antifeminism hypergamy misogyny MRA racism reddit

Would you like some racism with your misogyny? The Men's Rights subreddit serves up a toxic stew.

If you need me, I'll just be here in my box.
If you need me, I’ll just be here in my box.

Some days I can’t even. Here’s an actual discussion going on in the Men’s Rights subreddit today. How is it that adult human beings can believe these things?

ConfirmedCynic 8 points 10 hours ago   I'm sort of curious, in a morbid way, about the society which unleashed female hypergamy will create.  If they breed largely with the aggressive, physical sort, and the less dramatic, more productive and more thoughtful men get the cold shoulder systematically or just chose to GTOW, what happens as the character of generations change? Will it turn into one big battle ground? Who will do the steady grind of day to day jobs? Not everyone can lead or be an athlete or a thug.      permalink     save     report     give gold     reply  [–]AvgGuy101 1 point 3 hours ago   Curious about the potential results? Just take a look at the inner city neighborhoods in most large cities in the US. I also wonder who is going to pay for all of these "choices"?      permalink     save     parent     report     give gold     reply  [–]dogshits -1 points 3 hours ago*   I think things will change for the better and women will get the men they deserve; ones that won't take any shit no matter the amount of social conditioning they throw at them. That will finally lead to the most vile cunts being bred out and a second renaissance of a good complementary femininity.  A great failing of more other kinds of men is that they largely comprise of white knights. Men who derive all their social capital through women and basically trample over each other to protect women and moderate themselves to the point of castration. I've seen some improvement when they lift, hang with bros and basically grow a spine, but feminists are doing everything to keep large groups of men from assembling starting out from the very beginning with father and son.

Ugh. And these guys actually think that they’re the “less dramatic, more productive and more thoughtful men?” Sorry to break it to you, fellas, but YOU are what’s wrong with men today.

Anyway, I’m tapping out for now. I’m taking the day off. Maybe a couple of days. There’s stuff going on in GamerGate I should be writing about but, you know, I just can’t. I need to clear my head.


H/T — r/againstmensrights

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10 years ago

Thinking about it, wasn’t Elliot Roger basically the real-life version of Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver? There’s that exact same resentment of the world and women in particular for not dating them, and Roger’s Youtube manifesto sounds a lot like one of Travis’ voiceovers, specifically “Listen, you fuckers, you screwheads. Here is a man who would not take it anymore. A man who stood up against the scum, the cunts, the dogs, the filth, the shit. Here is a man who stood up.” Actually, that sounds like all MRA speeches come to think of it.

There’s also the fact that Bickle himself was based on a real man called Arthur Bremer, who shot US senator George Wallace. Bremer’s (now published) journal specifically states that he wanted “to do SOMETHING BOLD AND DRAMATIC, FORCEFUL & DYNAMIC, A STATEMENT of my manhood for the world to see.”

10 years ago

@filmrunner But wasn’t Bickle more a sensitive guy who was just disgusted by all the depravity around him and snapped rather than “I deserve to date a hot girl and can’t get one! Waaah!”?

Also figure skating is mostly fixed anyway. Any sport which is judged by humans is not going to be fair.

10 years ago

He’s saying college guys are like safely domesticated animals in zoos, and women shouldn’t complain about a few friendly scratches or nips… It doesn’t prepare her for going out into nature, where the wild men roam. Wild men don’t have zookeepers. Wild men are horrible violent beasts that women need to be prepared for their whole lives.

Oh, you mean like…FRATBOYS?

Yeah, that idiot who wrote that…you could tell HE never went to college. My first day at uni, before I even got to campus, I was assailed by signs on student-ghetto houses reading “Kiss your virginity goodbye” and “Shave yer dotter’s box” [sic]. If that’s any indication of the domestication levels of college guys, I don’t want to see the wild motherfuckers. I don’t NEED to. The fact that we were constantly warned about the risks associated with drinking too much, while the guys were NOT told to refrain from raping…well, so much for the “aggressively vulnerable”, ultra-protected status of college women. Truth is, we were aggressively held to blame for everything any guy ever did to us. The guys got off scot-free. Still do.

And yeah, how about that “border patrol” porn. I posted that very link to my Facebook page yesterday morning, with a the comment: “Rape is NOT sex. But trust the porn industry to blur that not-so-fine line.” The idea that porn can teach us anything worthwhile about sex sure does crumble in the face of shit like that.

PS: Surya Bonaly is awesome. Fuck the haters; I always found her incredibly beautiful. Not every great skater can look and move like a Balanchine ballerina, fergawdsakes. And they shouldn’t have to. Some move like acrobats and gymnasts, others (Elvis Stojko being a case in point) like martial arts experts. The lack of diversity over what constitutes “artistic” has always bugged me, even though I love to watch skating. Several years ago, Ms. magazine described figure skating as “a sport out of whack”, and they were right. It was that way long before the whole Kerrigan/Harding kerfuffle, too.

10 years ago

They really ought to call it “conformity” instead of “artistry” in my opinion; skaters true to a clearly artistic vision have tended to get punished for it if it didn’t stay inside a very narrow range. Two other Frenchwomen whose careers overlapped with Surya Bonaly’s, Laetitia Hubert and Vanessa Gusmeroli, were consistently undermarked for programs that were usually far more interesting than those of the vast majority of the competitors. And after hearing her knocked for years as “unconventional”, I greatly enjoyed seeing Denise Biellmann figuratively getting the last laugh by becoming the modern standard.

10 years ago

All that wouldn’t be so bad if we could at least dull the pain with girls. But we’re treated like paedophiles and potential rapists just for showing interest. My generation are the beautiful ones



We’re nothing but drugs to them! I think I get it now. We might be annoyed at best if our advil suddenly started talking back and saying we couldn’t swallow it unless it wanted to be swallowed. You’re a pill, advil! You were developed to relieve my pain! Stop talking! That’s how they think of us. As things that were developed for men’s needs and shouldn’t have wills of our own, but do.

dull the pain with girls. But we’re treated like paedophiles

And that is just so fucking creepy. It’s basically that “age of consent is misandy” bullshit. Won’t someone think of the 30 + age men who can’t “relate” to women over 18?

10 years ago

You’re a pill, advil!

For some reason, this made me cackle way too much.

Painkiller Dude can stumble over all the Legos, and I hope he’s out of Advil.

10 years ago

One of the reasons I’m pretty insistent that the MRA movement is wholesale racist, other than that it’s a bunch of white guys being hateful, is that the precious 1950s white suburban lifestyle that the MRAs have a movement-wide fetish for was pretty much a world in which people of color don’t exist. Add that in with the fact that the MRA’s interpretation of maleness is a strictly Caucasian/Western/Northern concept of gender, and you’ve got a level of structural racism within a movement that, when advocated by a posse that’s almost exclusively white men, arises to that it’s a white supremacist movement.

10 years ago

i always laugh at the “give gold” option on reddit posts. probably because i’m not really familiar with the context but to me it’s like reddit being all “would you like to give some ACTUAL GOLD BARS to the person who wrote that really shitty cringey thing? like come on they REALLY DESERVE IT”, it’s so hilarious

by the way first time commenting here if that’s even a thing

keep up the good work <3

10 years ago

@fotocopiadora: Hello and welcome! If you scroll down and look below the Lavender Seal (which is right next to this comment on my monitor, at least) you’ll find a candle: That’s the link to the WHTM welcome package, which explains a lot of community rules and injokes.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

i always laugh at the “give gold” option on reddit posts.

Me too. I picture them all inundating each other with their LIQUID EFFING GOLD.

(context link, for reference: )

Also, welcome!

10 years ago

Me three…only I picture the liquid gold as pee.

10 years ago

Yay! Another new person!

Definitely check out the scented candle link, and welcome to the board!