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A dramatic reading of that terrible, terrible 4chan/#GamerGate crowdsourced book

Hey, remember that beyond-terrible “crowdsourced” GamerGate book I featured here not long ago? Well, Zoe Quinn has put together a crowdsourced dramatic reading of it! That’s it, above, if you hadn’t already figured that out.


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10 years ago

Tion, child, GG was only and ever about misogyny and one man stalking and terrorising his ex, with the help of other misogynists. There was never anything about ethics in it. Only liars or the terminally deluded would claim otherwise.

10 years ago

Not even the beauty of Keanu Reeves could make me sit through more than on Matrix movie.

10 years ago

That’s the other thing, isn’t it – Tion here pretending that the US = the world with its mass shootings. Nope.

As for someone taking one for the team, I can’t think of any incentive that would work for anyone. About the only thing that can be said for Tion is that he isn’t Owly or Meller.

10 years ago

My how the entitlement complex just wafts of this guy like the reek of a thousand terrible things wafts off the local landfill.

10 years ago

Until the next massacre by a disgruntled male, when it’s as usual predictably too late already. Well, people like me do our best to try and make others see reason, but there’s only so much one can do, after all…

How come there were less mass murderes before the existence of porn, if porn somehow makes some men less inclined to violence? The realist position is that frustrated men will always react with tremendous rage and kill non-response femmes they can’t have, and that the only way to soothe this is to subsume their rage-wrath with sexually available decoys. The patenly unrealistic feminazi position is clearly that the issue isn’t porn or sex, but seriously stunted people doing bad things.

Which is really more politically unrealistic?

10 years ago

That’s the other thing, isn’t it – Tion here pretending that the US = the world with its mass shootings. Nope.

And most hilarious of all, it’s also probably THE country with the highest rate of porn consumption, too. How all that is supposed to square with his kookamonga theory of Frustrated Sexual Urges™, I’m not sure. All I can say is that we’ll be laughing at him and pointing for years, and whispering to children that HE is what they can expect to become when schools stop offering comprehensive sexual education with a basis in science.

10 years ago

“Oops, there goes Tion’s entire loopy antifeminist argument.”

No, it supports it by confirming that heterosexual male sexual frustration is one of the root cause, if not root cause, of the anti-social heterosexual male violence, which manifests itself today, among other things, in Islamic terrorism. And by continuing to provoke such straight male sexual anger-rage by among other things, criticizing straight male sexual panaceas/placebos, feminazis risk becoming the collective Girl Who Played with Fire and/or Girl Who Kicked The Hornets Nest, i.e. She got burned, she got stung, but this time, she’s likely going to take the rest of Western civilization down with her.

To put it simply, just as the Western Establishment learned that criticizing Islam, rightly or wrongly, triggers Muslims into raging maniacs, and thus now largely refrains from criticizing Islam for better or worse, so too will the Western Establishment learn that the same thing will happen and is in fact already happening with what will be and is being perceived as the feminazi assault on straight male porn and it’s derivatives by the ever-growing number of straight male incels and PUA-haters.

10 years ago

Comparing men to angry hornets – not misandry at all!

10 years ago

Dear Tinfoil Tion,

I’m still waiting on my stats. If you would please post some numbers for me to crunch on your ‘statistically significant’ bit a few posts ago, it would be much appreciated.

Otherwise, I’ll be sadly inclined to believe that you don’t understand that words mean things.

Furthermore, would you care to elaborate on how the US is all of the world some more?


A Stats Loving Contrapangloss

10 years ago

To put it simply, just as the Western Establishment learned that criticizing Islam, rightly or wrongly, triggers Muslims into raging maniacs, and thus now largely refrains from criticizing Islam for better or worse, so too will the Western Establishment learn that the same thing will happen and is in fact already happening with what will be and is being perceived as the feminazi assault on straight male porn and it’s derivatives by the ever-growing number of straight male incels and PUA-haters.


Congratulations, Tion, you feckin’ eejit. That actually made me laugh out loud, because it is just cosmically DUMB. And it just goes to show that you know NOTHING about the world at all. You live in a country where fascists such as yourself are constantly and to this day babbling about the evils of Islam and feminism without understanding the first principle of either one. I’m not sure what’s more miraculous…that you haven’t been blown to smithereens yet by all the boogymen (and women) you’re so busy demonizing, or that you haven’t blown YOURSELF away by mistake. Because damn, dude, with what passes for thoughts coming out of YOUR head, it’s a wonder you can find your ass with a flashlight in order to wipe it.

Please, prattle on about Realism™. I’m sure it will be most hilarious.

10 years ago

So you’re still saying men should be able to rape women without hindrance, aren’t you?

Why do you hate men so much, or think they’re all as obsessed with PENISSSSS as you are? What’s so precious about shoving your dick into someone else that it overrides any idea of that person having the right to make her own choice about who she wants to have sex with?

10 years ago


10 years ago

it’s a wonder you can find your ass with a flashlight in order to wipe it.

Of course, if he signs up to the Roosh school of PUA, he won’t need to.

10 years ago

You’d certainly be safer around the tiger than around our rapey little buddy here.

10 years ago


No, it supports it by confirming that heterosexual male sexual frustration is one of the root cause, if not root cause, of the anti-social heterosexual male violence, which manifests itself today, among other things, in Islamic terrorism.

Except that Islamic countries top lists of country residents searching out pornographic material.

And Elliot Roger, the guy you want to pretend represents all mass shooters, had plenty of access to porn.

And even if Islamic terrorism, particularly represented by ISIS, was soley motivated by lack of sex, it is only an extremely small part of world-wide male violence.

Just give up, dude. Your pet theory is not supported in the slightest. Lowering the amount of fan service in your anime isn’t going to lead to global destruction.

10 years ago

Aww, my blockquotes got et. Curse you, blockquotes monster!

10 years ago

Tion’s latest anti-muslim rant leads me to believe his “politics of realism” goes hand in hand with “race realism.”

10 years ago

And “sex realism” , i.e., SEXISM.

10 years ago

Of course, if he signs up to the Roosh school of PUA, he won’t need to.

Or wash his hair, wipe his boogers, use deodorant, and get rid of smegma and/or toe jam, either.

You’d certainly be safer around the tiger than around our rapey little buddy here.

This is true. I would gladly scritch the tiger’s ears. Tion? Not with a 39 1/2 foot pole.

10 years ago

Secondary question. Is a civilization that relies on the unquestioning of hardcore pornography, sexual violence and constant sublimation of all sorts of sexuality really worth it? Is it a civilization at all? You say “western civilization will collapse if those evil feminazi’s get to go through with this!” and I’m here thinking: “wait what? Anyone even asking questions results in immediate retributive violence to shut that question down, and the only way to protect yourself from that infliction of punitive zeal is to meekly accept the eager gazes consuming your body? That sounds like a fucking swell civilization, that”

Collapse that shit, let’s see what else we can get in to replace it. It’ll hardly be *worse*.

10 years ago


Tion, those ISIS (Islamic) terrorists you keep invoking — they’re not frustrated because they have no women to sex with. They’ve reduced women to second-class citizens who don’t have a say in their own society. Maybe that kind of toxic masculinity is what drives some to violence — not lack of sex. Um, you don’t understand the culture enough to keep referencing it. Sorry.
Errr, and invoking the fictitious character Lisbeth Salander? She scares you? She’s a rape victim who takes revenge on the man who victimizes her. In the context of the novels, why would you have a problem with that? He brutalizes her so badly that she has to take a shower to wash the blood off. Do you admire the man who raped her?
What kind of asshole uses that kind of character (Lisbeth) as a warning to women on what not to become? Ewwwwww, good god, man, your priorities are fucked. Your boner doesn’t dictate reality for the rest of us — thank fucking god.

10 years ago


Tion, you are so gross — and you think all men think like you.


They don’t

10 years ago

Is a civilization that relies on the unquestioning of hardcore pornography, sexual violence and constant sublimation of all sorts of sexuality really worth it? Is it a civilization at all?

In my books, not at all. And if that motherfucker collapses tomorrow, well…bring it ON. I’m working on the replacement already.

10 years ago

“Comparing men to angry hornets – not misandry at all!”

Is not a most apt comparison?

“Except that Islamic countries top lists of country residents searching out pornographic material.

And Elliot Roger, the guy you want to pretend represents all mass shooters, had plenty of access to porn.”

What’s one major reason why men seek out porn in the first place? Sexual frustration!

And even if Islamic terrorism, particularly represented by ISIS, was soley motivated by lack of sex, it is only an extremely small part of world-wide male violence.”

Forget already about the “rape culture” the Women’s Lib movement keeps on going about? What’s one major reason why males rape females? Sexual frustration!

“Lowering the amount of fan service in your anime isn’t going to lead to global destruction.”

No, but unilaterally continuing a conversation on incendiary topics the other side doesn’t want to have at all, very much violently so, just very well might.

Did nobody learn anything from the example of the Danish editorial cartoons and the Innocence of Muslims film?

This is that all over again, but for straight male nerds instead of Muslims…

If feminazism won’t leave them alone, they won’t leave the rest of society alone.

“Just give up, dude. Your pet theory is not supported in the slightest.”

It is not a theory, it is the truth. And my conscience compels me to continue speaking truth to power!

10 years ago

Finally, why does everyone assume that I personally share the same views as the people I’m taking about? What is this, the tv series Hannibal?

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