#gamergate zoe quinn

READ THIS: How Zoe Quinn's angry ex-boyfriend not only started what became #GamerGate but directed it behind the scenes

As Eron Gjoni sees it, the harassment Zoe Quinn has endured because of his actions isn't a big deal because she has a Patreon
As Eron Gjoni apparently sees it, the harassment Zoe Quinn has endured because of his actions isn’t a big deal because she has a Patreon account.

I‘m on a brief blog hiatus, but I wanted to direct your attention to idledillettante’s definitive account of how Eron Gjoni, Zoe Quinn’s vengeful ex-boyfriend, not only launched what became #GamerGate but has shaped and directed  it both in public and behind the scenes. And it’s all carefully documented with screenshots of Gjoni’s own words online — on 4chan, on Reddit, on Twitter, and on his own blog, often in direct violation of the restraining order that’s supposed to prohibit him talking about Quinn online.

Here’s idledilletante’s summary of the whole sordid story:

1. Eron knowingly promoted his tell-all blog post about Quinn on 4chan, knowing it was likely to cause harassment.

2. Rather than try to quell the harassment (As he might have you believe), Gjoni actually basked in the attention, to try and stir up even more agita against his ex.

3. Once confronted with his actions, Eron tried to distance himself from #gamergate, and move his involvement of Quinn behind the scenes. Unfortunately we have evidence of this string-pulling.

4. Eron’s fight against his restraining order is merely a continuation of the harassment he was already engaging in. If he wins his legal battle he’s likely to post even more private info about Quinn as a reward for his backers.

5. Gjoni has essentially ruined his good name in pursuit of this revenge quest. He knows this, and it makes him bitter that his plans to sideline Quinn in her own industry have backfired so spectacularly.

6. Gjoni sexually harasses women critical of him; especially when caught in a lie or backed into a corner logically. I find this a telling clue about his real attitude about women, although Gjoni claims to be a feminist.

But I suggest you read the whole thing; the details are creepy and revealing indeed.

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10 years ago

GOBACK really needs to go back to the drawing board, because the current gameplan isn’t working out for him at all.

10 years ago

@Goback and how much time does #GG actually spend talking about those issues as opposed to who some woman allegedly slept with or the videos some other woman dared to make that they disagree with? There was a very short time before I really knew any of the facts that I entertained the possibility that they might actually be sincere in wanting to fight corruption but even for the most “incurious” person it’s not hard to see what they’re really about.

ted the fed
ted the fed
10 years ago

As a researcher, I was so disappointed when I realized so much of this isn’t general human nature, but rather specific 4-chan[‘s idiosyncratic belief that anonymity, groupthink, mass opinion, and shouting leads to pureness, brilliance, truth, and progress. That shit ain’t interesting, that’s just some tiny group of internet weirdos.

ted the fed
ted the fed
10 years ago

ADDENDUM: Not that it being interesting would make up for it being terrible, of course. It’s just not useful to try to understand mechanisms for terrible behavior that don’t come from things that effect big numbers of people.

ted the fed
ted the fed
10 years ago

Finally, I mixed up affect and effect and have to go die now.

10 years ago

Did Cernovich watch that one episode on Seinfeld on repeat? The one where the guys stop masturbating and become brilliant, while Elaine stops and becomes an idiot? Because “When you don’t mastubate, your senses are sharper. You become more in touch with your primal instincts” sounds like something straight out of that episode.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Cernovich might want to read the various studies (for example concluding that abstinence, yes produces greater sperm volume and concentration, but also produces decreased motility, increased senescence, and abnormal morphology.

In other words, the exact opposite of super sperm. But lots more of it.

Jay Elmore
10 years ago

Well, that works in his favor as well. If his *gag* “super serum” isn’t that potent then it’s a lot less likely that someone is going to come around in 2-3 months wanting a paternity test.

An STD test is another story, because no guy has ever lied about being clean, ever…

10 years ago

“Leaving aside Ira’s little stumble, there is an eternal ~truth~ underlying this that GG and the various forms of MRAs just don’t seem to get.

Some relationships are shitty. A lot of break-ups are shitty (even though it’s objectively a good thing to end a shitty relationship). Anyone and everyone who’s just out of a shitty situation is entitled to feel a bit shitty for a while. You’re even allowed, for a fairly short while, to feel a bit obsessed with the shittiness of the ended relationship and the former partner, otherwise known as Shitty McShit Shitperson.

But all of that is supposed to be done in private or in boring and tedious, neverending (from the friend’s point of view), drunken, weepy conversations with your mum or a friend, or a stranger, until you get beyond that. Or you write to Dr Nerdlove or Captain Awkward or someone else who seems competent in this area. If you seem unable to get beyond that after a reasonable time, you get therapy. What you do not do is indulge, reinforce and exaggerate your obsession and start to stalk, harass, threaten or get anyone else to stalk, harass, threaten your shitty ex.

That’s when cops and courts get involved. They don’t much care what shitty things your ex did or failed to do, that’s over and they never had anything to do with it. They do care, ~a lot~, about what you are doing now and might choose to do in the future, and they are involved and they have the power to respond in ways your ex never could — and never would have involved them if you’d just behaved halfway reasonably. You didn’t have to be some kind of perfect, ideal ex, nor a silent long-suffering martyr ex, you just had to keep your personal problems personal and private rather than public and punitive. This is not a very high bar to clear.

And that’s the truth.”

Mildlymagnificent, this needs to be its own post. Or possibly engraved on a mile-high granite monolith at the center of the internet. Seriously it is the heart of SO MUCH toxic spillage that poisons the internet (not to mention much of meatspace). We as a species would do so much better if this was a lesson humans learned early.

10 years ago

YESS! Blockquote monster avoided! *fistpump*

10 years ago

NIOg, I totally agree. Mildly Magnificent hit the nail right on the head– That’s why I’ve written about Gjoni for as long as I have, screencapping all this shit he says.

And w0rdspinner; I hadn’t seen that thing about JuiceBro Lawyer. Just makes him look even more paranoid and crazy; that guy is certainly crazy.

Thanks everyone for reading. That article took a lot of research, spelunking into Gjoni’s reality distortion field. The hardest part was organizing all the information so that the reader wouldn’t lose track of which was is up.

Amusingly, he wrote on Twitter this morning:

Conspiracy Theories? Hilariously Misquoted? In Eron-ese, that’s pretty much an ackonwledgment of a direct hit.

His next hearing is soon, I’m hoping he will actually face criminal charges for all of this.

10 years ago

In other words, the exact opposite of super sperm. But lots more of it.

Bizzaro sperm am Number 1.

10 years ago

If there was some way to separate out the legitimate issues

Gamergate has no legitimate issues.

However, the people gamergate is attacking do have legitimate issues, including with corruption in journalism – after all, they were *already* criticizing them before gamergate existed.

So, the solution here is simple: Stop being a gamergater and join the very enemies of it, who actually are working for the very goals gamergate CLAIMS to have.

Note how gamergate completely ignores actual corruption in AAA, as well as awful practices. Example: Shadows of Mordor, the newest Assassin’s Creed, general EA policies, the issue with Early Access games…
Gamergate only focuses on small indy devs.
This is akin to a group TOTALLY caring for corruption among corporations…

…but somehow only was targeting tiny family-run stores in backwater villages that have 4 customers/day while giving exxon and BP a free pass.

10 years ago

I suspected Gjoni didn’t just post an account of a shitty ex on the internet and then oh no, look what happened, he never wanted any of this you guys. It’s good to have it confirmed so I can show other people proof that he engineered this.

Also, I wonder how big the overlap is between guys who brag about “raw dogging” and guys who howl so very loudly about women “oops”ing them into fatherhood for fabulous prizes.

10 years ago

“Hilariously misquoted” seems to be Gater-speak for “Quoted me directly instead of repeating my second-hand retellings”.

10 years ago

The whole point of doxxing is outsourcing attacks. “I don’t have the resources or the gumption to attack this person myself, so I’ll set all this information to the four winds in the hopes that someone angrier, more unhinged or more determined than I am carries something out against them”.

10 years ago

Assuming he’s not just making that crap up, it doesn’t surprise me that he doesn’t give a damn whether or not he gives the women he meets an STD.

He’s not looking for a life partner or a loving, intimate relationship, he wants a cheap lay. I can see him as the kind of guy who thinks he’s “leaving his mark” on the women he sleeps with. (Ew.)

Ew is right. I wouldn’t want him fully clothed in the same room as me, much less buck-naked and having sex.

Did Cernovich watch that one episode on Seinfeld on repeat? The one where the guys stop masturbating and become brilliant, while Elaine stops and becomes an idiot? Because “When you don’t mastubate, your senses are sharper. You become more in touch with your primal instincts” sounds like something straight out of that episode.

I was thinking more along the lines of General Jack D. Ripper and his Precious Bodily Fluids, finding a totally loopy mansplanation for why he felt tired after “the physical act of love”. As though a couple minutes’ rather intense exertion wouldn’t explain everything…

Well, that works in his favor as well. If his *gag* “super serum” isn’t that potent then it’s a lot less likely that someone is going to come around in 2-3 months wanting a paternity test.

Liquid fucking gold, y’all! LIQUID FUCKING GOLD!

Inez Milholland
Inez Milholland
10 years ago

Why is this man not in prison for contempt of court? Violating a restraining order = contempt. His ass should be inside a jail cell by now.

10 years ago

Question: I wanted to let y’all know of this super-reasonable MRA edit to a law case article on Wikipedia… Is there a more appropriate place to send that than here?
If not, here it is:
(I appended all of those “[citation needed”s to it. 😉 )

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

The whole point of doxxing is outsourcing attacks. “I don’t have the resources or the gumption to attack this person myself, so I’ll set all this information to the four winds in the hopes that someone angrier, more unhinged or more determined than I am carries something out against them

Exactly. It’s the worst sort of cowardice. Gjoni wanted to own Zoe Quinn, couldn’t control her, and felt he could recruit other men to control her. So he sicced a pack of rabid 4chan misogynists on her, then tried to step back and disown it when it got out of hand.

Hope he enjoys his handmade albatross necklace.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

I think this is like, Idle’s 6th conspiracy theory blogpost about me. I am flattered and hilariously misquoted.

This is really consistent with all of EG’s other behavior. As shitty as he’s been, he seems to genuinely believe that he is not a bad person. So idledilettante writes a post, which EG reads and he thinks, Wow this makes me sound like a wanker, and his reaction is not to wonder if he is actually a wanker but to believe that idledilettante is, in some way, mischaracterizing him. It’s axiomatic to him that he’s not a bad person, so this post that makes him look like a bad person must be in error.

His next hearing is soon, I’m hoping he will actually face criminal charges for all of this.

Will you let us know how it goes?

10 years ago

I wonder if it is ever going to come home to him that he is the baddie. I have been party to situations where that never happened. They just went on and on believing themselves to be dreadfully misunderstood.

10 years ago

“As shitty as he’s been, he seems to genuinely believe that he is not a bad person. So idledilettante writes a post, which EG reads and he thinks, Wow this makes me sound like a wanker, and his reaction is not to wonder if he is actually a wanker but to believe that idledilettante is, in some way, mischaracterizing him.”

Seems like S.O.P. with these assholes. When called on your abuse either blame the victim or some ridiculous shadowy conspiracy of your “enemies” .

10 years ago

Is it just me, or does Gijoni look like Roosh?

10 years ago

He does look like Roosh. Sounds like him, too.

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