This is the final day of the We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive! If you haven’t already, please consider sending some bucks my way. (And don’t worry that the PayPal page says Man Boobz.) Thanks!
Every time you think they can’t go any lower, they go lower. This morning game designer and #GamerGate target Zoe Quinn discovered that someone was selling, er, “erotic fiction” about her on Amazon. Which is to say: a Kindle eBook apparently filled with explicit descriptions of her being gang-raped by five “upset” gamers trying to “teach her a lesson.”
Here’s the author’s blurb for the book:
Zada Quinby is a controversial video game designer who may have stepped the line…
When her latest game offends the nation, five upset players decide to teach her a lesson. This gang of gamers decides to give Zada of piece of their mind, and much more!
Things are about to get incredibly rough when these five men unleash their pent up anger on poor Zada. It’s an experience that she’ll never forget.
As Quinn, a rape survivor, put it:
having your trauma be fetishized and sold to people who wish they could revictimize you is not an occupational hazard I signed up for.
— zoë “Baddie Proctor” quinn (@UnburntWitch) December 19, 2014
Apparently I was a character in the “book” as well.
I say apparently because I haven’t read it. Few people have. In the one silver lining to all this: Amazon took it down shortly after a reporter for Raw Story called them to ask about it. But you can see an archived version of the page here.
Unfortunately, not everyone on Twitter thought the book was a bad thing. Here’s how one terrible person responded when #GamerGate opponent Ian Miles Cheong posted about the book being on Amazon.
.@stillgray @PixieJenni Hahaha, that's brilliant xD Sad, but brilliant.
— MilesVork (@MilesVork) December 19, 2014
@MilesVork has complained that this tweet was taken out of context, but that is the entirety of the exchange, and he has since refused to apologize for it. He also, for what it’s worth, claims not to be a #GamerGater, though if you scroll back through his tweets you will see a number of nasty attacks on another of #GamerGate’s main targets, whom he describes as an “absolute cumbucket” and “a bigger bucket of crazy than all the stupidity in GG combined.”
When @PixieJenni posted a screenshot of the above exchange on Twitter, this conversation ensued. Some highlights:
I think it’s safe to say that @DieHardDante is a #GamerGater, if his dozens if not hundreds of Tweets on the subject are any indication. He also seems to think anti-Semitic cartoons are hilarious.
There is no bottom to this barrel.
H/T — r/GamerGhazi for some of the links above; thanks as well to those who alerted me to this on Twitter
Torbies = any kitty (usually female) with either brown tabby and orange tabby, or grey tabby and ginger tabby mixed together. Basically, it’s two distinct colors of tabby one one pretty cat. My Sasquatch Kitty is a brown tabby/orange tabby mix, plus longhair, plus extra toes on all fours, so she’s really uniquely cute that way. Especially now, when her winter coat is in and she’s all floofy. And she has ear tufts, toe tufts and a plumy tail all year round, too!
Ahem…ON one pretty cat. I can write good, really I can!
PS: Here she is, being cozy…
@ katz
Yeah, I was surprised too. It does explain the color change, though, which had been confusing me. Damn kitty saliva, what’s in it that it does that?
Also, since you foster kittens, a question. There’s a kitten I spotted up for adoption at a local place who’s been ignored thus far and I think it’s because he has a vision problem. He seems to navigate around his enclosure fine, and looks healthy otherwise, but I’m worried because nobody has adopted him yet after a week and a half. He’s with a no-kill organization, I’m just worried about him getting stuck there rather than finding a home, you know? He’s super friendly and I was tempted to take him home myself but we really shouldn’t get another cat because then when we move we’ll be moving with 3. How long does it usually take for a special needs cat to get adopted? Should I be worrying? He’s a kitten, maybe 4 months old, and very people friendly and outgoing.
Dracarys is a compulsive bather so I guess I should expect her gorgeous shiny black patches to get all faded when she’s older. Too bad.
Also, this is my favorite kitty image of the week.
My theory is that black cats aren’t really black, but dark brown — they just look black because their fur doesn’t reflect much light under ordinary circumstances. You can see what I mean from the patch on Mayhem’s rump where the sunlight hits it.
I will look into this tomorrow — we have three mostly black cats, these two tuxedos and an almost all-black (one tiny spot of white on her belly. I can’t look tonight because the black one is sleeping on my daughter’s bed — daughter works 4 am to 11 am, and you can guess what happens if I wake her up!
Don’t worry, Mezza – I’m pretty sure I learned the term torbie here!
That tiger sitting on the desk is the BEST. Imagine having that kitty deciding to prowl your kitchen benches.
I’m certainly not going to be the one to tell it to get down.
Thanks for the Civ V tips. Now I must go play that game!
I believe you are right.
I had a black cat (Spurgo – he died of cancer a couple of years ago) and his always looked a dark reddish-brown when he was in the sunlight.
Most black coloured organisms I find tend to either be blue or black when it comes down to it.
See the thing about objectivism is it holds very little appeal to folks who actually like other people, so evangelising it is pretty hard, the only new recruits you’re likely to find already practise the philosophy and just don’t have a pretentious and completely silly name for it. There is no way any philosophy can be objective.
Though speaking of Christmas selfishness a cheap jewellery shop was having a big sale so I got myself some fob-watches. Nobody I know likes that sort of thing so they’re just a Christmas present to myself.
Well, a life of pure altruism isn’t possible. For example, if you gave away every bit of food you received, obviously you’d starve. As in most things in life, you have to look for the sweet spot between the absurd extremes. Human beings are social animals. With very few exceptions, if we had no contact with others we’d go mad. Objectivism defends the absurd extreme of total selfishness by attacking the straw-man absurd extreme of total altruism.
The delicious irony is that Ayn Rand herself ended up living on Social Security in her old age.
When I was a child, I wasn’t allowed to buy anything for myself for the couple of weeks before Christmas. (Not that this made a big difference — we didn’t have much money anyway.) As I recall, this didn’t increase my spirit of generosity as much as my parents apparently expected it to. As a matter of fact, I’m a notorious grinch — I have a stuffed grinch, a grinch keychain, a grinch T-shirt, grinch socks, and grinch pillow cases. I have this teensy little problem with the way the celebration of the supposed birthday of the man who said, “Sell all thou hast and give it to the poor,” has become an orgy of commercialized greed.
I’m always the life of any party.
Um, where’s the glockenspiel store, and do they deliver?
I gotta remember the one about renaming the cities you seize. Dork. New Dork. Fartage.
She probably justified it to herself as what she’d paid for with her payroll taxes. And once she justified something to herself, it was absolutely true, don’t you know.
Aaaah kitties! I haven’t noticed color-changing with our tortie. She definitely looks black to me and not dark brown, but I hate the sun and keep our house pretty dark. Since she’s indoor-only we wouldn’t have had much of an opportunity to really see her in the sun. She is fastidious though so I’m assuming it would be pretty evident. Our grey tabby is finally grooming himself – he used to get distracted every time he would start, but the tortie decided to play mother and now pins him down and force-grooms him if he gets too dirty.
Found this quote from Camus that could be directed directly at the bitter MGTOW/wizard types.
“There is merely bad luck in not being loved; there is misfortune in not loving”
The ultimate authority has spoken. My daughter has asserted that our three black cats ARE in fact dark brown. I assume no one will challenge her pronouncement.
But is that really irony? I thought the whole point of Objectivism was “it’s OK when I do it”.
“When her latest game offends the nation, five upset players decide to teach her a lesson.”
Wait, I thought GamerGate was against censorship.
(I didn’t really think that.)