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It’s not exactly news that the slimeball pickup artists I write about on this blog have a bit of a double standard when it comes to sexuality. What is still surprising to me, even after years of reading these guys, is just how much they hate women for sleeping with guys like them.
For proof, look no further than the latest blog post by Roosh Valizadeh, an utterly appalling slice of misogyny that’s terrible even by Roosh’s low standards.
After a weirdly obtuse “critique” of a video by Swedish pop star Tove Lo – Roosh has a little trouble telling the difference between the singer and the depressed, self-destructive hedonist she portrays in her video – he launches into a vicious tirade against “the current generation of women” that seems driven as much by his own sexual insecurities and self-hatred as it is by hatred of women.
Roosh – a man who moved to Eastern Europe in pursuit of casual sex, a man who makes his living teaching men his dubious pickup techniques – starts off by denouncing women for indulging their own sexual desires with multiple men.
This sluttification of women, which Tove Lo’s catchy song conveys as normal and even fun, is part of a culture where every man who seeks serious relationships with women is a soft cuckold, because he’s the last man in a 30-man gangbang trying to give tender kisses on the lips and labia of a woman who has been rode hard and defiled for years.
That’s right: Roosh evidently thinks every woman who has sex with a man other than him is thereby “cuckolding” him.
How can any man who approaches a girl today see her as more than a cum bucket? Because let’s be real: she has been serving as a cum bucket thanks to a perverse culture that methodically trains and encourages her to take buckets of cum from men who make her vagina tingle, all as a way to help her “grow” as a person, find herself, and become strong and independent, which means not sobbing for more than a day when the latest bad boy she fell for turned out to be a selfish person who didn’t value her beyond the sexual.
What makes this especially creepy isn’t just the double standard; it’s that this is Roosh’s opinion of the women he spends his entire life trying to get into bed.
This is the girl who’s going to be your lifelong faithful partner? The girl who’s going to be the mother of your children?
Wait. So Roosh is telling us that after a few years of riding the vagina carousel, as it were, Roosh wants to settle down and get married? The irony, it burns.
I cringe at that notion, as should all men. I rather be an evolutionary dead-end that let a whore be the mother of my child, but men today are being trained to accept the whore mother and to be the soft cuckold, the sucker that gets to buy the goods at full price even though it has declined 80% of value from its peak.
Seriously, Roosh, please be an evolutionary dead-end.
Not that he’s likely to be able find a willing bride, unless he somehow prevents the woman in question from Googling his name and finding out what he actually believes.
It’s amazing that in just three generations, women have gone from being potential wives and mothers to nothing more than fuck toys. Men used to meet traditionally minded virgins, but are now stuck with a seemingly unlimited pool of mediocre sluts who have been fucked in the ass by multiple men.
So Roosh is shocked that the women he has casual sex with are women who … have casual sex?
Why would he think that his brilliant pickup strategy of pursuing drunk women in bars would result in him meeting a lot of “traditionally minded virgins?”
This is complete and utter decimation of the female human.
Apparently penises are so destructive to women that any woman who encounters more than one in her lifetime is “utterly decimated” by contact with them.
Men can no longer gain any meaning or value from a woman beyond sex, even if he is truly capable of being the world’s number one dad, and rest assured that the degeneracy that has so swallowed America whole will spread throughout the world from the trojan horse technology out of Silicon Valley.
Yep. He’s angry and jealous that iPhones give women more options in dating than just him.
And he also somehow seems to think he’s capable of being “the world’s number one dad.”
How did this happen? How did we get to this point? A book can be written on the answer, but understand that trillions of dollars are to be made by destroying the feminine mother and putting a mindless and shallow consumer fuck robot in her stead.
Oh dear. Here come the conspiracy theories.
The finger can be pointed at the elite and their useful idiots for creating this environment, but the fact still remains that this is not a good time to be a normal man with the normal need to reproduce with a good woman who will stay loyal to him, raise his kids right, retain a thin figure, and take care of his home.
Wow. What a great deal for a woman! I can’t understand why women aren’t lining up in droves for the chance to marry this prize of a man.
A man who puts in triple overtime and travels abroad can find the exceptions, but for the lot of men in the Western world, there is no longer any meaning beyond casual sex that can be gained from women. These are end times for traditional pair bonding.
And yet somehow most people end up in relationships, and the world isn’t exactly running out of babies.
So on that note, I urge you to learn game, seduce these inadequate women, and try out those moves you’ve seen in porn, because that sex drive of yours is not going anywhere and must be sated for your own mental health.
I’ve rarely seen a man so eager to announce to the world that he has absolutely no idea how to satisfy a woman in bed. Or even an understanding as to why satisfying a woman might be a good thing not only for her but for him as well.
Beyond that, however, don’t expect much more, because women can no longer provide you with what women of the past so easily could.
Roosh Valizadeh, everyone – a man who thinks he could be the greatest dad ever.
So how does a man end up loathing the women who sleep with him … because they sleep with him?
I’m not sure that’s the right question. I think Roosh’s real anger is directed at the women who won’t sleep with him – but will sleep with other men.
After all, as Roosh has often acknowledged, the life of a would-be “pickup artist” isn’t one of endless triumphs. In fact, it’s one of constant rejection, as the overwhelming majority of the women that these guys approach have no interest in them.
Instead of being able to roll with this – rejection is an inevitable part of romantic life for everyone – Roosh sees this rejection as a personal affront. In his mind, these women are denying him something that he is entitled to, something that he has worked hard for – hell, he even moved to Eastern Europe in an attempt to find more pliable women to pursue.
That’s why he feels he’s been “cuckolded” by any woman who sleeps with men other than him.
This isn’t just fucked up. Roosh’s philosophy is dangerous to women, as is he.
Which just shows how little sex or the lack of it actually has to do with their misogyny, doesn’t it?
If he’s not careful, with this ‘”bwah, all the good wife material is getting dirty!’ someone among his followers might actually connect the dots.
You see, Roosh has made his living, such as it is, claiming to teach other men to have lots of casual sex, right? When he writes one of those Bang (insert name of country) books he’s not just bragging he’s so very alpha. He’s flat out telling his readers HE is a tool of the useful idiots. HE is travelling around ruining other men’s chances at finding good wife material.He encourages is followers to do so as well.
So some schmuck who dabbled in PUA game starts to think it might be nice to settle down. And here’s one of his teachers talking about how the women they’ve been targeting are now spoiled goods and how it is demeaning for a guy to marry a non-virginal woman. So now instead of Roosh the dispenser of PUA Troofs, Roosh is revealed as a guy who makes soft cuckolds of his fellow men. He is, by his own words, a defiler of women, rendering them unfit for marriage.Thus showing just what contempt he has for his readers, who are after all, “normal men” who need a loyal, thin, undefiled woman on whom to get their children.
And his followers *are paying him to do it and then brag openly about it*.
It’s pathetic.
There were also no gay people, only confirmed bachelors and eccentric, spinster aunts with their long-term roommates.
And guys who really liked hunting trips.
Like, really liked hunting trips – and even though they were married with kids, rarely took their sons on these trips (and when they did it was always the weekend trips, not the week-long ones).
Has Roosh been reading up on Groucho Marx? “I don’t care to sleep with a woman who would sleep with me.”
proxieme – reminds me of that line from Brokeback Mountain, “I need more than a couple of high-altitude fucks a year!”
My husband, for instance (sorry – I know that I bring him up a lot, but he’s awesome), had one of the shittier, non-fatal childhoods that I’ve ever heard about – like, I regularly hear about parents getting jailed for actions analogous to the crap his parents pulled – and he then had really awful luck with women through his 20s (tales supported by friends and family, so it’s not just one person’s woe-is-me).
You know what he’s said about the former?
“All of that really sucked. At least I have great examples of what not to do as a parent.”
And the latter?
He’s said that between the ending of his last relationship and our meeting, he’d landed at, “Well, that hasn’t worked out for me so far. I’m not giving up on relationships or women, but I’m going to take some time for self-reflection and to work on myself.”
DO YOU KNOW WHY HE SAID THOSE THINGS (MRAs/PUAs/Roosh, if you’re there)?
Because he’s not a child.
He’s not chronically stuck in a selfish feedback loop of self loathing directed outwards towards all that has wronged him.
He’s an adult.
Awful shit’s happened, and he takes responsibility for his own subsequent thoughts and actions.
proxieme – high-five!
I love hearing about other Mammotheers’ awesome partners and families. 🙂
Sounds like your man and mine would have stories of horrible childhoods to share. Gah.
I’ve noticed something popping up in American popular culture more and more: The dude gay guy.
You know – a guy that in a heteronormative context would of course be assumed to be straight. Perhaps even more importantly: The dude gay guy couple is becoming an ackowledged thing. it’s no longer automatically assumed that romance necessitates differing gendered expressions.
My conjecture: a lot of people who’d have wedged themselves into a path of opposite-sex marriage and kids (whether because of internal struggles, external pressures, or both) and perhaps found little somethin’-somethin’s on the sly are now more apt to have had the time to explore their sexuality and attractions through their teens and 20s and to’ve found a place that works best for them.
It’s slow, but it’s there if you look.
Granted, I’m someone who doesn’t watch much TV, but (at least as far as the media with which I interact) I like the evolution in gender representation/identity and sexuality that’s finally making its way into the broader public consciousness.
Sorry, off topic – just something that’s been on my mind lately.
Kitteh – 😀
He really is the best. Still can get a little down during the holidays (bad memories), but I’ve noticed that that’s changing as new, good memories crowd out the old.
I’m sure this has been said of Roosh before, but I really get the feeling that he’s going to be either a serial killer or mass murderer someday. The way he speaks of women, words filled with such anger, and in such dehumanized tones… It really feels reminiscent of the manifestos of other people who turned to violence to “solve societies problems”.
But, eh, maybe I’m just reading too much into it. I only ever hear about him at his worst, after all, and very, very few people actually do kill anyone, And he’s also a shameless self-promoter willing to say just about anything for clicks – maybe he just thinks sounding actually dangerous sells to his audience (which, sadly, is likely true). There’s reason enough to believe my impression is wrong.
But I’d still probably move away if we lived in the same neighborhood. And not just because he’s a disgusting person whom I would hate to ever actually meet.
Plus young children.
It can be difficult for bad memories to find much traction when you have frenetic little people flipping their kids because OHMYGAWDSANTA and AHHHTHEELFMOVEDHOWDIDHEMOVE (we do that creepy Elf on the Shelf thing) and COOOOKIES!LIGHTS!COOOOOKIES!THERE’SATREEINSIDE!AHHHHHH!
LOL the ultimate distraction devices, proxieme!
But yay for good new memories crowding out the rotten old ones!
I’m inclined to agree about the dude gay guys – pretty much any blokes I see here who’re presumably partners (holding hands, body language, etc) don’t have the slightest hint apart from that of being gay.
Reminds of an old Russian anecdote: Four men sitting, drinking. One of them asks others, if Lena has ever slept with them. Everyone says that no, they tried but Lena rejected them. So the first man says: “She rejected me as well! What a whore!”
So according to this guy the most important things that a “normal man” desires in a woman is raising his children, thinness, housekeeping and loyalty? It’s like he can’t imagine loving someone for reasons that aren’t entirely selfish. I mean all of those qualities are entirely for the benefit of the man. Wow. Just wow. Sad.
It’s not like you can want to be with someone for their intelligence, creativity, talent, sense of humor, kindness…etc. That would mean that men are capable of treating women like actual human beings. w…t….f
I have to concur with all the people who repeatedly say that the manosphere as a whole are the ones who commit the most soul-crushing and foul misandry ever seen.
To be fair to Roosh though, they did make him do it. And by ‘make’ I mean via some impressive sleight of hand type magic that you can’t work out how it was done. Or that they were doing it at all. I bet they did it with CGI – yeah, that’ll be it. The whole of womankind used CGI to make Roosh be horrible to them. Shame on you womankind, how could you?
Also, bonus points for “greasy manchild”.
I always found it interesting how these guys never say what they can offer to women, only what women should be offering them.
Even the things they claim to offer women aren’t exactly amazing.
Money: There seem to be conflicting views on this. They think men should be the breadwinners, but they also think women who marry for money are gold-diggers and therefore not marriage material. I’m also pretty sure it’s very hard for a family to survive on a single salary these days, and I doubt Roosh is raking in a six-figure income.
Also, women work and can make their own money. Even if I were a pure innocent virgin, why would I tie myself down to a(n unwiped) asshole if I can survive on my own?
Sex: Seriously, Roosh? “Try out those moves you’ve seen in porn”? Well, at least he outright admits he doesn’t know how to pleasure a partner. Learning everything about sex from porn seems to be common in the manosphere.
While it’s not mentioned in this post, these guys also seem to have some… interesting (read: very very disgusting) views on marital rape. So yeah, they don’t offer much in the way of pleasurable OR consensual sex for a partner.
Respect: AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Especially not from Mr. Roosh “how can any man who approaches a girl today see her as more than a cum bucket?” Valizadeh. Unless you meant respect in a “aww, good girl, you managed to cook dinner for me *pats head*” kind of way. Eugh.
Lifting: About the only one they actually do, as far as I can tell. Shame that it doesn’t make up for all their other flaws.
So, yeah, women definitely get the short end of the stick in Roosh’s 1950’s alternate universe real life fanfiction model of relationships.
I bet he is comming up with these ‘great’ arguments that men have to spread their seeds…..by using condoms? Men are not biologically build to behave like assholes and to view females sexuality as evil…just saying. It’s their shitty attitude and they’re alone to blame for it.
Most women do not have sex with tons of strangers and they do not wait until marrying an asshole like roosh as well.
Nobody forces him to reduce women into sex toys. How about just respecting her privacy and treat her like a normal human being? I mean he expects to treated as such (even though he IS shameless and trashy) but dares to call women who have sex with more than 2 men sluts.
I guess he is the kind of man who believes that women are getting ”loose” by having sex. And that it’s no mans ever fault if he spreads diseases…no, it’s always the females fault!
His view of sexuliaty is really disturbing, does he expect a virgin?
or with that argument that ”men have a penis” therefore they can’t be dirty…
Because we all know that vaginas are somehow evil and dirty by nature. Even though it clean itself up after sex…… still evil.
And that being the one that ”gets penetrated” is eviiiiiil as well, because it’s a part of females sexuality, and we all know that the female sexuality is bad and somehow comparable with dirty apples and fruits.
My boyfriend for example doesn’t mind that I had 2 partners before him. Because he doesn’t reduce me to my sexuality, instead he respects me as a human being.
Again with the idea that men are so filthy that sex with them makes women go from holy to filthy.
By “approach” he means harass for sex and by “girl” he actually means girls.
Uh-huh. Tell us more about how your bodily fluids are so toxic that even the ghost of seaman gone by ruins a woman as a person. Tell us more about how sex is just men orgasming and women being degraded. In short, tell us more about you and your creepy, hateful, hang ups.
Tell us more about your fear of inadequacy.
Well, yes. Relationships with men are often positive. They can indeed be both pleasurable and edifying to women. Most men aren’t Doosh.
Doosh, women do not cry about you for days and you really did just try to describe yourself. . They don’t fall for you at all. You’re a scummy rapist piece of shit.
This is the girl who’s going to be your lifelong faithful partner?
For you? No one. There is no reason at all for any woman to want to spend a lifetime with your crusty ass.
Yes, please.
Because women are things to be purchased and if you drive them off the lot, they lose value? I wonder why women are not lining up to be his life long partner.
Racism and misogyny, together again!
Um…other people are still having close, intimate relationships, Doosh. “Pair bonding” makes people sound like parakeets. What you actually seem to long for is a time when women could be purchased and forced to be a man’s slave for life. That’s not bonding, it’s bondage.
Nope. That’s the MGTOW fantasy, not reality.
Doosh =/= normal man
Then try out the martial arts moves you’ve seen in Steven Segal movies, because that’s just as real and just as effective.
Doosh is a seriously fucked up, miserable puke of a man.
chaltab, that reminds me of a scene from madmen.
Also, Roosh’s followers managed to get to comment FIVE before a rapid anti-semite showed up! Is this progress?
This is the same guy that feels “oppressed” for having to wipe his own @ss, right? And also the self-assumed rapist, if I’m not mistaken?
I remember I was promised “slut rays”, and I’m still waiting!!!
A tale of caution and woe from the comment thread:
He wants so badly to be wanted, tenderly and attentively served and genuinely cared for by a woman he knows other men would envy him for owning. He also wants to abuse and degrade that woman and have her beg him to stay. No matter who she is, she will never be good enough for him to feel value vicariously through the worth he imagines she has. He’ll never be happy and he will always blame women for that.
He’s not really getting laid right and left like he claims AND no women who have had the misfortune to have Doosh in their beds have wanted to keep him there.
Why would they? He learned everything he knows about sex from bad porn, he hates women and he’s a shallow, scuzzy, dirty, bacteria factory who makes his living lying to sexually frustrated rubes.
You just know the smell of stale sweat, desperation and crusty butt sticks to everything he touches.
Translation: She was happier without me and never once regretted leaving me. Boo-hoo. Boo-hoo.