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A dramatic reading of that terrible, terrible 4chan/#GamerGate crowdsourced book

Hey, remember that beyond-terrible “crowdsourced” GamerGate book I featured here not long ago? Well, Zoe Quinn has put together a crowdsourced dramatic reading of it! That’s it, above, if you hadn’t already figured that out.


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10 years ago

He does seem awfully upset about the prospect of there being slightly less scantily-clad, sexualized women in his entertainment, the poor dear.

10 years ago

His creepy lolicon manga is hidden in a top secret feminist bunker, and we’re not giving it back.

10 years ago

Gosh, I never realized just how rough being a straight man was. Sure am glad I’m gay, and rewarded daily by a society and culture that cater to my esthetic interests.

10 years ago

His fuckpillows have been torn up and the stuffing used to make cushions for the Feminist High Council’s Furrinati overlords.

10 years ago

I always love it when feminists point out that men aren’t inherently monsters and some dude comes along and goes “yes we are!”. Misandry – not really a thing, but when it does exist it’s mostly perpetrated by men.

10 years ago


Erin was hilarious in how he went so quickly from “hi” to “bleeping bleeps” to using sexist slurs WHILE still insisting his cover as a lady dispensing lady wisdom was totally solid…

… until he couldn’t do it anymore and was all like: “Well, yeah I was posing as a woman because I thought you would pay more attention to a woman, and why are you calling me out on misogyny when I was pretending to be a woman?”

Plus, bestest feminist with attack chickens statue was precious.

10 years ago

A Google image search for attack chickens actually gets some hits!

10 years ago

Chickens are quite fierce when they’re annoyed.

10 years ago

Whoever voiced the Ur-Quann Kzer-Za (that caterpillar like thing) did a fantastic in-character job.

10 years ago

That Attack Chicken poster is the bestest thing ever.

cassandra – and they top off their “yes we are!” with a heap of whining about how unfaaaaaiirrrr it is that non-hateful-people aren’t keen on it.

10 years ago

“I always love it when feminists point out that men aren’t inherently monsters and some dude comes along and goes “yes we are!”. Misandry – not really a thing, but when it does exist it’s mostly perpetrated by men.”

Here’s People’s Sexiest Man Alive for 2013 – Adam Levine – explaining it best XP:

10 years ago

purityrannical censorhip

Censorhip? Is that the act of obscuring words by sitting on them? The kitteh overlords are very much in favour of this practice, which is why we line their trays with newspapers.

10 years ago

That song is about stalking a woman and yes, it has been widely criticized as stalkerish and rapey. I was very disappointed in Adam Levine when I first heard it and I remain disappointed. What’s your point? That the sexist trope of savior / stalker is so prevalent that men assume it is normal and OK? That some would be “allies” are shitty and need to try to better allies? OK.
Those things are true and illustrate my point, not yours.

Bless your heart, you just aren’t bright.

That has nothing to do with you wailing about how you are a violent misogynist because you are male. That’s not true. If you are the horrible asshole you paint yourself to be, that’s your individual issue. Abuse and misogyny does not make you a “real man”. It makes you a horrible person drowning in his own toxic masculinity. Men are not predisposed to be monsters, so stop blaming your shitheadedness on being male. You should be ashamed of your choices. Don;t try to share your shame with all men. Calling men who are not hateful pieces of filth manginas is misogynistic. When you think it is an insult to be called feminine, you are nothing but a bigot. Just like being born white does not make you a racist, being born male does not make you a misogynist. You choose to be awful. You are not the manliest of men. You’re just a shitty human being.

To a feminazi, everything a straight male does is misogyny!

Cool story, bro. That must be why every time David mocks misogyny we all call him a misogynist or why when my sons build something out of Legos or brush the dogs I point and scream, “MISOGYNY!”. I totally jump on the hood of my husband’s car when he drives to yell that driving while straight and male is misogyny. When he eats dinner, I hurl mashed potatoes at his head with a sling shot and tell him I am fighting the patriarchy. When we fuck, I always call out, “You’re a misogynist!” when I climax. Then after we fall asleep, I kick him and steal the quilts in the name of the matriarchy. Yup. That happens because what you said totally isn’t complete bullshit fresh off the keyboard of a petulant manchild with serious, examined issues.

Cry moar, Tion. Cry moar.

10 years ago


“but he should know boobs don’t work like that.”

Duh, how stupid do you think males are?! And why do you think people turn to syfy escapist fiction in the first place? Because much more often than not, real life will just never be good enough tsk tsk tsk…

I know just exactly how stupid “males” are, dum-dum. I am one.

And I’m sorry real women don’t live up to your fantasies.



I thought you Western Liberals were all about the 1st American Amendment and against the bigoted bowdlerization of whatever?

The First Amendment prevents the government from jailing people for speaking out against the government, or at least it’s supposed to.

I don’t care if you like to look at boobs bouncing like helium balloons. You should know that if you choose to die on the hill of being prevented from looking at boobs bouncing like helium balloons, people will point and laugh and call you a loser, and anyway people aren’t preventing you from looking at boobs etc. in the first place. (Psst — they’re all over the internet!)

Whatever happened to “I don’t agree to what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it?” Heh, only a male could say something like that!

That was Evelyn Beatrice Hall, writing a biography of Voltaire (as S. G. Tallentyre), and the line is her first-person summary of Voltaire’s approach to freedom of speech.

Now fuck off and go watch Kill la Kill.

10 years ago

Aww, poo. I seem to have missed a fun troll.

… real “3-D” females … “2-D” females … libido-less panda-like herbivores … news about Japan’s “celibacy syndrome” gets reported … Because much more often than not, real life will just never be good enough tsk tsk tsk…

Who is apparently an anime character. Do people really refer to real and virtual women as “3-D” and “2-D”?

Hah, I bet even when all straight human males become libido-less panda-like herbivores who zero sexual interest in human females, it will still be misogyny for making the human females “lonely” and “frustrated”

Also, who has a strange obsession with inserting “human” where it isn’t needed (I hope).

10 years ago

when all straight human males become libido-less panda-like herbivores who zero sexual interest

Not gonna happen if you just substitute cartoon women you can’t touch for real women who refuse to let you touch them.

10 years ago

It’s kind of funny that Tion is raging against the whole “celibacy syndrome” thing and also against liberals and progressives… It seems that the experts looking at “celibacy syndrome” have concluded that it is probably caused by extreme conservative views in the corporate world and in the home.

In short, rigid gender roles and a struggling economy make it difficult to maintain a relationship for everyone. Instead of rebelling against the gender roles, though, people have instead decided to just give up on relationships.

No idea how much truth there is to this… but I find it funny that Tion’s using this situation as an argument against feminism when feminism might be the solution.

10 years ago

Tion can stay relationship-less till the end of time, for all I care. He sounds like a no-fun guy anyway. Who wants that? Not me. So yeah, he can stay right where he is, and I’m just gonna laugh…and point.

10 years ago

Also, Adam Levine is NOT sexy. And he can’t explain sex for shit. I feel sorry for any woman who has to put up with him.

10 years ago

1. Shitty pop rock musician releases creepy stalker anthem
2. Many people complain
3. ?
4. This proves…something! All men are Levine Spartacus!

PS – Not to be rude, but dude would be kind of ugly even if he wasn’t a creepy stalker. I guess that’s a level of beauty you can only dream of some day aspiring to, though, huh? Bless.

10 years ago

Aww, poo. I seem to have missed a fun troll.

I know, right?

10 years ago

I have a weird thing for Adam Levine. I’d totally hate fuck him.

I don’t expect anyone else to understand this. I don’t understand this myself.

10 years ago

Which proves that women find creepy stalkers sexy in general, because hivemind! We should probably encourage Tion to keep going, at least until a better troll shows up.

Also clarification – I find Levine kind of ugly, others may disagree, because differing tastes and all. Pretty sure that song didn’t make him more attractive to most women, though.

10 years ago

I do not understand what posting a video of a pop song is supposed to prove. I suspect that Tion really does believ that all men are born victimizers, and that those who are not are “libido-less panda-like herbivores” and “manginas.” Which would make Tion both a creep and bigger man-hater than any feminist.

Here’s Aretha Franklin singing Respect


10 years ago

Why are all these angry white boys so obsessed with the herbivore men anyway? It’s creepy.