evil women imaginary backwards land imaginary oppression mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men prison rape rape rape culture reddit

"Feminists lie about rape because it's a badge of honor," and other insights from the upside-down world of Men's Rights Redditors

Oopsy daisy.
Oopsy daisy.

You know how, in The Poseidon Adventure, the giant cruise ship gets flipped over by a huge wave and the passengers have to make their way through the upside-down ship to the bottom of the hull, which is now the top, in order to survive?

Well, the Men’s Rights subreddit is kind of like that. The only way to get upvotes is to look at everything upside-down.

See, e.g., this comment addressing the issue of rape, and why feminists allegedly lie about it:

5HourEnergyExtra 8 points 1 day ago       what motivates women and feminists to lie about rape  These are really very two different questions. Women can have any number of motivations. My own speculations are that they're peer pressured into calling it rape, ashamed something happened, want attention, want revenge, or something else. But the variance is enormous.  Feminists lie about rape because it's a badge of honor. Other feminists will come to them with open arms and love them forever. They also do it because it furthers he legitimacy of their movement. If any random room contains a woman who was raped then it helps the cause, even if they have to be that woman, and even if the woman in the next room is doing exactly the same thing.      lie about rape statistics on all fronts to set the bar for consensual sex so high no couple in a committed relationship meets it?  It validates their cause. Women have it pretty good nowadays. No violence, no discrimination in hiring, no discrimination in education, nothing bad really. They've got cat calling going against them but that seems less than spectacular. Whistle's don't hurt anyone; they're just annoying.  But, sexual violence (if and only if we pretend prisoners don't exist) is at least a little bit lopsided such that women have it worse. Moreover, it's actually very bad. So, they milk it for all its worth. To do this, you need to lie about statistics, stretch the definition as far as it goes, ignore prisoners (including the 63% who are there purely on time a woman wouldn't have gotten), and say it's the dominant force in our culture and proves patriarchy.      What is their agenda?  If they're not oppressed than feminism is gonners. Sexual violence is still such that if they bend the statistics, it sounds like they have it worse than men with respect to sexual violence. It's the last stronghold of feminism and they need to milk this one for all it's worth. If they can't do that, then they'll have to realize they aren't oppressed and watch people lose patience for them being unambitious in legal prospects, sitting out the draft, getting a free pass through the legal system, and so on. They'll lose their privilege.      What do they hope to achieve and who gets thrown under the bus in the process?  What they want is to be society's special little snowflakes who we love and care for who never have to do anything at all. We get thrown in prison, raped, killed, and have our lives destroyed to make this happen for them.      permalink     save     give gold  [–]5th_Law_of_Robotics 2 points 1 day ago   Nailed it. feminismlies2

Nailed it, indeed.

(I'd still eat them.)
(I’d still eat them.)

H/T — r/againstmensrights. For more “nailed it” memes, try Buzzfeed.

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10 years ago

I- I just can’t *even.*

Dude? People don’t randomly talk about rape. As in, nobody asks as part of casual conversation if someone was raped, and nobody just randomly volunteers that information.

These people, once again, do not know how conversations work.

10 years ago

If these guys ever ran across a group of female friends doing the post-lay roundup and group discussion of whether or not the men just hooked up with are worth seeing again on the Monday after a fun weekend they’d be so confused.

10 years ago

GOD these people are such assholes.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Because we can’t possibly be telling the truth about getting raped.

Also, only stranger rape is real rape, meaning 70% of rapes aren’t real rapes.

And if we are attacked by a stranger, it was caused by something we did.

That’s why they keep telling us not to run around with revealing dresses in the vicinity of shrubbery while drunk at night in strange alleys or something.


Seriously, though? The MRA peeps want us to accept that some men are sexual assault victims. Ok, yeah, I know that. I know it happens far more often than it gets reported…for reasons why boys and men shut up, witness the reaction to Shia Leboeuf…
( I imagine that whole thing just…bulldozed right over him, as in he had a ” freeze ” reaction. Really fricken’ common in sexual assaults)
It takes a lot of flaming hypocrisy to insist, on the one hand, that society recognize male sexual victimization, while at the same time trying to deny how common rape is for females.

Such peaches, those guys are.

lacerta viridis
10 years ago

@cassandrakitty Yeah, I think it’s kind of telling that these guys always seem so convinced that all women always bitterly regret all sex afterwards. It’s like the idea of women enjoying sex and being comfortable with that is completely incomprehensible to them.

@andiexist Seriously. Their idea of how women talk and interact and just generally exist is so completely bizarre and disconnected from reality, I just… fucking can’t.

10 years ago

And now I’m trying to picture them attempting to write a lady sitcom, specifically the aformentioned post-game breakdown over lunch/cocktails. Can you imagine the dialogue they’d come up with?

10 years ago

Accepting the “fight, flight or freeze” explanation interferes with their manly alphas schitck.

10 years ago

This just makes my skin crawl. I’m pretty well convinced that the guy who wrote that screed is a rapist. He’s just convinced himself otherwise.

10 years ago

@ lacerta viridis
The reason why these guys are convinced that women bitterly regret sex is because, for some reason MRAs cannot fathom, women who choose to have sex with them do end up regretting it. The fact that women do not necessarily regret sex with men other than these MRAs escapes them.

Basically guys if women don’t like what you have done you did it wrong

10 years ago

Women have it pretty good nowadays. No violence, no discrimination in hiring, no discrimination in education, nothing bad really.

What planet is this person from?

10 years ago

Does this mean I get to be proud of all those times a guy rammed his hand up my crotch and I froze in terror before I learned to take the women’s cart of the subway?

Or am I totally making it up because I didn’t immediately jump and ran around screaming “RAAAAAPE!” at the top of my lungs?

10 years ago


10 years ago

I think that a better question is “why do misogynists lie about women lying about rape?”. The obvious answers are terrifying.

lacerta viridis
10 years ago


But… but I cannot possibly imagine why any woman would ever regret sleeping with these shining specimens of humanity. Must be something to do with their weird irrational hamstery lady brains, amirite?

10 years ago

“What planet is this person from?”


Reminds me of this scene

10 years ago

So you don’t agree with the Reddit commenter. Fine. What’s your explanation for why feminists lie about rape then?

10 years ago

Wow. This is lesson in the power of obtuseness. Has it not occurred to them that “feminists”, like most women in general, might have an obvious motive to care about rape … the rational self interest of not wanting to be a rape victim (possibly again)? Does it really have to be a hidden or convoluted motive?

10 years ago

cassandrakitty’s right. The only time I ever had a casual conversation with a woman workmate about sex with workmates, she enthusiastically recommended one bloke from the office (with more than a thousand men in it) as being the “best lay you’ll ever get”. Being married, I was not part of the usual Monday morning reflections on the success or otherwise of weekend encounters. I presume those conversations took place out of my hearing. afaik, sex with a particular person that is “regretted” is either treated as “don’t bother” or not mentioned at all.

No one has ever spontaneously told me about being raped. Not even when I was one of the sexual harassment contact team and clearly, publicly, available for conversations about difficult personal matters.

10 years ago

Actually I feel like if these guys had any idea how much women sometimes talk about our sex lives with our friends, and in how much detail, they might never recover. They seem really wedded to the idea that we only have sex to manipulate men into (insert motive here).

10 years ago

Well, cassandrakitty, of course we only allow men to sex us so as to manipulate them to [insert motive here]! We’re reptilian alien sex bots with hamster brainz after all!

10 years ago

lie about rape statistics on all fronts to set the bar for consensual sex so high no couple in a committed relationship meets it

I know this is part of what he was responding to, but where exactly do they think this bar of consensual sex is? Is it that if she’s not begging the dude to stop, she’s totally consenting? Actually, the committed relationship part suggests it’s the idea that he has sex rights whenever he wants, whether she wants to or not.

no violence, no discrimination in hiring, no discrimination in education, nothing bad really

Maybe they’re from the fuuuuture. Or an alternate universe… Or they’re just stupid.

10 years ago


find myself having to explain what happened to me fairly regularly. For some reason “please don’t touch me, I don’t like it” isn’t good enough for a lot of people and they demand a “real” explanation. Far too often, they then think it’s funny to keep touching me. So I know it’s only my experience but, yeah, I have to tell people I wouldn’t otherwise discuss it with.

10 years ago

The bar seems to be set at “could I get a jury to buy the idea that she asked for it”, basically.

10 years ago

Spontaneous conversations about rape? Oh hell. I had to work up my nerve for like two months just to tell my mom that some pervert in a car showed me his wang while asking for directions, and even then, I stuttered! And I still haven’t told her about the dude who tried to force me to blow him, right under my parents’ own roof. I don’t give a rat’s ass if that’s not RAPE-rape, just because he didn’t use overt violence; it was still sleazy and gross as all hell. And the reasons I said nothing about it for nearly 25 years are (a) slut-shaming ahoy! and (b) good feckin’ gawd, how DOES one bring that up in conversation, ever?

These guys may by coincidence inhabit the same planet as me, but do I ever wish they would all just slither back into the sea. They aren’t evolved enough to be living on land.

10 years ago

(Also, that second batch of cupcakes totally looks like Kermit the Frog, choking on his own vomit and turning blue. Which is kind of appropriate, when you think about it…)

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