Some days I can’t even. Here’s an actual discussion going on in the Men’s Rights subreddit today. How is it that adult human beings can believe these things?
Ugh. And these guys actually think that they’re the “less dramatic, more productive and more thoughtful men?” Sorry to break it to you, fellas, but YOU are what’s wrong with men today.
Anyway, I’m tapping out for now. I’m taking the day off. Maybe a couple of days. There’s stuff going on in GamerGate I should be writing about but, you know, I just can’t. I need to clear my head.
H/T — r/againstmensrights
They came pretty close above when they mentioned “complimentary femininity”. I think it’s about both for them: these guys literally believe that men’s rights are threatened when women aren’t building our lives around them.
“Complimentary femininity” = bitches who know their place.
There fellas, fixed that typo for you.
Ok, ok, I tried reading the article again. Jeeeesus christ on a pogo stick.
I can barely untangle this. Women are taught to be victims (where? how?), but that only works on campus where they are always believed and the abusers are always harshly punished (yeah right). But, in the real world, “male sexuality” is sometimes violent. Thus, their training of crying victim won’t actually work because reasons?
The way this paints the picture, women are unprepared to live in the real world not because men aren’t violent (they are), but because they aren’t as readily believed. Oh, and guess what the conclusion sentence is to the last paragraph? You got it, what about the menz!
What a mess of a few paragraphs. And so misandrous too!
TIL that inner city neighborhoods are the direct result of women breeding with large athletes.
@Falconer – It does get exhausting, constantly barging into mens’ locker rooms with a broom and yelling “Shoo!! BREAK IT UP! There’s too many of you!”
I have sacrificed to the Blockquote Mammoth, that we may enjoy a more bountiful harvest.
That whole article makes boys, the subgroup of human beings I am a part of, sound like aliens. There’s nothing I can relate to in there personally.
Apparently girls are now pain medication. Given that the quoted dude complains about being called a pedophile and rapist, somehow I think he means “girls” literally.
Christ, though, I can’t even with this worldview. Every human being faces problems with retirement, wealth, jobs, and poverty, yet this dude views ‘girls’ as objects to turn to, rather than fellow human beings to commiserate with. I just can’t even.
Oh gods yes, seconded, Alpha von Carousel.
“Complimentary femininity” sounds like one of those mints they put on hotel pillows.
Even if this were true, how can anyone see that as some big advantage in light of recent events? Unarmed black men get murdered by cops in part because they’re perceived as abnormally strong, fast, and aggressive. Ffs, Darren Wilson compared Mike Brown to a demon. I also remember reading what black people are perceived as being more pain tolerant which can only translate into less empathy for black suffering.
This perception also gets used to minimalize the accomplishments of black athletes a lot. White athletes win with hard work and perseverance. Black athletes win with naturally stronger muscles. That narrative advantages white athletes IMO. I’ve also seen the figure skating and gymnastics communities stereotype black athletes as being athletic but not graceful and artistic. Since artistry is part of the score in both sports, especially skating this is again not an advantage.
“Yes sir, and would you like some complimentary femininity with that?”
Though it should be complementary femininity in the original context, unless they really do mean women are supposed to sit around paying them compliments. Which isn’t much of a stretch, with these jerkoffs.
That Breitbart article is full of ridiculousness. My favorite part:
Apparently, men are just like mice (that’s really not what John Steinbeck was getting at in Of Mice and Men). Also, apparently, when a mouse spends his time “eating, sleeping, feeding and grooming” his life his empty and meaningless.
It couldn’t possibly be that people treat him like a potential rapist or abuser because he views half the population the way one might view a bottle of whiskey or a bowl of mac and cheese!
I just love how much anti-fems whine about how we think all men are rapists but then they’ll flock to “thinkers” like Paglia who actually think all men are rapists but frame it as a biotruth and something that’s okay. It’s just really telling.
“Aggressively vulnerable?” Sure, I get that he’s using ‘aggresive’ in a context where that isn’t really an oxymoron, but why didn’t his editor step in for that?
(and why am I nitpicking this guy’s grammar when the content of his message is so awful?)
re:”complementary femininity”
This was an actual justification used in the 6th circuit anti-marriage equality ruling.
In 2014, a sitting judge cited complementarianism. Weirdly, none of the actual criticisms I’ve seen of the ruling have mentioned that issue.
@WWTH: Right?!? I mean, the poster’s essay quickly devolved into a this tired “stereotypes exist for a reason, and we should all use them to quickly understand individuals” rant, which probably should have clued me in – he or she didn’t _want_ to understand the concept of privilege.
I’m not amazed that just-so racist jerkoffs exist; I’m just amazed how their nonsense is being tolerated in places where it should stick out like a flare in the dark.
I think Spongebob’s legs go to the same place where Optimus Prime’s trailer goes when he doesn’t need it.
MRAs really don’t seem to grasp how this kind of speculation demonstrates how incredibly stupid their biotruth assfax actually are, how utterly incompatible the “alpha fucks, beta bucks” model is with reality which they can plainly, plainly see right here.
I mean, I know that they think that 1950s middle-class Western white sexual culture is what kept “hypergamy” under control, but H. sapiens sapiens didn’t evolve in the 1950s. Why weren’t betas bred out of the species long, long ago?
As so often happens, they are right on the edge of an epiphany and don’t even realize it.
It never ceases to amaze me how the most “misandrist” of people are the ones crying it ad nauseum.
One side of their mouths: “Stop saying all men are rapists!”
The other side: “Men just need to have sex (with wimmens because no homo) any way possible! It’s a biological FACT.”
And I would REALLY want to see (out of my own morbid curiosity) what they think “femininity” is. Because I have a sinking feeling that it’s “perfect obedience to my every thought, desire, and whim because penis”.
Seriously though, I read through the snippets (and I agree with daintydougal, the highlighter is a little too much. I guess it would be better if it wasn’t so wobbly?) and it’s like these people really have no tolerance for anyone who exists outside of their narrow worldviews. Would their heads explode if they went outside for five minutes, or is that just fuel for them to gain BroPoints™ with their fellows to see who can whine the loudest and the most obnoxiously about how “privileged” other races are and how they can’t get laid because women are harpies (rather than maybe consider that the common factor in their relationship history is they themselves, so that might be the problem?)
Though, I think about their comments about how they’ll be “bred out” in a few generations because the wimmens won’t sleep with them and have their little misandry babbies, and this was the first thing that popped in my head:
“Comprise”, “derive” even “renaissance” – all words I want to burn from my vocabulary now.
Hope you enjoy your time off, David. 🙂
Dull the pain with girls.
Never have I wanted the nopetopus more.
It never ceases to amaze me how backward they have it. They think they’re oppressed for not being valued and it never seems to occur to them that maybe they’re not that valuable, that they aren’t the ‘less dramatic, more productive, more thoughtful’ men they think they are.
How strange is it to think you need a spine to be exactly like someone else wants you to be? Standing up to idiots takes a spine. Following the brainless, genital-driven nonsense these people spew out doesn’t take a spine, just a lack of something quite important connected to it.
What they actually object to is not the insinuation that all men are rapists, but that rapists should be punished. They don’t think rape is wrong, or if they do, they view it as a property crime one man commits against another by violating “his” woman.
“Complementary femininity”? Oh, for the fuck of holy shit. If you wondered how the racism got into the sexism, now you can wonder how the fundamentalism got on top of it all. It’s like some unholy version of peanut-butter cups where there’s peppermint frosting on top. Yecccch.
Actually to me it paints the picture that in college, men are so tightly controlled by the social and authoritative power of academic policy that women complain about minor non-issues… But this makes them soft. In the “real world,” men are free to be their truly violent selves and women are unprepared for what unrestrained men will do to them.
He’s saying college guys are like safely domesticated animals in zoos, and women shouldn’t complain about a few friendly scratches or nips… It doesn’t prepare her for going out into nature, where the wild men roam. Wild men don’t have zookeepers. Wild men are horrible violent beasts that women need to be prepared for their whole lives.
I could live longer than Methuselah, and life would still be too short to click on a Breitbart link.