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Attention ladies who have sex with men! The sex you are having now is a crime against the hypothetical man or men you will have sex with in the future. At least according to some Red Pill douchebags.
Yesterday, you may recall, we looked at a bizarre and nasty post by pickup guru Roosh Valizadeh that argued, among other things, that all women who aren’t virgins are essentially “soft cuckolding” their future husbands. Because, evidently, any man who marries a woman not only owns her in the present; he retroactively owns her past self as well.
Today, in Reddit’s Red Pill subreddit, we find a fellow called redpilltom making a very similar – if slightly less extreme – argument about women and their sexual pasts.
In a post titled “Never date a woman who won’t do sexual things with you that she did with her other partners,” redpilltom argues that if a woman ever agreed to any sexual act in the past she owes it to you as well.
[I]f you ever, and I mean ever, find out that she did something with an ex that she refuses to do with you, drop her. Drop her fast and drop her hard. This goes from giving it up on X number of dates, to certain sexual acts that you want to do, to threesomes, to the frequency of sex.
Yep. As redpilltom sees it, if a woman says yes to anal sex with one man, she’s obliged to say yes to every future partner who wants anal. To refuse would be a deep insult to whoever she’s dating – and evidence that she sees her current partner as the simpering “beta” in the Red Pill catchphrase “Alpha fucks, Beta bucks.”
It is not only the #1 sign of being on the losing end of the AF/BB relationship, but it screams “Oh, well I felt I needed to impress and be good to them, but you seem easy enough that I don’t need to put in effort.” Do yourself a favor and move on to a woman who sees you as equal or better to the men who used to fuck her. Don’t settle for being second best.
It’s not as if what she wants matters at all in this equation. As redpilltom and his fellow Red Piller see it, sex isn’t something that women desire or enjoy — except with hunky alphas. It’s something that women have in their possession – and which non-alpha men have to get from them, by hook or by crook.
And if for whatever reason, good or bad, a woman “gave” a man in her past a certain sex act, she can’t change her mind and refuse to “give” it to you.
For the women who may be getting furious reading this, just imagine what it was like if you knew your boyfriend was rich.
Oh dear. This can’t be going anywhere good. Red Pillers regularly denounce women as “whores” and “golddiggers” who trade (their) sex for (men’s) money – at least when it comes to betas with bucks. But Red Pill dudes themselves see sex as essentially an economic transaction.
Imagine that he always brought his ex’s out on really nice vacations, nice house, bought them really nice gifts, treated them like princesses, etc. But he refused to do any of that with you, he wanted to be frugal with you even though he has more than enough money to treat you. Wouldn’t you feel a little bit weird about it? Wouldn’t you question why you were different, why he didn’t care to treat you the same? Why the sudden change?
I don’t know, maybe he’s older and wiser and realized that he was spending too much money and driving himself into debt? Maybe he got tired of an ex who only “rewarded” him with sex when he spend a lot of money on her? Or maybe his ex got tired of him trying to buy sex with money.
Hell, maybe he realized that the whole “sex for money” equation is an unhealthy basis for a romantic relationship?
In a followup comment, redpilltom makes clear he has no interest in hearing what the woman has to say about any of this.
Red Pill dudes, if you’re so deathly afraid of becoming a beta shelling out bucks for sex that alphas get for free, maybe you should stop seeing sex as an essentially economic transaction in which the desires of women – or at least their desire for anything but money – counts for nothing.
But in the meantime if you do decide to break up with a woman because she won’t have anal sex with you like she did in her college days – or whatever – you’re actually doing her a giant favor. Because no one deserves to be stuck in a relationship with someone like you.
H/T — r/thebluepill
It doesn’t strike me as particularly “alpha” to sit around worrying about what an ex might have gotten that you aren’t getting. It’s quite insecure.
Anything that makes Red Pillers drop women faster is a good idea.
These guys are the alpha and omega of sexual insecurity and self-doubt. No wonder they can’t get laid unless they’re at Broadway & 42nd with a duffel bag of money on them.
“This goes from giving it up on X number of dates…” So a woman has to make a spreadsheet of how long it took to have sex with every guy she’s had sex with, and make sure it’s progressively less each time? What if she had a one-night stand after knowing someone for four hours–does every encounter have to be less than four hours after that? Oh wait, I think I know the answer. She’s a slut for ever having “given it up” that fast and isn’t worth dating.
These assholes’ worst nightmare is that the person they date doesn’t view them as God’s gift from heaven, perfect in every way and superior to every other person on earth. Their fragile ego can’t bear so much as a single scratch, but of course that’s the fault of the woman. They, after all, are Alphas, and damn anyone who thinks or shows otherwise.
It’s amazing how even when one of them inserts logic into the argument and points out that she may not be doing it with you because she doesn’t like it, another has to derail and go ‘well if she accepted it from him, why not you?’ And why is it that ‘certain sexual acts you want to do’ always seem to be code for either ‘fellatio’ or ‘anal’ with these guys?
All of their imagination is reserved for how they measure up to other dudes.
Why did I go and read the thread? Fuck. I feel like I should not be reading this stuff, I have never been in a relationship or had sex and I’m starting to feel like all men think this way.
I honestly don’t get this whole “Giving a rat’s ass what your girlfriend may or may not have done sexually in the past” deal at all (except for potential STDs, of course). At all. How does it affect anything outside of their own impossibly insecure minds? Bloody hell, they’re acting like they think sex causes lycanthropy.
These idiots would make Freud turn to booze.
So, this guy is setting things up so that no matter what his partner actually says, she enjoys whatever sex act it is that he wants to do. From there it’s a short leap to actually forcing her into it because hey, no matter what she says, she actually wants it. And these dudes are mystified when we say PUAs/red pillers don’t respect consent.
I went and read the whole thread for some reason and found some gems. One guys actually sort of said something that wasn’t quite as terrible as what the others were saying. It regards a woman who had a bad experience with anal and no longer wants to do it.
He actually starts to have an epiphany. Maybe pressuring someone into doing something she isn’t comfortable with is wrong! But of course, his fellow red pillers couldn’t let that stand.
Classy! Not rapey and creepy at all!
Then there’s this
Nobody needs an excuse for saying no to something, asshole!
And then there’s this lovely comment.
It’s been up for five hours without being moderated and without anyone pointing out that that is rape.
Now I need about a hundred showers.
Ugh, so much ugh! I would probably be one of these women who did something in a previous relationship that I would not do now. Why is that? When I was more inexperienced and insecure I was way more susceptible to man whines and being convinced to do things I either was unsure about or flat out did not want to do. And, if put in the same situations now, being more confident in myself, I probably wouldn’t do the things. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has been in similar situations.
Also dudes, if you are tying to pressure your significant other into doing things they do not want to do, for whatever reason, you are a giant dog turd because that is a terrible shitty thing to do.
So I literally do not do a thing with current partners that I have done with previous partners, and that thing is PIV.
Seriously. I don’t do it any more; it isn’t my kink, it isn’t fun, I don’t like it. Never had any particularly bad experiences. I just don’t like it.
I think that makes me the Antichrist.
OK red-pillers, say your partner gives in to the idiot logic that if she tried something and didn’t like it, tough shit, she now has to do it with you. What if you want her to try something and she says no? Oh right, probably the same response because alpha dog.
First thoughts:
Why would anyone be detailing what sexual acts they did with an ex? How’s this prat going to know what this (hypotheticalbecausehe’llneverhaveagirlfriend) woman’s done sexually?
Apart from the eye-rolling and very old wrong of the whole money = sex thing, the specific notion that anything, anything, is equivalent to letting someone else into your body is nauseating.
I am pleased to say my misandry score must have been boosted greatly. Because Mr K is the only man in this world or the next who gets to do any sexytimes stuff with me, ever, world without end, amen.
Yeah, the “red flag” is surely someone changing their minds about certain sex acts, not you sounding like a rapey mother fucker.
Also, I guess it depends on the relationship but IME my partners don’t really want a detailed account of all the hot sex I’ve had with past partners. Not everyone is perfect and jealousy is a thing.
In fact, if a partner badgered me about my past sex experiences I would be pretty uncomfortable.
“[Sex] something that women have in their possession – and which non-alpha men have to get from them, by hook or by crook.”
This is probably the best definition of sex from the Red Pill POV that I have seen to date.
Ew, they’re so gross. lol I’m going to guess no one is actually gonna take that last bit of advice about “nexting”, even though it’s damned good advice (no one who accepts the “redpill” as gospel is in a suitable frame of mind to have a decent relationship anyway, so they SHOULD continue dumping their partners as quickly as possible, ’til they finally realize it’s horseshit, b/c no one, least of all themselves, is perfect)
but people who are actually self-confident enough to “next” their partners don’t generally hang around relationship/sex webforums. So, alas, this is all keyboard jockeying.
What if the man doesn’t want to do it either? Does he have to do anal if he doesn’t want to, just because she’s done it before with another guy? That doesn’t even make sense. Why do they assume every man wants the same things as every other man? I mean, these guys are going to assume that about women, that’s what they do, but why would they assume men are all interchangeable? MISANDRY.
Okay. So I was 17 years old and totally brainless and had sex with a bloke without a condom. I vowed to myself I’d never, ever be so bloody stupid again.
And these halfwits think a woman who’s done that, or any other damn silly or nasty or dangerous sexual thing she’s regretted (or hated or whatever), is thereafter obliged to do that same thing with every man she sleeps with for the rest of her life. Even though she firmly says that once was once too often.
As for telling a new partner about past experiences, I think if a couple is negotiating their boundaries, or the relationship as a whole, it’s perfectly legit to tell them that threesomes are a no no, that you’re OK with some things and not others. Some of these preferences arise from past sexual experience, some of them don’t. If I was ever in that position again, I’d have to say that one thing I cannot tolerate under any circumstances is a hand on the front of my throat – no one’s ever tried to choke me, but I have always had an extreme reaction to any touch like that, sexual or otherwise. I think it’s A Good Thing to warn a partner in advance rather than let them obliviously terrify you when doing something most people do and then have to tell them — when you’ve completely spoiled the moment — that you’ve always been like that and you don’t know why.
Hah. I realised that I’d changed what I was saying as I was saying it. That first para was supposed to be a hypothetical that continued being a hypothetical.
No harm, no foul. What I described is hardly an unusual event I suppose, even though I wasn’t talking about myself.
I wouldn’t even think of raising past experiences when it came to setting boundaries – a straight out “No, I’m not doing that” is all the hypothetical mister would be getting, not a history (if there was one) of why. Mind you if he was a halfway decent person he’d have done no more than ask if I was into or wanted to try such-and-such, and would take that no for an answer.
I dunno, I think discussion of past experiences can be really bonding and fun but both people have to be pretty danged secure and mature for it not to turn into a disaster. Turning it into a contest of any sort is a sure way to make a hash out of it.
And hey, you RP A-holes: if I had a boyfriend who used to spend loads of money on previous girlfriends but who didn’t on me I would
a) never have been so gauche as to demand he itemize what he spent on other people to begin with, as it is none of my god-damned business and
b) if for some reason it had unavoidably come to my attention, causing me to feel some kind of embarrassing envy or insecurity and I actually ASKED, and he said something like “at that time in my life I believed I could get love and attention by buying it, but now I realize how wrongheaded that was”
don’t you think it would be a little beyond childish for me to stomp my foot and say “NEXT!”
“I get to”? What are you, five years old? “How come Jimmy gets a cookie and I don’t?” JFC, you can practically taste the petulant tears.
She’ll be better off, then.
A) ‘any information about a woman’s sexual past can be used as a bludgeon against her.’
B) ‘Waaah! Women lie about their sexual pasts! ‘
WARNING: taking the red pill can cause the following side effects: insomnia, contradictory beliefs, trolling spells, spermatorreah, cognitive dissonance, and non-localized seeping assholism.