announcements off topic pledge drive

Gigantic thanks to my generous readers!

So the Fourth Quarter We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive has come to a close, and once again I am humbled by the generosity of my readers — including several who’ve gone above and beyond with their donations. I appreciate every donation, big or small; your support enables me to keep this blog going.

If you’ve been meaning to donate but haven’t gotten around to it, here’s the link again. And don’t worry that the PayPal page says Man Boobz.

And of course you can donate any time you want using the donate button in the sidebar.

As always I greatly appreciate all the non-monetary support I get from you all as well, from the assistance of our hard-working mods (and those who send in reports to them), to the graphics talent of those who’ve helped out with this blog and the Confused Cats Against Feminism blog as well, and the tips and links I get from readers.

And of course there are the regular (and not-so-regular) commenters to this blog, who not only offer smart and witty thoughts on the posts here — and countless other related and completely unrelated topics — but who have come together many times to support individuals going through rough times.

If you’re too broke to donate but want to support the blog in some other way, sharing stories here on social media — especially on Twitter and Facebook — helps enormously. As do the tips you send. (And big thanks to those who are already sharing and sending tips!) If you have other ideas on how you might be able to support the blog, don’t hesitate to email me.

Over the course of the last nine months or so, this blog has dramatically increased its readership and influence, and I could not have done it without you all.

Here are some more “thank yous” in the form of very silly animated gifs.

cat saying thank you tumblr_inline_nbwiyp3WJN1qech3p animated-thank-you-image-0037 animated226







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10 years ago

Delighted to help, David, and a huge THANK YOU backatcha!

10 years ago

I’m just glad this blog exists!

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

I love this blog!

Also, I just saw this, and had to share. OMG, Penguins really ARE whores!

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

I’m sorry I can’t donate actual money this time.

10 years ago

Michelle – I love the one about male macaques who’re good groomers being attractive mates. This is something more human males should learn. A man who brushes and combs your hair properly is a catch indeed. πŸ˜‰

10 years ago

I couldn’t donate this time, but I do talk the blog up often and link to it all the time. Hopefully that helps!

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
10 years ago

You do yeofeminist’s work in keeping track of “the new misogyny”.

It’s so good to have you as a resource and I’m glad other folks are able to help out.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@kittehserf – Oh, yeah! Having someone else do your hair or nails is a truly sensual experience.

In fact, I recently saw a movie that played with that. “All’s Faire in Love” was problematic on many counts, including the rape-culture aspect of it. However, I really got a kick out of the scenes where a woman has her “sex-slave” paint her toenails and brush her hair, and is practically having an orgasm from it.

10 years ago

@ kittehserf, Michelle C Young
My missus says don’t forget the guys who give good back rubs, shoulder massages, back scratches and scalp massages …

10 years ago

schwadevivre, tell your missus I’m nodding vigorously in agreement! Those things are most important, excellent and appreciated too. πŸ™‚

Michelle – I’ve never had my nails done; I don’t fancy that bit, really (least of all on my feet: too ticklish). But having one’s hair done, oh yeah!

Especially when the chap in question understands about looking after long hair.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
10 years ago

Back when Tom Martin came up with his whore penguin meme, I did know what he was referring to, and assumed that everyone else knew too. It just sounded kinda hilariously non-sequiturish in that context. Like dude, it’s not that 97% of females in a couple species sell sex. It’s more like occasional sex trade has been observed in 97 species and counting.

10 years ago

My donation will come at the end of the month, SSDI and all that…

I wanted to claim my seat and thank you all for the great education and amazing insights into this bizarre territory. And the many, many laugh-out-loud moments which have lifted me immeasurably. You are a fun and enlightened bunch who have troll snatching down to a science!
I may not comment often but I lurk every day and read every word.

Blessings for your holiday and new year, each and every one.

But especially David. ????

10 years ago

It’s great to hear the pledge drive went well! I should thank you for all the insightful posts, too! I’m also sorry you have to read all of the awful manosphere- and GG-related stuff, I know I wouldn’t be able to deal with it for very long :/

Sometimes I have to take a break from here (and most other feminists sites) because I can’t handle the horrible stuff that gets posted. But that’s not this site’s fault, I’m just too thin-skinned for some of this stuff.
I should also say I love reading the comments here too! Even if I don’t often join in with the conversations, I find it improves my mood seeing the interesting discussions and adorable pics πŸ™‚

Wishing David and everyone else on WHTM a wonderful New Year!