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It’s not exactly news that the slimeball pickup artists I write about on this blog have a bit of a double standard when it comes to sexuality. What is still surprising to me, even after years of reading these guys, is just how much they hate women for sleeping with guys like them.
For proof, look no further than the latest blog post by Roosh Valizadeh, an utterly appalling slice of misogyny that’s terrible even by Roosh’s low standards.
After a weirdly obtuse “critique” of a video by Swedish pop star Tove Lo – Roosh has a little trouble telling the difference between the singer and the depressed, self-destructive hedonist she portrays in her video – he launches into a vicious tirade against “the current generation of women” that seems driven as much by his own sexual insecurities and self-hatred as it is by hatred of women.
Roosh – a man who moved to Eastern Europe in pursuit of casual sex, a man who makes his living teaching men his dubious pickup techniques – starts off by denouncing women for indulging their own sexual desires with multiple men.
This sluttification of women, which Tove Lo’s catchy song conveys as normal and even fun, is part of a culture where every man who seeks serious relationships with women is a soft cuckold, because he’s the last man in a 30-man gangbang trying to give tender kisses on the lips and labia of a woman who has been rode hard and defiled for years.
That’s right: Roosh evidently thinks every woman who has sex with a man other than him is thereby “cuckolding” him.
How can any man who approaches a girl today see her as more than a cum bucket? Because let’s be real: she has been serving as a cum bucket thanks to a perverse culture that methodically trains and encourages her to take buckets of cum from men who make her vagina tingle, all as a way to help her “grow” as a person, find herself, and become strong and independent, which means not sobbing for more than a day when the latest bad boy she fell for turned out to be a selfish person who didn’t value her beyond the sexual.
What makes this especially creepy isn’t just the double standard; it’s that this is Roosh’s opinion of the women he spends his entire life trying to get into bed.
This is the girl who’s going to be your lifelong faithful partner? The girl who’s going to be the mother of your children?
Wait. So Roosh is telling us that after a few years of riding the vagina carousel, as it were, Roosh wants to settle down and get married? The irony, it burns.
I cringe at that notion, as should all men. I rather be an evolutionary dead-end that let a whore be the mother of my child, but men today are being trained to accept the whore mother and to be the soft cuckold, the sucker that gets to buy the goods at full price even though it has declined 80% of value from its peak.
Seriously, Roosh, please be an evolutionary dead-end.
Not that he’s likely to be able find a willing bride, unless he somehow prevents the woman in question from Googling his name and finding out what he actually believes.
It’s amazing that in just three generations, women have gone from being potential wives and mothers to nothing more than fuck toys. Men used to meet traditionally minded virgins, but are now stuck with a seemingly unlimited pool of mediocre sluts who have been fucked in the ass by multiple men.
So Roosh is shocked that the women he has casual sex with are women who … have casual sex?
Why would he think that his brilliant pickup strategy of pursuing drunk women in bars would result in him meeting a lot of “traditionally minded virgins?”
This is complete and utter decimation of the female human.
Apparently penises are so destructive to women that any woman who encounters more than one in her lifetime is “utterly decimated” by contact with them.
Men can no longer gain any meaning or value from a woman beyond sex, even if he is truly capable of being the world’s number one dad, and rest assured that the degeneracy that has so swallowed America whole will spread throughout the world from the trojan horse technology out of Silicon Valley.
Yep. He’s angry and jealous that iPhones give women more options in dating than just him.
And he also somehow seems to think he’s capable of being “the world’s number one dad.”
How did this happen? How did we get to this point? A book can be written on the answer, but understand that trillions of dollars are to be made by destroying the feminine mother and putting a mindless and shallow consumer fuck robot in her stead.
Oh dear. Here come the conspiracy theories.
The finger can be pointed at the elite and their useful idiots for creating this environment, but the fact still remains that this is not a good time to be a normal man with the normal need to reproduce with a good woman who will stay loyal to him, raise his kids right, retain a thin figure, and take care of his home.
Wow. What a great deal for a woman! I can’t understand why women aren’t lining up in droves for the chance to marry this prize of a man.
A man who puts in triple overtime and travels abroad can find the exceptions, but for the lot of men in the Western world, there is no longer any meaning beyond casual sex that can be gained from women. These are end times for traditional pair bonding.
And yet somehow most people end up in relationships, and the world isn’t exactly running out of babies.
So on that note, I urge you to learn game, seduce these inadequate women, and try out those moves you’ve seen in porn, because that sex drive of yours is not going anywhere and must be sated for your own mental health.
I’ve rarely seen a man so eager to announce to the world that he has absolutely no idea how to satisfy a woman in bed. Or even an understanding as to why satisfying a woman might be a good thing not only for her but for him as well.
Beyond that, however, don’t expect much more, because women can no longer provide you with what women of the past so easily could.
Roosh Valizadeh, everyone – a man who thinks he could be the greatest dad ever.
So how does a man end up loathing the women who sleep with him … because they sleep with him?
I’m not sure that’s the right question. I think Roosh’s real anger is directed at the women who won’t sleep with him – but will sleep with other men.
After all, as Roosh has often acknowledged, the life of a would-be “pickup artist” isn’t one of endless triumphs. In fact, it’s one of constant rejection, as the overwhelming majority of the women that these guys approach have no interest in them.
Instead of being able to roll with this – rejection is an inevitable part of romantic life for everyone – Roosh sees this rejection as a personal affront. In his mind, these women are denying him something that he is entitled to, something that he has worked hard for – hell, he even moved to Eastern Europe in an attempt to find more pliable women to pursue.
That’s why he feels he’s been “cuckolded” by any woman who sleeps with men other than him.
This isn’t just fucked up. Roosh’s philosophy is dangerous to women, as is he.
Roosh V–gives the vibrator with paint that flakes off inside you a run for its money in “Things you don’t want up your vagina.”
I’m guessing the RP is Red Pill, but what’s the “Te”?
(At first I was thinking it was some kind of Role Playing thing, like LARPing, but then I actually read the rest of your post.)
wordsp1nner – and did you see the one where the thing made other sex toys in the box MELT?
Ye gods!
Looking at that picture of Roosh makes me think that in a few years he’ll turn into Albert Steptoe
“(…) middle-age TeRPers are bitter hateful fucks who seemingly repel all joy and fellow feeling.
TeRPers remind me of Ebeneezer Scrooge, except they’re hoarding “Sexual Market Value” instead of money and, since the former doesn’t exist, it’s spectacularly ridiculous when they try to lord that over non-TeRPers.”
This (and LOL at the last sentence — perfect and funny).
Te stands for The (Red Pillers), I believe.
I wonder? :3 I think I was watching a movie with him in it earlier. It also had a teenaged Shirley Temple, and it was about a teenaged girl (17) who became infatuated with an artist, and then she went up to his apartment because he said she could model for him (he was actually very much like “No thank you. I don’t date children.” about the whole thing), and he got arrested by the girl’s overprotective sister (who is also a judge), and they came to an agreement that he’d date her until she stopped being so infatuated with him and they’d drop any and all charges (He also punched an assistant DA in the nose during the confrontation because no one would let the poor man *explain*.)
The rest of the bits that I saw involved him doing everything in his power to shake her off of him.
Also, you can get cure stuff for your wooden cutting boards. (I think it’s called Butcher’s Block Cure or something to that effect?) I found out about that through a DIY Minecraft Crafting Table Cutting Board video I found on the YouTubes.
I’m thinking of getting myself something nice in the way of sexy tiem stuff for the upcoming holiday. >.> I keep getting cheap toys (because cheap), and they always end up breaking too soon. *cries*
Does any know a resource for finding older AVFM memes? I told some folks about the “I can kill you in your sleep” one,(for example) and i don’t think they believe it unless i show them…and I cant find them online ..can anyone share what they have i’d like to set up a database of them for reference, Thank you.
@ Kittehserf–yes, that seems to be a known phenomenon with certain materials:
On dangers of arses and cutting boards:
Yep, Roosh is toxic in more ways than one.
Roosh seems like a walking biohazard on pretty much every level, really.
Schwadevivre, that wins the thread! I haven’t heard “You DIRTY old man” for many years.
Come to think of it, “an act of extreme dirtiness” pretty much sums up Roosh’s entire existence. Though I suspect even old Steptoe would be clean by comparison. At least he’s made contact with bath water.
wordsp1nner – eeek! ::puts aside any thought of buying any such things ever::
Aunt Edna – also eeek! I bet it’d be Roosh transferring unspeakable germy germs to his poor chopping board, too.
@katz I suspect you’ve hit the nail on the head. It’s ultimately about punishing women for, well, being women. But in order to get close enough to do that, he has to make himself appealing enough that she won’t run a mile. And as we all know, he finds that onerous and a horrible unfair standard.
I have to admit that I’m enjoying his existential despair, mostly because he did it to himself.
Also that photo is kind of “existential despair, the kitchen edition”, isn’t it?
So, a PUA having sex with lots and lots of girls is a sign that he’s super uber alpha and awesome, but a woman sleeping with lots and lots of men is a gross used up [insert slur of choice here]? I don’t understand, if all women are supposed to be pristine virgins until they get married (as young as legally possible, lest they become shrivelled up old maids), who the hell are PUAs supposed to have lots and lots of strings-free sex with?
…Oh wait, I forgot. Since they hate women they want to be able to ‘ruin’ a woman when they wheedle her into sleeping with them, and run away with all that awesome sexual value they stole from her by touching their genitals to hers. They are unable to comprehend that sex is not a zero-sum game and people are not lessened or made better by how much or how little sex they have. And they desperately try to impose their disgusting worldview on the rest of the planet. Fuck, these guys are gross.
So, now, not only is “regular virginity” a requirement, but your precious m’lady can never have been “fucked in the ass”, either? Guard all your orifices, feeeeeemales, or Rooooshit will deem you unworthy of bearing the precious precious children that he doesn’t want you to spermjack him with and literally doesn’t give a shit about, and won’t support if he decides to throw you into the street when he finds that 13-year-old every-orifice-virgin subservient Stepford Pod-girl model he believes the universe owes him (and whom he still won’t wipe his dribbling ass for).
I picked up the term TeRPer from reddit, specifically r/TheBluePill. It’s, to me at least, an amusing play on r/TheRedPill sub name and it sounds like twerp. I do enjoy it.
Dirty old man?
I think I was watching a movie with him in it earlier. It also had a teenaged Shirley Temple, and it was about a teenaged girl (17) who became infatuated with an artist, and then she went up to his apartment because he said she could model for him (he was actually very much like “No thank you. I don’t date children.” about the whole thing), and he got arrested by the girl’s overprotective sister (who is also a judge), and they came to an agreement that he’d date her until she stopped being so infatuated with him and they’d drop any and all charges (He also punched an assistant DA in the nose during the confrontation because no one would let the poor man *explain*.)
“The Bachelor and the Bobby Soxer.” Crucial to film history for being the source of the “you remind me of the babe” patter David Bowie does in “Labyrinth.”
Of course it just makes it so much easier for heterosexual or bisexual women to frighten off Roosh and his associated losers. After all, if having had sex with any other man ever is all it takes …
Catalpa, I laughed at your shrivelled old maid comment, because it struck me that nothing would shrivel the ladybits quite as fast as being in Roosh’s vicinity. A sack of entrails that reeks like a toxic waste dump ain’t sexy.
Judging by the language he uses, that man sounds like he is constantly masturbating to misogynist porn with one hand and obsessively reading the Bible with the other. He should stop. In general.
You just blew my mind.
I just want to tell this twit that if he wants to find traditional-minded virgins, he needs to stop looking for them in bars, and start looking for them in churches or other such “traditional” places. Look for an organization, whether religious or not, that prizes virginity, and you will find virgins.
But, that would require talking to him, and EWWWWW!
Plus, none of these “traditional minded virgins” would have anything to do with him, as he is clearly “unworthy” of a “traditional minded virgin,” who would naturally be looking for a “traditional minded” man, who shares her belief in sexual rectitude. In other words, the sort of woman he craves wouldn’t touch him with a twelve foot pole. At least, they wouldn’t touch him, as he is now. They might, if he shows true repentance, over time.
People who value their own sexual purity tend to demand the same thing in potential mates, and while a “traditional minded virgin” MIGHT forgive a prospective husband for having a bit of sexual experience (some might even expect it), emphasis on “a bit,” as in he’s done it enough to know where to stick it without the couple having to spend the wedding night reading a sex ed manual. Some “traditional minded virgins” believe that the man should have one or two practice sessions first, so that he can then educate the virginal bride. But really, they don’t want more than that.
And I know plenty of “traditional minded virgins” who believe that the “Law of Chastity” applies to ALL people, regardless of gender, and fully expect to marry virgins, themselves, and share the joy of discovery together.
Moreover, I know plenty of men who saved themselves for marriage ON PURPOSE. And I know plenty of married couples who were both virgins on their wedding day who ended up having highly enjoyable sex, about which they are not ashamed to talk.
TL;DR – Roosh is a fool, and until he smartens up, he’ll never be happy. Only a change in his own attitude, and a long-term change in his behavior will get him the relationship he *seems* to crave.
Oh, but wait. The sort of woman who values sexual purity tends to put more emphasis on character than looks, meaning she’s more likely to put her energy into other things than “retain(ing) a thin figure,” which requires more and more work as the body ages, especially after having multiple children to “raise right.”
So, yeah, guy’s doomed to a life of unhappiness, unable to find a perfect woman. Pobrecito.
BTW, I still have the ridiculous, sleepless schedule of antibiotics, but they have worked much better than the doctor expected! Yaaaaay! I can’t wait until I can actually have a real solid six hours of sleep, let alone 8. Making do with a few naps a day, of a few hours, at best, is hard on me, but I’m healing, so I’m exhausted but happy.
This sort of thinking comes from viewing women as objects, rather than acting human beings. If she’s an object, to be OWNED, then anyone other than her OWNER having sex with her amounts to cuckolding, regardless of when that sex happened in relation to the owner claiming ownership, even if the sex happened several years beforehand. As far as the owner is concerned, it’s all usage of his property, and it might as well have happened at the same time.
If you buy a car, you don’t care WHEN the miles were put on the odometer. You just want there to be none there. All mileage is bad!!!! Even potential buyers taking the car for a test drive are baaaaadddd! Cars should never leave the lot until their owner finalizes his purchase! As far as you know, every one of those miles was put on at the same time, in a big driving orgy.
And all used cars are SLUTS! Even if they only had one driver, who died of a heart attack while driving them, they are slutty McSlutterson slluuuuuuttttts!
Of course, he really, really, wants that traditional-minded new-car smell, so naturally, he spends all his time taking test-drives at the used-car lots.
Because logic.
They might touch him with a twelve foot pole if there were a suitably sharp blade affixed to the end of it.