evil women imaginary backwards land imaginary oppression mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men prison rape rape rape culture reddit

"Feminists lie about rape because it's a badge of honor," and other insights from the upside-down world of Men's Rights Redditors

Oopsy daisy.
Oopsy daisy.

You know how, in The Poseidon Adventure, the giant cruise ship gets flipped over by a huge wave and the passengers have to make their way through the upside-down ship to the bottom of the hull, which is now the top, in order to survive?

Well, the Men’s Rights subreddit is kind of like that. The only way to get upvotes is to look at everything upside-down.

See, e.g., this comment addressing the issue of rape, and why feminists allegedly lie about it:

5HourEnergyExtra 8 points 1 day ago       what motivates women and feminists to lie about rape  These are really very two different questions. Women can have any number of motivations. My own speculations are that they're peer pressured into calling it rape, ashamed something happened, want attention, want revenge, or something else. But the variance is enormous.  Feminists lie about rape because it's a badge of honor. Other feminists will come to them with open arms and love them forever. They also do it because it furthers he legitimacy of their movement. If any random room contains a woman who was raped then it helps the cause, even if they have to be that woman, and even if the woman in the next room is doing exactly the same thing.      lie about rape statistics on all fronts to set the bar for consensual sex so high no couple in a committed relationship meets it?  It validates their cause. Women have it pretty good nowadays. No violence, no discrimination in hiring, no discrimination in education, nothing bad really. They've got cat calling going against them but that seems less than spectacular. Whistle's don't hurt anyone; they're just annoying.  But, sexual violence (if and only if we pretend prisoners don't exist) is at least a little bit lopsided such that women have it worse. Moreover, it's actually very bad. So, they milk it for all its worth. To do this, you need to lie about statistics, stretch the definition as far as it goes, ignore prisoners (including the 63% who are there purely on time a woman wouldn't have gotten), and say it's the dominant force in our culture and proves patriarchy.      What is their agenda?  If they're not oppressed than feminism is gonners. Sexual violence is still such that if they bend the statistics, it sounds like they have it worse than men with respect to sexual violence. It's the last stronghold of feminism and they need to milk this one for all it's worth. If they can't do that, then they'll have to realize they aren't oppressed and watch people lose patience for them being unambitious in legal prospects, sitting out the draft, getting a free pass through the legal system, and so on. They'll lose their privilege.      What do they hope to achieve and who gets thrown under the bus in the process?  What they want is to be society's special little snowflakes who we love and care for who never have to do anything at all. We get thrown in prison, raped, killed, and have our lives destroyed to make this happen for them.      permalink     save     give gold  [–]5th_Law_of_Robotics 2 points 1 day ago   Nailed it. feminismlies2

Nailed it, indeed.

(I'd still eat them.)
(I’d still eat them.)

H/T — r/againstmensrights. For more “nailed it” memes, try Buzzfeed.

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10 years ago

There’s a jerk in my punchbowl, dear mammoths, dear mammoths,
There’s a jerk in my punchbowl, dear mammoths, a Jerk!

(To the tune of “There’s a hole in my bucket”.)

10 years ago

To be fair it’s probably hard for him to keep track of his previous thoughts mid-wank.

10 years ago

Bro, for me to have sex with a dude he needs to be pretty special too and, yeah, most of the dudes in their twenties and thirties with whom I’ve had sex have been absurd and the relationships have had to end.

This has nothing to do with gender.

10 years ago

This guy really is a turd in the punchbowl.

10 years ago

Oh, he flounced! I guess that answers the third verse then…

“With what shall we move him, dear mammoths, dear mammoths”

With mockery!

10 years ago

@Aporiac – Okay, let’s ignore the fact that you said, “A very high proportion of women greatly enjoy rape fantasies whether they admit it or not,” in a previous comment.

You still don’t get to say that what Jackie went through was a rape fantasy. You are NOT Jackie.

And I didn’t say that fantasy and reality are the same thing so IDK why you’re bringing that up. You also don’t get to tell me that I’m the kind of person who’d believe anything about myself.

Fuck off. I don’t trust anything you say, either.

10 years ago

I guess classic lulz trolling is a step up from the sort of gamer failures we’ve had recently, but only if you succeed in getting people upset, and it’s one of those games where even if you win you’re still pathetic.

10 years ago

I give it a 3 if it sticks the flounce.

10 years ago

Re: People being unable to separate fantasy from reality.

Of course, it is SUPER common for people who indulge in imaginary scenarios involving pain, fear, violation and violence to decide that said scenarios ACTUALLY happened and report them to the cops.

That’s why people who watch horror movies or gory crime shows falsely report random, innocent neighbors breaking into their house and attempting to murder them ALL THE TIME! It’s super cool and fun to go through a court process and people get so many perks for being labelled the victim of a violent crime. It’s why we have special penthouse suites for those horror buffs, because they’re just so awesome!

Oh wait, no. That doesn’t fucking happen.

10 years ago

Nobody’s interested in notes from your boner, Aporiac. Fuck off.

10 years ago

So, troll can’t tell fantasy from reality, therefore nobody can. Ta-da!

10 years ago

Aporiac seems to have mistaken WHTM for Letters to Penthouse.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

When I read the UVA story I knew it was a rape fantasy.

Let me guess, that one’s getting the banhammer as soon as the Dark Lord logs on.

10 years ago

God that was fucking gross. Aporiac please go have sexual relations with a pineapple.

10 years ago

Notice too that Aporiac thinks that 20-30 yr old women willing** to have sex with a 50+ year old disgusting misogynist* are a representative example of all women everywhere, whereas the cross section of ages and temperaments here somehow isn’t.

*Assuming the women aren’t imaginary, though that would make them even less a reliable sample

** also assuming they are willing and he’s not actually out raping women and pretending it’s the women’s fantasies rather than his own.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Did Aporiac really just come in here, take a massive mansplainy dump, then attempt to dry-hump the thread?

Seems to me we’re not the ones who have trouble distinguishing between fantasy and reality.

10 years ago

b.tom.darga – well thank you for pointing out the bleedin’ obvious! If you had bothered to comprehend what I said, rather than the knee jerk reaction, I was referring to the US having higher rates, due to a cultural tolerance – ie that it is part of the punishment anyway. MRAs crack on about rape of men being more common than rape of women because of rape in prison. The US imprison the most people, and then turns a blind eye to rape and sexual assault MORE than ‘equivalent’ countries. I very much doubt that the rape rates of men ARE higher, but certainly they are shockingly high for a country that claims to have even a inkling of the meaning of human rights.

I do hope that that is clear now.

10 years ago

I can’t be the only woman for whom men 15+ years older than me have always been pretty much sexually invisible, can I? Even now (age 41) I’d be unlikely to sleep with a man over 50, when I was in my twenties I’d have thought you’d lost your marbles if you’d even suggested such a thing.

10 years ago

Same here cassandrakitty, if a guy is old enough or approximately old enough to literally be my dad…big nope. Not that I am judging people who are in such relationships. I just think actual loving relationships of that type are necessarily going to be super rare because generation gaps are hard to over-come with regard to goals, lifestyle, interests and ideals.

In any case I think Aporiac is just fantasizing and his story is all about Rosie and her 5 sisters.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Same here. When I was in my 20s, I didn’t even consider dating anybody over 35. First of all, major creep red flag, but also, daddy vibe, and not enough generational references in common. I couldn’t imagine dating someone who was old enough to be getting their learner’s permit while I was still in diapers.

Aporiac’s reference to “neck up” relationships makes it pretty clear that they’re all in his head. My guess is that his sex life consists largely of going onto feminist forums, stirring up shit, getting off on the boundary violations and being told to fuck off, and adding another “notch” to his imaginary count. He’s trollosexual.

But since he invited us to use him in imagination, I’m imagining that all his furniture is made of Lego caltrops.

10 years ago

It’s absolutely possible for relationships with a big age gap to work, but generally in those cases you have a couple who have a whole lot of other things in common and who really click on some fundamental level. There are also some people who’re just so ridiculously attractive that they continue to be attractive to much younger people pretty much for their entire lives. On average, though, the typical 50 year old guy? Not at all attractive to 20 or 30 something women, no matter how alpha he thinks he is.

10 years ago

Also, I’m now adding “trollosexual” to my vocabulary, because every site with a lot of women on it gets male visitors who that word explains perfectly.

10 years ago

Omg perfect! Trollosexual!

10 years ago

Also! I’ve been approached by a few much younger people over the years and the irony is that, if I was looking for a new partner (which I’m not) and someone who was much younger seemed interested I’d actually be looking for them to be significantly more confident and strong-willed than average, because that would need to be the case for a relationship with a significant age gap to work. If the younger person isn’t super confident and doesn’t have a really strong personality the older person is going to walk all over them, even if they don’t mean to. During the brief period when I was single there were a few younger people (as in over a decade younger) who popped up who were interested in a relationship and in every case I said no precisely because I could see that that’s exactly what would happen, even if I really didn’t mean it to. So sure, it could work, but the younger person would have to be pretty exceptional imo, and I think the older person ought to be responsible enough to assess the situation and go, you know, you’re great and all but this just isn’t going to work.

For men like our creepy friend above, though, the fact that most young people aren’t going to be confident or strong willed enough to be able to avoid being pushed around by an older partner is exactly what they’re hoping for.

(Or would be if they ever met one who didn’t run away screaming IRL, which in this case I’m guessing is more fantasy than reality.)

10 years ago

Why do men come here to give us boner updates, remind us that most women are not good enough for them and that they totally aren’t “pussies”?

What is the point? Is there a header I can’t see that reads, “Dear dudes, please tell us your sexual history in detail”?