antifeminism antifeminist women FemRAs harassment imaginary oppression judgybitch lying liars misogyny MRA rape rape culture schadenfreude statutory rape apologists straw feminists

Did devious feminists scare Janet "Judgy Bitch" Bloomfield's literary agent into dumping her? Or is she just terrible? [UPDATED]

Janet Bloomfield's agent exists, pursued by feminism. (Artist's conception.)
Janet Bloomfield’s agent exits, pursued by feminism. (Artist’s conception.)

UPDATE: Oh, the drama! Bloomfield now says her agent is back on board. Gosh, maybe she should have waited a few days before posting about how evil feminists scared him off? Nah. Much better to stir up a lot of shit about nothing, huh? Wow. Such public relations. So integrity.

Ah, sweet schadenfreude! Janet “Judgy Bitch” Bloomfield — A Voice for Men’s lying, harassing PR maven — has evidently been dumped by her literary agent.

According to Bloomfield, the agent she’d been working with for more than a year on a novel of some sort has decided to wash his hands of her. “Sadly,” she writes on her blog,

something has happened (I don’t know what) and my agent has decided to drop me as a client and forego any and all income the book might potentially generate. He does not wish to be named or acknowledged in any way.

Bloomfield, naturally, blames feminists. While admitting she actually has “no idea what spooked my agent,” the headline of her blog post declares that “a man decides feminists can ruin him and wisely opts to not engage.”

In her post, she expounds on this theory:

I do not question his decision at all. No one should have to sacrifice their career and livelihood.  I have always known resisting the tyranny of feminism would come with a price, but this is my battle and I do not require civilians to go down with me.

Huh. Bloomfield notes at the outset of her post that her agent was aware of her, er, “online activism” and had no issue with it. So what could have sent him scurrying off in another direction?

I mean, what on earth could it be?

Let’s look at some possibilities:

  1. Her novel is fucking awful.
  2. She’s a pain in the ass to work with.
  3. Her agent has discovered that her “activism” consists of gleefully libeling and harassing her opponents and has decided that just maybe he doesn’t want his name associated with such a terrible person.
  4. Her agent has read some of her blog posts — possibly including her multiple posts attacking rape victims, including the underage victims of Jimmy Savile, as “whores” — and has decided he doesn’t want his name associated with such a terrible person.
  5. Evil feminists have ordered the agent to stop representing her, even though she is a wonderful human being and her novel is totally awesome and a friend of hers has already created some “beautiful cover art.”
  6. All of the above, except that last one, because seriously.

I leave you to decide which of these options makes the most sense.

Oh, and while we’re talking schadenfreude, did I mention that my little blog gets more traffic than A Voice for Men?

H/T — r/againstmensrights

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10 years ago

Hmmm… Elam was recently upset that GooberGate got more attention than he’s ever gotten. Perhaps JB is feeling the same way about Anita et al? Why should they get all the death threats? Where are MY death threats? *stamps feet*

10 years ago

David my cat Nemmy is an RCMP Staff Seargeant (Royal Cat Misandrist Pawleece)

::gasp:: Is this a photo of Nemmy at work?
comment image

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
10 years ago

OK, y’all, I’m only down about half of the first page of comments and I cannot stop laughing. Your individual and collective takes on the JB’s predicament are pure hilarity, and spot on.

Thanks for the wholesome entertainment.

10 years ago

That Mountie kitty is magnificent. Looks like a Maine Coon, though.

10 years ago

With the universal “fuck you for putting this hat on me” facial expression too.

10 years ago

Kittehserf: LMAO at that picture.

10 years ago

Mountie Kitty does look like a Maine Coon, yup. I loved that “you have to sleep sometime” expression too.

Be afraid of the RCMP. Be very afraid. The Misandries always get their man human.

10 years ago

@Kittehs yep! That’s Nemmy when he was working undercover NARC (Narcatics) very early in his career. He worked the streets busting organized catnip smuggling rings and grow ops. He’s back to being a tubby grey tabby now, and rarely speaks of those dark times.

10 years ago

Oh and haters take note: My cat Pantz is a tenured professor of Fluffiness at the University of Chicago (for Cats). Sweetie Pie Jonus is an adjunct professor of standing on me while I try to sleep, but she can’t remember what school she works for, or much of anything..

Uh-oh. Have you had an MRA troll heavy day on Twitter or something? Because I see a two dot ellipses.

Just to make sure you don’t stray from the righteous and true path of the Feminist High Council and kitties, you need to look at this cat and get reeducated.comment image

10 years ago

So her novel can’t keep it’s tenses straight, constantly wanders between perspectives, and has an omniscient narrator despite being in the third person? This sounds like the sort of thing I sent to beta readers to help me fix years ago, not anything to be proud of.

At the moment all I can imagine is some bizarro version of Katz’ Night Witches book.

10 years ago

Did you know?

According to Heartiste, ugly women are driving men out of the workforce and ruining the economy.

Also the best way to avoid an accusation of rape is to stick around until the morning and then borrow $10 from her. Instead of, you know, making sure you have consent.

10 years ago

You know the big mistake of all new or truly terrible artists is assuming the rules don’t apply to them. They look at outrageous, experimental works that fly in the face of convention and conveniently forget that their authors first needed to learn the rules of their medium very well in order to break them so spectacularly. For example:

Various Comic Artists:

“So what if my anatomy classes tell me women can’t show off their breasts and butt at the same time outside a gruesome crime scene, swivel backs are hot!”

A Certain Author:

“Who says characters have to be likeable in order to be impressive, my ten year old protagonist will eat as many Mexicans enslave as many young girls and commit as many genocides as he pleases!”

10 years ago

Do you suppose she had a falling out with Elam and the AVFM crew? They and the gamers are the only ones who are likely to threaten her for getting uppity. Has she drawn the attention of the gamers by posting about them? Does anyone know?

10 years ago

Nah, I think she just likes pretending that “feminists do it too!”.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

NARC (Narcatics)


katz, that meme!


10 years ago

I’m just waiting for her to post “proof” on her blog. And the hate-mail will, of course, have come from inside the house.

10 years ago

I refuse to believe anyone, even haters, who ever interacted with her on twitter would voluntarily call JudgyB. She could answer it.

10 years ago

Now she’s announced that in light of her agent returning

I guess her check finally cleared.

10 years ago
10 years ago

Hey all – for those who are curious, I’ve tracked down a dramatic reading of one of the chapters of her book!

It’s here:

10 years ago


I love how she excludes “genre fiction.” With one fell swoop she manages to erase women who write male protagonists such as Agatha Christie, Mary Shelley, J.K. Rowling, Anne Rice, P.D. James, Martha Grimes etc. etc. until she becomes that lone special snowflake. Because gods know, the male perspective is missing in our culture and we need JB to come along and fix that.

I like how she excuses fiction, then goes on to describe her obviously fictional genre herself like she’s amazing and totes a special snowflake who we should all bow before.

Because WIMMENS can’t write GOOD MENZ (except JudgyBitch).


Is she under some sort of threat? Or is she sort of… making herself into a victim here? Is this the ‘manufactured victimhood’ I hear so much about masquerading as ‘come n’ getme hataaaaahs’ bravado? My head just asploded. My narrative just fractured. My tenses just shifted midsentence. “I am confused” she said and hugs a kitten while a sip of her tea she took.

No, no, no…you misunderstand! When FEMINISTS say they’re being attacked and hurt, THAT’S “manufactured victimhood”. When SHE (or other MRAs) do it, it’s “martyrdom” and “taking one for the team!” and “BEING A GODDAMNED HERO”. [/sarcasm]

Hmmm… Elam was recently upset that GooberGate got more attention than he’s ever gotten. Perhaps JB is feeling the same way about Anita et al? Why should they get all the death threats? Where are MY death threats? *stamps feet*

*snicker* That does sound like something she might do. “I want MORE attention! Stahp ignoring MEEEEEEE! *stompy-stompy-stomp*”

Like the little child in that banned French advertisement for condoms:

WARNING: There is screaming. (And a really shitty picture resolution.)

10 years ago

Hers is a rather unique approach to public relations.
I confess I am not disappointed that she is going to pay the d00d to shop her break all the rules masterpiece.

10 years ago

Karl: Sounds about right. It’s even being read by a middle-aged blond lady.

10 years ago

So this popped up on my twitter feed:

Notice that there are three (and only three) types of men, but there is only one type of woman: normatively beautiful and wearing underwear.

It is like all these MRA meme-makers only know where to find images of beautiful women in sexual poses.