a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism crackpottery creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies evil women feminist dudes hypocrisy irony alert memes men created civilization men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA nice guys reactionary bullshit red pill sexualization straw feminists straw futrelle taking pleasure in women's pain the olden days unsolicited penis updates

How A Voice for Men's Facebook memes inadvertently reveal the deep sexual insecurities underlying the misogyny of the Men's Rights movement

Detail of a perhaps inadertently revealing A Voice for Men meme
Detail of an unintentionally revealing A Voice for Men meme

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive continues! If you haven’t already, please consider sending some bucks my way. (And don’t worry that the PayPal page says Man Boobz.) Thanks!

From time to time I like to check in on the Facebook page for A Voice for Men, to see how that eminent men’s human rights organization’s program to advance the human man rights of human men through badly designed and even more poorly conceived graphic “memes” is going.

Well, I can report that this program is going, and going, and going, a bit like a famous battery-powered bunny.

Looking through them today, I couldn’t help but notice the weird sexual undertones — and overtones — of many of the memes, and realized that, while none of the memes tell us much about the world, they do, in an altogehter accidental way, offer some pretty interesting insights into the ids of those making and “liking” them on Facebook.

You don’t have to be a trained psychoanalyst to see the not-very-well-hidden straight male sexual insecurities that lie behind a large number of AVFM’s memes — both the ones they create themselves and the others that seem to have arrived on the AVFM page after being forwarded via email from someone’s cranky misogynistic uncle. Let’s take a look at some of them.

1) AVFMers have apparently convinced themselves that the history of mankind is the story of nice guys being nice to snooty women who won’t date them.




2) The straight men who make up the bulk of AVFM’s audience are pretty much terrified of women.




3) A lot of these guys seem to really enjoy fantasizing about women being forced into crappy jobs and/or sex work.





4) One of AVFM’s meme makers, the fellow who goes by the name of “John Galt,” has trouble distinguishing between the real world and certain (perhaps unacknowledged) sexual fetishes he appears to be a little obsessed with.




5) Straight cis male AVFMers hate fat women who don’t please their boners, and are angry at feminists for convincing at least some fat women not to hate themselves.




6) These AVFMers evidently prefer women who are very young, very thin, and photoshopped into anatomically implausible proportions and positions. But they simultaneously hate these women for giving them boners.


(Slightly censored version of the AVFM original.)
Perfect woman, or photoshop disaster? (Slightly censored version of the AVFM original.)


8) AVFMers really, really hate male feminists — and pretty much every man who doesn’t hate and fear women like they dO — and not-very-subtly project their own sexual insecurities onto them.




9) They also really, really, really hate me.



But I think that’s probably because they’re jealous that I have that second pair of arms.

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10 years ago

@ Puddleglum – I don’t think they actually believe that. Like Luzbelitx says, they’re at least partly mocking the idea of women in STEM. At the same time, they’re mocking the very idea of hostile work environment.

10 years ago

So feminists are oppressive to fat cats, jail is… apparently an identity, the cats are in a David suit in a worm suit, and… women get scared away from college because shirts?

I *am* jealous of the extra arms, though.

And I feel sorry for that poor kitty. Not because it’s a fat kitty, but because it is at the vet, near all the carriers, and being carried. Cat hell.

10 years ago

Number two’s message is that men don’t have eyes. Feminists stole them, obviously.

Lol, I didn’t even realize the eyes were missing till you pointed this out. Now I keep asking myself, where did the eyes go? How did he know there was a woman in need of puddle chivalry? Does he have radar? Tingly puddle senses?

10 years ago

I’m pretty sure the message of 3b doesn’t go beyond “I want to see uppity women degraded and miserable.”

True, I think it is that simple.

Upon second inspection, I think I also see a layer of “I’m not sexist, you’re a whore!

10 years ago

A feminist poked out that man’s eyes for daring to look upon her robes.

(This would be funnier if you’d been around for our old friend of the purple rage prose.)

10 years ago

Ooh, TMBG? I keep thinking of “luck ball and chain” when I think of MRAs

I lost my lucky ball and chain
and now she’s four years gone
just five feet tall and sick of me
and all my rattlin’ on

She threw away her baby doll
I held on to my pride
but I was young and foolish then
I feel old and foolish now

confidentially she never called me baby doll
confidentially I never had much pride
but now I rock a barstool and I drink for two
just pondering these time-bombs in my mind

Sigh… that album came out in 1990… the more things change…

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

Well, on the subject of jobs, a friend of a friend of mine was a double honours Maths/Physics grad with a first. He ended up driving a bus for a living…

Sounds about right. My degree is in palaeontology but I currently design websites instead – yeah, turns out there aren’t many jobs for palaeontologists in the Australian outback. *sighs* =P

(As a side note, how many Misandry Points do I get for going from one STEM field to another STEM field?)

10 years ago

If they are trying to redefine MGTOW to mean becoming PUAs won’t they be creating some conflict in the ranks and risl splitter and all that?

Also too and besides, let’s do lunch.

10 years ago

I feel like the story about Raleigh and the mud puddle was always just a joke about Raleigh… “Oh, he’s so chivalrous he’d even lay down his own coat to prevent Elizabeth’s dainty shoes from getting dirty.” And then it’s just continued to be a joke ever since.

MRAs, being jokes themselves, thus immediately assume this was a real thing and totes misandry.

It certainly is an epically ridiculous tale…and thus, eminently worthy of their stoopidz.

See, I thought that was the core of the MRA claim, that men are expected to sacrifice, financially and sartorially, a significant amount for a minimal benefit to women, and so the cloak and mud puddle was, for once, concise and exact.

In that sense, yes. But if anyone seriously believes that that really happened, I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn that I’ll sell them for a song.

I guess the sex worker trying to go to MIT is actually supposed to mean “wimminz is only good for teh sex; durr stoopid wimminz thinking they iz good at science”.

Hammer, nail, head.

They also seem to ASSume that street prostitution is far more lucrative than it actually is, and that MIT tuition is as low as that of the diploma mills that granted them their respective fine-art, history and gender-studies degrees.

I like that they can’t distinguish between cruelty to animals and self-determination. I know this is supposed to be “stoopid fat bitches don’t deserve to live because they iz unattractive to me”, but this shows that they conceive of women as objects whose primary function is to make men happy and give them boners. They totally miss the “empowering” part, that women should feel good about themselves no matter what size they are. For all we know, that woman has some illness that makes her gain weight. She might not care about her size but be healthy. Is she any less deserving of common decency? Should she not be able to make decisions for herself.

Not to mention that the fat cat in the picture did not get that way out of cruelty, but out of ignorance and misplaced kindness. The owners fed that poor kitty all the wrong things, and didn’t have the heart to say no, or the time and energy to exercise it regularly. It’s an all-too-common situation with obese pets, unfortunately.

These idiots, they cannot even be bothered to get the backstory right, much less concoct a meme worth spreading. Is it any wonder no woman wants them? They’re just all such lazy-minded buffoons.

10 years ago

Hahaha-No. See, paying me back for what he stole would mean that he was giving me money out of “financial obligation,” and that would be wrong of him to do as a MGTOW. Paying back a debt was, to him, on par with paying child support, which was also a bad thing to do because spermthief harpies stealing $moneyz, I guess. This would also be why he got in trouble with credit cards, utilities, and rent payments.
The whole mindset is pretty fecking convoluted & makes absolutely zero sense to any non-MGTOW human being.

10 years ago

Once again mens rights couldn’t make a decent meme to save their life.

I can’t believe how they are so out of touch of reality. it’s like are they in some kind of dimension? Is this some contest on who could make the most horrible, stupid and confusing memes possible?

It’s nice to know that they have better things to do than actually help men and boys /s

I’m so sorry that you had to go through that and I’m glad you got away from him. ::hugs::

What mgtow think they are doing

What they are really doing

10 years ago

@Kate: Here’s two blasts from the past in one convenient package!

Shoulda took the money, stupid duck.

10 years ago

MGTOW: A man who understands that sexual attraction and intimacy are separate from financial obligation… The kind of man who has the courage and strength to live by it…

Confession time: I dated one of these jackasses, briefly. (Not briefly enough.) I was young and foolish, what can I say? The above quote is _totally_ accurate if you view it through the following lens.

We had been dating >3weeks, but he had somehow finagled his way into living with me, and I’m still not sure how. He was chronically unemployed. By that I mean he was unemployable because of the amount of pot that he smoked. (Seriously, you should not smell like pot after a full shower, but he exuded the smell in his fucking sweat!) He would go on long rants about evil ex-girlfriends and how they were only after his $moneyz and super-special sperm. I found out after ~5 weeks that he had a kid who was AT LEAST 5 years old, and he had never paid child support.

Whilst not working, he stole my debit card & bought a N64, a half-dozen games, and all the crappy porn he could carry home on the bus.

I tried to throw him out & he beat me up. The neighbor had to save my ass & the police got involved.

And then he told everyone what a horrible person I was for getting him arrested and breaking his fist with my face* and I lost an entire friend circle.

So yeah, MGTOW, to me, always means “I WILL ATTACH MYSELF TO YOU LIKE A LAMPREY AND STEAL FROM YOU, BECAUSE I AM A PIECE OF SHIT! CODDLE ME, FOR LADIEZ ARE EVIL! but totally not you, you aren’t like ~those other girls~ we have a special connection…”

OMG, that is awful! All the hugs and kitties to you for that.

And yes, your definition of a MGTOW sounds a lot more accurate than theirs.

10 years ago

“Number two’s message is that men don’t have eyes. Feminists stole them, obviously.”

I have heard from shrek that they’re good for martinis and toast. Need those male tears of course.

Jennifer Keller
Jennifer Keller
10 years ago


I made a contribution do I get a free autographed copy of your famous book “No Mum I’m Busy” LOL

I also wonder at the message of #6 the fat cat and the fat woman, are they saying that Patriarchy was keeping women THIN really? How the hell does that work?

I would also love an autographed picture of your real worm likeness to be framed.

friday jones
friday jones
10 years ago

@Falconer: I think that the arches are actually structural ribbing from Air Force One, and the crocodilian reptile has The Football strapped to it.

10 years ago

Can we all chip in a dollar and hire John Galt a dominatrix? I think it would improve both his and our lives.

10 years ago

I also wonder at the message of #6 the fat cat and the fat woman, are they saying that Patriarchy was keeping women THIN really? How the hell does that work?

By starving them, running them off their feet with endless housework, forcing them to churn out babies (no birth control for these super-spermy machos!) and stuffing them into stupid corsetry. Of course.

10 years ago


What do these people think of men who actually have successful relationships with women without treating them as roughly on par with a doormat? Are they (we) somehow defective as well?

They’d (you’d) have to be defective, wouldn’t they (you).

I suspect the dimwits would try to cover their seething envy by casting aspersions like mangina! and beta! All of which is completely futile because happy men who are happily living with women who are also happy don’t have any interest in learning their lingo, let alone agreeing with their attitudes.

10 years ago

@friday jones:

@Falconer: I think that the arches are actually structural ribbing from Air Force One, and the crocodilian reptile has The Football strapped to it.

Okay, so what’s Ronald McDonald doing in the background if it’s not Golden Arches?

Jennifer Keller
Jennifer Keller
10 years ago

@davidnewton @mildlymagnificent
I follow a youtube vlogger by the name abaddon5 and he was in an argument/debate with these mra assholes (he calls them Male Supremacists) and the first thing they did was claim his wife was a wh#re who rode the C*ck carrousel before she settled for him as a beta. So you are right that is LITERALLY the argument this asshats make. They try to delegitimize your relationship if it stands in stark contrast to their bullshit.

10 years ago

Ok, this thread wins all the music awards. TMBG ‘Istanbul’ and the Kevin Kline Pirates of Penzance.

friday jones
friday jones
10 years ago

Firing an RPG, obviously! 😀

10 years ago

You know, I didn’t think worms had arms… are those from the cats and/or ferrets, sticking out of the worm suit?

10 years ago

“A man who understands that sexual attraction and intimacy are inseparable from financial obligation” – BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA *gasp* HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

(That was Mr K laughing, too, btw.)

Lincoln riding a bear made me nearly spit my museli on the keyboard. Teddy Roosevelt and Vladimir Putin ain’t got nothin’ on this dude!

On the Raleigh thing (everyone ninjaed me on that!) – if it happened, it may well have been a leather cloak anyway, so not irreparable. But at any rate, it’s the sort of wildly extravagant gesture the Queen’s favourites were pretty much expected to make, both because of the culture of Elizabeth’s court and because they were playing for serious political power and wealth. It makes sense in the context where it (maybe) happened.

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