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A dramatic reading of that terrible, terrible 4chan/#GamerGate crowdsourced book

Hey, remember that beyond-terrible “crowdsourced” GamerGate book I featured here not long ago? Well, Zoe Quinn has put together a crowdsourced dramatic reading of it! That’s it, above, if you hadn’t already figured that out.


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10 years ago

Pop videos is love! Pop videos is life!

10 years ago

I think Levine is a handsome guy. Too bad he thinks stalking is a form of courtship.

That said, my husband used to sing Moon Over Bourbon Street as a lullaby. You don’t get much more stalkerish than that. But hey, vampires gonna vampire.

I always thought Debbie Harry sounded a little scary when she sang In the Flesh. That song has an eerie quality. Is she a stalker or just a girl with a crush? I can’t tell.

What’s really sad is how many of these guys seem to have some sort of kink that they have decided is representative of everyone’s sexuality. They could just say, “Well, I guess I’m my own special kind of pervert and that’s OK. Lot’s of healthy, happy people have their own kinks. I’m gonna go meet a nice lady who shares my predilections and have a high old time. Won’t that be nice?”

Either that or they’re actual abusers and rapists or they talk the kind of talk they think Real Men are supposed to talk.

It’s just sad all around.

You like rough sex? Cool. Find partners who do too. You like wearing your girlfriend’s pantyhose and some stilettos? Groovy. Find a girlfriend who thinks that’s hot. You’re a more traditional wine and roses guy? Also wonderful. Go forth and find someone who is into that. Like a little from column A and a little from column B,C,D,E and F? Guess what you should do?

Just don’t think that because you are into something, that everyone else is too. Also, don’t assume that being turned on by something is uniquely male or hetero. That’s not how people work.

Another good idea is not assuming that because some people on the planet are attracted to something that their reaction to it is innate or biological. We are molded by our culture and our surroundings. There are cultures where men wear make up and jewelry or dye their hair and take great pride in their appearance. That’s considered masculine. There are cultures where women black their teeth to be beautiful. In some cultures sex is a private matter. Sexuality and gender expression are not as black and white as you believe.

10 years ago

There something funny about a guy who says that sexuality and gender can only be expressed one way and everything else is a horrible perversion that will lead to the destruction of all sex and happiness ever calling other people prudes.

Project much?

10 years ago

In some cultures sex is a private matter.

I meant to continue: In others the deed is done openly.

10 years ago

Tion is appalled by the idea of people having happy consensual sex that everyone involved enjoys – what a prude!

10 years ago

I don’t understand how “panda-like herbivores” is an insult. Pandas are adorable, and all the vegetarians & vegans I know are good people.

10 years ago

In the event that I had to choose between a cuddly panda-like man and no sex, and sex with a horrible man who wants to use it to hurt me, then I vote for panda guy. Luckily no such choice is necessary, as most men fit neither of these descriptions, but if it was, well, masturbation is a thing, and panda guy would be more pleasant to have around the house.

10 years ago

I also vote for panda-guy. Warm, fuzzy, cuddly, eats bamboo (which is one of the few things I can actually grow!) — what else do you need?

The no sex to me is a huge plus, because probably ace.

… how does that fit in Tion’s little, sad world-view?

Wait. I don’t want to know. It’d likely be Ew-rific to epic proportions.

10 years ago

You realize that he’s probably going to tell you anyway, right?

10 years ago

Hah, I bet even when all straight human males become libido-less panda-like herbivores who zero sexual interest in human females, it will still be misogyny for making the human females “lonely” and “frustrated”

This is what gives this d00d true trollosexual value, right here. How can we miss you if you won’t go away? A world of libido less panda like herbivores sounds like heaven to me, but I realize I am an outlier.

10 years ago

I don’t understand how “panda-like herbivores” is an insult. Pandas are adorable, and all the vegetarians & vegans I know are good people.

I’m guessing this is a reference to pandas often being reluctant to mate and them not being prolific breeders.

What the herbivore part is getting at, I don’t know. Rabbits are herbivores and “breed like rabbits” is a common expression for a reason.

10 years ago

Actually I think my favorite part of all this is the idea that the herbivore guys are now the norm in Japan, and will spread from there until they take over the world!* They are in the news quite a bit in Japan, but that’s mostly because everyone else finds them so odd rather than because they’re the norm. My job has involved working with a bunch of Japanese guys over the years, and the idea that they’re all cuddly asexual panda boys, um, lolno. Japan has one of the biggest sex industries in the world – the herbivore men are a statistically significant minority, but the norm they are not.

* Adorable panda invasion, oh no! We’re really scared now.

10 years ago

I do think panda-like herbivores qualifies him to be in the running for troll of the year though. It fits right in with “spell checking Mein Kampf” “attack chickens” and of course “directly on the beach.”

10 years ago

Re the herbivore thing, it’s a play on the idea that meat is a manly food as well as alluding to sexual aggressiveness, basically. Hard to explain if you’re not familiar with the way foods are gendered in Japanese culture, but it’s part of the same idea as how if you want to depict male pop stars/actors as soft and girly and cute you show them eating cakes, because sweets are “feminine”.

10 years ago

So, herbivore is a reference to Japan. But pandas are associated with China. I’m still confused.

10 years ago

I’ve never heard a Japanese source call the herbivore men pandas, so I’m assuming that’s something the creepy white dudes added because the whole of Asia is basically one giant country, right?

10 years ago

Just like Africa. Yay racism!

10 years ago

Through muggy streets, by lamp-light’s hazy gleam,
A haggard stranger wanders through the night.
His features dull, his eyes betray the fight
‘Tween neutered culture and ancestral scream.
“Alas!” He cries, and beats upon his chest
And rends his garments, mourning at the loss
Of bestial urge, of violence, turned to dross,
Society his true potential wrest.

Across the street, through foggy window panes,
Sit men and women bathed in candle-light.
They laugh and dream and fan their passion’s flames
That, though contained, will no less burn so bright.

When every person wishes the same thing,
Why then lament the winter’s change to spring?

10 years ago

Hah, I bet even when all straight human males become libido-less panda-like herbivores who zero sexual interest in human females, it will still be misogyny for making the human females “lonely” and “frustrated”

Uh, idiot…you do realize that pandas are NOT “libido-less”, right? They come into heat periodically, like most mammals, and that’s when they get it on, panda-style. Their diet does not determine this; their attunement to seasonal cycles does. They don’t NEED to be mating constantly; they only do it to reproduce. If they reproduced as often as we humans do, they’d soon breed themselves out of a habitat AND sufficient bamboo to eat.

Also, your boy Adam…is a herbivore himself, last time I looked. He just gots ta stay skinny so he can look the part of a Sexiest Man Alive™, even though he doesn’t meet my idea of sexy by any stretch (ugh, creep stubble — DO NOT WANT). And yet, though he eats shoots and leaves, somehow he still manages to be one helluva douchebag, constantly chasing Victoria’s Secret models. “Libido-less”, eh?

You really do need to work harder on your BioTwoof™ schtick, there.

Also, I love the scare quotes. Why do only MEN get to be lonely and frustrated when no woman has sex with them, and why is that “misandry”, while women deprived of the same attentions are only “lonely” and “frustrated” in quotes, and so you mock the very real misogyny that prevails against us?

BTW, I haven’t had sex with another person in longer than I care to tell YOU, and I’m the furthest thing from lonely OR frustrated. Truth be told, I was more lonely, and WAY more frustrated, when I was in a bad relationship. Having sex with my crappy boyfriend didn’t help one iota, either. If anything, it just served to point up one more way in which the relationship was lacking. Better NO sex than lousy sex! Better NO relationship than a crappy relationship! Yeah, we women can go our own way too, and we can do it better than YOU!

Bet that all blows your wee little mind, eh chump?

10 years ago

Censorhip? Is that the act of obscuring words by sitting on them?

I actually know the story behind this word. It comes from the 1950s, when Elvis was big and his hip-swinging was considered really scandalous. So TV broadcasts would often just show him from the waist up, to censor his hips.

10 years ago

And how can MGTOW actually go their own way, sexually speaking at least,if you take away their porn? Majority of the younger male incels, especially of the “weaboo” variety, use porn as their own personal meds to self-medicate their sexual frustration and desperate loneliness for intimate pairbonding (which will never happen as these are the incurably die-hard Forever Alone crowd), particularly 2-D porn (mainly from Japan and the U.S.A.). It’s their analogue of the True Blood serum for vampires, in that American vampire series. You dilute their porn through censorship to the point of non-effectivity and like any addict sans their drugs of choice, they’re rapidly going to go rabidly berzerk. Lo and behold, the hard-core trolls will arise from the dark depths of their parents’ basements, due to the lack of stuff for shut-ins to still get off on, and they will flood the land far and wide as the walking dead of the social scene. And what happens when they encounter real-live femmes who turn them on, consciously or not, but won’t put out? An endless onslaught of perma-virgin rage from millions of angry young men. Then there will no end at all to the next George Sodini or Elliot Rodger. And then, the more-or-less innocent blood spilled will be largely on feminazism’s well-manicured claws.

10 years ago

Porn manga is vampire blood serum! We have to keep this one, he’s funny.

10 years ago

Dude, Tion, if you get whipped into a murderous rage if you don’t have access to enough fap material, that’s your problem. Probably should turn yourself into the police before you hurt someone.

And how can MGTOW actually go their own way, sexually speaking at least,if you take away their porn?

Ironic that you mention this idea, because there are MGTOW (and other men) who make it a point to stop masturbating and do or look at anything sexual. They noticeably don’t go on rampages as a result.

But seriously, nobody’s taking away your porn. They’re just trying to make it so that not every piece of media has porn in it. Again, if you feel the need to go zombie if you don’t have 100% saturation of porn in the media you consume, the police would be happy to keep you isolated so you don’t become a danger to others.

That shit is not normal. You can take that as a fact from a sexual male.

10 years ago

I gotta say, I’ve never watched True Blood… Is there a vampire serum in that? What does it do? I wanna know how this metaphor works.

10 years ago

Dear sweet Bootsy what are you taking, Tion? Cause, I’ve known a few acid heads in my life, but you sound like you are on one bad trip. Seriously, never score from creepy people!

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