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A dramatic reading of that terrible, terrible 4chan/#GamerGate crowdsourced book

Hey, remember that beyond-terrible “crowdsourced” GamerGate book I featured here not long ago? Well, Zoe Quinn has put together a crowdsourced dramatic reading of it! That’s it, above, if you hadn’t already figured that out.


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10 years ago

my computers fritzing, so multiple posts…

And btw, I like the titles of those two books, very dramatic, but I didn’t actually read them yet :D.

10 years ago

Finally, why does everyone assume that I personally share the same views as the people I’m taking about?

Dumbass, who do you think you’re fooling? Don’t you understand yet that if you waddle like a duck, quack like a duck, and shit green goop all over everything like a duck, people are gonna call you out for a duck?

10 years ago

Apparently lolicon manga and rape RPGs are the core of Western Civilization. In other news, Japan has been relocated to a spot just off the coast of England.

10 years ago

You’re gross. Read above where I said it already. Women aren’t responsible for violent assholes. You’re sooooo gross. I hope all women avoid you in real life. Stop talking about “Nerds” like they are a minority class. They’ve never been denied the vote, or have had their reproductive choices questioned and voted on in congress. You’re so-called crusade for liberation via violent rape porn is built on unhealthy persecution fantasies.

10 years ago

Oh hey, Tion, the defunct TV show Hannibal sucks. It’s like the glamorization of serial killing. But keep going pal, you are your own worst enemy.

10 years ago

Aaaaand, out come the smileys.

Tinfoil Tion is starting to take a tangent towards the typical troll traits.

10 years ago

Did nobody learn anything from the example of the Danish editorial cartoons and the Innocence of Muslims film?

Yeah. I learned that right-wing hatemongers who go for ugly reactions, tend to get them. So fucking what? Does that mean that Muslims are all like that? Nope…there are close onto two billion of them in the world, and only a few thousand who are actually violent and/or terroristic. I also learned that you ARE, in fact, allowed to draw Mohammed, assuming that you’re not doing so for defamatory purposes. How do I know? Because a children’s book illustrator in Dnmark did just that, and NOBODY TOUCHED HER. But then, she wasn’t working for a right-wing asshat publication going for excuses to drag Denmark into a stupid ugly war, duh. She was working on a children’s picture story book about the life of the prophet.

As for the Great Feminist War on CisHet White Men™, I’m still waiting to see it. So far, all I see is a bunch of women laughing and pointing at you because you’re an idiot. And quite a few men, as well.

10 years ago

I was waiting to see how much funnier he’d get when he stopped pretending to have an actual point. Don’t let me down now, otaku troll!

10 years ago

You’d certainly be safer around the tiger than around our rapey little buddy here.

And even if I were in danger of death, it’d be more fun than anything to do with little rapeyboy. At least I’d have been close to a tiger in my last moments! He has nothing at all to offer.

Secondary question. Is a civilization that relies on the unquestioning of hardcore pornography, sexual violence and constant sublimation of all sorts of sexuality really worth it? Is it a civilization at all?

For me, no, it isn’t.

What’s one major reason why men seek out porn in the first place? Sexual frustration!

Bullshit. Men in relationships use porn. It’s a great way of creating frustration for both partners, putting pressure on them because of its totally unrealistic (and all too often abhorrent) expectations, and its dehumanising effect. And this is the sort of shit you’re promoting? You know you’re getting off on watching women being raped, don’t you?

LOL at your “truth to power” bullshit. Women are not the holders of power in this or any other society. All you want is to deny us any power to say NO, something constantly under attack anyway.

You’re a rape apologist, nothing more, nothing less.

Also, if you must troll, learn to fucking blockquote.

10 years ago

Apparently lolicon manga and rape RPGs are the core of Western Civilization. In other news, Japan has been relocated to a spot just off the coast of England.

Hmm, wonder how their respective tourism industries will like that?

10 years ago

Apparently lolicon manga and rape RPGs are the core of Western Civilization. In other news, Japan has been relocated to a spot just off the coast of England.

Oh! Congratulate me. I just got crowned Queen of Spain!

10 years ago

Also, read the actual books you’re referencing, you git.

10 years ago

Men in relationships use porn. It’s a great way of creating frustration for both partners, putting pressure on them because of its totally unrealistic (and all too often abhorrent) expectations, and its dehumanising effect.

Not to mention the silencing effect it tends to have on women.

Of course, Freeze Peach screechers keep tending to ignore that part.

10 years ago

There’s also the fact that, OK, let’s say you’re a sad otaku and the only way you can come is by wanking to pixellated schoolgirls, so you’re dependent on Japan for your wank material. There’s this thing called the internet where one can find just about anything if one looks hard enough, and in terms of imports, the only things that have really been blocked are kiddieporn and rape games. Pretty much everything else is still available, complete with bucketloads of fanservice. Women might laugh at you for being into it, but that doesn’t stop you from accessing it, so, you know, cry more, whiny boy.

10 years ago

“Don’t you understand yet that if you waddle like a duck, quack like a duck, and shit green goop all over everything like a duck, people are gonna call you out for a duck?”

And when did I ever do the equivalent of such things?

Also, going by the train of thought of such logic, police psychologists/psychiatrists are all sociopathic serial killers?

“Women aren’t responsible for violent assholes.”

And again, just when/where did I say that, eh? But provoking said violent people, well, that’s what feminazis could very well be responsible for. Who wants to be the next civilian caught in the crossfire as the collateral damage of a perma-virgin freak-out meltdown?

To use the Muslim analogy, why do you think the MSM remains largely silent and is keeping quiet about Islam? Hell, even those “no sacred cows” late night live-comedians and animated comedy sitcoms don’t even dare to make jokes about it. Because they learned that discretion is the better part of valor. And maybe feminazis should learn it too. After all, who wants to be the next Anita Sarkeesian? Oh wait, they may very well would just love a patron matyr for the cause…

“Stop talking about “Nerds” like they are a minority class.”

Again, this is how they refer to themselves, or at least the nerds of Gamergate.

“You’re so-called crusade for liberation via violent rape porn is built on unhealthy persecution fantasies.”

Be that as it may, that is their mindset, that is how they think. And knowing that, are you still going to keep on agitating them until they finally go all-out aggro at last?

10 years ago

Hey, asshole, this isn’t the space to keep using the term feminazi — you like Rush Limbaugh THAT much?
And your bullshit about “agitating” potentially violent people is so freaking weird. We should do what they say or else? Fuck that. You’re a villain, duder, a VILLAIN.

10 years ago

Shorter Tinfoil Tion:

“I’m not saying it’s women’s fault that there are entitled and violent people who do bad things, but it’s women’s fault that those dudes do bad things.”

10 years ago

Angry otaku should indeed stop drawing the attention of feminists to the legally questionable contents of their spank banks, because then we won’t feel the need to get all aggro and ban anything. Thanks for the suggestion, Tion!

10 years ago

Tion’s losing track of his argument.

At first, fan service and porn were the strongholds of poor incels who had nowhere else to turn. It was misandry of the highest order to take this away from them.

Then, the incels were a violent bunch of rapists, placated only by a constant stream of porn. If that stream dried up, they would rampage.

Then the rapists were all Islamic terrorists, who’s porn and promise of sexual satisfaction was the driving force behind ISIS.

Now porn consumption is the symptom of sexual frustration, and any reduction of access to it would be taken the same way as extremists reacted to what they deemed religious blasphemy. Also all the rapist-terrorist-porn-lovers are now Muslim, because why the hell not.

Tion, look beneath all your bluster and your racism, and literally the only consistant thing about you is your threat that addressing porn and fan service in any way will lead to violence. And you’re saying this to men who, by personal experience, can tell you that you’re full of shit.

And if you were only talking about a small subset of men who would do so, then you’d be saying nothing of value, because there exists subsets of men who will go into a murderous rampage over any topic you choose. Some over sexual frustration, some over economic desperation, others over being served the wrong coffee for the third time in a row.

You’re taking a small aspect of human experience and magnifying it to apocalyptic proportions. All for the sake of cartoon panty shots.

Finally, why does everyone assume that I personally share the same views as the people I’m taking about?

I don’t know, you seemed pretty indignant that I could understand the mindset of the incel a ways back, calling me a “braggart” and the 1%. It’d be pretty hypocritical of you to do so if you were not one yourself.

10 years ago

And when did I ever do the equivalent of such things?

Oh, only throughout the entire fucking thread, you disingenuous dumbfuck.

And you’re still doing it, too. Trying to silence women with dire “warnings” of what could happen if we don’t stop poking and prodding a bunch of couch potatoes who don’t want to give up their kiddie porn cartoons.

Seems to me a pretty pathetic hill for even an asshat such as yourself to die on, really.

10 years ago

You notice that he pretends that he’s invoking opinion that’s not his own, with his, “…that’s how THEY think,not me…” bullshit. The shame is seeping in, isn’t it? If you’re lucky, it is.

10 years ago

“All you want is to deny us any power to say NO, something constantly under attack anyway.”

Actually, if you bothered to read my posts, you’d see that I’m in fact hoping to prevent further rapes from ever happening by keeping the sort of born-loser (sexually speaking) males who would rape due to refusal from females, from even getting to that point in the first place by keeping them sated and satisfied in their underground dungeons with enough stimulating simulations of funtastic fantasy. But feminazis want to stop the simulations from becoming stimulating, or even not be simulated to begin with.

“You’re a rape apologist, nothing more, nothing less.”

And when did I ever say that rapists should have no legal liabilities?

10 years ago

So basically, Tinfoil Tion, you advocate stopping violence by increasing porn, despite the fact that the violence you’re talking about happens in countries with high porn consumption.

Right. Carry on Truthifying, then.

Contradiction count, anyone?

10 years ago

No, it supports it by confirming that heterosexual male sexual frustration is one of the root cause, if not root cause, of the anti-social heterosexual male violence, which manifests itself today, among other things, in Islamic terrorism. And by continuing to provoke such straight male sexual anger-rage by among other things, criticizing straight male sexual panaceas/placebos, feminazis risk becoming the collective Girl Who Played with Fire and/or Girl Who Kicked The Hornets Nest, i.e. She got burned, she got stung, but this time, she’s likely going to take the rest of Western civilization down with her.

How about instead of capitulating to the demands of angry misogynists, we teach boys that they aren’t entitled to women. How about we teach them to express their anger and disappointment in healthy ways instead of violent and misogynistic ways? I’m not terribly interested in placating these people.

If you find Lizbeth Salandar so scary, you should get a load of Asami who is from your beloved land of panda-herbivores.

CN: Violence and torture

10 years ago

“Women aren’t responsible for violent assholes.”

And again, just when/where did I say that, eh? But provoking said violent people, well, that’s what feminazis could very well be responsible for. Who wants to be the next civilian caught in the crossfire as the collateral damage of a perma-virgin freak-out meltdown?

You just contradicted yourself, fuckwit. Attributing male violence to women’s actions is precisely saying we’re responsible for it.

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