all about the menz grandiosity I am making a joke I'm totally being sarcastic it's science! men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA patronizing as heck paul elam red pill

Do You Even Cook, Bro? The 8 Manliest Sentences in Paul Elam's Cooking Column for Men

Now it's time to Fuck The Tomatoes Up
Now it’s time to Fuck The Tomatoes Up

So our old friend Paul Elam has launched a new cooking column for Men Going Their Own Way. I mentioned it yesterday but hadn’t gotten around to reading his first installment. Intrigued by the quotes some of my readers were posting in the comments here, I actually went over to A Voice for Men and read it.

Alas, there were no recipes, but Elam wasn’t shy about dispensing some RED PILL WISDOM about the fine art science of eating stuff.

And so I would like to share with you the 8 Manliest Sentences from Elam’s “Eating MGTOW: Learn the food, dude.”

Plus some additional thoughts from Elam than I was able to access with my amazing powers of extrasensory perception.

1) “If I had to give an actual name to my approach to eating, it would be called “The Knowledge Diet.”

Screw all you ladies and lady-men and your illogical, emotion-driven approach to eating! Real men eat RATIONALLY. We do everything rationally. FUCK YOU AND YOUR FOOD FEELS.

2) “Let’s start with some basic facts, and by facts I mean what I believe to be true.”

You think your facts are facts? ONLY MY FACTS ARE FACTS. BECAUSE I SAID SO, that’s why.

3) “The United States Sugar Corporation has killed more people than RJ Reynolds, Philip Morris, and street corner drug dealers have ever dreamed of.”

Yeah, try to argue with this FACT. You can’t! Because I can’t hear you! I’ve got my fingers in my ears! Nanny nanny boo boo, I can’t hear you.

4) “The agendas running rampant in food journalism make #gamergate, by comparison, small potatoes.”


5-6) “In America, food scams being conducted by the USDA in concert with food producers have inspired an ongoing cultural war between differing camps of Food Nazi Clones. Some of their battles can make heated abortion debate seem like a friendly chat over tea and biscuits.”

Ah, tea and biscuits! What could be more pleasant? Stay tuned next week for my delicious biscuit recipe!

Hah! Did you fall for that clever ruse, you filthy girly-men? I don’t have a biscuit recipe. BISCUITS ARE DEATH. BISCUITS HAVE KILLED MORE PEOPLE THAN A BILLION TITANICS YOU KNOW THE SHIP NOT THE MOVIE.

7) “Fat is your friend, and without it you will die.”

Stay tuned next week for my bacon-wrapped bacon recipe! IT MAY WELL SAVE YOUR LIFE. EAT BACON IF YOU WANT TO LIVE.

8) “Nothing says Going Your Own Way like driving past the grocery store with a smile on your face.”

Screw you, ladies! No grocery stores for me! Because manly eaters PRODUCE the FOOD they eat! By the way, does anyone know how to get chicken poop out of a shag rug? Actually, scratch that, does anyone know how to get chickens out of a condo? I mean, ok, confession time: I set up a couple of chicken coops in the corner of the living room while my girlfriend was out-of-town – yeah Men Going Their Own Way can have girlfriends so screw you – and, well, I think I might have bought roosters by mistake and several of those angry bastards have gotten loose and roosters are way more aggressive than you might think. Anyway, long story short, I’m trapped in the den and I’m running out of food – at least of RATIONAL MAN FOOD and I may be forced to eat a wafer.

Also, speaking of eating, I think the roosters might have eaten my girlfriend.

Please send money.

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10 years ago

Food Nazi Clones? I don’t remember those from that Gregory Peck flick, but it’s been a few years.

And there is no “heated abortion debate”. Who would want a cold abortion? You want to be comfy.

10 years ago

“In America, food scams being conducted by the USDA in concert with food producers have inspired an ongoing cultural war between differing camps of Food Nazi Clones. Some of their battles can make heated abortion debate seem like a friendly chat over tea and biscuits.”

I saw people talking about Elam’s food conspiracies in the comments last night, but I thought it was subtext, I never dreamed it was text. I really should know better by now. Elam talks first and does damage control later.

10 years ago

I’ve seen that tomato-smashing chef before. Maybe in an old National Lampoon magazine? Now there was a bastion of male entitlement.

10 years ago

So it’s actually about ethics in food journalism?

10 years ago

Wait, so, he’s LITERALLY admiting to making up his own facts, reality be damned?

I am going to pee myself, I’m laughing so hard!

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
10 years ago

Why are there different camps of Food Nazi Clones? Aren’t they clones? Shouldn’t they all be the same?

10 years ago

I tried to read the full post, but got bored at the second paragraph.
Your abridged version is much more entertaining!

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
10 years ago

LMAO! Thanks, Dave, that’s a great morning (or anytime) read.

Elam should start his own Food Histrionics Channel to promote The Knowledge Diet.

Its motto: “You say potato; I say Death-Bringing Food Nazi Clones!!!”

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
10 years ago

@Emmy Rae:

“Why are there different camps of Food Nazi Clones? Aren’t they clones? Shouldn’t they all be the same?”

Because the Nazis had multiple camps? Gotta stick with the concept all the way, no?

Either that, or they vary in the degree of their Nazism. So you have Nazi, Nazier, and Naziest Clones, the last ones being deadliest; but it’s essentially the same variety, with just minor genetic modification tweaks.

10 years ago

No mention of the feminist conspiracy to replace men with chocolate bonbons?

10 years ago

Twenty bucks says Elam doesn’t know how to prepare anything more complicated than instant soup.

10 years ago

Like I said yesterday, I can’t actually see Paulie or any other miggie-toes actually producing their own food. They have lazy minds, and their bodies must logically follow. Who’s gonna dig the garden and slop the hawgs? Not Paulie and his merry men. Nope, they’re gonna shove it all off on the wimminz, as usual.

I double-dog dare any one of them to come and try to dig my garden. I bet most of them wouldn’t know a spade fork if they stepped on one…and got smacked in the face by the tines.

10 years ago

I’m on the misandry diet. I cook my pasta in male tears instead of water.

10 years ago

differing camps of Food Nazi Clones

Uh, Paulie? Your ManLogic™ don’t good. If there are “differing camps”, then how can they be clones?

Next thing you know he’ll be telling us that Nazis and Communists are all really the same, because SOSHALIZM.

andrea harris
10 years ago

Come on. You all know that cooking delicious meals out of varied ingredients is part of the Feminist Conspiracy To Undermine Real Men. The proper male way of eating is to run down your own deer, kill it with your bare hands, and eat the flesh raw. It sure does dismay the office when you come in after your “breakfast” dripping with gore, but those people are a bunch of beta pansies anyway.

10 years ago

I would imagine finding out that Paul Elam has a damned cooking column would make some of you need a literal palate cleanser so I think I’ll share with you guys my favorite cooking blog:

Probably not a lot of the people who read and post here watch the NBC Hannibal show, but the show’s food consultant is an all around awesome human being with cool recipes that can be impressive without being gaudy. Use it to impress and troll your friends.

10 years ago

Red Pill Real Men make macaroni cheese from scratch. In which I mean that instead of opening a can of the stuff they boil dried pasta and add cheese sauce from a jar.


10 years ago
So much inspiration, Elam. I did your work for you. It must be the woman in me.

10 years ago

Noooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! Not bacon!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t want to associate bacon with this person! Bacon is magic. I heard it from the most trustworthy of sources!

(That’s Marvel’s Loki from the Young Avengers… so no he isn’t trustworthy at all, not to mention fictional.)

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Some of their battles can make heated abortion debate seem like a friendly chat over tea and biscuits.

No, no, no, you don’t heat abortion debate. You deep-fry it. What kind of cooking column is this?

Lauren Clodi Whitehead
10 years ago

It sounds like he’s cribbing from keto and paleo diets — fat is good, sugar is bad, don’t trust the FDA as a neutral source of dietary information. None of what he’s saying is ground-breaking or original… but it would be a shame for him to acknowledge that, wouldn’t it?

10 years ago

I am not going to make a deep-fat-fried turkey house fire joke about abortion debate.

Oh hey, there’s my shame. I wondered where it got to.

Roger B.A. Klorese
Roger B.A. Klorese
10 years ago

OK, but… factually, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it, and lots right with it. It’s not innovative at all, and its tone is the bluster we expect. But he could save a lot of stupid evil jerks from hype 2 diabetes.

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
10 years ago

MMM… wwth when can I come over for pasta? I’ll bring a big manly steak to eat without sharing it with any men.

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
10 years ago

Or would it be more misandrous to eat tofu?

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