#gamergate a woman is always to blame anti-Semitism creepy dark enlightenment emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies gamebros harassment hate men who should not ever be with men ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture reactionary bullshit red pill twitter zoe quinn

A new low: One of Zoe Quinn's harassers was selling rape fanfic about her on Amazon

The "book" as it appeared on Amazon
The “book” as it appeared on Amazon

This is the final day of the We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive! If you haven’t already, please consider sending some bucks my way. (And don’t worry that the PayPal page says Man Boobz.) Thanks!

Every time you think they can’t go any lower, they go lower. This morning game designer and #GamerGate target Zoe Quinn discovered that someone was selling, er, “erotic fiction” about her on Amazon. Which is to say: a Kindle eBook apparently filled with explicit descriptions of her being gang-raped by five “upset” gamers trying to “teach her a lesson.”

Here’s the author’s blurb for the book:

Zada Quinby is a controversial video game designer who may have stepped the line…

When her latest game offends the nation, five upset players decide to teach her a lesson. This gang of gamers decides to give Zada of piece of their mind, and much more!

Things are about to get incredibly rough when these five men unleash their pent up anger on poor Zada. It’s an experience that she’ll never forget.

As Quinn, a rape survivor, put it:

Apparently I was a character in the “book” as well.

I say apparently because I haven’t read it. Few people have. In the one silver lining to all this: Amazon took it down shortly after a reporter for Raw Story called them to ask about it. But you can see an archived version of the page here.

Unfortunately, not everyone on Twitter thought the book was a bad thing. Here’s how one terrible person responded when #GamerGate opponent Ian Miles Cheong posted about the book being on Amazon.

@MilesVork has complained that this tweet was taken out of context, but that is the entirety of the exchange, and he has since refused to apologize for it. He also, for what it’s worth, claims not to be a #GamerGater, though if you scroll back through his tweets you will see a number of nasty attacks on another of #GamerGate’s main targets, whom he describes as an “absolute cumbucket” and “a bigger bucket of crazy than all the stupidity in GG combined.”

When @PixieJenni posted a screenshot of the above exchange on Twitter, this conversation ensued. Some highlights:

    Paul Wood ‏@SuperRetroid · 2h2 hours ago     @DiehardDante @PixieJenni Would you be fine with someone writing rapefic about your mother or other significant woman in your life?     0 replies 0 retweets 0 favorites     Zadok Allen ‏@DiehardDante · 11m11 minutes ago     @SuperRetroid @PixieJenni I'd be confused as to what they did to warrant it     0 replies 0 retweets 0 favorites     Jenni Goodchild ‏@PixieJenni · 9m9 minutes ago     @DiehardDante @SuperRetroid Sorry - are you implying there are certain situations were it's justified?     0 replies 0 retweets 0 favorites  Zadok Allen ‏@DiehardDante @PixieJenni @SuperRetroid What makes Zoe Quinn so sacred and untouchable? Hell if anything the reaction shows that this is NEEDED.

I think it’s safe to say that @DieHardDante is a #GamerGater, if his dozens if not hundreds of Tweets on the subject are any indication. He also seems to think  anti-Semitic cartoons are hilarious.

There is no bottom to this barrel.

H/T — r/GamerGhazi for some of the links above; thanks as well to those who alerted me to this on Twitter

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M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

*thirty facepalms*

Y’know, for a group of people who invented a #Shield whose catchphrase is “Shut up and game,” they sure do refuse point-blank to either shut up or game.

(No, lurking #Gater trolls, organised harassment campaigns and rape/murder fantasies are not a game.)

10 years ago

Yeah, that was my fear, too. I still have no desire to engage these shitworms on Twitter, either.

Miss Diketon
Miss Diketon
10 years ago

What in the actual fuck? I read the linked ama and I have never seen bigger crock of shit in my life.

PS: Jut because you say you are female doesn’t make it all right.

10 years ago

That’s unsettling. So it wasn’t a GamerGrate thing but they knew who you are and about your coverage. That’s less believable than the trolls we get claiming to not be MRAs and those trolls are not remotely believable.

There’s no way someone without an interest in gamergate/the manosphere would know who David is and that he’s tussled with gaters. Let alone include him in a gamergate “erotica.”

It’s sad that these idiots need to fantasize about rape to feel big.

Something they accuse women and/or feminists who make a rape allegation of doing all the time. At this point, it’s cliché to say they engage in a ton of projection, but it’s very, very true.

I love it that the author of the letter to Jimmy Wales says that “Wikipedia has got me through just about all of my undergrad schooling” Most accredited courses specifically warn against that error and some Professors of other courses (PZ are you there?) will castigate a student doing that

That cracked me up too. I’m old enough to have graduated college before Wikipedia was a thing, so I was wondering if professors actually accept them as a legit source and guessing they do not. Wikipedia is great for trivia and looking up general facts quickly and conveniently but it’s kind of hard to see how you could get enough info from them to write a quality paper.

10 years ago

In all seriousness, a well-sourced Wikipedia article can be used as a *starting point* if you’re stuck (that is, a well-sourced article’s footnotes/links can actually be useful/citeable, not the article itself), and I can see an undergrad – especially a freshman or sophomore – legitimately using it for that.


But unless you have an exceptional skill set that acts to somewhat negate the effects of your personality in a professional setting, your bosses are going to be able to smell the entitled a-hole-ness wafting off of you.

Good luck with that.

Miss Andry
10 years ago


I think that might do the trick here.

10 years ago

A recurrent theme around rape in the manosphere is ‘teach her a lesson’. This is of course nothing new. Whether or not the writer of this revolting piece is female or not (though I reckon not) doesn’t make a difference, girls and women do participate in the vicious sexual harassment of other women (Isabella Sorley comes to mind).

Back to ‘lessons’. Rape is about humiliation and denigration, something that seems is very important that rapists can cause and see in their victims. It really does appear to be the most effective way, with the additional advantage that you will get away with it most of the time and can find lots of avenues for social approval (in this context the Freeze Peach brigade have already started to scream for the blood of those of us who find this repellent).

It appears that there really are no limits for rape as weapon as mass destruction. It is used directly or indirectly to silence, humiliate and undermine. It is the least punished crime, the most denied, the hardest to prove because patriarchal culture has made it so. I am SO SO sick of seeing that word, of reading about the act, of seeing women again and again ‘punished’ for daring to presume that we live in a ‘free’ society.

10 years ago


I occasionally edit Wikipedia, and maybe I can shed some light.

There is actually a sort-of-high standard regarding sources of information, and all references must be included in the articles.

The rules for reliable sources are usually well enforced: despite the huge size of Wikipedia, there is a ton of eyes looking at the information and willing to correct mistakes and bad faith editions, and when there is a dispute there are sort-of-democratically chosen roles for making sure the rules are followed (rules are never about the content itself, only about what sources of information are accepted for Wikipedia.

As would sound obvious for an encyclopedic project, only academic sources are accepted for academic content. Social content usually requires to be noted in relevant mass media. To name a few examples.

Consent on whether a certain content or source is acceptable is defined in a case for case basis by the users involved in that particular article or debate, which of course is affected by systemic white-cis-het-us-male bias, and content relevant to women is way more questioned and challenged than “regular” content (i.e. what feels “natural” for the dudes).

There is also a small and so far pretty unsuccessful project to counter systemic bias in Wikipedia created by the users.

So if I wanted reliable information on a given subject, I wouldn’t need to rely on the Wikipedia article’s content, but instead I could go directly to the references section and verify the information directly from the sources, or question the sources themselves.

It also works the other way around when I edit: I need to find reliable sources of whatever content I want to add, and only then I can publish it in Wikipedia and make sure it will stay.


All of this said, I do not think the writer to Jimmy Wales was referring to any of these, just relying on the common misconception of Wikipedia being an authority on neutrality rather than neutrality being a constant conversation and debate among users.

(Which is not perfect but it is what Wikipedia claims to be, as opposed to “this super-neutral source of info you don’t need to bother fact-checking”)

10 years ago

Super Teal Deer Ninja’d by proxieme!

10 years ago


In all seriousness, a well-sourced Wikipedia article can be used as a *starting point* if you’re stuck (that is, a well-sourced article’s footnotes/links can actually be useful/citeable, not the article itself), and I can see an undergrad – especially a freshman or sophomore – legitimately using it for that.

That was what I was told in college, and I’ve told that to a few other college students as well. (My cousin’s friend, who is still attending as far as I know, was asking if he could look over my old research papers to do some research for his, I told him I got rid of all of mine, but gave him that bit of advice.)


RE: the letter

*snerk* Yeah, okay. “I’m not going to give you my (tiny donation of) money any more! THEN you’ll be sorry!”

Good luck with that. Wikipedia has gotten along just fine before you came around, they’ll still do just fine after you leave. Hell, I’ll donate some money in your stead!


As for the story as a whole: I did comment about this on an earlier thread, but I’m still very angry about it, as a gamer, as a feminist, as a rape survivor…I want to punch a wall, but that poor wall is just an innocent bystander in this, so I’ll refrain.

And the comments are making me angrier. ESPECIALLY the comment about how this is “needed”. No. Fuck you. Thinking a person doesn’t deserve online harassment and abuse, and a rape survivor doesn’t need her trauma profited off of and exploited like this doesn’t mean she’s “sacred and untouchable”, it means we think she’s a PERSON, and thus deserving of respect and basic human decency, you terrible, terrible excuse for a homo sapien.

Zoe Quinn is a person who’s had enough of your bullshit, and enough of the bullshit of people who think like you to last a goddamned lifetime. If you pulled this nasty act in person, you’d be arrested, and personally, I wish you would be regardless.

*sigh* It’s people like this that make me ashamed to admit I like video games. THIS is the face of “gamer culture” to the outside world. I can’t even play my 3DS in public anymore without feeling like people are staring and comparing me to these assholes.

I can’t help but feel like no matter how much good gamers do, no matter how many charities we donate to, no matter how many good people we have in our circles, it’s going to be over-shadowed by this willful disrespect and hatefulness towards people who did NOTHING but make a game, have opinions on games, and exist as a female.

But, unfortunately, I am a part of this. I will still continue to do as much good as I can and speak out against this bullshit however.

10 years ago


No, no, we’re (any non-white, non-cis, or non-male gamer) supposed to shut up and game, so that they can go back to pretending that video game fandom is a pearly white sea of properly fedora-ed heads and never ever have to grow as a person and can just sit and stew in privilege and continue to pretend that shooting brown civilians five million times in the latest Call of Jingoism game means you’re now a proper alpha male who will be rewarded on the carousel because biotruths.

Cause apparently, like with everything involving overprivileged assholes, everyone else is supposed to massively shrink and hide our existences so they can go on pretending that we don’t exist in peace.

10 years ago

this doesn’t mean she’s “sacred and untouchable”, it means we think she’s a PERSON

Exactly, therefore:

“What makes ZQ so sacred and untouchable” = “What makes ZQ a person, huh?”


10 years ago


I just want to echo and highlight everything you said.

It’s almost refreshing when the haters drop all the euphemisms and masks and just straight out say that X uppity target “deserves” rape” to punish or “fix” them, because it reveals that even the most intentionally ignorant asshole on rape actually does understand how it works as a tool of oppression.

The only difference is that those who benefit from this tool, either directly or indirectly, want to keep feigning ignorance of its purpose in order to keep being able to use the tool and the fear of it to silence minority communities (and especially women) who raise objections to the unequal status quo.

10 years ago


“What makes ZQ so sacred and untouchable” = “What makes ZQ a person, huh?

That’s the rub, inn’t? And the real point of “argument”. They really don’t think Zoe Quinn or anyone like her is a person, at least from the stand-point of who should be counted and thought of as real and deserving of respect by society.

This is the plaintive whine of assholes who have gotten so used to being the only ones who matter in a society and in their chosen subculture, that the notion of sharing that mattering with other people who are either new or have been unfairly marginalized pains them.

In their eyes, society and gaming culture have said that Zoe Quinn isn’t a person, because she’s a woman, because she’s outspoken, because she admits to mental health stuff, because she’s queer and most abominably of all, because she doesn’t view that core of assholes used to being treated as the only marketing demographic of gamers as her audience.

But she’s interacting with the world as if she was a person and as if she was real and as if she had an audience of similarly unreal people to sustain her.

And that’s basically the biggest trigger of hate on Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian, Briana Wu, Mattie Brice, Leah Alexander, and Christine Love. That they dared not think of this group of overentitled man-children as their core audience, as the only people who mattered, and then, they dared to be successful at it.

And that terrifies the doucheweasels because if a bunch of non-people can become successful and popular and respected by solely talking to an audience of similarly non-people, then that means the safe fantasy that the douchebags are the only people who matter and exist might not be real or accurate and this hidden secret world might somehow merge with their “real” world and leave them slightly less powerful and important to the universe than they were (relatively speaking).

And this is the real source of the rage and why these particular targets are gone after over and over again and why the success of their targets despite them only breeds more violent attacks. And it’s why they flip their shit over articles like Leah Alexander’s “Gamers are dead” article, because it epitomizes their greatest fear. That they won’t always be the only ones to matter, and much like with politics and life, people other than them are going to be treated like people and be allowed to have representations of themselves, stories that speak to their experiences, be listened to in culture and society, and treated as if they have a right to exist outside the fantasies and delusions of cis white het man douchebags.

And possibly the glimmer of terror in that speaks to a dim awareness on their part that their privilege does not make them smarter and more aware of the world than everyone else, but actually puts them at a deficit of understanding, since they never had to learn about life experiences of anyone who wasn’t like them or how any of those cultures look and act.

And for douchebro atheists and Libertarians and engineers who have made “being smarter and more knowledgable than everyone else ever” the sole source of their self-worth and understanding of the world, this dim awareness is seen as something akin to a religious person bumping into proof that a particular facet of their religion is not supported by reality.

And yeah, because I’m a horrible person, I’m kind of enjoying the irony of douchebro atheist types going through the same reflexive denialism when presented with reality that is unsupported by core portions of their worldview that the fundamentalists they look down on go through.

10 years ago

It certainly does clarify how dishonest the whole “but it’s a compliment!” bullshit is, doesn’t it?

10 years ago


And it’s why they flip their shit over articles like Leah Alexander’s “Gamers are dead” article, because it epitomizes their greatest fear. That they won’t always be the only ones to matter, and much like with politics and life, people other than them are going to be treated like people and be allowed to have representations of themselves, stories that speak to their experiences, be listened to in culture and society, and treated as if they have a right to exist outside the fantasies and delusions of cis white het man douchebags.


Though, I think they didn’t read past the title on the “Gamers are dead” article before they got their collective underpants in a twist. Either that, or their reading comprehension leaves a LOT to be desired.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Oh, golly, I went to the thread.

There are people there saying we “SWJs” are going to doxx them, because that’s what WE do.

Oh, and they say how we get all upset when THEY do it, but when WE do it, it’s perfectly alright.

Except, we don’t actually do that.

10 years ago

So for anyone who wants to get a ebook out is there another avenue than Amazon, because now I feel uncomfortable ever selling something on the kindle store.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Aaaand, according to the person who claims to be the author, it’s not a rape story. You see, the script is flipped at the end, and she’s just fooling around with these five guys.

So, it’s not at all about Zoe Quinn having sex with five guys. Burgers and fries and all that jazz. NOOOOOO. It’s not an attack on her, at all.

And if it reads like a rape story right up until the end, and traumatizes rape victims, like Zoe Quinn, until they get to the “happy ending,” then that’s just fine, too.

Annnnnndd, now this “author” wants to set up a website to host these things without danger of being dropped due to customer complaints, and actually SPECIALIZE in these sorts of stories. Already planning one for Anita Zarkeesian.

I just…

Time to go out now. Bye, y’all.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Aaaand, according to the person who claims to be the author, it’s not a rape story. You see, the script is flipped at the end, and she’s just fooling around with these five guys.

Yeah, “she wanted it all along” is a standard trope of rape porn. And no, assholes, that doesn’t make it OK, it just reinforces the claims of people who say that about actual rape victims.

10 years ago

That’s not a flipping of the script, it’s an excuse.

Jef Rouner
Jef Rouner
10 years ago

That dude… I made a GG post and he sent me anime porn in response.

10 years ago

@ Ellesar a similar attitude to rape can be found in conversations about male rape in prisons – the PMITA crowd of brainless fools seem to regard male rape as a part of the judicial process. Rape is about power, control and the dehumanising of the victim.

10 years ago

schwadevivre – absolutely – I was not just referring to women, but obviously in the context of this post I was – at least the indirect use of rape as a punishment of this publication.

10 years ago


You linked to the PPC wiki… so is that a yes? ^_^