david has questions off topic

Off-topic: What are your favorite guilty pleasure videos on YouTube?

This is completely off-topic but I’m curious: What are your favorite guilty pleasure videos on YouTube? That is, videos that you might be embarrassed to admit you watch but that you compulsively watch anyway. Or, heck, maybe you’re not embarrassed at all. Kitten videos? Pimple popping videos? Russian car crash videos? News anchors screwing up? Dudes sitting in the bathtub yelling about 50 Shades of Grey?

Whatever it is, let me know.

I kind of have a little bit of an ulterior motive.

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10 years ago

Dudes sitting in the bathtub yelling about 50 Shades of Grey?

10 years ago

I will never be able to get enough of BABYMETAL…..

10 years ago


10 years ago

Daily YouTube let’s plays. Raocow has been making videos daily for about 7 years and I’ve more or less kept up.

Jay Elmore
10 years ago

Here are two for me.

PSY – Gangnam Style:
Crab Dance from the Oregon Aquarium:
And the best music video EVER: Rock Sugar – Dont’ Stop the Sandman:

Jay Elmore
10 years ago

Ok, so I can’t count. 🙁

10 years ago

Daily YouTube lets plays. Especially Raocow. He’s been making videos at the rate of 1 or 2 a day and I’ve more or less kept up.

10 years ago

(I mean to say, I’ve kept up since 2006, so about eight years.)

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

I love watching people play (well, attempt to play) Godawful broken video games. I’ll spare the embeds of any with commentary, since the MST3King tends to devolve into a mindless swear word salad, but here’s a voiceover-free classic:

10 years ago

Anything warhammer 40k related

Scott Hamilton
10 years ago

Clouded leopard cubs.

10 years ago

Let’s see – Engineer’s Guide to Cats and the various ones by those guys

Cole and Marmalade

Shorty and Kodi

True Facts

Cat or dog videos generally

That said, I don’t spend much time on YouTube; most of what I see comes from here. If I’m on YouTube, I’m either looking for a song or a scene from a film.

10 years ago

I love Gangnam style parodies. Also the original. Plus anything that has dogs being, well, dogs.

10 years ago

For the gamer types, here’s a video of two Icelandic gamers messing around in Surgeon Simulator:

(Contains strong language and a quasi-cartoony depiction of major surgery, so it may not be for everyone, but omg it made me cry laughing)

10 years ago

Oh and, of course, a classic go-to is any video of Maru ever made.

10 years ago

Makeup videos. I don’t even wear makeup that often but I find the way some people (not just women) can transform their looks in such creative ways absolutely fascinating to watch.

10 years ago

Maybe it’s because I live in an apartment and wish I could make changes (can’t even paint), but I find the tile installation videos from Schluter Kerdi very soothing:

10 years ago

Kind of a guilty pleasure for me are “boyfriend does my make-up” videos. It’s only guilty because I don’t know whether or not the thought behind them is based on exploiting gender roles like “lol boys can’t do make-up.” :/ But it is hilarious watching people who are clueless about make-up try to put make-up on someone who’s actually good at it and kind of trying to not look horrified at how much they’re messing up.

And some of the guys end up actually knowing what they’re doing much to the surprise of their girlfriend. There’s a lot of variety to these videos.

10 years ago

This video, I watch it at least once a day and have for about a year. It cracks me up every time –

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Noadi, that does sound interesting. Got amy recs?

Personally, I enjoy a good abscess lancing. And I love “the weird part of youtube”, where the really wacky conspiracy videos live. I’ll post some when I get home.

laughnwitch (@laughnwitch)

It is animal videos I have some of my youtube on social and political stuff and some on cute animals and stuff like that.

10 years ago

One of mine is definitely this Frozen/World of Warcraft mashup.

John Strycharz
John Strycharz
10 years ago

Here’s Nina and some lip-syncing rug-rats to tell you how Xmas trees are grown. (Spoiler: it takes both kindness and L-O-V-E!)

10 years ago

Music video’s from the 90’s . KLF, blur, four none blondes and pretty much anything because to anyone under a certain age the 90’s were awesome.

Real guilty pleasure – random cat videos and of course Maru,who’s an utter munch!
Guilty pleasure because my cat is not happy about me looking at other cats on the internet.

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