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Attention ladies who have sex with men! The sex you are having now is a crime against the hypothetical man or men you will have sex with in the future. At least according to some Red Pill douchebags.
Yesterday, you may recall, we looked at a bizarre and nasty post by pickup guru Roosh Valizadeh that argued, among other things, that all women who aren’t virgins are essentially “soft cuckolding” their future husbands. Because, evidently, any man who marries a woman not only owns her in the present; he retroactively owns her past self as well.
Today, in Reddit’s Red Pill subreddit, we find a fellow called redpilltom making a very similar – if slightly less extreme – argument about women and their sexual pasts.
In a post titled “Never date a woman who won’t do sexual things with you that she did with her other partners,” redpilltom argues that if a woman ever agreed to any sexual act in the past she owes it to you as well.
[I]f you ever, and I mean ever, find out that she did something with an ex that she refuses to do with you, drop her. Drop her fast and drop her hard. This goes from giving it up on X number of dates, to certain sexual acts that you want to do, to threesomes, to the frequency of sex.
Yep. As redpilltom sees it, if a woman says yes to anal sex with one man, she’s obliged to say yes to every future partner who wants anal. To refuse would be a deep insult to whoever she’s dating – and evidence that she sees her current partner as the simpering “beta” in the Red Pill catchphrase “Alpha fucks, Beta bucks.”
It is not only the #1 sign of being on the losing end of the AF/BB relationship, but it screams “Oh, well I felt I needed to impress and be good to them, but you seem easy enough that I don’t need to put in effort.” Do yourself a favor and move on to a woman who sees you as equal or better to the men who used to fuck her. Don’t settle for being second best.
It’s not as if what she wants matters at all in this equation. As redpilltom and his fellow Red Piller see it, sex isn’t something that women desire or enjoy — except with hunky alphas. It’s something that women have in their possession – and which non-alpha men have to get from them, by hook or by crook.
And if for whatever reason, good or bad, a woman “gave” a man in her past a certain sex act, she can’t change her mind and refuse to “give” it to you.
For the women who may be getting furious reading this, just imagine what it was like if you knew your boyfriend was rich.
Oh dear. This can’t be going anywhere good. Red Pillers regularly denounce women as “whores” and “golddiggers” who trade (their) sex for (men’s) money – at least when it comes to betas with bucks. But Red Pill dudes themselves see sex as essentially an economic transaction.
Imagine that he always brought his ex’s out on really nice vacations, nice house, bought them really nice gifts, treated them like princesses, etc. But he refused to do any of that with you, he wanted to be frugal with you even though he has more than enough money to treat you. Wouldn’t you feel a little bit weird about it? Wouldn’t you question why you were different, why he didn’t care to treat you the same? Why the sudden change?
I don’t know, maybe he’s older and wiser and realized that he was spending too much money and driving himself into debt? Maybe he got tired of an ex who only “rewarded” him with sex when he spend a lot of money on her? Or maybe his ex got tired of him trying to buy sex with money.
Hell, maybe he realized that the whole “sex for money” equation is an unhealthy basis for a romantic relationship?
In a followup comment, redpilltom makes clear he has no interest in hearing what the woman has to say about any of this.
Red Pill dudes, if you’re so deathly afraid of becoming a beta shelling out bucks for sex that alphas get for free, maybe you should stop seeing sex as an essentially economic transaction in which the desires of women – or at least their desire for anything but money – counts for nothing.
But in the meantime if you do decide to break up with a woman because she won’t have anal sex with you like she did in her college days – or whatever – you’re actually doing her a giant favor. Because no one deserves to be stuck in a relationship with someone like you.
H/T — r/thebluepill
And OF COURSE she’s lying! Of course! Women always lie about everything, and especially sex.
“if I had a boyfriend who used to spend loads of money on previous girlfriends but who didn’t on me I would
Say, darn tootin’! That money gets invested, so that we can be secure of our future. We can save up for special things, now and again, but too much, and they won’t be special, and I’d like to be able to afford to retire before I’m 100, anyway.
OH! I would just LOVE to see that! Dude writes into one of these threads bragging about how he TOTALLY alpha dogged his woman into tying him to the bed and doing X, Y, and Z that she used to do with those “beta bucks” she used to date.
Of course, they’d pile on him and tell him that no “real man” ever takes the submissive role. EVER.
Although, I understand that it is highly common for a male submissive to be a real mover and shaker in “real life,” such as a CEO or some other high-powered type, who craves the submission in his sex life as an antidote for all that overwhelming responsibility. Just as dominatrixes can be quite meek and submissive in the rest of their relationship, saying “yes, dear” in the living room, and “kiss my feet” in the bedroom.
Because people are complex.
@wwth – thanks for reading that thread so I don’t have to. I’m already burned out by reading Roosh’s other posts.
And if she won’t eat the food because she had an allergic reaction to it, went into anaphylactic shock and had to be hospitalized, well, she’s just damaged goods, a broken woman, and you should NEXT her, even if it isn’t “her fault.”
LOL! Salad tongs!
I’m actually hung up on the fact that he thinks that men regularly buy nice houses for their girlfriends or that a girlfriend would expect it. I mean, if I was dating a guy who bought his ex a house but wasn’t going to buy me one, I’d assume that (a) it was because I already one and/or (b) he realized that shelling out that much money for a potentially short-term relationship was risky.
Also, I love how this guy can’t even imagine the idea that a woman might have specific things that she wants sexually, beyond having a man who’s, er, Alpha and “dominates” her into doing whatever he wants because he’s, er, “built attraction.” Seriously, when he’s trying to explain it to women, he can’t even come with something like, “Imagine that you found out that your boyfriend let his ex-girlfriend sit on his face, but he won’t let you sit on his face” or “Imagine that you found out that your boyfriend used to make an effort to last long with his ex-girlfriend, but he won’t do that for you” or something.
Finally, before I actually got more male opinions on the subject, I used to think, based on the internet, that all straight guys really wanted anal and were really, really into blow jobs, more so than PIV or anything else. Then, when I actually started hearing more men talk honestly about the subject, I realized that a lot of guys aren’t even really interested in anal, and some are actively turned off by the idea. Granted, other guys that I know are apparently really into it, but it’s not a universal thing by any means. Hell, I even met a guy who didn’t really like getting head. It just didn’t get him off like PIV or anal did. It’s like the pillocks can’t comprehend men having different tastes. Either that, or they’re only really into fellatio and anal sex because they believe that it’s degrading to women. They’re not into it because they actually find it pleasurable.
…Actually, that sums up the redpill view of sex in general. They’re only really into it because they believe that it’s degrading to women, not because they actually find it pleasurable.
@alaisvex – I love your gifs!
I’m not good at gifs, so I always find them impressive.
So pill-bro, if a lady has NEVER had sex with her previous romantic partners is she then obliged to do the same for you? You know, to keep it all fair and square so that all of her partners get the same sexual experience?
Thanks, Michelle!
I couldn’t find the words to describe the outrage that I felt over that particular comment, so I just used gifs instead. Picture worth a thousand words and all.
Anyway, I also have to wonder why, if this guy’s girlfriend supposedly love [insert random sex act here] so much and her partner wants to do it, what exactly does she gain by denying it to him? She’s denying herself a chance to do something that she actually likes, and she’s giving her redpill boyfriend something else that he can bother her about.
Agreed! My boyfriend is more experienced than I am, so I’ve asked some general questions about what he has done and enjoyed. By no means did I want every, single, little detail, but it’s important to know what your partner likes and wants.
Of course, our relationship is built on trust and mutual respect, two concepts MRAs don’t seem to understand. I know that I can say no to things I don’t like or am not ready for and, if I do say no to something, he’s not going to force or pressure me into it.
In other news, I’m going home for Christmas tomorrow! Hooray!
Ej, me too! Home home home!
Also, still totally reading red pillers as red pliers. Dunno why.
That’s better than how I read it. I read it as RPers, with an a stuck in there, too.
I’d much rather read about hardware.
I guess the possibility that the reason the person doesn’t want to do (whatever) again is that they found out they didn’t like it the first time isn’t worth consideration? Because once a woman has done something sexual she’s never allowed to say no to it again, those are the bro rules.
So if a woman has ever kicked this charmer in the nuts, I can kick him in the nuts too, right? Otherwise it’d be a personal insult to me.
There’s something very special about a group of guys whose high bar for bedroom performance is to cause “not legit trauma aka PTSD”… and they’re not 100% sure they can clear that.
There’s also the possibility that the girlfriend did X with a previous partner because previous partner was really good at X, but current redpill partner is really horrible at it and makes it uncomfortable and awkward, so she’d really rather not.
Or perhaps X was her special “thing” with previous partner and it reminds her too much of him.
Really, though, she doesn’t have to have a reason. “No” is a complete sentence.
That seems to be behind the whole “her sexual history is relevant to this rape investigation” mentality. Once a woman becomes a sex-haver, she is a sex-haver for all time. As a utilitarian object, that’s her function. To revoke or deny it means she’s “broken”, equivalent to a toaster that suddenly stops working. As with a toaster, these guys think any form of sex refusal is grounds to dump and “next” her.
I’m guessing they’re also fans of the “if it isn’t working then kick it” school of appliance maintenance.
Of course. Also, it should be cross-referenced with an inventory of sexual act she has ever performed, including details of frequency and duration.
What, doesn’t every girl have one of these?
I start a stopwatch at the beginning of all my relationships so I know exactly when to have sex with them! It’s very handy; it would have been mortifying to forget and have to take the relationship as it develops, organically and so that all parties involved are comfortable with what’s going on.
Does anyone have an advice on the ettiquette of the order of sex acts I’m obligated to perform? Say, if I pegged my last boyfriend before going down on him, I’m supposed to follow the checklist in order, and therefore have to get out my strap on before we proceed to any other acts? It only seems fair, that way. /sarcasm
If anyone asks I lost my hard copy in the flood of 2013. Also my computer crashed wiping my Excel document. And then my dog ate my computer.
Make sure the redpiller’s cookie is exactly the same size that everyone else got, with the same number of chips, otherwise waaaaaah! If necessary, use measuring tape, a plumb line, and a laser-guided scalpel.
@cassandra – Only manginas would use a screwdriver and take the time to figure out what’s wrong and how to fix it. If you want reliability, go with a submissive Japanese brand.
I agree! I’ve had conversations like this with a number of partners. We don’t get into the “who, when and where”, but I find that “I’ve tried this and I liked it” is usually a good starting point for learning more about each other’s preferences and limits. Particularly informative if one or both partners are kinky. It can also be a pretty hot conversation, but as you said, if anyone has any kind of insecurity around sex, it’s just awkward and difficult.
Hahaha, I love this! “Yeah, I used to let my ex go down on me for hours on end. Hop to it, alphadog!”
Ah, but in Redpill land, women don’t actually enjoy any sex acts – sex is just a bargaining chip they use to get diamonds and bonbons out of men. Because sex acts are a commodity that women own, it’s to be expected that they can withold them at any time for no reason at no personal cost to themselves.
“Women lie up and down about their sexual history.” Uh probably because if we’re honest about it we get slut shamed by you assholes, no matter how many guys we’ve actually been with??
Mikki: if it’s more than 0 guys, we’re sluts. If it’s 0, we’re lying sluts. Can’t win.