a voice for men antifeminism atheism minus entitled babies imaginary backwards land imaginary oppression misogyny MRA oppressed men paul elam richard dawkins schadenfreude

Men's Rights activists outraged that Richard Dawkins has never heard of them

The Men's Rights Movement: To silly even for Richard Dawkins?
The Men’s Rights Movement: To silly even for Richard Dawkins?

Richard Dawkins, I think it’s fair to say, is a bit of a dick. Though he’s an expert popularizer of science he seems to be a bit of a blithering idiot on every other topic he tries to address; his broadsides on religion are patronizing and profoundly ignorant, and his forays into gender politics are even more cringey.

He puts his foot in his mouth so often on Twitter that it’s sometimes difficult to tell the difference between his real account and this absurdist parody.

In a recent interview, he doubled down on some of his most appalling earlier remarks, reaffirming that he believes there is such a thing as “mild pedophilia” and that pregnant women who discover that they are carrying a Down syndrome fetus should probably “abort and try again.” And in that interview he reminded us all again just why so many feminist atheists have turned against him, telling his interlocutor that

I occasionally get a little impatient with American women who complain of being inappropriately touched by the water cooler or invited for coffee or something … .


Given how often he comes down on the wrong side on gender issues — heck, he recently suggested to his fans that they follow “Based Mom” Christina Hoff Sommers on Twitter — you might assume he would have a certain degree of fondness for the upside-down-and-backwards politics of the Men’s Rights movement.

But you’d be wrong.

At a recent event at Kennesaw State University – yep, the same place where a student organization tied to A Voice for Men held a little conference not long ago – Dawkins offered a surprising, if somewhat limited, defense of feminism. And he reacted with puzzlement when he was asked about the Men’s Rights movement.

“I didn’t, I hardly knew — is there a men’s right movement?” he commented. “If there is discrimination against men, then that’s bad too,” he conceded, only to add that “I haven’t heard of it.”

The audience responded with laughter.

To AVFM head boy Paul Elam, this was the equivalent of shots fired. In a post today, Elam excoriated Dawkins for not having heard of his little movement, and not being aware of the terrible gynocentric injustices being heaped upon the world’s men.

Richard Dawkins has not heard of discrimination toward men? Really? Sorry, Richard, but please tell me this is because you have invented human teleportation and have managed to remain in an academic setting constantly for the past several years. Tell me that you have so successfully avoided the real world that you are unaware of the ongoing problems of fathers and children in family courts, the egregious and blatant discrimination against men in criminal sentencing, and the transparent sexual double standards applied against males in the domestic violence and sexual assault industries. Perhaps you have actually done so well with insulating yourself that you have managed to exist completely within the walls of interdisciplinary studies departments, lest you may have actually heard of the loss of due process for young men now rampant across college campuses. Or maybe it was harder to notice, even for the great scientist-skeptic, because there are so few young men left?

Yeah, I’m sure that’s it, Paul. Dawkins can’t find any male students to talk to.

That is the problem with living the insulated life. Not only do you end up making foil-hat-worthy observations that translate to ideology being good for science, but eventually the insulation becomes so thick, so protective and muffling, that whatever tiny spark remains in the wire is of little use to science or to society.

Says the man who lives in an ideological bubble of his own making. The irony, it burns.

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10 years ago

Honestly, my favorite part of the whole interaction was finding out that people are now marketing a homeopathic nasal spray that can help treat the deleterious effect of chemtrails. Apparently, the way to deal with the scourge of breathing in minute traces of chemicals released into the air by airplanes is to breathe in distilled water laced with minute traces of chemicals.

10 years ago

Huh. You know… maybe, (and I realise this is somewhere between “maybe I bleed ice cream” and “maybe the conservative party aren’t as bad as all that” on the optimismeter), just maybe, this will be a wakeup call for Dawkins.

Maybe he’ll look up the mens right movement and go “Sweet Atheismo, that’s fucked up. Oh shit, do I sound like that? OH SHIT.”

No, wait, he’s from Britain, he’d say “shite”.

10 years ago

And it is now my observation that conspiracy folks are pretty much all obsessed with sticking things in themselves to overcome the horror of the fact that they keep getting other, undesirable, things stuck in them.

It’s like they didn’t understand that General Ripper’s rant about the Soviets and his precious bodily fluids was intended as a joke.

10 years ago

@ christopher allman – It’s very thoughtful of you to give us your web page, again, so as to help straighten out our thinking with regards to the MRA’s and what they really say.

Thing is, we’ve got that covered. See all the little blue words on the right side of the page, under the heading ‘Misogyny Central’? They’re called ‘links’ and if one ‘clicks’ on them, the internet will move the ‘user’ to that web page! Then, the user can read all about what real, live MRA’s say, in their very own words!

Or, we can ‘Google’ MRA and read even more words!

It’s like magic! Except that it’s technology. But, still magical!

Thanks, though, for thinking of teh poor wiminz (and our allies).

10 years ago

asshole atheist bros


10 years ago

I’d like to present the award for the Neologism of the Year to…

@Noadi, for


Congratulations! Please come and pick up your award, it is a scented candle in form of a cat!

10 years ago

Okay, folks, lift up your hands and say it with me three times:



I don’t know if I should say this but…I think Mikey…is MIKE FUCKING CERNOVICH!

Think about it: He’s in Venice, CA. Where’s Venice? DIRECTLY ON THE MOTHERFUCKING BEACH!

And he’s a lawyer. A crap lawyer. With abusive and rapey tendencies, too. And full of Alpha Male Shit™. Just like you-know-who.

Holy shit…holy shit…holy shit…suddenly it all makes sense!

I think I’mma go lie down now. Please send kitties.

10 years ago

I dunno: Does Mike Cernovich also run a farm and Visit North Carolina in the middle of planting season?

10 years ago

Finally the mystery is solved!

10 years ago

Can I say just how happy I was that on a post about Dawkin’s idiocy the first comment visible was about coffee enemas? Yup, that’s about the level of contemplation and respect he deserves these days. #absurdisthumourFTW

10 years ago


There’s a guy who knows what privilege is, he has benefited from it for his whole life.

I don’t think so. I think he’s the classic, paradigm even, case for oblivious privilege.

Ask a fish what water is and you’ll get no answer was made for Dawkins and people like him. His whole life he’s swum in distilled essence of invisible privilege and he’s never acquired the skills or the insight to figure out that it’s there, let alone what it’s made of. He can’t even see that other people are obliged to swim in much murkier, stickier surroundings that inhibit their progress rather than smooth their way.

10 years ago

I dunno: Does Mike Cernovich also run a farm and Visit North Carolina in the middle of planting season?

Oh Great Googly Moogly, show us the way!

(And let me say in advance that I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s where he gets the raw materials for his Super Sperminator Juice™.)

10 years ago

I blame katz for this. She said she wouldn’t mind smacking this imbecile around a bit more! 😛

My sincere apologies. Of course this one would be a grepping loon.

10 years ago

We really need a stock image to represent that frowny, confused face that most people make when they first find out about the MRM. Even Dawkins probably made it, it’s an almost universal reaction.

10 years ago

I am pretty sure Dawkins is lying. I don’t care enough about either him or the MRA brigade to do the research but I don’t think it would be hard to find.

10 years ago

Tracy, that’s it! That’s The Face!

I shall actually be really sad if Mikey is Mike Cernovich. Because Mikey was weird and creepy in a troll way, the sort of troll you didn’t mind having around too much, but Cernovich is … ewww.

10 years ago

Forgive a bit of blog-pimping, but a few months back I did a writeup on a series of fantasy novels where the primary setting was a matriarchal culture (and not a grotesque caricature of one like the Drow, either). In such a culture, a Men’s Rights Movement would actually make a goddamn lick of sense. But note how different that culture is from the one we actually live in.

10 years ago

As an atheist, I love Dawkins, although his ideas about gender are frankly stupid, and for my own sanity I try to ignore them. He also, like many other atheists, has some bizarre ideas about ethics (though perhaps no more bizarre than most religious people living out of a book of violent superstitious fables).

10 years ago

Who was the fella with all the dolls? I miss him. Meller?

And no troll has ever surpassed Owly. I was a mere lurker in those days… but oh, that was good stuff. He really put an effort in. *mutters* trolls these days *grumps*

10 years ago

I shall actually be really sad if Mikey is Mike Cernovich. Because Mikey was weird and creepy in a troll way, the sort of troll you didn’t mind having around too much, but Cernovich is … ewww.

Need…more…kitties…STAT! Maru! Simon’s Cat! Where are youuuuuuuu?

10 years ago

Did someone send out the MoarKitties signal?

10 years ago

Tracy, yep, Meller was the creeptastic doll owner. And Owly … ah, there was the troll of trolls.

Maru and Hana!

10 years ago

One of my cats used to get a look like that when I tried to brush his teeth. He’d permit almost anything else, but that was off the table.

10 years ago

I am suddenly reminded of an enema craze a few (maybe more than a few…) years back. I remember watching shows on MTV or VH1 about how en vogue it was to go and get colonics at fancy pants health spas. I think a lot of people were using it as weight loss as well as pretending it was some amazing cleansing ritual. Strange times.

10 years ago

Wheeee! Catnip!!! Skoo-weeeeeee!!!

And I, for one, welcome our Japanese hovercat overlords. And their jellybean toes and little pink tongues licking the force-field, too.

(Whew. Gross-out crisis averted.)