evil women imaginary backwards land imaginary oppression mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men prison rape rape rape culture reddit

"Feminists lie about rape because it's a badge of honor," and other insights from the upside-down world of Men's Rights Redditors

Oopsy daisy.
Oopsy daisy.

You know how, in The Poseidon Adventure, the giant cruise ship gets flipped over by a huge wave and the passengers have to make their way through the upside-down ship to the bottom of the hull, which is now the top, in order to survive?

Well, the Men’s Rights subreddit is kind of like that. The only way to get upvotes is to look at everything upside-down.

See, e.g., this comment addressing the issue of rape, and why feminists allegedly lie about it:

5HourEnergyExtra 8 points 1 day ago       what motivates women and feminists to lie about rape  These are really very two different questions. Women can have any number of motivations. My own speculations are that they're peer pressured into calling it rape, ashamed something happened, want attention, want revenge, or something else. But the variance is enormous.  Feminists lie about rape because it's a badge of honor. Other feminists will come to them with open arms and love them forever. They also do it because it furthers he legitimacy of their movement. If any random room contains a woman who was raped then it helps the cause, even if they have to be that woman, and even if the woman in the next room is doing exactly the same thing.      lie about rape statistics on all fronts to set the bar for consensual sex so high no couple in a committed relationship meets it?  It validates their cause. Women have it pretty good nowadays. No violence, no discrimination in hiring, no discrimination in education, nothing bad really. They've got cat calling going against them but that seems less than spectacular. Whistle's don't hurt anyone; they're just annoying.  But, sexual violence (if and only if we pretend prisoners don't exist) is at least a little bit lopsided such that women have it worse. Moreover, it's actually very bad. So, they milk it for all its worth. To do this, you need to lie about statistics, stretch the definition as far as it goes, ignore prisoners (including the 63% who are there purely on time a woman wouldn't have gotten), and say it's the dominant force in our culture and proves patriarchy.      What is their agenda?  If they're not oppressed than feminism is gonners. Sexual violence is still such that if they bend the statistics, it sounds like they have it worse than men with respect to sexual violence. It's the last stronghold of feminism and they need to milk this one for all it's worth. If they can't do that, then they'll have to realize they aren't oppressed and watch people lose patience for them being unambitious in legal prospects, sitting out the draft, getting a free pass through the legal system, and so on. They'll lose their privilege.      What do they hope to achieve and who gets thrown under the bus in the process?  What they want is to be society's special little snowflakes who we love and care for who never have to do anything at all. We get thrown in prison, raped, killed, and have our lives destroyed to make this happen for them.      permalink     save     give gold  [–]5th_Law_of_Robotics 2 points 1 day ago   Nailed it. feminismlies2

Nailed it, indeed.

(I'd still eat them.)
(I’d still eat them.)

H/T — r/againstmensrights. For more “nailed it” memes, try Buzzfeed.

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10 years ago

Behold my complete lack of surprise.

10 years ago

Also! OT but it’s pretty much rainpocalypse in California right now, and my dad says things are hairy in the UK too. Plus the Phillippines just got hit with a big typhoon. Is everyone OK? Please do check in if you’re in one of those coastal areas that’s getting hit so we know everyone’s OK. How are folks up in Washington and Oregon doing?

10 years ago

I’m fine, but I’m on the dry side of the cascades. Portland is getting hit with a wind storm–they can handle getting rained on, but wind… we had a neighbor’s tree fall down and decapitate a christmas decoration of a deer about ten years back.

10 years ago

We are having a windstorm here in the Peoples Republic of the Puget Sound. I am hunkered down with plenty of firewood and candles in case we lose power. It should be past the peak in another hour or so.

10 years ago

Down at Grayland’s washaway beach a few more houses have been consumed by the sea.

10 years ago

I’m better than OK. My catchment pond is full. I actually have excess water. I don’t know what to do with myself.

Except we overzealously used our toters to hold water and now we can’t throw anything away.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Wow, what crawls up here when I’m at work….eww.
…proof women don’t have it so great? That trollosexual is OUT THERE IN MEATSPACE!

*brandishes Lysol*

10 years ago

I’m not impressed with this Web site. I thought it was feminist-leaning, and I would encounter people who are interested in feminists and feminism. I was evidently mistaken because feminists lying about rape should be of deepest concern to feminists. I thought ‘real’ feminists had moral pretenses and would disapprove of lying, and especially about such an important matter. I expected that people lying about it would horrify them. I think the trivialisation of rape is pretty reprehensible, and there is no greater trivialization than to be dishonest. There are some things too important to lie about. I conclude, therefore, that the feminist who attend here don’t give a flying fig about rape. For them it is some kind of joke.

10 years ago

I’m on the south coast of England and we had a pretty stormy night weather wise, but it seems that things are OK. The good thing about living in Southampton is that in heavy weather the Isle of Wight takes the brunt of it. I think the north got the worst of it all.

So thumbs up for where I am. But crossing all my toes and fingers and praying fervently that there won’t be another 23rd December storm like there was last year. It wrecked the train lines and this time the train is the only way I can get home come Christmas Eve.

10 years ago

Shorter Aporiac: why are you all so concerned by the high rate of rape and not at the far, far less common problem of false rape accusations? Waah! You’re not real feminists! Real feminists woul call all those women who say they are raped liars! Waaah!

Good to hear everyone is ok.

10 years ago

I thought that Aporiac might turn out to be a vaguely entertaining troll, but alas, I was wrong. Must try harder, Aporiac.

10 years ago

Is he still here? Fuck off, Aporiac, you bore us.

10 years ago

TIL that it’s feminists who trivialize rape. Not rape apologists.

10 years ago

Aaaaaaaaaaand he flubs the landing on that flounce. Someone gave him a +3 to begin with, right?

If so, he’s down to an uninspired and uninspiring 1.

10 years ago

Aporiac, can you define feminism? I think you need to borrow some books from your local library. Also, thanks for the rape shaming, we’ve heard it all before. You are vile.

10 years ago

Aww, the asshat is disproving of us because we don’t dismiss rape. How can we possibly stand the guilt of disappointing some random troll??? It keeps me up late, I tell you. /s

10 years ago

Revised rating for failure to stick the flounce and transparently disingenuous drippings in the return pass. +3 with 2 faults = +1 so the troll is still in positive territory but really not in contention for a spot in the top ten.

10 years ago

Aww, the asshat is disproving of us because we don’t dismiss rape. How can we possibly stand the guilt of disappointing some random troll???

I dunno about you guys, but I can manage just fine.

And now, it’s time for supper. Try not to berate anyone to death while I’m out, A-bore-iac.

10 years ago

One of the reasons zombie lies, like the frequency of false rape allegations, are so useful is that you have to refute them every single time else some unsuspecting person be duped. Rape has the same false report percentage as any other crime. Oddly enough it is one of the few false report crimes that are prosecuted.
It was becoming common in my area to prosecute women for false allegations till a couple cases where after the women were found guilty, paid their fine, and served their time, the perp was discovered to have the evidence that proved them guilty of those rapes and many more besides. Now some of them actually investigate rape reports instead of trying to badger women into withdrawing the report.

10 years ago

I should add that they did refund her the fine she paid, but no apology was ever forthcoming for harassing her into recanting and then prosecuting her on the basis of her recanting. They are monsters, some of them.

10 years ago

Pfft hey genius troll, what part of “mocking misogyny” is too hard for you to comprehend? That’s what this feminist blog is about.

Go swallow a Lego, slimy little rape fantasist. You’re not wanted here. You’re probably not wanted anywhere outside creepsters’ sites like Reddit.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

What kittehserf said. You know what really trivializes rape? Douchewads who work day and night to convince the world that rape only exists in the overheated imaginations of lying feminists.

*sprays sea lion repellant*

10 years ago

Oddly enough it is one of the few false report crimes that are prosecuted.
It was becoming common in my area to prosecute women for false allegations till a couple cases where after the women were found guilty, paid their fine, and served their time, the perp was discovered to have the evidence that proved them guilty of those rapes and many more besides. Now some of them actually investigate rape reports instead of trying to badger women into withdrawing the report.

Huh. So much for the Bore and his “what about the poor persecuted innocent menz” schtick.

10 years ago

I notice none of these boring idiots from the USA ever raises the question of the US finally processing all those thousands of rape kits patiently sitting and waiting their turn in warehouses all across the country.

10 years ago

Yes, the rape kits that, when finally processed, not only turn up serial rapists but in one case, iirc, a serial killer.