antifeminism antifeminist women FemRAs harassment imaginary oppression judgybitch lying liars misogyny MRA rape rape culture schadenfreude statutory rape apologists straw feminists

Did devious feminists scare Janet "Judgy Bitch" Bloomfield's literary agent into dumping her? Or is she just terrible? [UPDATED]

Janet Bloomfield's agent exists, pursued by feminism. (Artist's conception.)
Janet Bloomfield’s agent exits, pursued by feminism. (Artist’s conception.)

UPDATE: Oh, the drama! Bloomfield now says her agent is back on board. Gosh, maybe she should have waited a few days before posting about how evil feminists scared him off? Nah. Much better to stir up a lot of shit about nothing, huh? Wow. Such public relations. So integrity.

Ah, sweet schadenfreude! Janet “Judgy Bitch” Bloomfield — A Voice for Men’s lying, harassing PR maven — has evidently been dumped by her literary agent.

According to Bloomfield, the agent she’d been working with for more than a year on a novel of some sort has decided to wash his hands of her. “Sadly,” she writes on her blog,

something has happened (I don’t know what) and my agent has decided to drop me as a client and forego any and all income the book might potentially generate. He does not wish to be named or acknowledged in any way.

Bloomfield, naturally, blames feminists. While admitting she actually has “no idea what spooked my agent,” the headline of her blog post declares that “a man decides feminists can ruin him and wisely opts to not engage.”

In her post, she expounds on this theory:

I do not question his decision at all. No one should have to sacrifice their career and livelihood.  I have always known resisting the tyranny of feminism would come with a price, but this is my battle and I do not require civilians to go down with me.

Huh. Bloomfield notes at the outset of her post that her agent was aware of her, er, “online activism” and had no issue with it. So what could have sent him scurrying off in another direction?

I mean, what on earth could it be?

Let’s look at some possibilities:

  1. Her novel is fucking awful.
  2. She’s a pain in the ass to work with.
  3. Her agent has discovered that her “activism” consists of gleefully libeling and harassing her opponents and has decided that just maybe he doesn’t want his name associated with such a terrible person.
  4. Her agent has read some of her blog posts — possibly including her multiple posts attacking rape victims, including the underage victims of Jimmy Savile, as “whores” — and has decided he doesn’t want his name associated with such a terrible person.
  5. Evil feminists have ordered the agent to stop representing her, even though she is a wonderful human being and her novel is totally awesome and a friend of hers has already created some “beautiful cover art.”
  6. All of the above, except that last one, because seriously.

I leave you to decide which of these options makes the most sense.

Oh, and while we’re talking schadenfreude, did I mention that my little blog gets more traffic than A Voice for Men?

H/T — r/againstmensrights

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10 years ago

I oddly like the photoshop job of the two guys on the left even though the whole thing’s a mess in general, which that’s par for the course when it comes to MRA meme atrocities.

“Pussy whipped puppy slave” is the title to my slam poetry work in progress, it’s a nod to the beat poets of yore.

10 years ago

Also, that one type of woman is called “girl”.

And pussy whipped puppy slave sounds like the tags on a piece of femdom erotica.

10 years ago

Look at this pussy whipped puppy slave.

10 years ago

One more!

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Needle-sharp kitty claws in the face ow ow ow!

10 years ago

Do you think JB will mention a skull in the first 10 pages, and then copy paste that mention into every chapter?

10 years ago

Wait, does this mean that grammar is officially misandry now?

10 years ago

You know how some authors will have sock puppets post glowing reviews on Amazon and elsewhere? I suspect JB will post fake negative reviews, if the novel is ever published. In fact, she probably wrote the reviews before the novel.

10 years ago

I think grammar has always been misandrous at AVFM.

10 years ago

@Catherine von Überwald

The combination of “men doing manly things while thinking man-thoughts” and “icky feeeemaaaalllees” reminds me of what I’ve read about Landser-fiction, which is a pretty… conservative genre of early-to-mid 20st century war fiction.

10 years ago

Thank God a woman is finally writing a book with male protagonists, because that’s so rare in our oppressive femocracy.

Except for the two bestselling female writers in publishing history, J.K. Rowling and Agatha Christie.

Ah, but that’s genre fiction. Look at, say, Time magazine’s list of the 100 greatest novels of the 20th century, where books by women are represented by the likes of Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse, about dumb icky girls. Of course the list also includes The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, White Teeth, Possession, Death Comes for the Archbishop, The Man Who Loved Children, and Under the Net, all books by women with male central characters.

True, there are a lot of books on the list by men about men, sometimes to the point of having no female characters at all, but that shouldn’t be taken as evidence that men are self-absorbed creatures of feeble imagination whose poor little brains would snap if they tried to write deeply nuanced, fully realized, fully human characters. Because things are only bad when women do them.

The point is, this novel about soldiers by a writer who takes pride in knowing nothing about what soldiers do will finally give us the first believable male characters ever created by a woman. Get packing, Edith Wharton.

10 years ago

Bloomfield now says her agent is back on board.

That’s too bad – So many trees are going to be killed to print that garbage…

10 years ago

@katz: love the comic, and yes I did read the framed writing on the wall. Nice touches there too.

10 years ago

Wahoo, we got awesome new Voice for Pierre comic out of this nonsense, hot off the presses. I guess I have to thank JudgyB for that.

This is awkward.

I’ll stick to thanking Katz. Thanks Katz!

10 years ago

That was a great wall hanging. I of course, was too busy looking at the cat to notice it at first.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Pierre! Poutine! It’s been too long since we’ve seen them! <3

Love it, katz – Pierre's gritted teeth, Poutine rolling around and laughing at him at the end, and those certificates on the wall! XD

10 years ago

JB seems to be a narcissist and the “agent” picking her up again was probably because she gave him more money.

In the interests of openness I am a bearded male living in the UK with a cat called Imperatrix and Mistress (of my heart) who uses the name Felis Monstrosa

10 years ago

Bloomfield now says her agent is back on board.

Do agents really drop clients then pick them back up? That seems a little wishy-washy if you ask me. If said agent actually exists that is.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Her agent’s using dread game on her.

10 years ago


@Katz *applause*

10 years ago

Notice that there are three (and only three) types of men, but there is only one type of woman: normatively beautiful and wearing underwear.

It is like all these MRA meme-makers only know where to find images of beautiful women in sexual poses.

“Buh, individual humanity, whut’z dat?” Certainly not a concept MRAssholes will ever be even remotely acquainted with. But they think they can scare us by saying that “good” men are only interested in Nikola Tesla, a noted celibate with probable mental issues, meaning that we evil wimminzes are shit out of luck because now there’s only bad boys and Nice Guys™ left. That’s hilarious.

I just love that poor model’s pose, too: twisted at an unnatural angle so you can see both boobs AND butt. Her spine must be so sore.

10 years ago

Her agent’s using dread game on her.


10 years ago

I’m on limited bandwidth at the moment, can anyone enlighten me to the contents of that chapter?