evil women imaginary backwards land imaginary oppression mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men prison rape rape rape culture reddit

"Feminists lie about rape because it's a badge of honor," and other insights from the upside-down world of Men's Rights Redditors

Oopsy daisy.
Oopsy daisy.

You know how, in The Poseidon Adventure, the giant cruise ship gets flipped over by a huge wave and the passengers have to make their way through the upside-down ship to the bottom of the hull, which is now the top, in order to survive?

Well, the Men’s Rights subreddit is kind of like that. The only way to get upvotes is to look at everything upside-down.

See, e.g., this comment addressing the issue of rape, and why feminists allegedly lie about it:

5HourEnergyExtra 8 points 1 day ago       what motivates women and feminists to lie about rape  These are really very two different questions. Women can have any number of motivations. My own speculations are that they're peer pressured into calling it rape, ashamed something happened, want attention, want revenge, or something else. But the variance is enormous.  Feminists lie about rape because it's a badge of honor. Other feminists will come to them with open arms and love them forever. They also do it because it furthers he legitimacy of their movement. If any random room contains a woman who was raped then it helps the cause, even if they have to be that woman, and even if the woman in the next room is doing exactly the same thing.      lie about rape statistics on all fronts to set the bar for consensual sex so high no couple in a committed relationship meets it?  It validates their cause. Women have it pretty good nowadays. No violence, no discrimination in hiring, no discrimination in education, nothing bad really. They've got cat calling going against them but that seems less than spectacular. Whistle's don't hurt anyone; they're just annoying.  But, sexual violence (if and only if we pretend prisoners don't exist) is at least a little bit lopsided such that women have it worse. Moreover, it's actually very bad. So, they milk it for all its worth. To do this, you need to lie about statistics, stretch the definition as far as it goes, ignore prisoners (including the 63% who are there purely on time a woman wouldn't have gotten), and say it's the dominant force in our culture and proves patriarchy.      What is their agenda?  If they're not oppressed than feminism is gonners. Sexual violence is still such that if they bend the statistics, it sounds like they have it worse than men with respect to sexual violence. It's the last stronghold of feminism and they need to milk this one for all it's worth. If they can't do that, then they'll have to realize they aren't oppressed and watch people lose patience for them being unambitious in legal prospects, sitting out the draft, getting a free pass through the legal system, and so on. They'll lose their privilege.      What do they hope to achieve and who gets thrown under the bus in the process?  What they want is to be society's special little snowflakes who we love and care for who never have to do anything at all. We get thrown in prison, raped, killed, and have our lives destroyed to make this happen for them.      permalink     save     give gold  [–]5th_Law_of_Robotics 2 points 1 day ago   Nailed it. feminismlies2

Nailed it, indeed.

(I'd still eat them.)
(I’d still eat them.)

H/T — r/againstmensrights. For more “nailed it” memes, try Buzzfeed.

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10 years ago

Yeah, I’m thinking trollosexual, too.

Hey, Aporiac, I could totally tell your post was a gross fantasy. Go flash it somewhere else, where the locals dig that sort of thing.

10 years ago

@ Lea – I think one has to be wearing their super nifty keeno I totally didn’t order these out of a comic book creep goggles to see that header. To the rest of us, it remains mercifully invisible.

10 years ago

My boyfriend is five years younger than I am and I originally wrote him off as being too young for me. Once I got to know him better, I found that he was more mature than other guys his age. It really does depend on the people, where they are in life and how much work they are willing to put into the relationship. I think part of the reason my relationship works is that we are both working on our PhDs, so we have similar career and family goals and timelines.

I do have to agree with everyone else on this thread, though. Most of us have age limits that we would be uncomfortable dating outside of. My thought is that if you are closer to my parents’ age than you are to mine, it’s not going to work. Being that far apart in age, means that one person has much more life experience and probably different personal goals, making it difficult to relate to someone much younger.

10 years ago

I don’t think most feminists lie about rape as a badge of honour. I suspect it’s more a female psyche thing.

10 years ago

@ Lea

Trollosexuality! I think Buttercup was right, posting note to Penthouse forum fantasies in feminist forums is a sexual activity for them. Possibly the only one they get.

10 years ago

That’s why people who watch horror movies or gory crime shows falsely report random, innocent neighbors breaking into their house and attempting to murder them ALL THE TIME! It’s super cool and fun to go through a court process and people get so many perks for being labelled the victim of a violent crime. It’s why we have special penthouse suites for those horror buffs, because they’re just so awesome!

I’m always accusing small Asian children of haunting me and eventually killing me. When I’m not doing that I’m applying to Miscatonic University. That’s only because Unseen U and Hogwarts turned me down. In the summers I like to vacation in Twin Peaks, but I winter in Night Vale.
*perroquets away*

10 years ago

Extra EW! points for calling friendships with women “neck up relationships”. You know he doesn’t refer to his friendships with men that way. Blech! He can’t even see women as friends. He just has them in the categories “Will fuck me” and “Won’t fuck me”.

10 years ago

What in the world just happened?

10 years ago

Public masturbation for which the consent of bystanders was not obtained, basically.

10 years ago

Pretty much. And then he flounced after declaring that us ladies (at least he assumed we’re all women here) are too immature for him and were taking him for a ride. To an effect, anyway.

Go masterbate in front of your MRA friends, troll. The whole movement is just one big willy waving party anyway.

10 years ago

in troll’s eyes, mocking him is exactly equivalent to fantasising about being raped by him.
Troll is wearing some very strange lenses.

10 years ago

How does someone see “please provide evidence that feminists routinely lie about” and think “perfect opportunity to post a skeevy wanking teal deer about my boner!”

Nice of him to explain the difference between fantasy and reality though. I’m a big fan of ASOIAF and Game of Thrones. The police are really getting tired of my constant calls to them about white walkers and dragons outside my window.

I also love Poltergeist and am constantly thinking I’ve been sucked into the TV!

I can’t be the only woman for whom men 15+ years older than me have always been pretty much sexually invisible, can I?

Nope! The oldest I’ve ever gone was seven years. He was 32 and I was 25 and wouldn’t you know it? Other than being more financially stable than I was, he was not more mature or self aware than I was. He broke up with me because I got mad at him for standing me up. He felt that being expected to call and cancel if he didn’t feel like going out was just too much of an imposition on his freedom. Then he blamed it on our Chinese astrology signs being incompatible. Seriously.

That relationship only confirmed the suspicion I always had. That men who seek out younger women are either manchildren or misogynistic creeps. That is, men who know that women their own age aren’t going to put up with any of their shit. That’s not to say that people of differing ages can’t have a healthy relationship. I just side eye those that specifically seek much younger women.

10 years ago

Aporiac, you should call yourself Ipecac. Because that’s the effect your mansplainy rape fantasy boner notes have on everyone here. Please go fuck yourself, you’re not to be trusted with women, EVER.

10 years ago

I can’t be the only woman for whom men 15+ years older than me have always been pretty much sexually invisible, can I?

Nope. I’ve always been the same way. Hell, men my own age are starting to look too old to me now.

10 years ago

I can’t be the only woman for whom men 15+ years older than me have always been pretty much sexually invisible, can I?

Definitely not. Current dude I’m seeing is ten years older than me, and I’m only seeing him in spite of that because I met him in person rather than online and assumed he was closer to my age. Before him my age range was no more than two years younger (I’m in my twenties), no more than five years older. No way in hell I’d date a man in his 40s or older. Works for some people, but not for me.

10 years ago

I did hook up with someone who was 12 years older once, but he was 29, not 50. And even then I wouldn’t have done it if he hadn’t been really exceptionally good looking.

10 years ago

I did have one online “boyfriend” 15 years my senior, but we never met face to face. I didn’t want to, because frankly, he looked his age, and in the end, that was (although I was very reluctant to admit it, because Nice Girl, ugh) a dealbreaker. That, and the fact that we had less in common than initially seemed the case, and we just got further apart the more we corresponded. His true colors showed, and it turns out dude was arrogant and blinkered. By the end of it, our correspondence was all arguments and flaming, and I just never responded to his last e-mail. I kept trying to formulate a response, but eventually realized that I didn’t want a “partner” if all he’d do was pick apart every word I said. That was 7 years ago.

I swore off all older men after that. The effort is simply not worth the meagre payoff.

10 years ago

We got a great debater here, folks.

A master ‘bater, even.

Nequam totally called it before trolliac came back to be creepy.

What a sad, sorry excuse for a human being Aporiac is.

10 years ago

I can’t be the only woman for whom men 15+ years older than me have always been pretty much sexually invisible, can I?

“15+ year older than I am” is the common rule of thumb for people we call “old”.

If you’re 15, 30 is old. If you’re 60, you’ll think someone who’s 75 or more is “old” (and someone who’s 30 will be son or daughter material).

Nobody does this consciously, but that’s usually how it turns out. Basically, if someone’s to be regarded as in your age group, they need to – at least in theory – have been able to be at school at the same time as you were, even if they were in middle/high school when you were in junior primary or vice versa.

10 years ago


I saw a current picture of a friend of mine from high school a few days ago. He has a white beard now and he is a fox. Way back when, I’d have thought he was oooold. Now, he looks like a guy I would definitely check out if I saw him on the street.

Also, he wears kilts now. HAWT.

10 years ago

This guy is talking about being 50 and screwing 20 year olds, and that’s not “older man”, it’s “uncle Bob who used to work with Dad”. As I said, I’ve hooked up with someone who was sufficiently older to definitely not be part of my peer group before (and someone 10+ years younger too), but dad’s age or older? Nope, that’s just weird, especially when you know the older person is largely doing it because they assume you’ll be a pushover and oh the power, the lovely intoxicating power which is his birthright as a man.

Blech. Everyone enjoys looking at pretty people, and many would fuck those pretty people if said pretty people were up for it, but when it starts turning into a creepy misogynistic control freak thing that’s not cool.

10 years ago

As someone who was once 20, and endured a crude and yucky come-on from a (married) man who was AT LEAST 50, I can honestly say the experience did nothing for me, and everything to convince me that older men were not and never would be my cuppa. Funny dat….

10 years ago

And yeah, that was definitely a power trip on his part. If he were genuinely socially inept, as some guys insist, he’d not have waited until I was seat-belted into a moving car before making his move. He’d have tried it someplace where I was more likely to get away.

10 years ago

he’d not have waited until I was seat-belted into a moving car before making his move

??! This man has the mark of the creep, right there on his forehead. Avaunt, asshole.

10 years ago

This man has the mark of the creep, right there on his forehead. Avaunt, asshole.

Yup. Definitely didn’t catch any more rides home with him. Honestly, I’d just as soon have braved the random perverts on the streets. Sooner, in fact, since this dude was a distinctly non-random perv from whom I was in no position to run.

And when I told the gent who headed up the writers’ group we both belonged to at the time, I got the distinct impression from his attempts to reassure me that this one had tried that all before, too. Gosh, who’d of thunk…