links men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture

Tuesday Links: More on "Jackie" and the sleazy, ahem, "journalist" who doxxed her

Chuck Johnson: He has a phone
Chuck Johnson: He has a phone

The fact that a blogger just doxed U-Va.’s alleged rape victim basically sums up the year in Internet culture, by Caitlin Dewey at the Washington Post

Meet the divisive blogger who says he outed Rolling Stone’s ‘Jackie’, by Terrence McCoy, also at the Washington Post

UVA controversy allows woman-haters to get really, really ugly, by Amanda Marcotte at Pandagon/Raw Story

What Is Chuck Johnson, and Why? The Web’s Worst Journalist, Explained, by JK Trotter at Gawker

Twitter’s Biggest Scumbag Chuck C. Johnson Outs Rape Victim To Teach Feminazis A Lesson, by Gary Legum at Wonkette

Twitter needs to suspend @ChuckCJohnson for the rest of eternity and then some, by Tbogg at Raw Story

‘I Have A Plan To Take That Bitch Out’: Conservative Blogger On Hillary Clinton?, by David Badash at The New Civil Rights Movement


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10 years ago

I’m feeling so much rage here.

I never should have read all the links.

10 years ago

I learned today that Johnson is one of those people who uses autism as an excuse for his abusive behavior. Of course he is. Ugh.

10 years ago

@ WWTH – He’s one of those? Oh, dear Bootsy, now I’m cross! (nice retro Hulk gif, BTW)

10 years ago

From the Amanda Marcotte article:

Erdely was castigating UVA for not investigating rape claims. This criticism stands regardless of the veracity of any particular claim. Indeed, one reason to investigate rape claims is to suss out the very rare cases where they are false. The people who want to discourage investigating rape claims are so afraid that guilty people will get caught that they’re actively discouraging a system that could exonerate the innocent.

This. If we lived in a society in which rape victims were believed and reports of rape were taken seriously; if we lived in a society in which victims of rape and sexual assault weren’t terrified of reporting because of all the shame and derision heaped on them; if rape victims weren’t viewed as somehow “responsible” for being raped; then this would have played out a lot differently.

This Chuck Johnson is a despicable person. Doxxing Jackie? Focusing on the inconsistencies in her story? Calling her a “liar?” All this is doing is making it harder for rape victims. It’s not serving justice, it’s telling rape victims that if their memory of a traumatic event is 100% accurate that they’re lying.

10 years ago

Why is the Hulk throwing giant teddy bears into a lake? That’s never going to fit in the washing machine.

10 years ago

@ WWTH what a despicable tool Johnson is!

10 years ago

Shut up Chuck Johson.

10 years ago

On behalf of all red-haired people, I apologize for Yosemite Fucking Sam up there.

(On second thought, even Yosemite Sam isn’t THAT mean and treacherous.)

10 years ago

What a turd sandwich this Chuck Jonhson is.

10 years ago

I bring relatively good news, the very twittersphere that fails to just basically kick his ass off back into 12th century has rallied and gathered to create #Floorshitting and #Poopgate in regard to an alleged faecal incontinence episode ….. please for laughs go google his name, the hashtags, and yes it is worrying him, he considers himself a revolutionary that has been turned upon by masses of, 1. Lefties, 2. Feminists and 3.Ghostly Shadows from his past…

Revenge is best served cold. Yes Virginia, there is a santa claus. He is but part of mother nature’s big sewerage plan…

10 years ago

From reading the Washington Post article—the cognitive dissonance of this dude. He tries to protect his own identity and fears for his safety and that of his family. Which, if people have been sending him threats, they should not being doing that, and that is indeed a Very Bad Thing.

What I don’t understand is how he can feel the heat of that and then still think it’s okay to doxx anyone else. “OMG people might know what city I’m in” –> “I will post the entire past of a young woman who is already going through hell” and “Oh whoops that’s not her real picture but WHO CARES, let’s sic the internet on her anyway”.

There are not words strong enough for how deeply this angers me.

Jay Elmore
10 years ago

Those articles do a pretty good job of detailing the walking nightmare that is CCJ.

I’ve been aware of this guy for a few months because another Charles Johnson, the owner of Little Green Footballs, has been pointing out how much of an asshole and sociopath this guy is. (Mostly in a “to be clear, THIS GUY IS NOT ME” sense.)

He’s racist, sexist, and homophobic; he’s also thin-skinned, reactionary, and a shamelessly self-promoting opportunist. If you scroll through his Twitter timeline, you’d see that he’s almost a caricature of everything that’s wrong with the conservative movement.

Which would be hilarious, except that he’s a real danger to the people he’s obsessed with. He actually tracked down the (former) home address of the other Charles Johnson and posted a picture of himself standing outside the house. In addition to doxxing Jackie, he was also brave enough to doxx Ebola patients.

10 years ago


10 years ago

I’m glad to know that apparently this bastard is so full of shit that he can’t keep it from falling out.

10 years ago

The fact more and more people I know on Facebook are devolving into the kind of people who’d believe anything a guy like Charles Johnson says, despite the fact he’s been proven to be totally full of shit more than once, is incredibly depressing.

Moreso when you assumed they knew better and were intelligent to be able to notice this shit – but they don’t. It’s further proof that intellect doesn’t make one enlightened nor more self-aware, but that they use the things they learn to simply justify and rationalize their otherwise regressive and bigoted attitudes.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
10 years ago

I am not a violent person. I am not. Really.

But faced with this… piece… of… erm, what passes for a human being, I’m experiencing unusually aggressive desires.

I’m hoping karma for him is swift and merciless.

10 years ago

An update with some mildly good news: it turns out that the woman at the 2011 SlutWalk whom Charles C. Johnson identified as Jackie was actually someone else (surprise, surprise, he didn’t even dox the right woman!) and she’s suing him.

10 years ago

LOL…serves him bloody well right! What a piece of shit he is.