#gamergate zoe quinn

READ THIS: How Zoe Quinn's angry ex-boyfriend not only started what became #GamerGate but directed it behind the scenes

As Eron Gjoni sees it, the harassment Zoe Quinn has endured because of his actions isn't a big deal because she has a Patreon
As Eron Gjoni apparently sees it, the harassment Zoe Quinn has endured because of his actions isn’t a big deal because she has a Patreon account.

I‘m on a brief blog hiatus, but I wanted to direct your attention to idledillettante’s definitive account of how Eron Gjoni, Zoe Quinn’s vengeful ex-boyfriend, not only launched what became #GamerGate but has shaped and directed  it both in public and behind the scenes. And it’s all carefully documented with screenshots of Gjoni’s own words online — on 4chan, on Reddit, on Twitter, and on his own blog, often in direct violation of the restraining order that’s supposed to prohibit him talking about Quinn online.

Here’s idledilletante’s summary of the whole sordid story:

1. Eron knowingly promoted his tell-all blog post about Quinn on 4chan, knowing it was likely to cause harassment.

2. Rather than try to quell the harassment (As he might have you believe), Gjoni actually basked in the attention, to try and stir up even more agita against his ex.

3. Once confronted with his actions, Eron tried to distance himself from #gamergate, and move his involvement of Quinn behind the scenes. Unfortunately we have evidence of this string-pulling.

4. Eron’s fight against his restraining order is merely a continuation of the harassment he was already engaging in. If he wins his legal battle he’s likely to post even more private info about Quinn as a reward for his backers.

5. Gjoni has essentially ruined his good name in pursuit of this revenge quest. He knows this, and it makes him bitter that his plans to sideline Quinn in her own industry have backfired so spectacularly.

6. Gjoni sexually harasses women critical of him; especially when caught in a lie or backed into a corner logically. I find this a telling clue about his real attitude about women, although Gjoni claims to be a feminist.

But I suggest you read the whole thing; the details are creepy and revealing indeed.

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Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Okay, that cat on top of the dog made me laugh, a lot. 😀

10 years ago

If you haven’t already read this (and you should have already read this, it is awesome), here is a piece in the Baffler about Mitt Romney, lies, con artists, and the conservative movement–basically, movement conservatives don’t care about lies from their leaders.

I think the parallels should be obvious.

10 years ago

(Note to those who can’t seem to get along with the rest of the commentariat here – see how easily that dispute was resolved by Ira saying “shit, that’s not what I meant, here is what I did mean”? Take note before your next round of drama llama-ing.)

10 years ago

Kittieeeeeeeeeeeeeeees adorable kitties! <3

10 years ago

::points up at cassandra’s comment::

That’s what I forgot to say earlier – “Apology and clarification, this is how you do it!”

10 years ago

And yes, patient dog that doesn’t mind being a pillow is adorable.

10 years ago

Kitty and dog sleeping look like they’re so cold and trying to keep warm together, not that the middle of the yard would be a great choice of bed.

10 years ago

Also, I’m a bad cat mom because I accidentally locked Pan out of my apartment for about ten minutes. He slipped out while I came in, and I didn’t realize it until he was scratching at the door.

One time Darrow slipped past me as I was leaving for a New Year’s eve party. I didn’t realize until I got home at 3 in the morning drunk off my ass and couldn’t find him. I panicked. Luckily he was just lying on the floor in the hallway two floors up. He was okay. It could have been much worse. Unfortunately he freaked out while I was carrying him downstairs and scratched the hell out of my arms which I didn’t feel because I was so drunk. I woke up the next morning covered in dried blood. Poor Darrow was traumatized I think. Except for eating, drinking, and using the litter box he didn’t do anything but sleep the next day. This was when he was still young and energetic too.

I’m just so glad he didn’t get outside. January in Minnesota is very, very cold.

10 years ago

Leaving aside Ira’s little stumble, there is an eternal ~truth~ underlying this that GG and the various forms of MRAs just don’t seem to get.

Some relationships are shitty. A lot of break-ups are shitty (even though it’s objectively a good thing to end a shitty relationship). Anyone and everyone who’s just out of a shitty situation is entitled to feel a bit shitty for a while. You’re even allowed, for a fairly short while, to feel a bit obsessed with the shittiness of the ended relationship and the former partner, otherwise known as Shitty McShit Shitperson.

But all of that is supposed to be done in private or in boring and tedious, neverending (from the friend’s point of view), drunken, weepy conversations with your mum or a friend, or a stranger, until you get beyond that. Or you write to Dr Nerdlove or Captain Awkward or someone else who seems competent in this area. If you seem unable to get beyond that after a reasonable time, you get therapy. What you do not do is indulge, reinforce and exaggerate your obsession and start to stalk, harass, threaten or get anyone else to stalk, harass, threaten your shitty ex.

That’s when cops and courts get involved. They don’t much care what shitty things your ex did or failed to do, that’s over and they never had anything to do with it. They do care, ~a lot~, about what you are doing now and might choose to do in the future, and they are involved and they have the power to respond in ways your ex never could — and never would have involved them if you’d just behaved halfway reasonably. You didn’t have to be some kind of perfect, ideal ex, nor a silent long-suffering martyr ex, you just had to keep your personal problems personal and private rather than public and punitive. This is not a very high bar to clear.

And that’s the truth.

10 years ago

My apartment opens into a hallway with closed doors leading to the stairs, so he is unlikely to get off my floor. Usually I catch him–he snuck out earlier today, too, but I went back out and grabbed him.

I’m just afraid that he’ll run into one of the building’s dogs–there are at least three dog owners on my floor, two with a total of four big dogs (friendly to me, but I don’t know about cats) and two aggressive chihuahuas who attacked me when I was still out of it from surgery drugs. At least he probably weighs more than the chihuahuas.

I’m lucky he doesn’t seem to mind being picked up and carried back into the apartment.

Jade got out a couple of times, but decided there was nothing interesting there.

Michael Lindsay
10 years ago

If both sides really were interested in the truth and so on, this whole mess could actually have some good come out of it. But by now that’s far too late.

I am well and truly sick of this Golden Mean bullshit!

Nathan Hevenstone
10 years ago

Michael… it has happily been resolved.

Ira… I just want to apologize for my initial vitriol. Now that I know what you meant, I agree with you completely.

10 years ago

Speaking of cats and dogs and sleeping…

10 years ago


Ahem. I better go make sure my two are safely tucked in for the night.

As for EG, wow, what a creeper. I just waded through ID’s whole post. He hit on her, and other women who backed him into a corner and called him on his shit? Wow. What sort of person does that, I wonder?

(This question is obviously rhetorical.)

Ira Shantz-Kreutzkamp
Ira Shantz-Kreutzkamp
10 years ago

@Michael Lindsay I am as well. I am sorry my comment gave the opposite implication.

@Nathan Hevenstone It’s perfectly fine. I’ll be more careful next time to not write thoughtlessly.

Mods, would it be possible to add some note to/blot out the comment to prevent any more mistakes?

10 years ago

LOL kitties ruling – I think my favourite’s the one pushing the dog off the bed.

10 years ago

Ira, I won’t delete it, but if you like I’ll stick in a note saying “this was amicably resolved, no need to add comments” or something.

Michael Lindsay
10 years ago

No worries Ira, it’s cool. Sorry if I came of as hostile.

Ira Shantz-Kreutzkamp
Ira Shantz-Kreutzkamp
10 years ago

Thank you, kittehserf, that would work perfectly.

@Michael An understandable reaction.

10 years ago

And this is how well behaved human beings interact. If we could teach the rest of the internet how to do this, we’d all be very pleased.

Ian Lippert
Ian Lippert
10 years ago

PSA to all dudes: if a girl is not interested in you and you don’t move on immediately you are a total self absorbed idiot.

If you feel the need to “expose” her 0transgressions” on the Internet then you are a complete creep and man baby.

Gonji was obsessed with quinn and I’m glad he’s been revealed as the total idiot that he is. There was an interview with him saying he had no idea how out of hand the quinsoiracy was going to get. More like it outpaced his wildest dreams.

F that guy

10 years ago

Ira, ya welcome!

A Wolverine
A Wolverine
10 years ago

Eron belongs in prison due to the CONSTANT violations of the restraining order alone, the fact that he shit up the internet for months is icing on the poopcake

10 years ago

icing on the poopcake


10 years ago

Speaking of harssment… our old… somethings Roosh V and Matt Forney are threatening to release the name of Rolling Stone’s source “Jackie” and whoever supports her–explicitly to make sure that they/we are harassed constantly.