david has questions off topic

Off-topic: What are your favorite guilty pleasure videos on YouTube?

This is completely off-topic but I’m curious: What are your favorite guilty pleasure videos on YouTube? That is, videos that you might be embarrassed to admit you watch but that you compulsively watch anyway. Or, heck, maybe you’re not embarrassed at all. Kitten videos? Pimple popping videos? Russian car crash videos? News anchors screwing up? Dudes sitting in the bathtub yelling about 50 Shades of Grey?

Whatever it is, let me know.

I kind of have a little bit of an ulterior motive.

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10 years ago

I really like those pretend-real video series of people running away from slenderman; I watch those religiously. I also love let’s play videos, especially ones by Markiplier. And I also love ASMR videos, mostly ones involving certain sounds (shoe-shining, floam squishing, and game controller button pressing are my favorite) or certain scenarios (like consoling friend or photoshoot roleplays). That stuff usually puts me right into a blissful trance or makes me fall asleep. The internet is a magical place.

10 years ago

Little Miss Grump loves skeletons. She loves the song Spooky Scary Skeletons, and anything animated skeletons. Here’s a neat spin from the original.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Team Fortress Laser Death Kitty

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Old 1970s commercials. They don’t make jingles like this anymore:

10 years ago

Someone cut together all the space combat scenes from the Battle of Endor …

I love how the B-Wings just disappear a minute or two into the video. Apparently the models were too difficult to film. Also, is it me, or does Dennis Lawson (Wedge, the guy in the X-Wing) just seem to be completely unenthusiastic about his role?

And this Nikki Minaj Starships mashup is just wonderful. Someone took a song about partying and how fun sex is and interpreted the chorus literally.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

I also like old educational films where they try to scare kids into not horsing around on the school bus or dropping acid (because your lunchtime hot dog will come to life, start talking, and result in a permanent freak-out). Horrible acting, wooden dialogue, ham-handed lessons.

A non-guilty pleasure: PES videos. “Western Spaghetti” and “Fresh Guacamole” make me strangely hungry for rubber bands, Play-Doh, and dice.

10 years ago


(because your lunchtime hot dog will come to life, start talking, and result in a permanent freak-out)

I’m not even on acid and that’s freaking me out.

10 years ago

A lot of weirdo, creepy cartoons from guys like Ukinojoe or FilmCow. Stupid nu-metal music videos as well, those are always a good time. As well as videos that mock fedoralord/weed culture, those are great. Like these!

10 years ago

Youtube Poop Music Videos about obscure Mexican shows in Portuguese:

SaltyBet MUGEN fights:

And whatever this thing is:

10 years ago

Fuck, the embed borked my first two links. First was supposed to be this

10 years ago

And the second one this:

Can a mod fix my first post?

10 years ago

Videos of old Chuck E. Cheese animatronic skits from the 70s through the mid-80s, both from former locations and newer videos fans have made with their privately-owned bots. Used to love going there as a kid back in the early 80s, and the game Five Nights at Freddy’s rekindled my affection for the place and the characters as they were back then. Unlike today’s nice, kid-friendly version, Chuck was blunt, sarcastic and could be kind of a douche at times. Watched a few videos and discovered the skits at the time were written with both children and adults in mind and are actually really clever. Now I’m hooked.

10 years ago

I have a few subscriptions… here are some I don’t think have been mentioned already:
Simon’s Cat (
Wildlife Aid (
Henri (
Cravendale, specifically for the Cats With Thumbs series of videos (

But also comedy stuff like:
Cinema Sins, which helps the OCD part of me (
Screen Junkies, in particular the honest trailers (

10 years ago

Let’s Plays by Crossknights, this one guy nobody knows about but is who is pretty much the only LPer I don’t find totally obnoxious and unlikeable. I used to watch his stuff pretty much daily back when I was super depressed because he used to make it daily, but he doesn’t anymore and neither do I.

10 years ago

Every Billy on the Street ever made….Paul Rudd lip-syncing Tina Turner…

And the guiltiest of all : “The Renewed Mind is the Key”. It’s so amazing. If the link below doesn’t work, you really must google it. I love Patrick Bateman’s new direction.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

@ Jay, it’s fine. There are 3 kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can’t.

My favourite YouTubes are anything MST3K, Nerdy Nummies, and (of course) Misogyny Theater. Guilty pleasure, though, I think I have to go with My Drunk Kitchen.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

OH! And my eldest got Mouse and I addicted to Simon’s Cat.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

I must confess: my guilty Youtube pleasure is the ridiculous Devil May Cry anime.

It has everything a bad anime could want, but what wins my heart is the bad case of Strike A Pose Syndrome from which it suffers.

10 years ago

I’ll second the Dragonball Z abridged series.

10 years ago


I didn’t know that. I just watched that video 3 times. Not kidding. Piano driving. All the yes.

(also, seconding simon’s cat)

10 years ago

Wowcrendor’s World of Warcraft machinimas. It was hard to choose just one to link, so here’s one that’s a mash-up of several of his videos:

Loon of Nature (@LoonOfNature)

Anything by Jim Sterling. Specifically Jim Sterling playing shitty games. He plays good ones sometimes but I skip those, I’m here to watch terrible game I would never see or play otherwise.

He doesn’t even keep riffing the game past halfway through, he starts talking about his (infinitely more entertaining) DnD sessions. I could be watching modeling or concept art tutorials but NOPE TIME TO WATCH THE JIM F-ING STERLING SON.

10 years ago

I saw a video of people removing a 20-year-old blackhead once, and I couldn’t look away. They did get it out, and I’m grateful for that. It looked *painful*.

I would say my current YouTube go-tos have been the Yogscast (mostly just their Minecraft stuff, and only a few members of such. I like to binge watch episodes, so I wait a while after I catch up to catch up again), and Northernlion’s The Binding of Isaac Rebirth series. I love Rebirth (a LOT), and it’s awesome to get tips and tricks from him. :3

I actually just won my sixth (?) run, and I’m super happy about that.

10 years ago


Hell yeah! I love watching Jim’s videos! I was a little sad because he left The Escapist, but I’m happy he’s got his own site now, and that he’s got a Patreon.

10 years ago

I don’t know how I could have forgotten Henri. It’s close to inexcusable. My only guilt comes from making everyone I’ve ever known watch it.

I also am curious about the “ulterior motive”; brain bleach forever?
And can anyone confirm the circle phenomenon? It seems to not work with my sister’s cats, but they’re… eccentric.