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A dramatic reading of that terrible, terrible 4chan/#GamerGate crowdsourced book

Hey, remember that beyond-terrible “crowdsourced” GamerGate book I featured here not long ago? Well, Zoe Quinn has put together a crowdsourced dramatic reading of it! That’s it, above, if you hadn’t already figured that out.


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Johanna Roberts
10 years ago

@Tion Yep. We stole your fanservice. All of it. We were going to give it back but then the cats took off with it. We’re not sure what they’re doing with it. Perhaps they mistook the thin strips of clothing for string?

10 years ago

I bet what he’s pissy about is the limited availability of the kind of anime that Mr C refers to as “Panties!”, because judging by the advertising there’s no point in remembering the title or paying attention to the storyline, since everyone already knows that the theme is going to be “panties, preferably accidentally exposed”.

10 years ago

Plus the associated goods, of which he is also being deprived. Panties the lunchbox! Panties the body pillow! Panties the cell phone case! Truly feminists are evil for limiting his boner’s access to these things.

10 years ago

Is Tion’s post a Poe? I genuinely can’t tell! 🙁

10 years ago

Tion has no idea what he’s talking about, but he knows he’s mad at the bad ladies who criticize his precious, precious, misogyny.

Boo-hoo, Tion. You’re tale of boner oppression is a sad one. Let me comfort you with some applesauce and a blankie. There, there. Let me catch your tears in this kettle. I like to use them to make my tea.

You are aware that male heterosexuality is in no way intrinsically misogynistic or exploitative of women, right? If you have internalized those attitudes to the point that you think it is intrinsic to your nature, you are supporting feminist critique of media. Men are not born victimizers who get off on women as sex objects, victims and decoration. If you do, you need to sit down with yourself and get real. It isn’t because you are a man.

10 years ago

I can scroll up and find my comment that you’re responding to. Just so you know.

How did you get from

I just don’t get why people consume media that way. Always hoping for nudity. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying it. I always enjoyed Eric Northman taking his clothes off on True Blood after all. But you shouldn’t want the story to take a back seat to unnecessary nudity. If you need to see sex and nudity there’s a wealth of porn out there. You don’t need to want to turn regulars shows/movies/games into porn!

My statement that nothing is wrong with enjoying a little a sex and nudity in the media, to castrating misandrist feminazi? All I said that when it’s a drama with good characters and a compelling story that quality of storytelling should not be sacrificed to the male gaze. I’m a big fan of GoT and I want it to be the best it can be. That means putting the nudity and sex in places where it makes sense and leaving it out where it doesn’t.

It was also a personal opinion and not a call for making nudity illegal.

Why is your fanservice a higher priority than mine? I’m sorry to tell you, but heterosexual men aren’t any more important than anyone else. I also must break it to you that not all straight men find the same things sexy so you shouldn’t assume every straight guy wants to see the same things that you do.

10 years ago

@Johanna Roberts:

We were going to give it back but then the cats took off with it. We’re not sure what they’re doing with it.

I found some of it, under my couch with the dust bunnies and everyone’s eyes. He can have it back, if he wants, but he should know boobs don’t work like that.

10 years ago

Also, it’s not an awful horribad thing if gainaxing is not in every single piece of Japanese pop culture you consume, duder.

10 years ago

“but he knows he’s mad at the bad ladies who criticize his precious, precious, misogyny”

To a feminazi, everything a straight male does is misogyny! Interact with real “3-D” females, misogyny! Don’t interact with them at all and just substitute them with virtual “2-D” females, misogyny! Hah, I bet even when all straight human males become libido-less panda-like herbivores who zero sexual interest in human females, it will still be misogyny for making the human females “lonely” and “frustrated” (if the comments on other self-proclaimed feminist websites are any indication, anytime& everytime, news about Japan’s “celibacy syndrome” gets reported in the Western press)!

“Men are not born victimizers who get off on women as sex objects, victims and decoration.”

Just because some men are invariably gentle doesn’t mean that all men are gentlemen. Or to be nasty about it, just as not all ice cream is vanilla, not all straight men are manginas, hah!

“That means putting the nudity and sex in places where it makes sense and leaving it out where it doesn’t.”

I am of the opinion that it’s best to let the original content creators freely decide that for themselves. Human Freedom of Creative Expression and all that. But I’m just a straight male, after all. What do I know (sarcasm)?

“Why is your fanservice a higher priority than mine?”

No one said it was, but it’s always women who complain about fanservice catering to men, especially straight men, you never see or hear men who complain about fanservice to women, do you? For example, feminazis always complain about how female superheroines and supervillainesses look like, but when was the last time straight males ever complained about how superheroes and supervillains looked like, and they’re just as unrealistically overattractive, eh?

“but heterosexual men aren’t any more important than anyone else”

Huh, that’s funny, because I could have sworn that it’s heterosexual women who think and feel and act that way, be they either conservative/traditional or liberal/modern. The “Ladies First” rule of Chivalry. The “Violence Against Women” of the PC crowd in which it appears that everything and anything both done and not done by men to women is violence.

“I also must break it to you that not all straight men find the same things sexy so you shouldn’t assume every straight guy wants to see the same things that you do.”

Obviously, but the ones who do, we are being deprived of our satisfaction because of feminazi’s (and Uncle Tims’) over-sensitive whininess and whinginess. So much for not being prejudiced and intolerant, eh?
“but he should know boobs don’t work like that.”

Duh, how stupid do you think males are?! And why do you think people turn to syfy escapist fiction in the first place? Because much more often than not, real life will just never be good enough tsk tsk tsk…

“Also, it’s not an awful horribad thing if gainaxing is not in every single piece of Japanese pop culture you consume, duder.”

It’s not just about our deprivation of satisfaction, but also about purityrannical censorhip of the original authors’ artistic vision. I thought you Western Liberals were all about the 1st American Amendment and against the bigoted bowdlerization of whatever? Or does this only apply when it’s things feminazis approve of? Whatever happened to “I don’t agree to what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it?” Heh, only a male could say something like that! (And yes, I know Gamergate is doing the exact opposite, you don’t have to remind me).

10 years ago

The tion trollosexual seems to be unaware that he is the outlier in his vision of the future of men and pretty much everything else he said. Criminy! Pull your head out d00d before you smother.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

As of today, the front page of this loltastic book compares GG with Thomas Paine, and their loltastic book with Common Sense.

10 years ago

Tion, kindly go fuck yourself. With all the legos. Idiot.

10 years ago

No one said it was, but it’s always women who complain about fanservice catering to men, especially straight men, you never see or hear men who complain about fanservice to women, do you?

Hahahaha! OK, maybe we can keep this one for a while, he’s precious.

10 years ago

Keep him? For a while at least.

We have to give David something to work with to compile the Troll of the Year list. The hopefuls this year have been pretty thin gruel until now. We’ll be lucky if we have categories other than weak, weaker, weakest.

10 years ago

I am of the opinion that it’s best to let the original content creators freely decide that for themselves. Human Freedom of Creative Expression and all that. But I’m just a straight male, after all. What do I know (sarcasm)?

I take it you have never once in your entire life criticized a TV show, movie, video game, comic book, or book right?

Ha! Like you read. Scrap the book part. But how about the rest of it?

Is Tion serious with this shit? It’s so ridiculous and over the top that I’m hoping it is satire. But with Poe’s Law and all, I just can’t tell.

10 years ago

“Ha! Like you read. Scrap the book part.”

Hah, such presumption! Not to brag, but I can finish an entire paperback novel in one sitting, easy, especially if it’s one of those pulpy testosterone-filled summer-reading infotainment that gets adapted into movies and such. And yes, I’ve even read much of your feminazi literature, especially of the sy-fy variety, just to know the enemy, as it were. And familiarity truly breeds contempt. The Women’s Country of the mind is indeed He/Hades.

Am I a Poe?

In an insane world (due in large part to feminazism), the last sane man must thus be a madman!


10 years ago

No one else has ever read a whole book at once!


10 years ago

I mean, I sit/lie down and don’t get up until I’ve finished the book, however short/long it takes (except to use the toilet). All you need to have is lots of food/beverage around you for when you get hungry/thirsty and lots of free time hehehe…

10 years ago

It was me, btw. I stole your fanservice, JUST BECAUSE. Mwah hah hah.


10 years ago


(I pretended to give my boyfriend a hard chair and he immediately started joking about how I needed to give him a softer chair because HE HUNTED MAMMOTHS AND DIED IN ALL THE WARS. It was hilarious.)


Oh my, this is what happens when I go out for the day: a troll of genuinely trollish levels of stupidity crops up.

To a feminazi, everything a straight male does is misogyny!

LOL given there’s no such thing as a feminazi, you have no point. Well, except the one on your head, of course.


Keep him? For a while at least.

We have to give David something to work with to compile the Troll of the Year list. The hopefuls this year have been pretty thin gruel until now. We’ll be lucky if we have categories other than weak, weaker, weakest.

::sigh:: It’s true, isn’t it? Even this jackass who sounds like he’s parodying trolls is weaksauce, but the competition is woeful. VOTE MIKEY YAY YAY YAY

*cough* Sorry.

10 years ago

VOTE MIKEY AND HIS CONDO DIRECTLY ON THE BEACH FOR TROLL OF THE YEAR. There’s just no real competition, other than maybe Erin and his battle chickens.

10 years ago

Erin and his battle chickens, ah yes. Though he burned out soooo fast when people said “Dude, you’re a dude, not a woman.” 😀

10 years ago

Holy shit, is this one for real? “Waaaah, my fansevice!” “I have read much of your feminazi literature!”

“Men are not born victimizers who get off on women as sex objects, victims and decoration.”

Just because some men are invariably gentle doesn’t mean that all men are gentlemen. Or to be nasty about it, just as not all ice cream is vanilla, not all straight men are manginas, hah!

Serious question, Tion. So, if a man treats women with respect and not as sex objects, decorations, or potential victims, then he is a “mangina?” And a “mangina” is bad, right? As in, “not a REAL man?” So what your saying here is that “REAL men” victimize women and treat them like decorations and sex objects? That “REAL men” are born victimizers? How misandrist of you.

10 years ago

Tion’s a terribly insecure little fellow, isn’t he?

10 years ago

Tion seems to miss how the vast majority of Western media caters directly to his demographic.

Obviously, but the ones who do, we are being deprived of our satisfaction because of feminazi’s (and Uncle Tims’) over-sensitive whininess and whinginess. So much for not being prejudiced and intolerant, eh?

What satisfaction has been denied to you specifically by “feminazis”? Or is this just preemptive cry for justice over hypothetical future censorship unleashed by straw-women feminist who exist only in your boyish imagination. “Bwahhhh!” isn’t a very good argument, but it seems to be your go to one.