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4 More Reasons You Should Back Away Slowly if You Ever Meet A Return of Kings Fan in Real Life

Some people are no good at giving advice
Some people are no good at giving advice

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You may remember Hesse Kassell — aka “strongsloth” — as the supremely creepy Return of Kings contributor who argued, among other awful things, that women in relationships should never be allowed to say no to sex.

Well, he’s back with a new Return of Kings post. This time, he’s aiming his prohibitions at men, with a list of “10 things men should never try.”

Somehow, this new list manages to be as skeezy and awful as the last one I wrote about — quite an achievement, even for a Return of Kingser, particularly since several of the items on the list (jail, smoking, gambling, consumer credit) are things that guys probably should try to avoid. But the rest of the list is a concentrated mass of weird assumptions and outright bigotry.

So let me bring to you what I’d like to call the Top Four Reasons You Should Back Away Slowly if You Ever Meet A Return of Kings Fan in Real Life.

Let’s start off with the first item in strongsloth’s “list of things that make no sense when the costs and benefits are considered” — “Sex reassignment.”

A man has the fixed sexual function of providing sperm. A girl has the fixed sexual function of providing eggs and carrying the baby. When someone pretends they can change sexual function it ends badly.

Not only is this virulently transphobic, obviously, but I’m pretty sure that there’s more to sex than having babies, and that very little about sexuality is “fixed” by the particular genitalia we’re born with.

Strongsloth then moves on to consider prostitution. After posting a picture of two seemingly random women he apparently thinks are prostitutes, he offers this reason why men should avoid their deadly embraces:

A prostitute takes a man’s strength, then his money but gives nothing in return.

Huh. Prostitutes take a man’s strength? I thought that General Jack T. Ripper was a fictional character.

And then it’s on to the evils of piercing and tattoos. Once again strongsloth seems to be channelling the General:

A man’s body is his only tool. It makes no sense to drill holes in it or deface it with pictures. All bodies age, decay, and die, but why accelerate the process?

Last in my list, but not least, strongsloth warns dudes to avoid the temptation of … other dudes:

Some men are apparently tempted to perform homosexual acts. A man who does endangers his health, fertility, and mental well-being. Every man has the power of choice. Make the smart choice.

I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works.


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10 years ago

Ah, the “paranoid style” — truly an art form.

10 years ago

Never mind that. For me that website’s most repulsive article was the recent one about “not gaming” black women. Nice to know that not only are those losers misogynistic as hell, they’re also racist.

10 years ago

That’s all I can come up with…

10 years ago

A man’s body is his only tool. It makes no sense to drill holes in it

It makes no sense to drill holes WITH it, either. So much for “only tool”.

10 years ago

Is strongsloth going to publish, to let all the anthropologists and social constructionists know they got it wrong with their focus on humans making tools?

steampunked (@steampunked)

I’m just fascinated to learn that piercings cause decay.

10 years ago

People must be constantly confusing Mr. Kassell for a preacher. This reads like something I would find in a religious medieval manuscript.

10 years ago

If a man’s body is his only tool, he should probably go to the hardware store. Or at leastpick up some silverware.

10 years ago

Drill holes in it? Um … that’s not how piercings or tatts are done, dude.

I presume this means he prohibits men from going to the dentist, too.

At least there’s this to be said for his rubbish: I heard it all in Jack D. Ripper’s voice thanks to the pics.

10 years ago

When I got my nose piercing, just like my ear piercings and my ear stretch sessions, no drill was involved.

How does he think people get pierced? This normally involves a needle (professional piercer) or gun (chemist/pharmacist). The stretching involves a tapered tool.

10 years ago

LOL and I just got ninjad!

10 years ago

I wonder if he’s confused by people calling him a tool all the time? Protip, dude: that’s not what they mean.

10 years ago

The ninjaing is strong in this thread! 😀

10 years ago

I wouldn’t call him a tool, tools are useful.

10 years ago

A man has….

A girl has….

I think that tells us everything we need to know about these creeps.

10 years ago


Agreed. The cissexism/sexism is strong with these turd blossoms.

I’m glad you made an icon out of that gif, because that is literally my face every. Single. Time. One of these articles comes up. EVERY TIME.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

I’m just fascinated to learn that piercings cause decay.

They technically can if new ones aren’t kept clean and get infected, but we are talking about people who think wiping their ass is something that “Betas” do to impress women.

10 years ago
10 years ago

A prostitute takes a man’s strength, then his money but gives nothing in return.

Ummm, isn’t she supposed to give her time and attention in return? I’m pretty sure that’s the whole point of the transaction. Although if he just goes around giving money to sex workers and then goes all weak and has to lie down without her having to do anything, then bully for her, I’d say.

10 years ago

Worse than time and attention, she has to risk her safety – possibly her life – and allow this total stranger inside her body.

10 years ago

Although if he just goes around giving money to sex workers and then goes all weak and has to lie down without her having to do anything, then bully for her, I’d say.

If that were the case, he would be the only MRA I would trust within 50 feet of any prostitute.

lacerta viridis
10 years ago

What the hell is that eggs/sperm one? I’m pretty sure literally no trans woman has ever made the decision to undergo surgery because she thought she’d start ovulating afterwards, ever. Or does strongsloth think that’s how it works? I can’t even figure out the logic here.

Also I don’t know what sloths ever did to deserve being associated with this guy. Here is a baby sloth in a wine glass, by way of brain bleach.

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