Some days I can’t even. Here’s an actual discussion going on in the Men’s Rights subreddit today. How is it that adult human beings can believe these things?
Ugh. And these guys actually think that they’re the “less dramatic, more productive and more thoughtful men?” Sorry to break it to you, fellas, but YOU are what’s wrong with men today.
Anyway, I’m tapping out for now. I’m taking the day off. Maybe a couple of days. There’s stuff going on in GamerGate I should be writing about but, you know, I just can’t. I need to clear my head.
H/T — r/againstmensrights
Losers. Contemptible losers, that’s all.
Have a kittyfull time off, David!
Their entire worldview really is based on accepting every bullshit stereotype they come across and treating it as Divine Truth. They build legalistic systems out of “I heard some guy joke about this on TV once”. They are rules lawyering bullshit.
David – remember “Illegitimus non carborundum!”
By refusing to believe that there is anything that impacts human behavior beyond genetics, by ignorance of how the world works, and by not thinking too deeply about what their own theory would imply. A big ol’ heaping helping of racism doesn’t hurt.
Isn’t that the daily special over there?
Enjoy your time off, David.
I don’t want any racism or misogyny. I do want to bury my face in that kitty’s belly.
Have a nice break, David! Make sure you rest up and cuddle a lot of kitties. We’ll be here when you come back!
Racism has had a huge uptick online lately. Not just Ferguson, but brewing for a couple years now.
Things you wouldn’t see anywhere but stormfront now being posted everywhere right-wingers go.
Take it easy, David!
I’ll just sit here wondering where Spongebob’s legs go. O_O
Me too, Kirbywarp. Me too.
wonder if they soon gonna stop pretending it’s about rights for men, and be honest about just wanting women to be under their control. obviously they want brainwashed fembots
…said the “less dramatic” man.
Enjoy your break!
I’ll join the “But where do the legs go?” club in the meantime…
@Buttercup: But it’s the most important squashing of civil rights of this century! For wherever three Gits gather, there too is Roosh V.
I hope all the various kitties enjoy their time off too.
I don’t understand the use of the highlighter, it makes it difficult to read and annoying.
I’m still marveling over ‘more other kinds of men’. Clearly, his teachers were misandrists.
Re: Racism everywhere: I saw a comment on that liberal matriarchy utopia Polygon (/snark) about how blacks had privilege too because they were “genetically” stronger and more confident than whites.
I had to do a double-take; the comment was so left-field bizarre, blatantly racist, anti-science and “not even wrong” about privilege that I assumed it would be deleted in moments. Left a snarky response, and, lo and behold, it was still there a day later – and a defender had shown up, accusing me of being intolerant of “different opinions.” Wha?
Remember, this is Polygon, the place high on the goobers’ crap list b/c of its heavy moderation. And this “I’m not racist, buuut …” comment stood! Just mind-blowing.
Is it time to ignore GamerGate forever yet?
Please tell me it’s time to ignore GamerGate forever.
While there is a small amount of truth to a predisposition to some personalities being genetic it’s not NEARLY as strong as these assholes seem to think and it’s a PREDISPOSITION personality is influenced by ten million other things than having a gene that sometimes causes a foul temper. *shakes head*
I suppose people saw http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-London/2014/12/04/The-Sexodus-Part-1-The-Men-Giving-Up-On-Women-And-Checking-Out-Of-Society
It’s just so… Factually troubled and listed with wingnut welfare mentions that it’s painful.
@Crissa, yup, it’s another regurgitation of ‘what about the menz?!?!??’. Ugh.
One of the roughest things to get over, for me, is the very clear message that these assholes believe that one day women will acquiesce to being shoved back into the box. Just accepting the treatment that they’re only ornaments, only objects, only baby machines.
I’m an old queen who grew up in a house full of sisters, and headed by a matriarch that could have chewed up these assholes’ bones and spit out sand. What these foolish, seething, ridiculous cowards don’t know about women could fill fifty oceans and still overflow.
May they all cross paths with women exactly like my mama. They will never get back up, and she won’t even chip a nail.
A counterpoint to the opening of that breitbart article, which is about as far as I could get without noping out and seemed to be all about how terrible the kids are these days.
Kids these days are doing pretty good, and marriage is doing pretty good as well.