off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff, December 2014 Cat Tree Edition

At We Hunted the Mammoth headquarters, the tree is already up.
At We Hunted the Mammoth headquarters, the tree is already up.

An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no I’m-not-really-an-MRA-buts, don’t be mean.


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10 years ago

Cat flu, saphy, not human flu! They’re different viruses.

10 years ago


So we can be carriers of the cat flu virus?

10 years ago

Hugs to everyone who needs them, no hugs to those who prefer their personal space 😉


We had a very lovely but almost completely useless pass-through fireplace. We’re slowly replacing our houses’s original windows (early 60s single pane) and decrepit insulation as funds permit, but those + our attempt at frugality = strategic use of space heaters in the kids’ rooms when occupied + wearing layers and freezing everywhere else.

But this!
It has a catalytic converter, an adjustable intake (they call it “heat control”, but it just acts to moderate the air intake/burn rate), and an adjustable fan.

This is like heaven.
It’s inching up past 70 right now in the living room (it’s usually around 60 – and that’s after the heat’s kicked on) and the heater didn’t have to engage all night (we had a very solid fire established when I threw a big, knotty log on and dialed the flue and intake all the way down before bed, and there were still embers when I woke up).

So, YAY!
We’re on a few wooded acres and have multiple downed trees (and some near the house that we need to take down) as well as some well-seasoned wood, so we’re set on “free”/low cost heat for awhile 😀 😀 😀

The cats are happy – they usually burrow into our beds and snuggle the winter days away in the blankets, but they’ve been lounging on the living room couches giving us blinky eyes whenever we pass.

And that’s my big news.
I’ve officially reached the stage in my life in which major appliance purchases are a HUGE THING.

But, c’mon – WARMTH!
After the past few winters, this is sort of fantastic.

10 years ago

Winter warmth! Happiness. For you anyway … we’re lining up for a long hot summer here.

(I don’t really know how hot it’s likely to be, but the place is so dry there’ve been a few fires well ahead of the usual schedule.)

10 years ago

Hah! Dry. I just checked on the details of a fire several kms away from here. Yet another fool using an angle grinder near dry grass started the damn thing. So far it’s burnt out 170 hectares – that’s 420 acres for those still using old money.

I reckon there should be some kind of ban on outdoors use of the rotten things for the same period as the usual fire ban period.

Katherine XII
Katherine XII
10 years ago


I just learned that my grandfather died.

I don’t feel anything yet, but I probably will later.

Anyway, I might be away a couple days. I dunno.

10 years ago

I’m so sorry Katherine.

I think it’s pretty normal to feel shocked and numb for a little while when someone dies. That always happens to me too.

Take care.

10 years ago

I’m very sorry for your loss, Katherine.

10 years ago

So sorry Katherine.

Sometimes we’re surprised by our reactions. You can still be shocked even with no surprise at all. And numbness is often the first reaction in any case, expected or not.

Take care of yourself.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
10 years ago

Condolences, Katherine.

10 years ago

Hugs on standby for when you need them, Katherine. <3

10 years ago

I’m so sorry to hear that, Katherine.

10 years ago

So sorry for your loss, Katherine.

10 years ago

My condolences, Katherine.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Whoops! I posted to the wrong thread. Sorry.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Oh, Katherine, I’m so sorry!

Don’t feel bad about not feeling bad, right now. When my aunt died, I didn’t really feel it, until it HIT me a year later.

Humans are weird, like that.

You grieve in whatever way works for you, OK? Including not at all. It’s alright, and don’t let anyone else tell you how to feel or respond, or when to do it. We are not machines, and our emotions cannot be put on a schedule.

Do you want hugs? I’m sending internet hugs your way. Just duck, if you don’t want them.

10 years ago

Terrible news out of Canada. There has been a diced onion dispute at a Saskatchewan Tim Horton’s. In anger, one disgruntled customer threw a harmless snake at the employee:

What a sad day for Canada.

10 years ago

My fav link of the day (well, it was yesterday but I didn’t see it til today), all about the joy of ggator’s new ‘op’, and how well it’s doing.

10 years ago

@marinerachel, I read that this morning, and all I could think was how grateful I am that I no longer work at a Timmies.

10 years ago

Katherine, I’m so sorry.

Proxieme, whoot!

Saphy – yeah, that’s the impression I get, and I know my kitties could only have picked up cat flu via me.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

So, I was brushing my teeth, and I bent over the skin to slurp up some water and rinse my mouth, and my kitty jumped onto my back and…

settled down for a nap!

I wish I could have gotten video.

10 years ago

ROFL oh Michelle, that’s priceless!

Kitties are Teh Evil.

10 years ago

The sled dogs can be great with cats, my old friend’s Malamute would let the neighborhood kittens use him as a climbing frame and swing on his tail.

10 years ago

Oh, if only there were pics of that!

Apparently Tally acts like a cat, having been raised by them. I don’t know what huskies’ usual postures are like, but that paws-folded thing looks very catlike.

Her humans are gonna need some big boxes. 🙂

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