

10 years ago

If they are really going their own way, why do they care so much that other men do too? Surely it’s better for them the fewer other men are in on the secret.

10 years ago

Yes, for guys “going their own way” they never seem to actually leave the room, do they?

10 years ago


Really, MGTOW dudes – go the eff your own way.



Ga’on now!


I haven’t read through all the trolly trolliness, but this is my brain bleach contribution:

Huey says, “Good morning!” And Happy Holidays / Happy a-few-days-after Winter/Summer Soltice!

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