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A dramatic reading of that terrible, terrible 4chan/#GamerGate crowdsourced book

Hey, remember that beyond-terrible “crowdsourced” GamerGate book I featured here not long ago? Well, Zoe Quinn has put together a crowdsourced dramatic reading of it! That’s it, above, if you hadn’t already figured that out.


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10 years ago

Yeesh, Tinfoil Tion (aka Annoying Abnoy) is Tedious.

Tedious Tinfoil Tion the Annoying Abnoy

10 years ago

From Tion’s Scientific American article:

It is important to note that these associations are just that—associations. They do not prove that pornography is the cause of the observed crime reductions.

The Slate and the New York Daily News articles are both about the same study that found that an increase in Internet availability correlates with a decrease in the rape rate. And, of course, correlation does not equal causation. The author of the Slate article goes on to wildly speculate about porn reducing rape without any evidence. The study being discussed didn’t actually look at what kind of websites people were going to, just Internet availability.

So that’s 4 of Tion’s “sources” that don’t say what he thinks they say.

What a maroon.

10 years ago

Meanwhile, the people who historically spoke Gaelic are less shrug and more headbutt.

10 years ago

Contrapangloss, yes, I’ve done a little checking and this very probably is Abnoy, who was banned for his pedophilia apologia. I’ve emailed the Dark Lord.

10 years ago

Seriously, though, apologizing for merely having facts, just to appease the wimmenz, who are offended by them, now that is pathetic. No wonder why the term “Uncle Tim” was coined to describe male feminists.

“Uncle Tim”? WTF?

10 years ago

cassandra, true. There’s no confusing a Glasgow kiss with a French kiss.

At least I hope not – OW!

10 years ago


Try reading Wikipedia, which includes meta-analyses as well as actual descriptions of and critiques of multiple studies.

The conclusion? More research is needed, but there isn’t a strong correlation found either positive or negative. Decrease in rapes over the period of time one of your studies addresses might be related to other factors. In general, crime has decreased substantiall across the board among young folks over the past couple decades.

All that can be said is that your pet theory, where porn is strongly correlated with reducing violence, has not been supported.

10 years ago

WHOOT! Who’s the bestest sock-sniffer! I AM!

… Okay, that came out weird.

I’m just excited about my sock-dar actually pinging correctly.

Hopping onto the university database to look at some of the studies linked (in the articles) that are hiding behind pay-walls! Because he’s totally not nice enough to link us to the studies themselves, at all.

10 years ago

“How many people in real life have you encountered who seem ready to commit a mass shooting if they don’t jack off enough? Be honest, here, I’m genuinely curious.”

More than my ten fingers that’s for sure. They were a dime a dozen in high school and college. What, you never met any angry young men at all growing up? Ah, now that’s real lucky, that is. In my case, once puberty hits, it feels like everybody’s mad at the world all the time. Where do you think gangs/fraternities come from, eh?

“Also curious if you felt they were dangerous enough to notify the FBI (or similar institution depending on where you live).”

And what, potentially ruin their whole life and risk your own too? You just don’t do that to another guy, dude, at least not in my ‘hood, not if you can help it, especially if they haven’t done anything at all yet. You just gotta learn to play smart and know how to deal with it…

10 years ago

Fuck off, sockpuppet. You’ve been rumbled.

10 years ago

Furthermore, can nobody here grasp the difference between metaphor/allegory and simile/analogy? I compared Muslims to Gamergate, but I never said that Muslims = Gamergate, and that should be obvious in my posts where I used comparative terminology

After you wrote this, reading comprehension assumed human form in order to blow it’s brains out. Seriously, the “metaphor/allegory and simile/analogy” bit just proves you have no idea what all four of those words actually mean. Then there’s a cherry on top, which is the straining psuedo-intellectual affectation of “comparative terminology”.

10 years ago

The lead paint hypothesis is better than the porn one, honestly.

10 years ago



Tion, teenage angst is not barely-held-back homocidal rage. Granted, I’ve got quite a bit of class privilege going for me, so I was much more likely to encounter fraternities than gangs, but given your propensity for hyperbole I call bullshit on everything you’ve said.

Gangs and frats don’t arise from sexual frustration. Puberty does not turn even a large percentage of young boys into killers.

10 years ago

Wherever socky went to college seems to owe him a refund for all kinds of reasons. Unless of course the prospectus advertised it as “University of Future Spree Killers”, in which case caveat emptor and all that.

10 years ago

“Also curious if you felt they were dangerous enough to notify the FBI (or similar institution depending on where you live).”

And what, potentially ruin their whole life and risk your own too? You just don’t do that to another guy, dude, at least not in my ‘hood, not if you can help it, especially if they haven’t done anything at all yet. You just gotta learn to play smart and know how to deal with it…

Because who cares if those guys go on to ruin the lives of a couple of women? It’s not like women are people or anything like that.

10 years ago

From what I recall socky is an upper class Filipino and thus unlikely to have ever encountered a gang other than on TV.

10 years ago

“Comparing men to angry hornets – not misandry at all!”

Is not a most apt comparison?


God, I’m so glad that real life doesn’t remotely resemble this guy’s universe.

10 years ago

How old is socky, has he ever said?

10 years ago

While looking up one of his articles, one of the first articles to pop up was a review paper (scientific review, not a book review) on the methods used in pretty much all of the studies Tedious Tinfoil Tion the Annoying Abnoy posted:

The citation is here, if you have access to any databases:

Kingston D, Malamuth N. Problems with Aggregate Data and the Importance of Individual Differences in the Study of Pornography and Sexual Aggression: Comment on Diamond, Jozifkova, and Weiss (2010). Archives Of Sexual Behavior [serial online]. October 2011;40(5):1045-1048. Available from: OmniFile Full Text Mega (H.W. Wilson), Ipswich, MA. Accessed December 15, 2014.

Here’s a link, that might get you to the full text, or might slam you headfirst into a paywall, I’m not entirely sure which. I knew using the university peramalink would slam you, so I tried to find it online…

But I have a membership to this place, so it could cause the same problem.

10 years ago

Oh, but who wouldn’t want to live in a universe where men were one crashed computer away from committing mass murder?

I wonder what color the sky is on Tion’s home planet, and whether the life forms are carbon-based or not.

10 years ago


Pretty sure the sky is white, and the life-forms are ink-based.

10 years ago

“I reject your premises of your hilariously broken chain of hypothethicals because they’re constrained by a small minded, bitter mental universe.”

Heh, and yet Western liberals, especially in the mainstream media, are still deathly afraid to really criticize, say, Muslims, or Urban Blacks, or indeed any other historically-prone-to-belligerence-reactions minority group, who’s the flavor-of-the-moment darling for the white guilt-PC-crowd.

10 years ago

Basically, the article explains why aggregate data can be misleading, and why individual data is still important.

In general, aggregate data has tended to show no increase in violence with porn availibility, while individual data tends to negative behavioral effects on individuals.

10 years ago

I swear, racist right-wing talking points are a verbal tic for these trolls. Every time it appears I’m more and more assured I’ve picked the right “side” in whatever debate happens to be going on at the moment.

And it comes up in a bunch of contexts; feminism, atheism, skepticism, science in general, politics especially… If I ever find myself agreeing with a person who complains about “liberals afraid to criticize minorities,” I’ll turn myself around so quick I’ll disprove relativity.

10 years ago

Ah, but Sparky, that’s why they need the hard copies. Preferably laminated, to make cleaning easier.