antifeminism antifeminist women FemRAs harassment imaginary oppression judgybitch lying liars misogyny MRA rape rape culture schadenfreude statutory rape apologists straw feminists

Did devious feminists scare Janet "Judgy Bitch" Bloomfield's literary agent into dumping her? Or is she just terrible? [UPDATED]

Janet Bloomfield's agent exists, pursued by feminism. (Artist's conception.)
Janet Bloomfield’s agent exits, pursued by feminism. (Artist’s conception.)

UPDATE: Oh, the drama! Bloomfield now says her agent is back on board. Gosh, maybe she should have waited a few days before posting about how evil feminists scared him off? Nah. Much better to stir up a lot of shit about nothing, huh? Wow. Such public relations. So integrity.

Ah, sweet schadenfreude! Janet “Judgy Bitch” Bloomfield — A Voice for Men’s lying, harassing PR maven — has evidently been dumped by her literary agent.

According to Bloomfield, the agent she’d been working with for more than a year on a novel of some sort has decided to wash his hands of her. “Sadly,” she writes on her blog,

something has happened (I don’t know what) and my agent has decided to drop me as a client and forego any and all income the book might potentially generate. He does not wish to be named or acknowledged in any way.

Bloomfield, naturally, blames feminists. While admitting she actually has “no idea what spooked my agent,” the headline of her blog post declares that “a man decides feminists can ruin him and wisely opts to not engage.”

In her post, she expounds on this theory:

I do not question his decision at all. No one should have to sacrifice their career and livelihood.  I have always known resisting the tyranny of feminism would come with a price, but this is my battle and I do not require civilians to go down with me.

Huh. Bloomfield notes at the outset of her post that her agent was aware of her, er, “online activism” and had no issue with it. So what could have sent him scurrying off in another direction?

I mean, what on earth could it be?

Let’s look at some possibilities:

  1. Her novel is fucking awful.
  2. She’s a pain in the ass to work with.
  3. Her agent has discovered that her “activism” consists of gleefully libeling and harassing her opponents and has decided that just maybe he doesn’t want his name associated with such a terrible person.
  4. Her agent has read some of her blog posts — possibly including her multiple posts attacking rape victims, including the underage victims of Jimmy Savile, as “whores” — and has decided he doesn’t want his name associated with such a terrible person.
  5. Evil feminists have ordered the agent to stop representing her, even though she is a wonderful human being and her novel is totally awesome and a friend of hers has already created some “beautiful cover art.”
  6. All of the above, except that last one, because seriously.

I leave you to decide which of these options makes the most sense.

Oh, and while we’re talking schadenfreude, did I mention that my little blog gets more traffic than A Voice for Men?

H/T — r/againstmensrights

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10 years ago

Women don’t write about men in war books? Lauren Hillebrand might disagree with that.

10 years ago

*mutters to self* Oh great. First post out of lurkdom and I made a typo. Um, LAURA Hillenbrand.

10 years ago

Lea – I’d love to hear sarumanangry read it. It would be Liquid Fucking Gold!

10 years ago

::waves:: Hi, Snood! Have a Welcome Package!

10 years ago

Yes, a person who can’t stay coherent for 140 characters is going to write a publishable book.

10 years ago

Anne Coulter makes millions insulting democrats in topical political works. There is a huge audience for that. I’m not sure even Coulter with her celebrity could get her agent to sell the kind of novel Bloomfield is writing.

10 years ago

GrumpyOldMan – maybe she was encouraged by Dawkins’ example. /snark

10 years ago

@Bina lol! Perfect.

So I glanced at her blog to find out more about the book thing, and saw that

I am making a video, which will be published later today, in which I will do what none of my little trolls could manage: I will doxx myself.

And I am confuzzled. Is her real identity hidden? Like, at all?

Of course, I fully expect feminists to attempt to hold my husband responsible for my thoughts, which is hilarious, quite frankly.

Huh? Um… why would a feminist (or anyone) assume her thoughts were not her own? She literally has no idea what constitutes feminist thought, even basic ground-level 101 stuff (hint: feminism is the reason you can publish a novel under your own, female name! Woo!)

I wish my haters the best of luck. Tim is tenured professor of business at our local university, and his boss is 100% supportive of him and of me, quite frankly. Local police are aware of my situation, and I encourage trolls to pick up their phones and send me death threats. I won’t listen to them. But the police will.

Is she under some sort of threat? Or is she sort of… making herself into a victim here? Is this the ‘manufactured victimhood’ I hear so much about masquerading as ‘come n’ getme hataaaaahs’ bravado? My head just asploded. My narrative just fractured. My tenses just shifted midsentence. “I am confused” she said and hugs a kitten while a sip of her tea she took.

10 years ago

Thanks for the Welcome Package, Kittehserf! An avatar must be found, yes. 🙂

10 years ago

Ya welcome, Snood!

Now for the really truly Mammoth initiation … being devoured by the Blockquote Monster! Muaahahahahaha!

10 years ago

David’s kitties are Teh Academics! (Or should that be Acatemics?)

We are not worthy …

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

@David But are local police aware of your situation?

10 years ago

My cat Pantz is a tenured professor of Fluffiness at the University of Chicago (for Cats).

Isn’t that the Mewniversity of Chicago?

10 years ago

katz, LOL!

I wonder if “the police are aware of her situation” translates to “Oh god, Sarge, that creepy weirdo is on the phone again, what do I do now?”

10 years ago

I liked “I won’t hear them, but the police will.” Is the police department screening her calls for her?

10 years ago

My nickname is really Bina. And I love kitties. Love, love, LOVE them.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

@kitteh – I know, it’s not like police did much to track down ACTUAL death threats and harassment directed at Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn (which makes it extra disingenuous when JudgyBitch simpers, “No one should have to sacrifice their career and livelihood”). What makes her think she’s the exception?

Still, I’d love to read her local police blotter.

Dec. 22 – A local woman reported that she runs a controversial blog that might attract disagreeable or kooky emails. Police advised her they are aware of the situation.

10 years ago

@David my cat Nemmy is an RCMP Staff Seargeant (Royal Cat Misandrist Pawleece), so if you send the haters my way.

10 years ago

(the haters put that erroneous ‘if’ in there)

10 years ago

” Local police are aware of my situation, and I encourage trolls to pick up their phones and send me death threats. ”

Why would Gamergaters be sending her death threats? I thought she was on their side.
Why would ANYONE send her death threats? Assuming one of her enemies were into that sort of thing, (1) she’s not worth the trouble and (2) to the extent that anyone pays her any attention, she’s worth more to her enemies alive and tweeting.

Obviously this is nothing more than a play for publicity. Yes, Janet, keep right on spouting nonsense — please, please, please do.

10 years ago

Still, I’d love to read her local police blotter.

Dec. 22 – A local woman reported that she runs a controversial blog that might attract disagreeable or kooky emails. Police advised her they are aware of the situation.

“Local woman with shitty blog calls police complaining of anticipated threatening e-mails. Staff sergeant heard to say ‘Oh lord, not that Janet Bloomfield again! Please stop taking that moron’s calls, we have better things to do than listen to her yammerings all night.'”