a voice for men antifeminism atheism minus entitled babies imaginary backwards land imaginary oppression misogyny MRA oppressed men paul elam richard dawkins schadenfreude

Men's Rights activists outraged that Richard Dawkins has never heard of them

The Men's Rights Movement: To silly even for Richard Dawkins?
The Men’s Rights Movement: To silly even for Richard Dawkins?

Richard Dawkins, I think it’s fair to say, is a bit of a dick. Though he’s an expert popularizer of science he seems to be a bit of a blithering idiot on every other topic he tries to address; his broadsides on religion are patronizing and profoundly ignorant, and his forays into gender politics are even more cringey.

He puts his foot in his mouth so often on Twitter that it’s sometimes difficult to tell the difference between his real account and this absurdist parody.

In a recent interview, he doubled down on some of his most appalling earlier remarks, reaffirming that he believes there is such a thing as “mild pedophilia” and that pregnant women who discover that they are carrying a Down syndrome fetus should probably “abort and try again.” And in that interview he reminded us all again just why so many feminist atheists have turned against him, telling his interlocutor that

I occasionally get a little impatient with American women who complain of being inappropriately touched by the water cooler or invited for coffee or something … .


Given how often he comes down on the wrong side on gender issues — heck, he recently suggested to his fans that they follow “Based Mom” Christina Hoff Sommers on Twitter — you might assume he would have a certain degree of fondness for the upside-down-and-backwards politics of the Men’s Rights movement.

But you’d be wrong.

At a recent event at Kennesaw State University – yep, the same place where a student organization tied to A Voice for Men held a little conference not long ago – Dawkins offered a surprising, if somewhat limited, defense of feminism. And he reacted with puzzlement when he was asked about the Men’s Rights movement.

“I didn’t, I hardly knew — is there a men’s right movement?” he commented. “If there is discrimination against men, then that’s bad too,” he conceded, only to add that “I haven’t heard of it.”

The audience responded with laughter.

To AVFM head boy Paul Elam, this was the equivalent of shots fired. In a post today, Elam excoriated Dawkins for not having heard of his little movement, and not being aware of the terrible gynocentric injustices being heaped upon the world’s men.

Richard Dawkins has not heard of discrimination toward men? Really? Sorry, Richard, but please tell me this is because you have invented human teleportation and have managed to remain in an academic setting constantly for the past several years. Tell me that you have so successfully avoided the real world that you are unaware of the ongoing problems of fathers and children in family courts, the egregious and blatant discrimination against men in criminal sentencing, and the transparent sexual double standards applied against males in the domestic violence and sexual assault industries. Perhaps you have actually done so well with insulating yourself that you have managed to exist completely within the walls of interdisciplinary studies departments, lest you may have actually heard of the loss of due process for young men now rampant across college campuses. Or maybe it was harder to notice, even for the great scientist-skeptic, because there are so few young men left?

Yeah, I’m sure that’s it, Paul. Dawkins can’t find any male students to talk to.

That is the problem with living the insulated life. Not only do you end up making foil-hat-worthy observations that translate to ideology being good for science, but eventually the insulation becomes so thick, so protective and muffling, that whatever tiny spark remains in the wire is of little use to science or to society.

Says the man who lives in an ideological bubble of his own making. The irony, it burns.

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10 years ago

“Shite” is mostly said by people pretending they’re not swearing. It does crop up in some accents directly, but for the most part Brits say “shit”.
Yes, this is more interesting than Dawkins.

10 years ago

Still not going to your blog, christopher allman. And your teal deer has fuck-all to do with the OP.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Look at the leaders and most prominent voices, like Warren Farrell. He is literally one of the kindest, most loving and egalitarian people I’ve ever been exposed to.

There’s a cure for this: leave your mom’s basement before 2 AM and meet some people.

10 years ago

Urgh, I knew they were doing it centuries back, but not that recently!

Oh yeah. Joan Didion wrote about her migraine-prone tendencies in a typically excellent essay, and says that an Air Force doctor (she was a USAF kid) prescribed one for her when she was very young. Can’t imagine it doing much for her nausea and headaches (and can’t imagine it being anything but nightmarish for a small child!), but I guess she had no trouble pooping, anyoldhow.

Maybe he saw a headline about cancer rates mushrooming and misunderstood.

Oh, probably. There are also mushrooms that are liver-toxic, but those tend to kill within hours or days, not the months-to-years timespan that cancer does.

10 years ago

I know what being loved looks like and it does not look like Warren Farrell.

10 years ago

We all know there are haters in feminism too! Just like, 100 years ago, there were prominent feminist leaders who said things like ‘it would be better to lynch a thousand negroes a week than for a woman to lose her most cherished possession’.

Oh, Christopher Robin, is that the best you can do? You do realize that the Earth has gone around the Sun more than 100 times since that idiot said that stupid thing, right? But MRAs are a very recent movement, no more than 30-40 years old, tops. And they’re hatemongering right now, advocating for “Bash a Violent Bitch Month”. I’m guessing that a “violent bitch” is one who fights back when a man tries to beat her up or rape her.

As for your beloved “Dr.” Farrell, he’s not an actual MD, nor is he a Ph. D. in psychology. He is not an expert in anything germane to human interactions at all. And not that long ago, he was advocating for parents to “genitally caress” their kids, and that he believed father-daughter incest to be sensual and beneficial. That’s MOLESTATION. And as far as I know, he’s never come out and said “I was wrong, I take that back, parents should never sexually touch their kids.”

If that’s your idea of “loving”, I don’t want to see your hate. Kindly go trip over a whole roomful of Legos.

10 years ago

I think it’s time for Christopher Allman to play the name three non-misogynist MRAs challenge.

He’s already failing by selecting Warren Farrell

It is important that a woman’s “noes” be respected and her “yeses” be respected. And it is also important when her nonverbal “yeses” (tongues still touching) conflict with those verbal “noes” that the man not be put in jail for choosing the “yes” over the “no.” He might just be trying to become her fantasy.

Here is saying that a woman’s “noes” should be respected. Unless of course a man decides he thinks she didn’t mean it. He’s literally saying raping shouldn’t be prosecuted if a man thinks a no means a yes.

Try again Christopher. Name three MRAs who aren’t misogynists. Preferably those that have some sort of leadership role.

Bonus round; name 3 things the MRM has done to actually help men. And no, trying to steal from the White Ribbon campaign doesn’t help men.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

But-but WWTH, women never kiss men without wanting to have sex, immediately! It’s loving and absolutely egalitarian to spread the idea that a kiss = consent in all cases, even the cases where the woman said, verbally, No!

10 years ago

Bina, my oath, that poor child.

I can’t imagine how people managed to keep going through the treatments their doctors inflicted on them. Having hundreds of enemas and bleedings and purgatives in a year – that’s hundreds of each … and the enemas beginning in childhood, multiple times a day …

10 years ago

In case any new commenters are wondering, no one to my knowledge has ever been able to name 3 non-misogynist MRAs.

I’m getting really tired of the “cherry picking” accusation. It’s a correct accusation when someone is taking quotes removed from context or quotes that are not otherwise representative of a group. Since MRAs say misogynistic things all the time, it’s not cherry picking to quote them.

Oh, and did anyone else notice the inconsistencies between today’s post and Christopher’s post from yesterday. He pretended that he had never heard of the MRM until he somehow stumbled on this blog and our unfairness to them has had the opposite intended effect and driven him straight into their arms.

Yet this

Look at the leaders and most prominent voices, like Warren Farrell. He is literally one of the kindest, most loving and egalitarian people I’ve ever been exposed to. If you disagree, you probably have only heard ABOUT him, rather than actually listened to him.

would suggest that he is a long time fan of Farrell’s.

10 years ago

And tongues still touching never, never means he’s the aggressor who’s shoved his tongue in her mouth!

10 years ago

WWTH – and bozo can’t even get it into his head that David quotes Farrell and links to his shit, same as with all the other MRAs. That isn’t “having read about him,” that’s reading his own words – which is somehow still bad because it’s cherry-picking. MRAs condemn themselves with their own words but somehow they’re still the good guys. ::snort::

10 years ago

Kissing is not sex.

Kim Kardashian’s butt pics did not actually break the internet.

Why are MRAs so stupid?

10 years ago

Yet this

Look at the leaders and most prominent voices, like Warren Farrell. He is literally one of the kindest, most loving and egalitarian people I’ve ever been exposed to. If you disagree, you probably have only heard ABOUT him, rather than actually listened to him.

would suggest that he is a long time fan of Farrell’s.

And if that’s the case, he might well have heard of the “genitally caress” horror, too. And thinks it’s somehow an answer to all the slights and indignities men have suffered at the hands of ball-busting women. Solution: Rape your daughter! She’s sweet, she’s innocent, and she can be TRAINED to be the perfect sextoy your wife never was! Flawless, loving logic, that…

Yeah, the day MRAs can marshal a coherent argument that isn’t also god-awful through and through is the day I start taking them seriously. Until then, they can stay far away from my ass.

10 years ago

The next time I’m tongue kissing, I’ll remember that some dudes have a castration fetish and bring it up mid-kiss. If he says no to the castration thing but continues kissing I’ll take that as a go-ahead to fulfill his fantasy. Thank me later, fella.


Catherine von Überwald
Catherine von Überwald
10 years ago

Look at the leaders and most prominent voices, like Warren Farrell. He is literally one of the kindest, most loving and egalitarian people I’ve ever been exposed to.

You do know that there is this neat thing called “Search the blog”, right?
If you used a fraction of the time it took you to write that “feminist are horrible, ‘cos I say so!” teal dear bothered to search this blog for posts about Farrell; you would have found plenty “negative” and “generally about hate” toward women things he said / wrote.

But points for “been exposed to” part of your post!
I often feel like I’ve been exposed to toxic waste after reading MRA (Farrell’s included) screeds.

10 years ago


Are you a woman? If so, that’s how you’re logicking wrong. Everybody knows that!

Not on topic but tangentially related because of the discussion of Warren Farrell’s rape apologia, here’s a pretty new Robot Hugs!

10 years ago

Haven’t caught up on the comments yet, but I watched that video, and it just shows what Richard Dawkins could be. He’s clearly capable of being a decent human being, and that just makes it all the more disappointing and infuriating when he doesn’t do it.

10 years ago


And tongues still touching never, never means he’s the aggressor who’s shoved his tongue in her mouth!

I was just going to say, but you ninjaed me like yesterday. 😛

10 years ago

Alex, I borrowed Pauly-boy’s magic teleporting device to do it. 😛

10 years ago

I just wonder where Warren Farrel, Grandfather of Gross, gets the idea that every woman’s fantasy is to have some ol’ skeevster ram his tongue past her tonsils unasked, then take that as a “yes” to rape her.

10 years ago

Or worse, some skeevster who’s also her father, since he also thinks women are lying liars who lie when survivors say no, they never wanted that.

10 years ago

Hey, Christopher Allman, is that your real name? If it’s not, why did you pick a pseudonym that matched the name of a fellow recently convicted of raping and murdering a pregnant woman?

10 years ago

This reminds me of the way Pat Robertson reacted to the debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye. It’s like, when even a total douche thinks you’re ridiculous then that’s some epic stupid you’re spouting.