off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff, December 2014 Cat Tree Edition

At We Hunted the Mammoth headquarters, the tree is already up.
At We Hunted the Mammoth headquarters, the tree is already up.

An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no I’m-not-really-an-MRA-buts, don’t be mean.


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10 years ago

No, this was the other one, the creepy one talking about his child.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

Hey, Not Allmen? In case you’re reading this (and you apparently are):

(Unrelatedly, I may have broken my foot and it hurts like hell, getting it x-rayed tomorrow. Which is why I’ve been snappy all day. Oops.)

10 years ago

M, ow! Hope your foot heals up well, whatever’s happened to it.

That cartoon is hilarious.

10 years ago

Tumblr regulars, I need help. How do you pause or turn off the embedded SCM player? It’s really annoying when you have multiple pages open and they’re all trying to play a different song.

10 years ago

I’m sorry to hear that Katherine.
I still have empty places where my grandmothers were (I was younger when my grandfather’s died).

How’re you holding up?

MildlyM- Ohh! Enjoy summer!
I have a friend who’s in Perth for the holidays. Her reaction: “I live on the wrong West Coast!” (She lives in Seattle.)

Re: the insert: Our heat hasn’t yet had to turn on πŸ˜€

10 years ago

@ WWTH – f*cking banks! F*cking liar landlords! AFAIK, it is against the rules to cash a post dated cheque before the date. F*cking scoundrels, all around. πŸ™ (Also, FWIW, I don’t think you’re a loser.)

@ M – Ouch!!!! Hope you heal well.

I have no cute pics to offer as brain bleach, but here’s a story. Young Master Grump and Miss Grump were waiting outside for the school bus. Master Grump comes to me with a handful of snow and asks, “is it OK if I throw a snowball at the bus when it comes?”, with that mischievous grin that all 9 year old boys have. I said no (of course) and suggested he use the tree for target practice. They both start pelting the tree with snowballs, but Miss Grump can’t throw hers far enough to reach from the walk to the tree. So much disappoint!

10 years ago

The other one was pretty harmless but he was a dolt who tried to mansplain history to us. He claimed that Boudica was German.

Well … latest analysis of the words used on Iceni coins indicates that the language is a germanic one, possibly implying that the Iceni’s ancestors had migrated from what is now north Germany or Scandinavia, hundreds of years before the anglo-saxon migrations.

I doubt however, that that was what the dolt was basing his argument on.

Of course, the researcher making this breakthrough is a woman and we all know that they’re hopeless so it must be wrong … /sarcasm

10 years ago

Ouch, M. Broke my foot in a car accident, years ago. Major sympathy. You have every reason to be a little tetchy.

Took months before I could walk again without thinking about it but boy did it feel good when I did. If you can, make sure you get physio once you’re ready – I didn’t and my foot has never been as strong or flexible as it should be.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

WWTH – I’m sorry to hear about the mess. πŸ™ Unfortunately, banks are legally allowed to cash post-dated checks. They don’t normally verify the date during routine check processing, unless you’ve called ahead of time and alerted them to hold it. They mainly care about whether the funding is available at the time the check was written.

I hope you can get a temporary loan from your dad to cover it. It wasn’t your fault, you were trying to do the responsible thing. Since it was your landlord’s mistake, maybe they’d at least agree to deduct the overdraft fee from next month’s rent?

Banks are absurdly lax when it comes to check processing. Some sleazeball company in Florida once got hold of my checking account number (I still don’t know how) and wrote a fake check for $150 off my account. They took a generic check and taped a faked-up MICR routing and account number along the bottom. Not only was the signature on the check clearly not my handwriting, it wasn’t even MY NAME. (It looked like “O’Bleeeeeez”). And they never endorsed it.

It was the most obviously bogus check. The bank not only went ahead and cashed it, they wouldn’t refund my money.

I hope you can get everything straightened out soon, WWTH. That stinks.

grumpyoldnurse – cute story! Trees are a lot harder to hit with snowballs than school buses. I swear, sometimes they move.

Ugh, that personal ad. The phrase “stay at home girlfriend” is extra creepy. Clearly she’s not going to be allowed to leave the apartment ever again, except when she’s paraded out on public winter walks and taken home again for “coco” and a “cummfy coutch”.

10 years ago

I guess he thought “will chain to bedframe” would be too obvious.

10 years ago


10 years ago

I’m going to add some hugs and good vibes and awesome cats to the barrel for anyone who needs them.

Awesome Link kitten

Awesome fluffy cat.

10 years ago

Is WP doing something funky? I noticed yesterday I commented on David’s newest post, and it was 2 hours before anyone else did. Or am I just extra special?

10 years ago

It’s so dark outside today it’s throwing me off the momentum I’ve had recently.

Dawn Incognito
Dawn Incognito
10 years ago

Ugh. Last night in bed being held by my boyfriend and I felt so empty and bereft I wished I could will my heart to stop. That’s so awful.

It’s like I’ve lost the joy in everything. Like the colour’s gone out of the world. And of course that’s depression; I know it well. Life is literally a death march and I Just. Can’t. Stop.

It doesn’t help that the weather has been gloomy and grey for weeks on end. The sun doesn’t necessarily help but at least it doesn’t feel as oppressive. (And for anyone who may wonder, it’s not Seasonal Affective; I’ve tried light therapy and no dice.)

Enough bitching. I’m going out to run an errand or two so I don’t just lie in bed/sit on the couch watching anime and eating chips. Being productive helps. A little. But it’s so hard to push myself to do those productive things when it all feels meaningless.

10 years ago

Hugs, Dawn Incognito.

Sparky, that fluffy cat is so mega-fluffy! Looks like he/she’s wearing a feather boa. πŸ˜€

Puddleglum, no idea, but I was asleep when David’s newest posts went up. Maybe you’re the Night Watch!

cassandra, no idea how Tumblr works; I keep the sound muted on my computer anyway.

10 years ago

Dawn, all the hugs.

10 years ago

So, I’m finally exploring the clone wars stuffs after our thread the other day, after trying to ignore the beejeepers out of it for years because I don’t want to like the characters who are inevitably going to die, darn it!

Is it bad that halfway into the pilot movie, I’m starting to like the droids more and more?

They’re adorably incompetent.

Super adorably incompetent.

Everything else, thus far, I could take or leave. But I want me some of these droids.

So adorable.

“Concentrate fire on Sector 1137465”
“1137…4… What was that again?”
“Just fire right there.”

Their adorable incompetence, though, makes the Jedi seem really, really incompetent. If you can’t beat a computer network that can’t even keep a 7 digit quadrant number in its working memory files…

Yeah, this universe be wacky.

But I want a droid.

Hugs for anyone experiencing badness in the thread, and internet popcorn?

10 years ago

I had a psychic reading done today – not the first I’ve had. Louis had a lot to say. πŸ™‚

10 years ago

My parents just emailed from Australia to let me know that the cat did a wee in the kitchen and they are very disappointed in her.

For my birthday they also sent me a clump of her fur during the moulting season to remind me of her.

When you view it from the outside, cat ownership inspires its own unique kind of weirdness doesn’t it? πŸ˜›

10 years ago


And for anyone who may wonder, it’s not Seasonal Affective; I’ve tried light therapy and no dice.

OK. How’s your vit D level? Wouldn’t normally occur to me but my last week’s blood test came back with such a low level they were ringing me madly to get me onto a super dose. I didn’t feel depressed, but a lot of people do when their level gets too low. (Turns out I also had to reduce the dose of another medication because that was wrong in the opposite direction. Oh well. Up, down, new, old.)

10 years ago

saphy, it does indeed! πŸ˜€

10 years ago

Hugs, if you want them, Dawn!

10 years ago

Awww, David! You’re the nicest blog Meister! πŸ™‚

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