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A dramatic reading of that terrible, terrible 4chan/#GamerGate crowdsourced book

Hey, remember that beyond-terrible “crowdsourced” GamerGate book I featured here not long ago? Well, Zoe Quinn has put together a crowdsourced dramatic reading of it! That’s it, above, if you hadn’t already figured that out.


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10 years ago

No, don’t tell him to stop! He’s the first genuinely funny troll we’ve had since Mikey.

10 years ago

I’d also like Tion to stick around a bit. We haven’t got to the part about the Illuminati and the reverse vampires yet!

10 years ago

True Blood, as far as I know from my cultural osmosis of the show/books (never actually saw/read it), refers to a synthetic blood substitute that was originally developed for medical/blood transfusion purposes, but allowed vampires to come out of hiding because they could now live off that instead of having to drain the living.

10 years ago

Speaking of MGTOW and genuinely funny, get a load of this:
comment image

Clicky link in case image doesn’t embed

Not only does it make about as much sense as Tion’s incoherent ramblings, it’s also poorly spelled. Plus it comes with a whole rainbow of mind-altering pills, in case your regular hallucinogen isn’t cutting it!

10 years ago

Welp, we’ve digressed into tangents, alright.

“But that’s not going to stop us now! Now let me digress into another tangent so I don’t have to respond to you!”

a statistically significant number of Gamergaters are driven to support GG because of their rage against criticism/censorship of videogames, real and perceived

Mostly perceived…

That’s over half of what the original Tropes Against Women in Videogames by Anita Sarkeesian series were about,

Yup, over half of the videos in Anita’s series were about criticism. In fact, all of them were. None of them were about censorship.

For example, the censorship of all those cult-hit JRPG’s which is motivated mainly by the fear of the companies importing them that feminazis will raise another shitstorm in the Western mass media like with the Rapeplay videogame

Which was a game solely about stalking and raping women. Is this really the game you want to use as an example? Might as well try to appeal to the “stop complaining about violence in videogames” by bringing up Manhunt.

Another example, the phenomenon of the ejectment/banning of female cosplayers in skimpy attire (like Jessica Nigri cosplaying as the heroine of Lollipop Chainsaw) from major videogame conventions because of feminazi complaining about “Booth Babes” (a practice which is now also under attack from that same sector).

Actually, no. The complaints about “booth babes” were from the gaming community, and the policy came from the same place.

Penny Arcade has had a “no booth babe” policy at its expos, not wishing them to be known for models in skimpy clothes hawking products, as they do at other events in the video gaming industry. Two years ago, that policy was put to a vote of its community, which largely reaffirmed the idea. Costumed representatives are required to know something about their product. There is to be “no messaging that specifically calls out body parts,” and while “cosplayed characters are allowed to wear revealing outfits, assuming it is true to the source game,” there is a ban on anything considered “partial nudity.” This policy still is in place, Khoo said.

Ironically, part of the hatred towards “booth babes” comes from the fear of “fake geek girls.” Notice the line: “costumed representatives are required to know something about their product.”

That wasn’t outside forces, dude.

What do you think fuels/fueled the meteoric rise of ISIS/ISIL followers from non-Muslim majority countries?

In my brief research just now, I’ve seen quite a few reasons why people join up with ISIS. Ignorance of religion is a plus. Economic troubles and an us-vs-them mentality is a plus. Sexual frustration is nowhere to be seen.

Ah, modern Western liberalism and it’s ever-opaque extremely heavily rose-tinted sunglasses…

Well damn, if you think all young men are basically little ticking-rape-machines triggered by lack of porn, anyone with a better opinion of men would seem too optimistic.

10 years ago

Yeah, and during the last season of True Blood a serum was developed to cure vampires of a life-threatening, man-made virus called Hep-V, I believe — or at least I think that’s what it was called. It gave vampires discolored veins and eventually they’d pop like water balloons. Very messy death.

10 years ago

Also, statistics nerd here has the following questions about that statistically significant thingy-ma-bobber:

How did you (or your source) collect the sample?
How do you know it is an accurate sample?
What are the numbers? What was the test statistic? The p-value?
The null hypothesis?
The alternate hypothesis?
What is your population?
How do you define whether an individual is in the population (Gamergators) or not?
Why is my banana a phone?

(I’ll give you the hint on the last one. It’s something you either need more of or less of… Imagination)

10 years ago

LOL Tion comes here where we’ll talk about whatever we feel like, and complains that we’re not talking about what he wants to. Gosh, how unusual.

Bina, that All-the-Pills thing is bizarre (maroon pill, dudes? Srsly?) and I love how they seem to have a picture of Bilbo Baggins up the top. Because yeah, he was totes going his own way when he was dragged off on a trip he had no desire to do with a bunch of dwarves and a cranky wizard.

10 years ago


Wow, that does make sense. Neat!


Psssh ha ha ha!

Wait wait, is that a hobbit in the top right? And why are all the levels pills? I don’t remember the maroon pill from the matrix.

And gah that logo. That paired with the title question just makes me think of that line from Les Mis. “Take a look at his trousers, you’ll see where he stands!”

10 years ago

Yup. His 10:13 effort above is just oblivious.

In case poor old Tion doesn’t know the origins of common expressions, if he’s worried that he can’t get all these fantastically desirable exciting porn games/videos at his local shop, the tradition of ordering items in “plain brown wrapper” still works. In fact, it works better than ever now that you can order stuff direct from overseas if it’s not locally on the shelves.

(Though most of the things I get from overseas tend to arrive in sturdy white cardboard or postpacks rather than brown paper wrapping – but the anonymising effect is still the same.)

10 years ago

Aww, 2/3rds ninja’d. Still managed to produce some original content, so joke’s on you kittehserf!

10 years ago

But Purple I thought was for Poodles! Our loyal Purple Poodles! Alert the Feminist High Council, STAT!


10 years ago


And yeah. Maroon pills. Anyone who regards sexist opt-outs as “pills” is a maroon, all right. In the Bugs Bunny sense of the word.

10 years ago

10 years ago

Your jokes are always the best, kirbywarp! 😀

Bina, that’s just how I read maroon in this – Bugs style!

10 years ago

Yeah, I’m sure their reward of 72-virgins in the afterlife does nothing for the continued success in recruiting of all those young hormonal males from all over the world…not!

10 years ago

So your answer is … what? Women should fuck men on demand so we won’t be raped and murdered? Is that your idea of society? Be raped or be raped?

I’ve got news for you, sonny. That’s partriarchy at its crudest and it’s the oldest protection racket there is. What, pray, is in it for us? Why is being treated as slaves supposed to be a good thing for half the people in the world?

Oh, but that’s right, of course. Your sort don’t think women are actually people.

10 years ago

72 virgins in the afterlife is the theme of many mangas, indeed.

Now tell us more about how sad your penis is.

10 years ago

I have a feeling that that scene in the matrix would have gone much differently if MGTOW peeps had gotten to it first.

Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

Neo: Ok. What about the other pills?

Morpheus: Uhh… *hides hand behind back* What other pills?

Neo: The ones you’ve got behind your back. What were those?

Trinity: Oh boy, here we go.

Morpheus: I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Trinity: C’mon Morpheus, we’re short on time. Just get it over with, the kid already saw them.

Morpheus: *sigh* Fine, fine. *ahem* This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your —

Neo: Wake up in my bed, rabbit hole, got it.

Morpheus: Yes, right. Ok. You take the purple pill, and you’ll go half-way down the rabbit hole, just enough to look around but not enough to stay underground.

Neo: Ookay…

Morpheus: You take the maroon pill…

Neo: Maroon? Seriously?

Morpheus: I’m very serious, Neo.

Neo: I know, I know, but maroon?

Trinity: I would have preferred crimson, but apparently it doesn’t work like that.

Morpheus: Can we keep focused here? Take the maroon pill – and you’ll see most of the rabbit hole, but wake up the next morning with a bad hangover.

Neo: Whoa…

Morpheus: Take the aqua-marine pill —

Neo: There’s more?

Trinity: So much more.

Morpheus: *speaking over the two* and you’ll wake up 1/4 of the way down the rabbit hole in somebody else’s pants.

Neo: Wait, I thought the rabbit hole was a metaphor?

Morpheus: It IS, and it isn’t. Look, just work with me, alright? Take the cyan pill —

Trinity: Ooh, haven’t heard of this one before, is this a new model?

Mouse: Where do we get these things anyway?

Neo: Is there a pill that will let me look down the rabbit hole, then wake up in my bed, then get sucked down another rabbit hole and wake up without a hangover?

Trinity: Magenta, maybe?

Cypher: Nah, that one’s faulty. Was bed-ridden for a week.

Mouse: Ouch…

Trinity: Why do we even use pills anyway? A guy in strange glasses and a trenchcoat walks up to me and offers me a pill out of his back pocket, no way in hell I’m taking them.

Cypher: Didn’t you though?

Trinity: Well… ok, yes, but still. It’s the principle of the thing…

Morpheus: ENOUGH! This is why there should only be TWO PILLS! In or out, awake or wonderland, SIMPLE! No turning back.

Mouse: That’s another thing. Isn’t this technically the dream? Why do you keep calling the real world “Wonderland?” It’s a bit misleading, isn’t it?

Cypher: No turning back?

Morpheus: Just shut up! Everyone just… shut up! Neo, make your choice. Blue or red?

Neo: No magenta?

Morpheus: NO MAGENTA!

Neo: Fine. Red.

Morpheus: Oh thank God. Alright people, let’s get this convoluted adventure started!

10 years ago

Oh, so now we’re like Islamists, because blocked sexual urges BioTwoof™, blahblah?

You really ARE a strange, sad little wanker, Tion.

10 years ago

“Criticism isn’t censorship. Honestly, Tion, if you have problems separating those two concepts then you have no business calling anyone else “naive” or “opaque.””

It doesn’t matter what I believe or not in this instance, but CRITICISM = CENSORSHIP is exactly what the Gamergate crowd believes wholeheartedly. That stuff about ethics is just an afterthought for them to rationalize it for the PC-audience. What do you think even caused all of this trouble with Gamergate to begin with?!

“Your utter contempt for men continues to shine through.”

Hah, so honesty = contempt now? Deluded optimists! (shakes head). It’s obvious you don’t subscribe to the realist school of politics.

“You may get the sense that we’re not taking your point seriously, and that would be a good instinct.”

Until the next massacre by a disgruntled male, when it’s as usual predictably too late already. Well, people like me do our best to try and make others see reason, but there’s only so much one can do, after all…

10 years ago

Also, ISIL is now running brothels using enslaved women unbelievers. So I guess no one has to wait for 72 virgins in heaven anymore when they can just buy infidels on Earth from the most sexist males imaginable.

Oops, there goes Tion’s entire loopy antifeminist argument.

10 years ago

and you’ll wake up 1/4 of the way down the rabbit hole in somebody else’s pants.

I just did a most inelegant snortgurglelaugh when I read that.

I wish the film had gone like that, and Neo had taken some other pill. I might even bother watching that version.

Bina – aren’t we the ones turning poor menz into Islamists because we won’t fuck them? I’m confused (though less than wankyboy here).

10 years ago

If some brave soul decided to take one for the team and fuck Tion it would totally make him a nice person, right?


10 years ago

I think he’s trying to tell us to shut up, put up and put out, or else.

I also think that gun control is actually a better response to mass shootings than just letting wankers have their wank-fodder. Hey, it worked for us Canadians, at least until that idiot squatter at 24 Sussex decided that the long gun registry had to go…

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