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A dramatic reading of that terrible, terrible 4chan/#GamerGate crowdsourced book

Hey, remember that beyond-terrible “crowdsourced” GamerGate book I featured here not long ago? Well, Zoe Quinn has put together a crowdsourced dramatic reading of it! That’s it, above, if you hadn’t already figured that out.


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10 years ago

Actually, if you bothered to read my posts, you’d see that I’m in fact hoping to prevent further rapes from ever happening by keeping the sort of born-loser (sexually speaking) males who would rape due to refusal from females, from even getting to that point in the first place by keeping them sated and satisfied in their underground dungeons with enough stimulating simulations of funtastic fantasy. But feminazis want to stop the simulations from becoming stimulating, or even not be simulated to begin with.

Who the fuck do you think you’re kidding? Do you think we’re all as stupid as you? Women being silent has NEVER, not even once, prevented rape. In fact, it aids and abets rape, because it enables rape culture to flourish and abusers to get off scot-free. By telling us to shut up about violence and porn in gaming, you are de facto aiding and abetting rape culture. You are objectively pro-rape.

And if you were not so damn disingenuous, you might at least have the decency to admit as much, instead of pretending noble purposes we all KNOW you don’t possess.

10 years ago

When are you going to back up any of your arguments with the citations you have been asked for?

Please show some evidence that porn reduces violence or that sexual frustration causes violence. Show actual research. Not your opinions.

10 years ago


Ah, but you see, porn consumption is a symptom of sexual frustration, which leads to violence! So it makes sense that countries that consume porn are violent, which means we should feed in more porn!


I’m just gonna put Tion’s first comment here.

“If you need to see sex and nudity there’s a wealth of porn out there. You don’t need to want to turn regulars shows/movies/games into porn!”

Anti-Rule 34!

See, this is the reason why I can’t ever really trust Westernized (i.e. Anglosphere) feminazis (and also why I gradually developed antipathy to feminazism). If it were up to these castrating misandrists, there would never be any fanservice at all, particularly of the sexual variety, especially catering to heterosexual men. It’s nosy busybody attitudes like this that cause companies to become insanely paranoid-as-hell and censor videogames, especially RPGS’s coming from Japan (ex. Bravely Default, Mugen Souls 1 and 2, Monster Monpiece, Criminal Girls, etc.), even if the only people who will realistically ever purchase the games in the first place are the die-hard hard-core fanboys for whom the fanservice was created in the first place, and who will now be forever deprived of their enjoyment. So much for Land of the Free and Home of the Brave, eh?

And btw, an equal number of MRA sympathizers actually liked and wanted to have that cute new female character in the latest Tekken installment, so don’t lump us all into one group…

Who knew that in just a few comment pages, his cry for Land of the Free and Home of the Brave and porn catering to heterosexual men would turn into a campaign to stop rapists (which all heterosexual men are) by keeping them locked up in their basement dungeons placated with a constant stream of animated titilation.

10 years ago

And, BTW, just to hammer the final nail in your coffin, Tion — serial killers are some of the biggest consumers of violent porn there is. What do you think they use as inspiration for their actions, hmmm?

So much for your “sated” theory. There is no satisfaction for these guys in merely looking at the shit, they want to act it out. And the more they see, the more they want to act on it. Depriving them of it would be doing them a favor, as then they aren’t hyperstimulated into wanting to make their ooky fantasies real anymore.

10 years ago

Oh, I’d be quite happy to see your type put into dungeons, Tion. But they wouldn’t be the sort you had in mind and the doors would never open again.

You talk about “legal liability” for rapists yet all you’ve done throughout the thead is trot out the same old “fuck us or we’ll go on a rampage like these men did” shit. So, that puts you firmly in the rapists’ camp, because you don’t want us to have the choice to refuse you.

You still haven’t answered the question of why reaching orgasm in someone else’s body is so important that it overrides any consideration of whether that person wants it. Or is it really the idea of forcing women that tickles you? It is, isn’t it?

10 years ago

Do I get added or docked misandry points for making the comment that set off Tion’s days long rage wank?

10 years ago

Oh god, The Audition… I went on a horror-movie-watching spree the Halloween before last with a bunch of Takashi Miike films. Let’s just say I had developed a resistance to needles and gore by the end.

10 years ago

You’re trying to prevent future rapes (I’m quoting you, duder) by making sure frustrated, losers have underground dungeons (I’m quoting you again).
Wow. Once again, porn isn’t going anywhere. And since porn is here to stay, no sexually frustrated loser has an excuse to be violent. Masturbation? There are no laws in the works to out law it. Most people enjoy it. What the fuck was your point again?

10 years ago

Who knew that in just a few comment pages, his cry for Land of the Free and Home of the Brave and porn catering to heterosexual men would turn into a campaign to stop rapists (which all heterosexual men are) by keeping them locked up in their basement dungeons placated with a constant stream of animated titilation.


Oh, and get a load of the “feminazis” right in the very first post. See what I mean by acting like a duck through the entire fucking thread?

There you go, Tion, we went and read what you said. And we still found it to be bullshit! Happy now?

10 years ago

And, BTW, just to hammer the final nail in your coffin, Tion — serial killers are some of the biggest consumers of violent porn there is. What do you think they use as inspiration for their actions, hmmm?
Yep. Take it from someone who has studied forensic psychology in school. Serial killers and rapists learn at an early age to associate sex and violence. Eventually the fantasies aren't enough and they go out and make them real. That doesn't mean violent/rapey porn is directly responsible. There are other factors. But it doesn't satiate them and keep from committing violence either.

10 years ago

Oh, “fantastic fantasy” equals simulated rape porn. I’m getting this from his post above.

10 years ago

Blockquote mammoth! I’ll try again.

And, BTW, just to hammer the final nail in your coffin, Tion — serial killers are some of the biggest consumers of violent porn there is. What do you think they use as inspiration for their actions, hmmm?

Yep. Take it from someone who has studied forensic psychology in school. Serial killers and rapists learn at an early age to associate sex and violence. Eventually the fantasies aren’t enough and they go out and make them real. That doesn’t mean violent/rapey porn is directly responsible. There are other factors. But it doesn’t satiate them and keep from committing violence either.

10 years ago

Yeah, I’m sure their reward of 72-virgins in the afterlife does nothing for the continued success in recruiting of all those young hormonal males from all over the world…not!

Huh. And here I thought it was a complex interaction of personal, political, social, religious and economic motives that causes people to join extremist religious terrorist groups! But nope! It’s because of 72 virgins! Darn me and my nuanced view of human nature! I’m so naive!

But seriously, you’re arguing that people become terrorists because they were promised 72 virgins, and we’re the naive ones?

It doesn’t matter what I believe or not in this instance, but CRITICISM = CENSORSHIP is exactly what the Gamergate crowd believes wholeheartedly.

Which would make them stupid and wrong. Why are you arguing as if a position that is stupid and wrong has any merits?

That stuff about ethics is just an afterthought for them to rationalize it for the PC-audience. What do you think even caused all of this trouble with Gamergate to begin with?!

Well, for starters, a jealous ex-boyfriend who wanted to punish his ex through the trolls at 4-chan and overly sensitive, immature assholes who think that someone pointing out that games filled with scantily clad, sexually objectified female NPCs are sexist is the worst oppression ever…

Hah, so honesty = contempt now? Deluded optimists! (shakes head). It’s obvious you don’t subscribe to the realist school of politics.

Here’s the thing, Tion. You’re arguing that men are so unstable and out-of control that if they experience even the slightest difficulty in finding fapping material then they go on murderous rampages. That is demonstrable false. If men really were that unstable and out of control? They would never be able to be doctors or lawyers or bankers or politicians or scientists or priests or monks or anything, really. They’d be always, completely at the whim of their erections, to the detriment of anything else. And that argument that your making? That men turn into murderous monsters whenever they experience any kind of sexual frustration? That is not an argument for making all kinds of porn widely available and for feminists to shit up about misogyny and sexism. That is, however, a really good argument to keep men locked away from society and heavily sedated. You are literally arguing that men are so awful they kill innocent people when they don’t have instant access to animated boobs. That is the argument you’reaking. That men are fully-functioning, rational adults who are perfectly capable of self-control? That is the argument that feminists are making. See the difference?

To put it simply, just as the Western Establishment learned that criticizing Islam, rightly or wrongly, triggers Muslims into raging maniacs, and thus now largely refrains from criticizing Islam for better or worse,

Oh lookee, Tion’s a racist! Who would’ve thunk it! This is also demonstrably false, a the majority of Muslims in the world are perfectly capable of hearing criticism of Islam without turning into terrorists.

Forget already about the “rape culture” the Women’s Lib movement keeps on going about? What’s one major reason why males rape females? Sexual frustration!

You obviously have no idea what “rape culture” is, or the what motivates rapists. You should really do a wee bit of preliminary research before you spout off about things you obviously know nothing about.

No, but unilaterally continuing a conversation on incendiary topics the other side doesn’t want to have at all, very much violently so, just very well might.

Just because misogynists don’t want to hear about misogyny doesn’t mean that feminists need to stop talking about misogyny. A few hundred year ago, people were violently opposed to hearing that the earth was round and orbited the sun. I’m awfully glad that people who knew better kept talking about, though.

If feminazism won’t leave them alone, they won’t leave the rest of society alone.

But they’re not leaving the rest of society alone. Widespread cultural sexual objectification of women in entertainment and media has real life effects on actual women and girls living in society. Portraying women as prizes to be won? Stories where women are “rewarded” to men? Showing women as only sex objects with unrealistic bodies and nothing else? All these messages get internalized by real-life people. Then you get assholes arguing that women better put out, or else; and that women better shut up, or else. Sound familiar?

10 years ago

“It’d be pretty hypocritical of you to do so if you were not one yourself.”

When you associate with other people long enough, you can already predict their response.

But be my guest, go on any such forum for such guys on the internet and see what their reaction to you will be. Go ahead.

“The shame is seeping in, isn’t it? If you’re lucky, it is.”

Shame? In this day and age? On an anonymous internet forum? Hahaha, I doubt it. Now, you liberals may always feel shame for having a non-PC opinion, but not me. 😛

Seriously, though, apologizing for merely having facts, just to appease the wimmenz, who are offended by them, now that is pathetic. No wonder why the term “Uncle Tim” was coined to describe male feminists.

“Also all the rapist-terrorist-porn-lovers are now Muslim, because why the hell not.”

Furthermore, can nobody here grasp the difference between metaphor/allegory and simile/analogy? I compared Muslims to Gamergate, but I never said that Muslims = Gamergate, and that should be obvious in my posts where I used comparative terminology

“And you’re saying this to men who, by personal experience, can tell you that you’re full of shit.”

I’m seriously trying to imagine what sort of utopian millieu you apparently lived in/grew up in, where all other straight males seem to be either monks, saints, or angels, but it’s simply too much for me to even concieve LOL.

“Trying to silence women with dire “warnings” of what could happen”

(Gaellic Shrug). Well, it’s your life, after all. Don’t say you weren’t warned. One would have thought that since liberals are so adamantly opposed to personal firearms, they would bother to learn how to continue to keep the peace with dangerous elements, but shockingly not tsk tsk.

10 years ago

Once again, we’re responsible when a violent assholes decides to go postal. He’s warning us, everyone. It’s our fault when we don’t give them what they want. Don’t “tsk tsk” us, you asshole. You want us to negotiate with terrorists? No,no. You actually posted — “Don’t say you weren’t warned.” That’s a threat. You posted a threat.

10 years ago

@ kirbywarp

Gozu wins for weirdest, I think. Miike’s version of 47 Ronin was surprisingly good, I have to say – in general he gets a bit too schlocky for me sometimes, and his lady issues are just a bit too obvious.

@ Socky

Tsk tsk, that’s such an obvious tell, people will remember who you were before in a minute.

10 years ago

Sorry for the teal deer, everyone. I’ll house that one and provide the acorns for it, since it’s mine.

Seriously, though, apologizing for merely having facts, just to appease the wimmenz, who are offended by them, now that is pathetic. No wonder why the term “Uncle Tim” was coined to describe male feminists.

Okay, so your making fun of women being easily offended, but are also arguing that men who don’t have a steady stream of porn and/or sex turn into spree-killers and rapists and that feminists need to stop talking about misogyny in video games because “the other side” can’t handle even the most gentle criticism without going into a violent rage.

Alrighty then.

10 years ago


When you associate with other people long enough, you can already predict their response.

Mmhm, so you “associate” with incels long enough to predict their responses, but you aren’t one at all, no sir! I wonder, do you consider yourself outside the realm of heterosexual-man-on-the-edge-of-homocidal-breakdown?

But be my guest, go on any such forum for such guys on the internet and see what their reaction to you will be. Go ahead.


Me: I am a straight male who has had sex before, but hasn’t had it in a while. AMA!

Incel: What dark ritual did you perform to acheive such a feat?

Me: Uhh, I dunno. I made friends with women?

Incels: Friendssssss?

Me: And, umm…. some of them wanted to have sex with me too?

Incel 1: Inconceivable!
Incel 2: Heresy!
Incel 3: Daring to imply that females have opinions!
Incel 4: Burn the witch!

Me: Witch? No, and this is the internet, you can’t literally bring out the torch and pitchforks…

Incels: *post memes of torche and pitchforks*

Me: I stand corrected.

I’m seriously trying to imagine what sort of utopian millieu you apparently lived in/grew up in, where all other straight males seem to be either monks, saints, or angels, but it’s simply too much for me to even concieve LOL.

No, they just aren’t murder-rapists on a hair trigger, and this just makes me more convinced that you yourself are part of the murder-rapists, since a life of not murder-raping without an uninteruppted supply of porn is so unfathomable to you.

10 years ago

It’s kind of funny how Tinfoil Tion equates “Keeping the Peace” with “Rolling over to your macho-macho-man overlords”,

Seriously? Dude, if feminists from the course of ever took your advice, we still wouldn’t be voting in the US. Also, slavery would still be a thing. Also, we’d still be a part of the UK. Should I continue?

(Dear UK folks on the thread, not that I don’t like you and think your country as is is kind of fantastic, but…)

Since you obviously are still suffering the delusion that the entire world is the US, of course.

Or those ISIS folks.

That’s right. We’re all either ISIS or US. Or both. Or Elliot Rogers.

10 years ago

Also, Tinfoil Tion?

Abnoy? Is that you?

10 years ago

I mean, same fixation with teal deers, feminazis, tsk tsks, and random short smiley laden things when we start batting him around like the sock he is…

10 years ago

“Tsk, tsk” yeah, we know who you are.

10 years ago

Hah, so honesty = contempt now? Deluded optimists! (shakes head). It’s obvious you don’t subscribe to the realist school of politics.

Hah indeed. This is quality pretentious idiot trolling, primo stuff. I can’t believe I missed this awesomeness.

10 years ago


I saw Audition, Imprint, and Ichi the Killer, which coincidentally involved a killer motivated by sexual frustration, but for whom porn would do nothing because he got off on the killing.

I kinda forget if there was a fourth one I watched… Maybe that’s for the best.

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