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Red Pillers agree: "If she did something sexually with an ex that she refuses to do with you, drop her."


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Attention ladies who have sex with men! The sex you are having now is a crime against the hypothetical man or men you will have sex with in the future. At least according to some Red Pill douchebags.

Yesterday, you may recall, we looked at a bizarre and nasty post by pickup guru Roosh Valizadeh that argued, among other things, that all women who aren’t virgins are essentially “soft cuckolding” their future husbands. Because, evidently, any man who marries a woman not only owns her in the present; he retroactively owns her past self as well.

Today, in Reddit’s Red Pill subreddit, we find a fellow called redpilltom making a very similar – if slightly less extreme – argument about women and their sexual pasts.

In a post titled “Never date a woman who won’t do sexual things with you that she did with her other partners,” redpilltom argues that if a woman ever agreed to any sexual act in the past she owes it to you as well.

[I]f you ever, and I mean ever, find out that she did something with an ex that she refuses to do with you, drop her. Drop her fast and drop her hard. This goes from giving it up on X number of dates, to certain sexual acts that you want to do, to threesomes, to the frequency of sex.

Yep. As redpilltom sees it, if a woman says yes to anal sex with one man, she’s obliged to say yes to every future partner who wants anal. To refuse would be a deep insult to whoever she’s dating – and evidence that she sees her current partner as the simpering “beta” in the Red Pill catchphrase “Alpha fucks, Beta bucks.”

It is not only the #1 sign of being on the losing end of the AF/BB relationship, but it screams “Oh, well I felt I needed to impress and be good to them, but you seem easy enough that I don’t need to put in effort.” Do yourself a favor and move on to a woman who sees you as equal or better to the men who used to fuck her. Don’t settle for being second best.

It’s not as if what she wants matters at all in this equation. As redpilltom and his fellow Red Piller see it, sex isn’t something that women desire or enjoy — except with hunky alphas. It’s something that women have in their possession – and which non-alpha men have to get from them, by hook or by crook.

And if for whatever reason, good or bad, a woman “gave” a man in her past a certain sex act, she can’t change her mind and refuse to “give” it to you.

For the women who may be getting furious reading this, just imagine what it was like if you knew your boyfriend was rich.

Oh dear. This can’t be going anywhere good. Red Pillers regularly denounce women as “whores” and “golddiggers” who trade (their) sex for (men’s) money – at least when it comes to betas with bucks. But Red Pill dudes themselves see sex as essentially an economic transaction.

Imagine that he always brought his ex’s out on really nice vacations, nice house, bought them really nice gifts, treated them like princesses, etc. But he refused to do any of that with you, he wanted to be frugal with you even though he has more than enough money to treat you. Wouldn’t you feel a little bit weird about it? Wouldn’t you question why you were different, why he didn’t care to treat you the same? Why the sudden change?

I don’t know, maybe he’s older and wiser and realized that he was spending too much money and driving himself into debt? Maybe he got tired of an ex who only “rewarded” him with sex when he spend a lot of money on her? Or maybe his ex got tired of him trying to buy sex with money.

Hell, maybe he realized that the whole “sex for money” equation is an unhealthy basis for a romantic relationship?

In a followup comment, redpilltom makes clear he has no interest in hearing what the woman has to say about any of this.

ForbiddenFruit420 13 points 14 hours ago   What if she doesn't want to do it with you because she didn't enjoy it with her ex?      permalink     save     report     give gold  [–]redpilltom [S] 37 points 14 hours ago   That's something that's a bit more delicate and requires a bit more context. "I tried anal with my ex but stopped him because I didn't like it" is different than "I used to do it all the time with my ex, but didn't really like it". The context in the first was "I didn't like how it felt so I stopped" and the second was "I didn't really care for it, but he loved it so I did it for him". Overall it doesn't carry the same weight as the "I'm not that kind of girl anymore" BS that the post is more about, but it is a huge red flag and you should keep your eye out for more signs you're getting strung along.  And, of course, women lie up and down about their sexual history. If a woman tells you she only tried something once briefly but hated it, it's pretty likely that she did it multiple times and loved it in the context of an alpha guy who gave her more tingles than you.
Red Pill dudes, if you’re so deathly afraid of becoming a beta shelling out bucks for sex that alphas get for free, maybe you should stop seeing sex as an essentially economic transaction in which the desires of women – or at least their desire for anything but money – counts for nothing.

But in the meantime if you do decide to break up with a woman because she won’t have anal sex with you like she did in her college days – or whatever – you’re actually doing her a giant favor. Because no one deserves to be stuck in a relationship with someone like you.

H/T — r/thebluepill


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10 years ago

Some of them seem really worried that they are inadequate in the area of making their partners ‘gina tingle and then all of a sudden they are talking like the perps from Project Unbreakable. EWWWWWWW

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

But he refused to do any of that with you, he wanted to be frugal with you even though he has more than enough money to treat you. Wouldn’t you feel a little bit weird about it?

That’s a terrible analogy. In terms of showing love, buying a gift for someone isn’t remotely equal to anal.

Buying a present is easy. It doesn’t have the potential to cause trauma, pain, or physical discomfort for the giver (unless you’re buying live scorpions). It’s noninvasive. It can be customized for the recipient. You are fully in control at all times when buying a present: what to give, how much to spend, when to give it. There is no cultural baggage, degradation, or shame attached to it. Almost everyone enjoys doing it for people they love (except whiny PUAs).

The same can’t be said for anal. That’s why it isn’t part of the basic social contract, like gift-giving or handshakes. It requires definite, ongoing, renewable (or not) consent.

Bloody hell, they’re acting like they think sex causes lycanthropy.

They seem to have this weird semen worship/fetish thing going on, don’t they? Apparently they think semen has magic powers and forever transforms anyone who comes into contact with it. I guess that’s one reason they’re so obsessed with raw dogging (the goldjaculate *must* touch the woman DIRECTLY ON THE VAGINA or the magic won’t be transferred). It also explains their burning obsession with previous sexual partners and acts, their horror of sleeping with a woman who’s ever slept with a black man, and the whole “soft cuckolding” thing. If a woman has had sex with 30 guys, after all, she won’t be able to imprint on #31, what with all the ghost sperm already possessing her. It’s like the belief that eating certain animal parts endows the eater with the characteristics of those animals.

10 years ago

Surely the ONLY person who would be super interested in all the details of a sex life before them would either be super insecure, or just really liked talking about sex loads? Would have thought the latter would probably be easy going on their outlook and understand respect for boundaries. So I can only assume that this sad act is super insecure. What a fucking surprise!

10 years ago

“if you do decide to break up with a woman because she won’t have anal sex with you like she did in her college days – or whatever – you’re actually doing her a giant favor. Because no one deserves to be stuck in a relationship with someone like you.”

YES yes yes. Please break up with all the women!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

RP commenter:

Don’t be a tool.

*is immediately a tool*:

99.9% of time a girl says she was traumatized or had a bad experience, it is not legit trauma aka PTSD.

This guy needs to step on every Lego ever made. One by one.

10 years ago

Can someone PLEASE inform these poor misguided souls that women hate 50 Shades of Grey too? It’s terrible, terrible “literature”, and shouldn’t be used as a fucking guide. Please stop with this shit and go read the BDSM Wikipedia article. It has far more accurate information. (I also saw a YouTube comment that said that “feminists love 50Shades because it’s liberating and shit” and I had to swallow a bit of vomit. The comment was over a week old when I saw it, so I didn’t respond, but gods above did I want to.)

On topic: This is the kind of shit that keeps me really wary about meeting new males who I could potentially be romantic with. The huge insecurity these guys show and the massive fucking entitlement that comes with it is scary as hell.

I don’t want to deal with judgement and anger because I tried something once and I didn’t enjoy it, and this person has somehow convinced themselves that because I am a woman (or an owner of a vagina in their little cissexist world), I am thereby irrational and incapable of understanding what I do or don’t like (or I just haven’t tried it with THEM, and they’re AMAZING).

I agree with M. Unless you’re asking about STDs, then my past sexy tiems are none of your business unless I make it your business and tell you.

And if you get pissy that I won’t do everything for you I did for past romances, then you can, and I mean this in the nicest way, fuck right off you misinformed, misguided and insecure turd blossom.

Also, if you want to “next” me, please fucking do. Save us both a lot of trouble.

10 years ago

(Long-time reader, first-time commenter. Hi everyone!)

So what if one of these men somehow (hypothetically–let’s say the planets aligned and lightning struck the clock tower and, I don’t know, he managed to keep his dickishness hidden for a couple of dates) ended up with a sexual partner who admitted to him that she’d pegged an ex-boyfriend? Would he then, by this logic, be obligated to demand that she get out her strap-on for him as well? What if she had been with dudes who had liked her to step on their tender parts? Would he have to demand that she do the same?

Of course I know a red piller would say “OMG NO GROSS HOW DARE YOU”, because somehow being not 100% in control = not in line with being A Real Man. Still, it’s nice to imagine one of these guys encountering the logical loophole and ending up demanding to call their girlfriend “Mistress” because he doesn’t want to seem like less of an “alpha”. 😀

10 years ago

isidore13 – don’t get discouraged! I’ve had sex with a lot of guys, and literally only ONE even asked me about how many people I’ve slept with before (and that was when I was young and the answer was 0) and all the rest couldn’t give two shits about what I did with my genitals before. It may be regional (I’m in a pretty liberal area), but I suspect these types of idiots are the minority.

10 years ago

Why stop there, red pillers? If she refuses to eat a food you know she’s eaten before (even if it made her sick to her stomach or she only did it on a dare) force her to eat it again! Demand that she rewatch her least favorite movie with you (as long as she watched it once, it’s fair game).

It just won’t do to half-ass being a completely irredeemable asshole. Have some pride.

10 years ago

What about just having a case of hemorrhoids and not wanting to add to it by dating another?

10 years ago

IME, my husband tends to ask the women he is dating (we are poly and everyone knows about the others) how many partners they have had for one reason. He wants to know if they are like me, who has only been with him, or his current girlfriend who has had over sixty, because he wants to know if sexy times will be a trial and error kind of thing or if they are confident in what they like/dislike so he can respect those preferences.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Can’t remember who asked this, but as for “why does it always boil down to anal sex”, I’m gonna go with porn skewing people’s expectations, and/or they know many women find it painful and degrading and that makes them want it even more.

10 years ago

Can red pillers be any more rapey, selfish and/or insecure?

10 years ago

“I have never been in a relationship or had sex and I’m starting to feel like all men think this way.”

I too have never been in a relationship or had sex and don’t worry most men are actually good people however the hateful and scariest ones are usually the loudest.

Brass Eye
Brass Eye
10 years ago

Sheesh, I mean, I am extremely insecure sex-wise. Like, I lost my virginity at 25 (I am 26), and am terrified of initiating anything with the woman I am semi-seeing from fear of disappointing. But I wouldn’t even consider demanding details of past sexual encounters, I mean I would want to know about STDs, but I would not want to know exactly *how* she got it. I can see maybe being curious about how many previous partners they’ve had, but I don’t know why you would want details. Maybe if you’re into certain kinks and want to know what they’re up for… but even then you could just ask in general.

I just can’t even fathom the amount of insecurity and fragile ego it takes to think like this. Especially dismissing painful/uncomfortable experiences as not “legitimate” as that’s actually kind of frightening. I just have to hope these kind of guys follow through and do women a favor by “nexting” them. At this point I really don’t have a clue what “alpha” or “beta” really even mean to them, seems to change all the time as long as it makes them feel better about themselves temporarily.

10 years ago

Heh, this site is terrific. Love it. Keep it up.

10 years ago

So what if one of these men somehow (hypothetically–let’s say the planets aligned and lightning struck the clock tower and, I don’t know, he managed to keep his dickishness hidden for a couple of dates) ended up with a sexual partner who admitted to him that she’d pegged an ex-boyfriend? Would he then, by this logic, be obligated to demand that she get out her strap-on for him as well? What if she had been with dudes who had liked her to step on their tender parts? Would he have to demand that she do the same?

I was wondering this exact same thing.

Jenny (@dontgiveah00t)
10 years ago

So, this guy is setting things up so that no matter what his partner actually says, she enjoys whatever sex act it is that he wants to do. From there it’s a short leap to actually forcing her into it because hey, no matter what she says, she actually wants it. And these dudes are mystified when we say PUAs/red pillers don’t respect consent.

@weirwoodhugger – all of this. They cannot handle being told no, at the core of it. That’s why they have all those ‘classy’ responses to no like ‘1000 years ago I would be raping you right now’. That’s why their response to being told by their current partner ‘no, I don’t enjoy that’ is ‘I bet you totally do and are keeping it from me to control me!’

Don’t be a tool. 99.9% of time a girl says she was traumatized or had a bad experience, it is not legit trauma aka PTSD. Plus like you said, it can be modified (using lube for anal etc.). Also she should be able to get over that shit.

Okay, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t lube kind of required for anal? Like, not a ‘modification’ for if it doesn’t work, but necessary to start with? The anus isn’t self-lubricating, and even with plenty of lube, foreplay and patience (and these people seem to think even the first of those should be optional, let alone the others) anal can be painful or uncomfortable for some. (I freely admit I am going from my own experience here). Not even going to address the idea that 99.9% of women who claim trauma/bad experience are lying, and the 0.1% who aren’t should get over themselves. Nuh-uh, no way.

I really would like to see their reaction if their partner liked a sexual act they didn’t and demanded it of them and tried to guilt them into it.

10 years ago

[I]f you ever, and I mean ever, find out that she did something with an ex that she refuses to do with you, drop her. Drop her fast and drop her hard. This goes from giving it up on X number of dates, to certain sexual acts that you want to do, to threesomes, to the frequency of sex.

And if she tried them once, only to find out that (a) she didn’t like that, and (b) never wants to do it again…she still owes you? Fucking Pillock, go fall bare ass first on all the Legos. Because that’s all the sexual action you really deserve.

10 years ago

I suppose the Pillock also thinks that if she “gave it up” in an act of rape, that totally counts, and he should also get to rape her the same way, just to make it even-steven. FUCK THAT NOISE.

10 years ago

Aaaaand I was right…

99.9% of time a girl says she was traumatized or had a bad experience, it is not legit trauma aka PTSD.

…Pillocks really DO think like that. They’re all Todd Fucking Akin, so of course they would!

10 years ago

The only context under which I can imagine a partner’s sexual history being relevant is if they say “You know, in the past, I’ve done *this* and I quite enjoyed it and I was wondering if we could try *this*.”

I mean, I don’t know under what other contexts you’d really discuss a partner’s sexual history.

Oh, okay, I suppose if you and your partner ran into someone and it was really awkward and your partner decided to explain why it was really awkward “Oh, yeah… well, the last time I saw Benny, I was removing a zucchini from him. We had a fight about proper etiquette, and I told him I was not going to use my salad tongs and kicked him out.”

10 years ago

Okay, to be fair, I can probably imagine quite a few situations, but most of them are unlikely.

10 years ago

baroncognito, seconding all that. ::nods::

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Life happens. Bodies change. Tastes change. Phobias develop.

There are, in short, REASONS to stop doing something you used to do, even if you once enjoyed it, and ESPECIALLY if you only did it to please a selfish jerk.

I suppose he’ll say that if a previous “boyfriend” raped her, then she is obliged to act out any rape-fantasy he has, to please him, or else that means she’s preferring her rapist to him.

This guy is absolutely disgusting.