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It’s not exactly news that the slimeball pickup artists I write about on this blog have a bit of a double standard when it comes to sexuality. What is still surprising to me, even after years of reading these guys, is just how much they hate women for sleeping with guys like them.
For proof, look no further than the latest blog post by Roosh Valizadeh, an utterly appalling slice of misogyny that’s terrible even by Roosh’s low standards.
After a weirdly obtuse “critique” of a video by Swedish pop star Tove Lo – Roosh has a little trouble telling the difference between the singer and the depressed, self-destructive hedonist she portrays in her video – he launches into a vicious tirade against “the current generation of women” that seems driven as much by his own sexual insecurities and self-hatred as it is by hatred of women.
Roosh – a man who moved to Eastern Europe in pursuit of casual sex, a man who makes his living teaching men his dubious pickup techniques – starts off by denouncing women for indulging their own sexual desires with multiple men.
This sluttification of women, which Tove Lo’s catchy song conveys as normal and even fun, is part of a culture where every man who seeks serious relationships with women is a soft cuckold, because he’s the last man in a 30-man gangbang trying to give tender kisses on the lips and labia of a woman who has been rode hard and defiled for years.
That’s right: Roosh evidently thinks every woman who has sex with a man other than him is thereby “cuckolding” him.
How can any man who approaches a girl today see her as more than a cum bucket? Because let’s be real: she has been serving as a cum bucket thanks to a perverse culture that methodically trains and encourages her to take buckets of cum from men who make her vagina tingle, all as a way to help her “grow” as a person, find herself, and become strong and independent, which means not sobbing for more than a day when the latest bad boy she fell for turned out to be a selfish person who didn’t value her beyond the sexual.
What makes this especially creepy isn’t just the double standard; it’s that this is Roosh’s opinion of the women he spends his entire life trying to get into bed.
This is the girl who’s going to be your lifelong faithful partner? The girl who’s going to be the mother of your children?
Wait. So Roosh is telling us that after a few years of riding the vagina carousel, as it were, Roosh wants to settle down and get married? The irony, it burns.
I cringe at that notion, as should all men. I rather be an evolutionary dead-end that let a whore be the mother of my child, but men today are being trained to accept the whore mother and to be the soft cuckold, the sucker that gets to buy the goods at full price even though it has declined 80% of value from its peak.
Seriously, Roosh, please be an evolutionary dead-end.
Not that he’s likely to be able find a willing bride, unless he somehow prevents the woman in question from Googling his name and finding out what he actually believes.
It’s amazing that in just three generations, women have gone from being potential wives and mothers to nothing more than fuck toys. Men used to meet traditionally minded virgins, but are now stuck with a seemingly unlimited pool of mediocre sluts who have been fucked in the ass by multiple men.
So Roosh is shocked that the women he has casual sex with are women who … have casual sex?
Why would he think that his brilliant pickup strategy of pursuing drunk women in bars would result in him meeting a lot of “traditionally minded virgins?”
This is complete and utter decimation of the female human.
Apparently penises are so destructive to women that any woman who encounters more than one in her lifetime is “utterly decimated” by contact with them.
Men can no longer gain any meaning or value from a woman beyond sex, even if he is truly capable of being the world’s number one dad, and rest assured that the degeneracy that has so swallowed America whole will spread throughout the world from the trojan horse technology out of Silicon Valley.
Yep. He’s angry and jealous that iPhones give women more options in dating than just him.
And he also somehow seems to think he’s capable of being “the world’s number one dad.”
How did this happen? How did we get to this point? A book can be written on the answer, but understand that trillions of dollars are to be made by destroying the feminine mother and putting a mindless and shallow consumer fuck robot in her stead.
Oh dear. Here come the conspiracy theories.
The finger can be pointed at the elite and their useful idiots for creating this environment, but the fact still remains that this is not a good time to be a normal man with the normal need to reproduce with a good woman who will stay loyal to him, raise his kids right, retain a thin figure, and take care of his home.
Wow. What a great deal for a woman! I can’t understand why women aren’t lining up in droves for the chance to marry this prize of a man.
A man who puts in triple overtime and travels abroad can find the exceptions, but for the lot of men in the Western world, there is no longer any meaning beyond casual sex that can be gained from women. These are end times for traditional pair bonding.
And yet somehow most people end up in relationships, and the world isn’t exactly running out of babies.
So on that note, I urge you to learn game, seduce these inadequate women, and try out those moves you’ve seen in porn, because that sex drive of yours is not going anywhere and must be sated for your own mental health.
I’ve rarely seen a man so eager to announce to the world that he has absolutely no idea how to satisfy a woman in bed. Or even an understanding as to why satisfying a woman might be a good thing not only for her but for him as well.
Beyond that, however, don’t expect much more, because women can no longer provide you with what women of the past so easily could.
Roosh Valizadeh, everyone – a man who thinks he could be the greatest dad ever.
So how does a man end up loathing the women who sleep with him … because they sleep with him?
I’m not sure that’s the right question. I think Roosh’s real anger is directed at the women who won’t sleep with him – but will sleep with other men.
After all, as Roosh has often acknowledged, the life of a would-be “pickup artist” isn’t one of endless triumphs. In fact, it’s one of constant rejection, as the overwhelming majority of the women that these guys approach have no interest in them.
Instead of being able to roll with this – rejection is an inevitable part of romantic life for everyone – Roosh sees this rejection as a personal affront. In his mind, these women are denying him something that he is entitled to, something that he has worked hard for – hell, he even moved to Eastern Europe in an attempt to find more pliable women to pursue.
That’s why he feels he’s been “cuckolded” by any woman who sleeps with men other than him.
This isn’t just fucked up. Roosh’s philosophy is dangerous to women, as is he.
Yeah, this guy seems like a total catch. Non-judgmental, open-minded, super-respectful, sexually secure. I’m sure his totally-real-not-at-all-imaginary ex is bawling into her pillow at night.
Exactly Lea, it basically reads as ‘woman regains freedom’. The horror!
Meanwhile, the most inappropriate use of ‘but in reality’ goes to:
Lea – well, in Roosh’s case I suspect any of his bodily fluids are so foul they’re corrosive. I imagine any woman unfortunate enough to get that close to him spends a lot of time scrubbing herself in a scalding hot shower afterward.
It also strikes me that his fondness for targeting women in bars gives a whole new slant to the term “blind drunk”. Because if you could see him clearly, ewww.
Award for strangest analogy:
I know, it’s such a puzzler, right?
Although, I have to say, I feel like my contempt for Roosh is becoming tinged with pity, despite the fact that he is thoroughly repugnant. His life just seems so uniformly depressing and lonely.
I think I’m noticing it even more because I’m in the early stages of a new “pair-bonding”, of the sort Roosh does not believe exists. My dude does not qualify as “alpha” on any level – he’s a nerdy computer scienctist who is pretty much allergic to the gym, and I currently earn more money than him. I am neither thin nor a virgin nor particularly interested in kids and housework. By Roosh’s diagnosis, my dude is a “soft cuckold” who secretly resents me for having a sex life before him and I’m a mercenary slut who’s only hanging around until I find a muscle-bound douchebro to put me in my place. But that’s just not reality on any level – reality is that we are starting out in an exciting new relationship, full of affection, mutual respect and (very excellent) sexy-times. And it’s great. We’re ridiculously happy. Like, walking-around-grinning-at-each-other-all-day happy. We are the kind of infatuated that you can’t fake. And Roosh can write a bitter doom-and-gloom blog post every day for the rest of his life, and his utterly warped worldview will still have no bearing on reality. People meet and date and fall in love and get married and raise families and grow old together all the time. It’s happening right now for millions and millions of couples.
Roosh wants his misery to be universal – he wants to convince himself that every man feels as inadequate and alienated from women as he does, and that sexually-active women really are soiled sluts full of secret shame that he can use as a weapon against them. He has to believe that that relationships really are a cruel survival-of-the-fittest “marketplace”, otherwise he has to acknowledge that the problem might be with him. He wants to believe that the rest of the world is as desperate and sad as he is, because the alternative is confronting his own loneliness. And it’s becoming more apparent with each new post, and it is deeply pathetic.
To those who wish to keep Roosh et al. at a distance then neither the a pike or a naginata is sufficient.
I would suggest a Boar spear
A Ranseur
or a Partisan
The side projections keep the beast at a distance
There is that fear of inadequacy again.
The brown men are stealing their white wimminz!
That is exactly the point where any pity I could muster vanishes.
Those are excellent PUA touching sticks. Thank you.
I dont think he is dangerous to women. I just think its fucking stupid for him and the likes to talk about how cool it is to game and fuck women while paradoxically complaining about the loss of traditionalism and family hierarchies. I also feel its counterproductive for guys to brag about how good they have it. I dont even practice “game”. Its stupid.
Or alternatively, you had a good thing going with someone you were compatible with but you turned out to be a misogynistic manbaby who isn’t mature enough to deal with the fact that your girlfriend wasn’t waiting in a hermetically sealed box for you to come along and select her so you destroyed your relationship.
Yep. Eve was so slutty that she was banging all these dudes that didn’t even exist yet!
Meanwhile, in reality:
Couples are now staying married 75% of the time. That’s up quite a bit from the previous 50%. Commitment is not being eroded by access to birth control, women in the workplace, no fault divorce, same sex marriage and the freedom to have lovers prior to marriage. It’s almost like when people choose to be married rather than being forced to marry, they are more likely to stay that way. Whoda thunk?
I feel bad for Roosh, but not for the reasons he thinks I should.
He has made a “career” of telling other men how to get laid by violating boundaries and he wants so badly for that to be a necessary and viable service to provide. Badly enough to elaborate on his head-canon of reality where we’re supposed to believe no “normal” man would ever get laid without his expert help.
In real reality, 99.9% of humanity does get laid and would get laid without him, with the other .1% consciously deciding that sex is not for them, AND HE KNOWS IT. He knows how incredibly superfluous his “job” really is, not to mention how pathetic it is to be trying day in and out to get people to believe that he is necessary.
Roosh has no talents, skills, or personality, but he has ONE hobby, and he desperately wants to make believe that he is someone who is making a positive difference in the world. That is some sad, sad life bro.
WTF is a SWPL? These guys, they have more acronyms than the US gummint.
If he’d been a good man he wouldn’t have been such a dick about her having a ‘dark past’. It doesn’t make any difference who or how many partners she’s had in the past, it’s about who she’s with now and at the time it was you, you idiot.
As someone said earlier in this thread, you can be an adult about it and work out how you might change to accomodate your partner (i.e. get over your bigoted/racist views, no big loss) or you can blame everyone else and stay how you are, ensuring you never find anyone you can live with (or can live with you).
High five. That is just the most awesome time in a relationship, though I remember getting absolutely nothing productive done in that entire time because all the focus was on each other. Not that I’d change it in any way. It’s way too much fun. May it last forever 🙂
@Bina: SWPL = Stuff White People Like. There’s a site by that name but I haven’t looked at it much. I think the SWPL acronym came up here before, and is generally shorthand for “denies the awesomeness and supremacy of the Aryan race.”
When used by MRAs and MRA adjacent folk, anyway.
Ah, so this guy is one of THOSE, then.
Why am I not surprised?
If anyone slept with other people, it was Adam. Does the name “Lillith” ring a bell?
But Lillith was bad and slutty! Adam can not possibly be expected to take any responsibility for it.
Every time I see a post about Roosh…
Roosh really does want it both ways. A few years ago he was banging his chest claiming to be one of the “alpha fucks” who was laying all the hot wimmin. At the same time he views all women as sluts because what else are they if they’re not virgins?
Fast forward to today and that same projection is tripping him up. He now whines about being one of the “beta bucks” the manosphere talks of, except the other misogynists put the fucks and the bucks in separate black and white categories and the betas resent the alphas for “defiling the good women”.
I know that self awareness isn’t Rooshie’s strong point but how is he not suffering cognitive dissonance? He once WAS one of those alpha assholes stealing teh females. Or is it that darling Doosh V wants to have his cake and eat it and if he can’t it’s womens fault? For sleeping with him AND not sleeping with him?
Hmm, kind of sounds like bullshit.
Definitely bullshit with a big scoop of racism.
Well, Lilith ran away because Adam would want to “try the moves he’d seen in porn” with her whether she liked it or not.
So she cried rape (the slut!!) and God decided there was place in heaven for an abusive asshole but not for a slutty slut who wouldn’t slut up or him.
Misogynists: not coming up with anything new in 6000 years.
@lith, ha, thank you!
Yes, absolutely. My blog has lain fallow for weeks and my bathroom sink is getting to the point of grossness where I’m actively avoiding dealing with it. AH YOUNG LOVE.
Fortunately, he’s an early riser (likes to get into work between 8am and 8.30am), whereas I usually feel like I’m having a functional adult day if I’m seated at my desk with the computer booted up and a cup of tea by 9.30am. But now I’m dragging my arse out of bed before 7 most mornings and my boss has been very impressed by my newfound burst of commitment to my work! So swings and roundabouts.
sunnysombrera – I think that Roosh IS suffering cognitive dissonance, but lacks the awareness to see it! I actually would REALLY like to see him justify this no win position, but obviously he never will, I expect he would say something like ‘only Alphas would understand’ and then carry on condemning all the ‘sluts’ that he tries SO desperately to enter.