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A dramatic reading of that terrible, terrible 4chan/#GamerGate crowdsourced book

Hey, remember that beyond-terrible “crowdsourced” GamerGate book I featured here not long ago? Well, Zoe Quinn has put together a crowdsourced dramatic reading of it! That’s it, above, if you hadn’t already figured that out.


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10 years ago

“That shit is not normal.”

Duh, obviously. But then again, this is the PUA-hate fanbase we’re talking about. They’re now legion and their ranks are swelling more and more day after day in ever-increasing numbers. And that’s just the U.S. What about the rest of the Anglosphere? The Western World? I mean, they’ve already got spree killers of this species appearing in Europe. And let’s not forget about India and China too.

“You can take that as a fact from a sexual male.”

LOL Braggart! Just as the 1% can never know how the 99% lives, after all, so too can a guy with a normal sex life never understand the life of his incel bros. For them, they’d be wizards and you’d just be a muggle after all ;P

10 years ago

Virgins are wizards because they’re the only ones who can touch the unicorns?

10 years ago

Creepy d00dz who cannot masturbate without watching a woman being raped tortured and abused are pornsick weasels who need to stop. Full stop.

10 years ago

You dilute their porn through censorship to the point of non-effectivity and like any addict sans their drugs of choice, they’re rapidly going to go rabidly berzerk.

I’ve. . . I’ve got nothing.

That’s one hell of a something, that sentence there.

10 years ago

::looks up who the hell Adam Levine is::

Meh. Boring hairdo. Stubble. Dull.

So, Tion can’t even fap without porn? Kid, you need to develop an imagination. You also need to get a life, instead of this obsession with masturbating.

Also, you are a fucking idiot, talking as if “man who’s had sex” is some sort of rarity. Look around you. Look at all the perfectly ordinary heterosexual couples you’ll see. It’s you who’s the creepy freakshow with your obsessions, not the majority of men.

10 years ago


Apparently. Although it’s odd that the 1%, slang for the rich and powerful these days, are the magic-less muggles. Hell, I’ll take magic powers over sex any day.


I understand the people who call themselves “incels” better than they understand themselves, because to take the label of “incel” is to cosmically misunderstand how relationships work.

BTW, when I say sexual, I merely mean it as “not asexual.” Haven’t had a partner in a number of years now (and amazingly, no murder urge).

The spree killers are products of a warped worlview, where they are poor maligned innocents that are the target of an evil repression, and the women who won’t sleep with them at the drop of a hat are malicious harpies that seek only to cause them pain. Through not boning them… which is the default state for most of a person’s potential sexual partners.

Dude, get over yourself. You live on a big rock with a bunch of other people, all of which have different wants, desires, and interests. The sooner you realize you are dealing with fellow human beings, rather than bizarre alien-slot-machines that dole out sex when you put in the right payment, the sooner you’ll be able to find another person who wants the same things you do.

All that super-serial stuff aside, gotta love the fact that you basically, in order to defend your love of porn and fanservice, feel the need to paint your fellow men as slavering beasts unable to control their lust, ready to whip up into a murderous rampage if women don’t kow-tow to their tantrum. Such misandry.

10 years ago

I still can’t figure out if Tion is serious with this shit or if he’s just lulz trolling.

Citation needed on the assumption that sexual frustration leads directly to violence though. Also citation needed on the notion that someone with violent tendencies will be satiated by watching porn.

I’d also like Tion to quote where anyone here said all porn should be taken away. I want revenge porn to be illegal because of the lack of consent and for obvious reasons I want child porn to remain illegal. But I don’t recall anyone here saying all porn should be illegal.

Has Tion argued with anything anyone has actually said yet? He seems to be in his one little world.

10 years ago

And of course the “we’ll abuse or murder you if we don’t get our porn” ignores that porn already involves women being abused. So Tion is demanding that a subset of women be hostages for him and his kind.

10 years ago

What does this have to do with #gamergate? No, seriously, why is Tion spinning wild yarns about sexually-frustrated trolls going on murderous rampages because SJWs took away all their porn? Did somebody put acid in the coffee again?

Tion, you never answered my first question so here’s some more: How is porn going to disappear? Do you really think that feminists and social justice warriors have both the desire and the power to take away all the porn? And do you really think that lack of porn turns men into spree killers? Men literally turn into killers when deprived of pixelated boobs? Again, that is quite misandrist of you. You really have a very poor opinion of men.

You do have a talent for absurdity, though, Tion. I will give you that.

10 years ago

I have no interest in Harry Potter, but I’m pretty sure that’s not how the whole muggles thing works. We, the dudes who can’t get laid, are the elite! Because reasons! And also lolicon manga!

10 years ago


No idea how serious Tion is. But his whole “you guys want to take my porn away,” IIRC, is just about feminists criticizing the amount of fan service in anime.

That’s it.

A lot of his posts have basically been “but you all think this, and that’s wrong because bafflegab.”

10 years ago

Also, he knows that Japan produces actual porn too, right? No need to rely on random moments of fanservice if that’s your thing.

10 years ago

Maybe he’s got an ounce of consistancy and thinks japanese porn, which is generally censored, is part of the problem? Though I’m not sure how that translates to fanservice, which is rarely explicit…

10 years ago

Did somebody put acid in the coffee again?

I didn’t taste any tin when I had my cuppa this morning. Actually, Tion’s rants sound more peyote fuelled than LSD. Of course, I haven’t partaken myself since last century, so who knows what those wacky, free-wheeling chemists have gotten up to since I last checked in with ol’ uncle sid?

Whatever it is, though, it doesn’t seem to agree with poor Tion!

10 years ago

Kinda gives me a slight nostalgic feeling for NWOslave… Similar out-of-the-blue rants and smiling patronization, similar lack of a filter for wild speculation, and similar disdain for making a coherent argument.

He’s even got a little of the “let me use what I think is my enemy’s lingo to prove my point” when he refers to “PUA-hate fanbase.”

10 years ago

I guess it’s misandry that most of the Japanese media I consume has little or no nudity and sex in it. While there are exceptions, J-horror tend to has fewer boobs than American horror does.

10 years ago

And then there’s the Japanese media that’s mostly designed to offer fanservice to straight women. Presumably that’s the ultimate misandry.

10 years ago

And how can MGTOW actually go their own way, sexually speaking at least,if you take away their porn?

Simple. By fucking off to a desert island, in silence and darkness, and taking only a vow of celibacy with them. If they want to GTOW, they can GTFO, all the way. Otherwise, they’re STILL obsessing over women, even if they’re “only” imaginary Japanese schoolgirls. Which is, frankly, disgusting and says a lot about what these idiots’ “own way” really is.

Now fuck off and stop blaming feminism for your side’s antisocial tendencies. It’s not healthy.

10 years ago

You know, I’m pretty sure that people masturbated before porn was a thing.

10 years ago

Welp, we’ve digressed into tangents, alright. And this is relevant to the Gamergate discussion because if you bother to take a deep plunge to browse the pro-Gamergate discussions over the past several months, a statistically significant number of Gamergaters are driven to support GG because of their rage against criticism/censorship of videogames, real and perceived, especially when it comes to sex, particularly by feminists. That’s over half of what the original Tropes Against Women in Videogames by Anita Sarkeesian series were about, and AS’ TAW is what started this whole mess in the first place. The fear among the masses of die-hard hard-core straight-male gamers who have Comic Book Guy as their posterchild, is that the feminazi killjoys will eventually cause them to “can’t get no satisfaction”, as the classic song goes. For example, the censorship of all those cult-hit JRPG’s which is motivated mainly by the fear of the companies importing them that feminazis will raise another shitstorm in the Western mass media like with the Rapeplay videogame (which ironically made an otherwise-underground work infamously gain global mainstream awareness). Another example, the phenomenon of the ejectment/banning of female cosplayers in skimpy attire (like Jessica Nigri cosplaying as the heroine of Lollipop Chainsaw) from major videogame conventions because of feminazi complaining about “Booth Babes” (a practice which is now also under attack from that same sector).

And I think it’s dangerously naive to underestimate the anger-rage of straight young men who can’t get laid, even if paid, in the Western World . What do you think fuels/fueled the meteoric rise of ISIS/ISIL followers from non-Muslim majority countries? Ah, modern Western liberalism and it’s ever-opaque extremely heavily rose-tinted sunglasses…

10 years ago

Ah, now we get to the conspiracy theory portion of today’s program. Please elaborate! The bit about ISIS is kind of boring though, let’s focus on how lack of fanservice in anime and games will destroy the world.

10 years ago

Hi, dude.

Did you drop your tinfoil hat somewhere? I think I found one that might be yours…

10 years ago

Criticism isn’t censorship. Honestly, Tion, if you have problems separating those two concepts then you have no business calling anyone else “naive” or “opaque.”

Your utter contempt for men continues to shine through.

What do you think fuels/fueled the meteoric rise of ISIS/ISIL followers from non-Muslim majority countries?

I am now convinced Tion is executing some kind of elaborate performance art piece.

10 years ago

Tion, you were cordially invited to fuck off. Could you do it, please? Like, NOW?

10 years ago

Tion’s thought a lot about the potential anger-rage of straight young men everywhere who can’t get laid. Hmm. Tion, you’ll never run out of fapping material. Ever. There, crisis adverted!
You may get the sense that we’re not taking your point seriously, and that would be a good instinct.

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