a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism crackpottery creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies evil women feminist dudes hypocrisy irony alert memes men created civilization men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA nice guys reactionary bullshit red pill sexualization straw feminists straw futrelle taking pleasure in women's pain the olden days unsolicited penis updates

How A Voice for Men's Facebook memes inadvertently reveal the deep sexual insecurities underlying the misogyny of the Men's Rights movement

Detail of a perhaps inadertently revealing A Voice for Men meme
Detail of an unintentionally revealing A Voice for Men meme

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive continues! If you haven’t already, please consider sending some bucks my way. (And don’t worry that the PayPal page says Man Boobz.) Thanks!

From time to time I like to check in on the Facebook page for A Voice for Men, to see how that eminent men’s human rights organization’s program to advance the human man rights of human men through badly designed and even more poorly conceived graphic “memes” is going.

Well, I can report that this program is going, and going, and going, a bit like a famous battery-powered bunny.

Looking through them today, I couldn’t help but notice the weird sexual undertones — and overtones — of many of the memes, and realized that, while none of the memes tell us much about the world, they do, in an altogehter accidental way, offer some pretty interesting insights into the ids of those making and “liking” them on Facebook.

You don’t have to be a trained psychoanalyst to see the not-very-well-hidden straight male sexual insecurities that lie behind a large number of AVFM’s memes — both the ones they create themselves and the others that seem to have arrived on the AVFM page after being forwarded via email from someone’s cranky misogynistic uncle. Let’s take a look at some of them.

1) AVFMers have apparently convinced themselves that the history of mankind is the story of nice guys being nice to snooty women who won’t date them.




2) The straight men who make up the bulk of AVFM’s audience are pretty much terrified of women.




3) A lot of these guys seem to really enjoy fantasizing about women being forced into crappy jobs and/or sex work.





4) One of AVFM’s meme makers, the fellow who goes by the name of “John Galt,” has trouble distinguishing between the real world and certain (perhaps unacknowledged) sexual fetishes he appears to be a little obsessed with.




5) Straight cis male AVFMers hate fat women who don’t please their boners, and are angry at feminists for convincing at least some fat women not to hate themselves.




6) These AVFMers evidently prefer women who are very young, very thin, and photoshopped into anatomically implausible proportions and positions. But they simultaneously hate these women for giving them boners.


(Slightly censored version of the AVFM original.)
Perfect woman, or photoshop disaster? (Slightly censored version of the AVFM original.)


8) AVFMers really, really hate male feminists — and pretty much every man who doesn’t hate and fear women like they dO — and not-very-subtly project their own sexual insecurities onto them.




9) They also really, really, really hate me.



But I think that’s probably because they’re jealous that I have that second pair of arms.

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10 years ago

Glad to see one of my memes finally featured. Mine was the “But I said no pickles”. Mr. Manboobz seems to see a sex worker in the meme. It’s a fast food worker. The thrust of the meme is the uselessness of a women’s studies degree and the irony that a women’s studies major can only get a job making sandwiches. I should also add that I’m new to this forum and I’m quite surprised that there are actually positive responses to out memes peppered in here.

10 years ago

I believe CH Sommers is a fan of Justicar. Colour me unsurprised.

Any source for that? I don’t expect that she’s ever heard of him.

10 years ago

As if she’d be any less slimy if she wasn’t, lol.

10 years ago


I saw a tweet of hers in which she explained that her (earlier) reference to Justicar as a ‘godless gay troll’ was a quote from Justicar himself, then then linked to one of his videos, inviting readers to see him ‘in action’.

Although tone is notoriously hard to discern in messages of 140 characters, to me it conveyed a sense of affection for him.

It’d be nice to know that she isn’t quite that misguided but, as marinerachel says, she’s plenty unpleasant even without ‘Justicar fan’ on her CV.

10 years ago

Yeah, just Googled ‘godless gay troll’. The original tweet (in which she referred to J as such) was a link to his video criticising Emma Watson’s speech. She describes J’s video as ‘wickedly funny’.


Herbert West
Herbert West
10 years ago

No one calling himself “John Galt” could ever have an opinion worth a damn.

10 years ago

Glad to see one of my memes finally featured. Mine was the “But I said no pickles”.

It’s so sad that you’re pleased about any attention, even negative. You’re like a toddler. But without the cuteness I’d imagine.

Mr. Manboobz seems to see a sex worker in the meme. It’s a fast food worker. The thrust of the meme is the uselessness of a women’s studies degree and the irony that a women’s studies major can only get a job making sandwiches.

Did you notice that number 3 was a twofer and also included a meme meant to represent a sex worker. Your meme, stupid as it was is about the only one of the bunch that is comprehensible so you don’t have to tell us. I’m not sure why you think all or even a significant percentage of feminists have a women’s study. I’m also not sure why you think the majority of women’s studies majors are fast food workers.

It’s also sad that you think the only value in education is getting a job and that you see nothing positive about education for its own sake. Although to be fair, that attitude is by no means exclusive to MRAs.

I should also add that I’m new to this forum and I’m quite surprised that there are actually positive responses to out memes peppered in here.

Where are seeing positive responses? I’ve only seen mockery. Perhaps your sarcasm detector needs recalibration?

10 years ago

Gee, ManWalk, you’re not very bright. You’re seeing positive responses where there are none, and getting confused between two crappy memes, one of which is yours, in the same segment. Perhaps you need new glasses.

10 years ago

No, scratch that “perhaps”…you DEFINITELY need glasses if you think that ugly, blood-smeary AVFMorons logo belongs on a meme. It makes you all look like fucking serial killers in the making.

10 years ago


Mr. Manboobz seems to see a sex worker in the meme. It’s a fast food worker.

Look up the word “or” and then reread Mr. Manboobz’s comment.

3) A lot of these guys seem to really enjoy fantasizing about women being forced into crappy jobs and/or sex work.

10 years ago


No, scratch that “perhaps”…you DEFINITELY need glasses if you think that ugly, blood-smeary AVFMorons logo belongs on a meme. It makes you all look like fucking serial killers in the making.

I had assumed the overly large, piss poor take on “V for Vendetta” logo was John Galt’s signature aesthetic failure, I didn’t notice that a bunch of chucklefucks slap that eyesore on their crap memes. They all have different mangry noms de plume, how adorable.

10 years ago

Y’know, when you have to go and explain to people what your meme means, then your meme has failed.

10 years ago

Manwalk your ass right back out the door.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
10 years ago

I don’t really get the “bloody” impression from the AVFM logo. More like “stylized coffee mug stain specially designed to spoil any picture, especially when applied large enough”.

10 years ago

My first thought whenever I see that logo is “Mid-1990s vampire fetish, anyone?” Srsly, congealed red blobs do NOT a human-rightsy impression make.

John Donnel
John Donnel
10 years ago

Hilarious and accurate

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

It takes a special kind of ignorance to feel smug about bossing around a fast-food worker, when a significant percentage of them nowadays are older and have college degrees. Minimum-wage work isn’t just for teenagers anymore. A lot of people are working those jobs because they have families to support and student loans to pay back, and there literally is nothing else. And yet you feel this is somehow their fault, because they didn’t have the foresight to graduate from college into a booming economy or pick a “practical” major. Guess what? There’s a lot of starving finance, law, IT, and trade school graduates out there as well. The jobs just aren’t there anymore.

Besides, how do we know the meme narrator is any better off? For all we know, he has a degree in television studies and is buying that burger with his weekly allowance from Mom and Dad.

10 years ago

Well folks, you’ve heard of straw-manning? I think to a feminist, these memes are like Rorschach tests, you see what you want.

Also, for the feminists jumping in, demanding where are these comments on this thread with some positivity, read the very first comment, before the feminist herd mentality stuck in. While you guys have been vile and mean-spirited, I have to give you guys props, you’re not nearly as vile and mean spirited as most feminists.

10 years ago

comment image?oh=4b1ce9187cacb6e2e15def8cd98ef6c9&oe=54FFE0E7

10 years ago

You might have to explain that crudely nailed-together collection of text and images as well – what do you think is being projected?

10 years ago

Humor is vile! You must be so much fun at parties.

10 years ago


Well folks, you’ve heard of straw-manning? I think to a feminist, these memes are like Rorschach tests, you see what you want.

The irony, it burrnnnssss!

Also, for the feminists jumping in, demanding where are these comments on this thread with some positivity, read the very first comment, before the feminist herd mentality stuck in.

You mean the very first comment on this thread? This one:

What really baffles me is that they think these sorts of images would ever convince anyone who wasn’t already predisposed to buy their bullshit to support them. I mean, they are just unfunny, uninspired, and outright offensive. Most average people who would see those images would just click on or laugh, not at the humor but at the person who created it.

Yeah, I can see how this would sound positive. To a completely reality-detached, self-absorbed douchesnozzle with no self-awareness.

Oh, wait, I guess positivity was automatically inferred because the first commenter was a man. Got it.

Also, “herd mentality?” Spoken by a MRA? The guys who constantly circlejerk over how evil women are and who reinforce each others’ violent and misogynistic tendencies in their echo chambers? Well, that’s just rich.

As for your newest silly little meme: Aww, it’s adorable when babby tries to use big words.

That aside, where is the projection you’re talking about? When has David ever made Facebook memes that reveal deep sexual insecurities? Your meme is not only ugly (seriously, are you using Paint?), it doesn’t even make any sense.

Unless,of course, you’re once again demonstrating the maturity level of your average MRA by shouting “nuh-uh, you are!” But that would just be sad.

10 years ago

Well fudge, what happened to my blockquotes?

Let’s try this again:


Well folks, you’ve heard of straw-manning? I think to a feminist, these memes are like Rorschach tests, you see what you want.

The irony, it burrnnnssss!

Also, for the feminists jumping in, demanding where are these comments on this thread with some positivity, read the very first comment, before the feminist herd mentality stuck in.

You mean the very first comment on this thread? This one:

“What really baffles me is that they think these sorts of images would ever convince anyone who wasn’t already predisposed to buy their bullshit to support them. I mean, they are just unfunny, uninspired, and outright offensive. Most average people who would see those images would just click on or laugh, not at the humor but at the person who created it.”

Yeah, I can see how this would sound positive. To a completely reality-detached, self-absorbed douchesnozzle with no self-awareness.

Oh, wait, I guess positivity was automatically inferred because the first commenter was a man. Got it.

Also, “herd mentality?” Spoken by a MRA? The guys who constantly circlejerk over how evil women are and who reinforce each others’ violent and misogynistic tendencies in their echo chambers? Well, that’s just rich.

As for your newest silly little meme: Aww, it’s adorable when babby tries to use big words.

That aside, where is the projection you’re talking about? When has David ever made Facebook memes that reveal deep sexual insecurities? Your meme is not only ugly (seriously, are you using Paint?), it doesn’t even make any sense.

Unless,of course, you’re once again demonstrating the maturity level of your average MRA by shouting “nuh-uh, you are!” But that would just be sad.

10 years ago

Confession – my graphics skills are about as good as Walkie’s. Thing is, that’s why I don’t make graphics, because I recognize that I’m not good at it. I guess in Walkie’s case his penis is somehow blocking this realization.

10 years ago

While you guys have been vile and mean-spirited, I have to give you guys props, you’re not nearly as vile and mean spirited as most feminists.

Unlike you. You’re a nice guy right? Being snide and condescending to people who work in the fast industry is such an indication of kindness and generosity!

Since you seem to have trouble parsing tone on the internet, I’m going to help you out and let you know that that was actually sarcasm. Rudeness to those in the service industry is considered a huge red flag by many, including to me warning that someone is a huge asshole.

Also, here’s the very first comment.

What really baffles me is that they think these sorts of images would ever convince anyone who wasn’t already predisposed to buy their bullshit to support them. I mean, they are just unfunny, uninspired, and outright offensive. Most average people who would see those images would just click on or laugh, not at the humor but at the person who created it.

Where in that comment do you see positivity? Maybe you got confused because the avatar is a picture of a man, but jbgarner has never once, as far I know said something positive about MRAs.

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