I‘m on a brief blog hiatus, but I wanted to direct your attention to idledillettante’s definitive account of how Eron Gjoni, Zoe Quinn’s vengeful ex-boyfriend, not only launched what became #GamerGate but has shaped and directed it both in public and behind the scenes. And it’s all carefully documented with screenshots of Gjoni’s own words online — on 4chan, on Reddit, on Twitter, and on his own blog, often in direct violation of the restraining order that’s supposed to prohibit him talking about Quinn online.
Here’s idledilletante’s summary of the whole sordid story:
1. Eron knowingly promoted his tell-all blog post about Quinn on 4chan, knowing it was likely to cause harassment.
2. Rather than try to quell the harassment (As he might have you believe), Gjoni actually basked in the attention, to try and stir up even more agita against his ex.
3. Once confronted with his actions, Eron tried to distance himself from #gamergate, and move his involvement of Quinn behind the scenes. Unfortunately we have evidence of this string-pulling.
4. Eron’s fight against his restraining order is merely a continuation of the harassment he was already engaging in. If he wins his legal battle he’s likely to post even more private info about Quinn as a reward for his backers.
5. Gjoni has essentially ruined his good name in pursuit of this revenge quest. He knows this, and it makes him bitter that his plans to sideline Quinn in her own industry have backfired so spectacularly.
6. Gjoni sexually harasses women critical of him; especially when caught in a lie or backed into a corner logically. I find this a telling clue about his real attitude about women, although Gjoni claims to be a feminist.
But I suggest you read the whole thing; the details are creepy and revealing indeed.
Err, AC 5, not AC 4. They pump those things out so quickly I always lose track.
The laughable part is that there are so many game reviewers that it is pretty easy to find one who does follow your personal tastes. There are reviewers who give AAA games 10/10 and everything else lower marks. The GGers don’t lack for reviewers they can trust to give them the info they want, but they don’t want anyone else to be able to claim the same thing. They want all reviewers to follow their personal criteria, not just 60%.
@Policy of Madness
I think they harp on Gone Home because they actually have an explanation for why people say they like it (of course, no one REALLY likes it): it’s about gay people, which means lefties HAVE to support it, even while gritting their teeth and disliking the actual experience of playing the game. They actually, seriously believe people who say they like Gone Home are martyring themselves, playing an unfun game because it’s been deemed to have the Correct Values. And the makers of the game are laughing all the way to the bank.
I really think the most dangerous message the right has been able to spread is the “Stuff White People Like” idea that no one really HAS progressive values; they just act like they do because of all the social capital it brings. It’s taken serious hold (I even hear lefties criticize other lefties for it all the time), and it’s a trenchantly effective attack.
The stupid part… Well, one of the many stupid parts… Is that when Gone Home was first released, every future #Gater I know loved the hell out of it right up until they reached the “Gay reveal” at the end, then suddenly it was worse than Atari ET.
But don’t you dare call them homophobic. *rolls eyes*
Minor clarification in case of lurking trolls (because there are always lurking trolls =P): No, I’m not talking about different groups of people, or even different members of the same group of people. I’m literally talking about the same people.
@ cassandra/kittehserf/guest – sorry; recalling similar instances of trans exclusion from a while back, I thought it would sound too scolding to push back against, if not presumption of universal male interest in women, then at least erasure, more openly. (I also thought “idiot” wasn’t a word one uses here, and personally would change “girl” to “woman”, but those were minor points.) A double apology if “dude” necessarily applies only to males of the hetero orientation; such wasn’t my understanding, but I’ll accept persuasion to the contrary.
Which says something about critical thinking skills, considering that the “reveal” was pretty obvious pretty early on. Hell, one of the voice-overs even mentions how shocked she was that her parents didn’t know.
I don’t know, I loved Gone Home and even though it barely ran on my (now deceased) computer I played through it multiple times.
Ebert criticised video games for not being “art” partially on the grounds that he saw them as being a competition more like a football match than an actual artistic endeavor. He got a lot of flack for it from gamers. Now they are going after any games that aren’t like the very ones Ebert criticized.
I think the gay reveal also coincided with the growing realization that this wasn’t a horror game after all, and so there probably wasn’t going to be any violence.
Not counting what happened to the dad, of course (not that anyone like this is gonna be detail-oriented enough to actually open the safe). But hey, THAT violence is all about FEELINGS and RELATIONSHIPS anyway, so who even cares about that.
(no but seriously that moment when you realize how he must have felt watching his daughter make a big game of trying to contact the ghost of his uncle holy shit)
I think part of the problem there is that they care about MetaCritic scores.
Ha, you don’t say…
Also, it’s very harsh and stings like a motherfucker. Has to be diluted quite a bit before it doesn’t burn the skin. So much so that any anti-STD effect he’s hoping to get out of it would be nil. It might help if your worst problem is a raging case of scalp ringworm or athlete’s foot, but on the genitalia it would only hurt like hell, and the most you could treat with it there would be jock itch. Honestly, are condoms really THAT bad?
I don’t imagine it being a very good sex lube, either. It’s quite crumbly in its solid state, and when melted, it’s too runny. Plus, oils are NEVER a good thing to put on one’s nether regions. Water-based lubes are best.
I really think the most dangerous message the right has been able to spread is the “Stuff White People Like” idea that no one really HAS progressive values; they just act like they do because of all the social capital it brings.
But…if no one really had those values, how would professing them bring social capital? Doesn’t this model assume that at least at some point, there was someone who was both a) genuinely progressive and b) powerful enough to spread their values through a social reward/punishment system? And if it worked well enough to get a whole bunch of people playing along, what happened to that initial person/group?
Hail Blockquote Monster! I was quoting tedthefed there.
Yes, but you see, that’s ridiculous.
Not that I need to tell you that.
Which raises the question of why, if everyone individually believes one thing, they then start acting like they believe the opposite thing when you get them together in a group.
I think it’s something something something liberal elites something college professors Hollywood something something.
The purpose it to undermine the credibility of the opposition. History teaches us that it works a treat.
I use tea tree oil all the time as a deoderant, no general problems with stinging (oil of oregano, on the other hand…). Not that I would put it anywhere sensitive, cuz that’s just silly.
As for the coconut oil, I remember reading some weird article about using it as a mouthwash to get rid of cavities (no, really), so maybe he thinks the same thing applies to his dick?
Hahahaha, tea tree oil + coconut oil is the new ‘snake’ oil! Hahahahahahahaha! Er. Ahem.
dammit, wrong thread.
“I really think the most dangerous message the right has been able to spread is the “Stuff White People Like” idea that no one really HAS progressive values; they just act like they do because of all the social capital it brings.”
Isn’t this sort of true, though? I mean, the general idea behind privilege is that the Majority rarely cares much about these Other on their own, right? We like fetishising the oppressed in fiction, when it is sanitised, trivialised or “non-judgemental” rather than take actual risked helping people who are different and systemically deprived.
In fact, I’ve heard similar attitudes to this expressed in these very comments threads – that most liberals and male feminists don’t concern themselves with SJ outside of making themselves look good.
Super serum?? That’s pretty harebrained and Mr. Juicebro, Esq. is all the ew. It really sounds like he pulls this stuff directly from his personal observations mixed with the stuff he finds up his posterior. I can do it too*, watch:
I was a very sexually active young woman back in the 80’s and I guess I would have to characterize most of that activity as ‘raw doggin’ it as Juicebro terms it. My partners ran the gamut from gamma males to a few that even Mr. Juicebro, Esq. could never categorize as anything but alpha. I hereby conclude that he is full of it because never once did I get addicted to any one guy’s SUPER SYRUP. Not even the alphas’.
Also, no one had heard of tea tree oil or the consumer use of coconut oil at that time**. Once I got back stateside (I spent half of the 80’s in the US military stationed in Europe) and learned about the AIDS epidemic, ‘raw doggin’ went straight out the window, I got tested (negative, whew!) and never attributed that to anything besides dumb good luck.
*By which I mean come to an unfounded conclusion based only on my personal experience.
**How would that even work for a woman? Would you have to use it as a douche? Eek!
10knives: I’ve seen that too, and it always bewilders me that progressives will willingly take one of the right’s talking points and use it to attack one another.
Goes hand-in-hand with a related thing, which is someone needing to have “pure” reasons for being progressive, a standard that is everchanging and idiosyncratic, not to mention impossible. Fighting injustice is socially valued, especially in certain communities; someone who does it is going to run the risk of looking good as a result. Using that fact as a way to undermine their motives or actions is making sure that 95% of people can’t “really” be progressive.
That’s fucking sick and you’re a fucking idiot.
Oh ffs DJG, this is talking about men stalking and abusing women and that’s what Ian’s comment referred to. Those men are the ones being addressed. If this abusive behaviour is not about you, why make it about you?
“That’s fucking sick and you’re a fucking idiot.”
I fail to see how the idea “people like to take the easy way out and indulge our egos with fiction” is really that controversial.