david has questions off topic

Off-topic: What are your favorite guilty pleasure videos on YouTube?

This is completely off-topic but I’m curious: What are your favorite guilty pleasure videos on YouTube? That is, videos that you might be embarrassed to admit you watch but that you compulsively watch anyway. Or, heck, maybe you’re not embarrassed at all. Kitten videos? Pimple popping videos? Russian car crash videos? News anchors screwing up? Dudes sitting in the bathtub yelling about 50 Shades of Grey?

Whatever it is, let me know.

I kind of have a little bit of an ulterior motive.

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10 years ago

I like watching shows I used to watch as a kid. The Wombles, Stoppit and Tidyup, Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds etc.

But my definite guilty pleasure is Sesame Street parodies. My favourite so far is their Mad Men spoof.

10 years ago

Ok, so this one time, my beloved had a huge sebaceous cyst in his back, so I went online to do a bit of research and ended up watching a whole ton of videos related to abcess draining, pimple popping, blackhead squeezing and cyst removal. I have kind of a morbid fascination for gross medical stuff. I’m a bit of a ghoul.
* I think I saw the same video as paradoxicalintent.

Other than that, I waste so much time watching children’s cartoons (Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, Teen Titans) as well as other TV series, and I unironically enjoy the BBC’s Horrible Histories programme. It’s not really the content I’m ashamed of, it’s the number of hours spent watching it. 😛

10 years ago

“Anime 404″… just… watch it…

It’s a guilty pleasure because I am ashamed to admit to my friends and family that I actually get all the internet memes that are being referenced.

Also… Tunak Tunak Tun… I can’t understand anything the guy says, but damn, this is a catchy song…

It’s a guilty pleasure for me because… well… how do you admit to your friends and family that you like this sort of music? The first time I heard it I actually lost control and started dancing to it, which lead to my wife giving me the “am I really sleeping with that guy?!” look.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

I love watching music videos, kitty videos, and those old 50’s “How to be Swell” videos we used to watch in school.

10 years ago

Seriously, how could I pick just one?

The video that always cracks me up features the adventures of a concrete buffer with attitude and a grudge to settle.

(Hoping the embed works!)

10 years ago

Other favourites are one kitten’s reaction to apples…

10 years ago

…A chorus of silent monks…

10 years ago

…And the always-enchanting Cat on a Roomba!

10 years ago

I like the videos of Adam Buxton and of Cyriak (who did one for Adam, actually).

Adam Buxton doing Guitar Wolf:

Cyriak wishing all a Happy Christmas:

Cyriak and Adam bring you a happy little song:

10 years ago

Oh, and I nearly forgot: THIS brutal little piece which I will not inline for obvious reasons. The British political satire show That Was the Week That Was did it in response to the shooting of civil rights marcher William Lewis Moore.

It is *techinally* worksafe, but I wouldn’t watch it in an office. TRIGGER WARNINGS: N-word abuse and blackface.

10 years ago

…None of us are safe!

10 years ago

Markiplier!!! I love him, he’s hilarious and totally adorable.

10 years ago

Babies trying lemon for the first time:

10 years ago

This kid saying blood:

People trying foods from different countries:

10 years ago

I subscribe to a youtube channel called PistolShrimps

They are puerile!

GOBACK (@JoeKlemmer)
10 years ago

I’m to much of an old phart. I don’t watch videos on YouTube. I occasionally watch videos on Xvideos, but that’s once in a blue moon. Watching on my computer or phone is more of an annoyance than anything else.

10 years ago

I love love love ASMR ! It is the best thing ever, especially any one with a strong Russian accent. ASMRmania does the best videos. Also stupid news and game show blooper videos.

10 years ago

Okay, I don’t have access to Youtube right now, but if any of you get a chance, search “Wanna Buy A Ghost” on Youtube. My fave video of all time.

10 years ago

I love watching other people play horror games.

I do not have the nerves to play them myself. The only game I played properly halfway through was Amnesia: The Dark Descent, and I ended up having occasional nightmares and being afraid of the dark for a few months after. My mental health just isn’t up to it. (I don’t have the computer for it anymore, either – Amnesia now lags like hell even on the lowest quality settings.) I can’t even handle Five Nights at Freddy’s, despite the game being just a bunch of jump scares.

Even so, I love both Amnesia and FNAF. The only way I can enjoy them is by watching people play them on Youtube. I usually watch them without commentary, but I have watched Markiplier’s (see the video Marci embedded) and Raedwulfgamer’s playthroughs of FNAF, just because it’s less nerve-wracking when someone is talking over the video. I can’t remember what channels I watched that didn’t have commentary, though.

I also enjoyed Outlast and Neverending Nightmares, but again, I had to watch videos of other people playing them.

I consider it a guilty pleasure because I do feel guilty about watching them instead of playing them. [insert fake gamergirl joke here] Lately I have been making a point to buy indie horror games if I like them after watching them, even if I don’t have the nerves to actually play them. I want to at least support the devs for making great games, and most indie horror games aren’t that expensive.

Aside from that, I watch Achievement Hunter. Unlike with horror games, I don’t have an excuse for it. I just like watching them do nothing except playing games and cursing. I also don’t mind Michael’s older Rage Quits, though I’d never admit it anywhere where I’m not anonymous.

10 years ago

’20 short clips from dangaioh’

Hilariously bad dub for the UK release of a mecha anime, though toward the end you get the feeling the scriptwriter (and the actor for the villain) was having a lot of fun. Warning to language – the dub was heavilly fifteened (copious swearing added to the script to bump is rating from PG to 15 to be ‘cooler’ to teens), and the first episode (of three presented) was chunked intot a 10 minute prologue

10 years ago

For some reason, I like watching people from other countries taste test other countries favorite foods


10 years ago

I like watching finnish ytp videos or other equally silly things. I also play Cr1tikal’s videos on background when I draw because his narrating is oddly calming.

Biot (on a different browser this time)
Biot (on a different browser this time)
10 years ago

My personal guilty pleasure: anything related to QI. Like cravats on cross-country runs:

An enlightening (and funny) discussion about cheese:

And, on a tangential note, watching David Mitchell come close to exploding with laughter. (Most of the clips are from a game/quiz show called “Would I Lie to You.”)

I REALLY recommend the full Cuddle Jumper clip at the end.

Biot (on a different browser this time)
Biot (on a different browser this time)
10 years ago

There are also “man trapped in a box” impressions:

And Michael Caine impressions:

Heck, even Michael Caine gets in on the Michael Caine impressions (with Billy Connelly in tow)!

Okay, I’ll stop.