david has questions off topic

Off-topic: What are your favorite guilty pleasure videos on YouTube?

This is completely off-topic but I’m curious: What are your favorite guilty pleasure videos on YouTube? That is, videos that you might be embarrassed to admit you watch but that you compulsively watch anyway. Or, heck, maybe you’re not embarrassed at all. Kitten videos? Pimple popping videos? Russian car crash videos? News anchors screwing up? Dudes sitting in the bathtub yelling about 50 Shades of Grey?

Whatever it is, let me know.

I kind of have a little bit of an ulterior motive.

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10 years ago

@Mezza: I love watching folks play horror games on Youtube too! Amnesia was one of my favorites too. I managed to play it all the way through, but it was only do to my intense curiosity about what was going on and not having any internet to look it up for a couple of months.

10 years ago

Aside from MMDs of badass videogame characters dancing to pop music; actual people in fun, awkward pop videos!

10 years ago

I’m thankful that that Narwhals video didn’t autoplay, because I know from experience that it would be stuck in my head all day.

As for badgers, I prefer the dubstep mix:

10 years ago

Sometimes I’ll line up a bunch of these and just let em play:

10 years ago

I’m just going to bookmark this thread for future video viewing pleasure, lol.

I don’t actually watch a lot of youtube, though my children make me watch weird things like Potter Puppet Pals, and Warrior fan videos (the Warrior cat books, that is). I keep meaning to watch more asian SNL, but it never happens.

10 years ago

I’m a bit late, but how about this video:
Adorable puppy being adorable!

10 years ago

Some of my guilty pleasure videos that I watch are anime parodies, walkthroughs and reviews of video games with youtubers like cryaotic and peanutbuttergamer.

I also like reaction and prank videos. And that one puppy that can’t get up, I admit I’m a bit of a sadist.

10 years ago

Lensman, I am now addicted.

Tunak Tunak Tun is amazing, and he looks like he’s having so much fun, and the catchy is catchy.

10 years ago

I’ve had so much fun watching these, I’ll chip in a couple–both perfect examples of kinds of dance that I do.

and this:

just posting the page as for some reason the video links are downloading now instead of playing for me. I love this because it really demonstrates ‘dance as conversation’ or ‘dance as interaction’. And the other videos on the site are a fantastic resource for dancers.

Will come back with perfect examples of bellydance later 🙂

10 years ago

Also, I’m going to guiltily admit that I’ve only ever watched one episode of Sherlock. It was scary. I went with all the nope. If I had started in a not terrifying place, maybe I would have endured longer.

But, nevertheless, I’m still addicted to the Sesame Street Previews, and Benedict Cumberbach’s might have beat out Tom Hiddleston’s for sheer adorableness:

Tom Hiddleston’s is still pretty adorable:

As is Ruffalo’s “SEE YOU GOT IT! Wait, you don’t get it? But you just got it!” (paraphrased there…):

And it’s really hard to concentrate when you’re too busy laughing because Wolverine is being fluffy:

Nicole Kidman is also precious.

And Cobie.

And somehow I always fall down the youtube wormhole back into Pentatonix videos, courtesy of this:

…and I should stop spamming with adorable videos.

10 years ago

Okay… one last one. Maybe. For now! Must pack!

Still, Evolution of Music:

Beat Boxer (guy with the hat) is AMAZING… and the other guy in the front is a super-bass. And the guy on the side in the back can sing higher and prettier than me. And that dude in the middle can switch timbre’s and sound like no one, and the chick is incredible and superaltoprano.

And the blending!

10 years ago

OK there’s this one, of interns having way too much fun:

but the thing that really cracks me up is the bosses playing along at the end.

10 years ago

@contrapangloss: If you don’t mind me asking, which episode was it? ‘Cause I can’t really think of a non-scary place to start.

10 years ago

Yup, got to bookmark this thread. Too much good stuff.

I can’t believe no one has mentioned the Chad Vader series (Chad Vader: Day Shift Manager; Darth’s younger brother who manages the Empire market) There are like four seasons of it. The best (IMHO) is season two when Empire markets gets taken over by Red Leader Foods.

I also am curious about the “ulterior motive”; brain bleach forever?
And can anyone confirm the circle phenomenon? It seems to not work with my sister’s cats, but they’re… eccentric.

We have tried this numerous times with our cat and he ignores whatever we put around him (well, after sniffing it, of course.) I can’t say that my cat is not eccentric, but he’s just so mellow it’s hard to tell.

10 years ago

First episode of the second season. I honestly had no idea what a Dominatrix was, or that that was a thing.

No idea.

At all.

I lived under a rock, obviously.

I think if I were to rewatch it now, I’d probably be okay. Then? YEEEEEEEEK! Stayawaystayawaystayaway! AHHH MY BRAIN AND EYES!

10 years ago

I admit I was focused on Jim, his plots, and the sense of powerlessness that it all fostered, rather than the way Irene tries to wrong-foot Sherlock. It’s been a while since I saw the ep, though they all stream off Netflix.

The next one, based on Hound of the Baskervilles, is jump-out-and-get-you scary, the closest the series has come so far to a classical monster.

10 years ago

The Tunak video was his response to criticism that his music was only popular because of all the sexy women in his videos. He decided to make a video featuring only himself to prove them wrong.

10 years ago

I was feeling a little low tonight, so I watched some World Order:

10 years ago



He’s one of my favorite YouTubers ever! 0u0

10 years ago

I love this thread.

10 years ago

I’m a How it Should Have Ended and Honest Trailer fan as well as a huge fan of red pandas and cats doing funny things.

10 years ago

I have a weakness for musicians hamming it up, like say Post-Modern Jukebox covering the Powerpuff Girls theme song:

Or the Ukelele Orchestra of Great Britain:

Or the Russian Army Choir (man, those hats!) singing Skyfall for an audience who I’m guessing (my Russian being nonexistent) are morning TV hosts loopy from too much coffee:

10 years ago

THANK THIS THREAD SO MUCH! Rocking out to Daler Mehndi on Pandora while packing to go home, and wondering how the heck I didn’t find this stuff before, because it is amazing.

Also, bookmarked this thread because NARWHALS and dogs who can’t get up, and driving Pianos to escape the cops.

10 years ago

Of course cats and more cats but also th show jumping rabbit competitions.
Plus the horses at play with balls.