#gamergate I am making a joke

Hey Milo: I'll publish your #GamerGate book!

Actually designed by Tulgey Logger to replace mine, which I removed because #GamerGaters are more terrible than I had realized (see note at end of post)
Book cover designed by Tulgey Logger. I removed my original book cover design because #GamerGaters are more terrible than I had realized (see note at end of post)

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive continues! If you haven’t already, please consider sending some bucks my way. (And don’t worry that the PayPal page says Man Boobz.) Thanks!

As you may have heard, #GamerGate booster and alleged journalist Milo Yiannopoulos is writing a book! About #GamerGate!

Looking through his announcement of this project, though, I didn’t notice any mention of an actual publisher. Nor did I see one mentioned on Twitter. So unless I’m missing something, it appears Mr. Y hasn’t yet lined up a publisher.

So let me make this offer: MILO — I WILL PUBLISH YOUR BOOK.

I know we haven’t always seen eye to eye on all issues in the past — or on any issues, actually — but I’m willing to set that aside and I hope you are too. Because I think this is a great opportunity for both of us.

Granted, I am not, strictly speaking, a book publisher. But I do live within walking distance of a UPS Store with two xerox machines and a working stapler. And I’ve already designed a book cover as a sign of my good faith.

I can’t give you a big advance, but frankly, with #GamerGate losing steam by the hour, I can’t imagine any real publisher will either. I do promise you a portion of any profits I make from the book, less my standard fees and the usual allowance for cat food and other cat-related expenses. Plus another 40% to cover the exasperation of having to work with you, which I can’t imagine is pleasant for anyone. And another 10% for whatever.

So how about it? In all honesty, I don’t think you’re going to get a better offer than this.

Have your people contact my cats, and let’s get this train rolling!

NOTE: If any of you think you can design a better book cover than I have, please post it in the comments below.

NOTE 2: My original book cover design used a title I borrowed from a #GamerGate meme. I have been informed that the phrase was a reference to a rape joke, because, of course, #GamerGaters are terrible shits who think rape jokes are funny. So I took it down.

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10 years ago

I see. Well, thanks for bringing it to our attention, David, and thank you for taking it down. :3

@Mewens: Dear goddess above, these people need to go back to journalism 101. I’m not a journalist, and even I’m appalled. Mercy on their poor, misguided souls. May their loved ones never suffer the same fate as those poor victims before they see the error of their ways.

Also OT: I finally saw Guardians of the Galaxy, and I would like to maybe speak a tad about it?

‘Twas pretty good, though I took a bit of issue with two things mainly:

Rocket’s “need” for disabled people’s prosthetics as a “joke”.

[TL;DW: He tells Star Lord he needs a man’s prosthetic leg for the prison break, then it turns out he only wanted to see the man hop around on one leg and didn’t really need it at all. Star Lord doesn’t really take offense at the fact that he took a man’s leg (which he needs to GET AROUND), so much as he had to pay 30K to get it.

Then later on, Rocket jokes about wanting a man’s robotic eye for the finale (a repeat of the “joke”), but thankfully Star Lord stops him and says he doesn’t need it and shuts him down.]

Of course, there was the other issue with the female characters being kind of put aside/killed for the hero, but that happens in lots of movies as of late, so I won’t repeat myself here, but I’ll still be rather irked by it. : / (Also, I saw a cut scene that would have helped the movie maybe pass the Bechdel test and it would have fleshed out Gomora and her sister and I’m quite miffed they didn’t add it for whatever reason.)

I cried in the first five minutes and for a little bit near the end because *FEELINGS* (Peter’s mom and Groot respectively), and the rest of the movie was alright. I liked it, save for the aforementioned issues. :3

I know, old movie is old by now, but damnit, I’ve got too much to watch!

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
10 years ago

I’m so honored to have my hard work on the front page of WHTM! The circumstances are unfortunate, though. I guess you just can’t trust anything to do with gamergate.

10 years ago

@paradoxicalintent – Re: Guardians of the Galaxy

Oof, that opening scene. Completely at odds with the style of the rest of the film, just to set up the main character’s Man-Pain. Not what I was hoping for in a daft scifi action flick.

10 years ago

I didn’t think it was just man pain, I thought it was a foundational event in Quill’s personality.

‘Course, then he turns out to be a galactic thief, so hmph.

10 years ago

That USA article is the biggest load of rape-apologist horseshit I’ve ever seen. And the comments are even worse.

It boggles my mind as to why some people argue against taking rape seriously. Why do they do it?

10 years ago

To my horror I found out that Milo Yiannopoulos only lives about 4 miles from me, but think that the hundreds of thousands of people between us should provide a suitable buffer zone!

10 years ago

sunnysombrera – I think the reality that most rapists are men, most victims are women hits the misogynists in ways they cannot deal with – so they deny that women are at any systemic or other non biological disadvantage, ergo any rape that is not a violent stranger rape, with suitably ‘respectable’ victim is misandry, ie the feminist demons caterwauling ‘all men are rapists”.

10 years ago

Also, the projection. Misogynists don’t see women as people (at least not the same way they see men) so if they find a woman sexually attractive, or want to dominate her sexually, then she must want it, too. Therefore, if a woman says ‘rape’ afterwards, she is a lying liar, because she really wanted it. Also, teh slutz be asking for it. Or some horse shit like that.

Finally, rape apologists tend to conflate rape and sex, so they don’t really see the problem, unless there’s major physical trauma.

10 years ago

grumpyoldnurse ,
You’re absolutely right.
The men and women of the manosphere say the darndest things while claiming not to be misogynist rape apologists.

*trigger warning* Actual things misogynists say on their blogs and in the comments here and on any feminist blog anywhere

Women are either whores or prudes to them and neither one of those women are allowed to say “No” to “sex” with these men. If she’s a “whore” she is “begging to be raped” (Paul Elam). If she is a “prude” she secretly wants it, but is playing hard to get so you won’t know she is a “whore” because she wants it. Secretly. Plus he bought her dinner, so she pretty much has to give it up (Warren Farrell). If she says it was rape afterwards, she’s a dirty, filthy liar and we all know how rape apologists treat filthy, dirty liars who “cry rape”.

They say kissing a man means that he can rape us, marrying a man means he can rape us. Being too drunk or drugged to fight back means men can rape us. Being “biologically attractive” by being young makes men “naturally” want to rape our daughters. MRAs and PUAs tell us that anything short of some Xena Warrior Princess fighting skills, not being married : “because now bjs are your job. Hey? Where are you going? Divorce is misandry!”, not being single: “SPINSTERS/SLUTS!”, and never leaving the home without our Burkas means men can rape us.

These same (mostly) men further claim that both of the prude/whore variations of women crave domination, disrespect and abuse and even if they didn’t, they’d deserve it.

They actually say those things.

“The fate of the western world depends on men keeping women in their place!

They don’t like women in positions of power. They don’t want women competing with them for jobs. They do not like women educating themselves, especially educating themselves about fighting for social justice.

What do they think that is, if not misogyny? That’s some hateful, twisted bullshit. It’s not just wrong. We need a new word for how wrong that is. It’s wrongerer. It’s the wrongestest?

10 years ago

Preach it, sister!

Oh god, it’s a Winchester gif.

I, for one, welcome our new Tumblr overlords.

10 years ago

Meh, if a Winchester gif fits, I say ‘cram it in there’!

Also, Lea? Every. Word. You. Said.

10 years ago

*trigger warning* racism/rape apology

Oh and let us not forget that we often see them claim that being a certain race makes women crave more domination. So clearly it’s OK for men to ignore their agency and rape them.

People who think like that make me wish we could start settling Mars. They can stay here with Dick Cheney and I’ll go to Mars. That would be a nice distance from them.

10 years ago

Any planet without someone like Dick Cheney would suit me fine!

10 years ago

Welp. I’ve got a lot of Doctor Who gifs.

Anybody got Sherlock? Let’s just go whole superwholock hog on this motherfucker.

10 years ago

I am not blessed with the gift of gifs, but I will giggle myself silly while you folks carry on! 🙂

10 years ago

Here’s how women feel when a manospherian passes by them on the street

10 years ago

Oh, sorry, grumpyoldnurse, I thought you said “wiggle myself silly.”

10 years ago

Woman talking to MGTOW:

*Ahem* … how about no?

10 years ago


That gif of nine. Oh you adorable, goofy timelord you. He’s TOTALLY a little kid, right there. Proof.

10 years ago
10 years ago

@contrapangloss: Oh, it comes through now and again, always has. Not so much with Twelve, but we’ve only the one series with him so far and the most prominent place you could say it showed through, the monster under the bed, was pretty dark.