An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no Iβm-not-really-an-MRA-buts, donβt be mean.
An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.
As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no Iβm-not-really-an-MRA-buts, donβt be mean.
IIRC the character she plays is 16 in the book.
Yeah, that was part of it. They tried to wake him up every couple of days with that response too. It was not until the put in the tracheostomy tube in and PEG tube that they were able to wake him up without him going ballistic. They kept him in 4-point restraints the whole time to keep him in the bed. The delusions and hallunations he was having we’re quite extreme though. I have to say the ICU and the step-down unit staff were awesome. He had a 24-hour sitter as well because he was trying to get out of bed and remove tubes. They put him on anti-psychotics and within a few days he was totally normal.
I’m sorry you had to go through that too, Mildlymagnificent. I hope your husband made a full recovery.
Dormer was right to so. The scene that was filmed is really strong. It’s creepy and it shows Margaery being manipulative and seductive but it doesn’t cross the line. Ser Pounce, the kitty who used to be my avatar also puts in an appearance and that’s very important.
Sometimes less is more.
There’s also the fact that there isn’t any sex between those two characters in the books. Book Tommen is only 8. People are whining just because they apparently wanted to see Dormer’s boobs. They can’t just look at the scene from season 2 where she was topless? Or just Google “naked breasts” if they want to see boobs so bad. It’s a television drama, not a porn.
I can’t believe people are upset about this. I found myself relieved that didn’t happen when I watched that scene. I’d have been pissed if it did happen.
Late to the thread again, but;
@ amandajane5 – Happy birthday! I’m so sorry that your brother is an ass, but so glad that you are away from him. I understand about not wanting to be the one to call him in, too, so I’m also glad that you have at least one good friend to help you! Yay for friends!!!!
@ Johanna Roberts – I have no practical advice to offer, but I’ll send you cyber-hugs if you want them. <3
@ Dawn Incognito – I hope that the vocational counsellor helps! Singing The Messiah sounds amazing!
@ baroncognito – An ECG will only look abnormal if you've had damage to the muscle of your heart. If you're 'just' having angina, you will have a normal ECG until you actually infarct. Please follow up with a doctor. I'm not sure where you are, or what health care looks like there, but it sounds like you might need more follow up than just an ECG. Please don't start any exercise regime or anything too radical until you're worked up fully. (side note; my mom had angina for 18 months before she had an angiogram and they did a bypass 4 days after the test. She had major blockages, but was incredibly lucky in that she did not have an actual heart attack. The angina was just a warning, but the actual heart attack never came)
@ Myriad – It's pretty normal, IME, to feel numb after trauma like you've just been through. Hugs, if you want them!
@ mildlymagnificent – I'm so sorry that your husband went through that. And, on behalf of my profession, I'm so sorry that you had to deal with twits in scrubs. But, I'm very happy to hear that you got a good nurse at the end. Hope your husband is all better now!
I’m trying not to be afraid of things anymore.
As a woman (with activist inclinations) going into game design, eh heh… these past couple of months have been pretty rough on my nerves.
The internet seems like a scarier place than ever, but I know I need to learn to navigate it if I’m going to realize my plans to improve the world ^.^
Here’s a great article that honors the Ecole Polytechnique massacre by highlighting a bunch of Canadian women in science. It also doesn’t even mention Lepine by name which is great.
Life’s going pretty good for me right now, minus the loss of Niko. No more soul sucking coworkers or douchebag regional managers who don’t have the moral fiber to be honest about why they’re firing me, thankfully. Now I’m working as a custodian at a blessedly secular private school, mostly waging wars against ants/cockroaches in the locker rooms and scrubbing toilets. The people I deal with on a regular basis seem to like me and my work just fine, and they were totally understanding during my debilitating month of catlessness.
Minako is pretty much over her sickness, which means she’ll probably be spayed later this week. I got her using the litter box in a day and she’s not scratching the furniture or messing with anything she shouldn’t be. So good. Much proud. π Vaguely considering doing some fostering sometime in the future, but for now, Minako’s just fine and dandy.
The Fluff Compels You
I was like “oh I won’t post in the personal thread coz nothing bad is happening” and then I remembered that I could post about good things…duh…
My partner and I recently agreed to change our relationship dynamic – it was always a ‘maybe’ because neither of us have been monogamous successfully before, and recently I’ve been feeling like I’d like to date and meet new people. Talked it through with J, agreed on rules and protocols and such, both of us feel good about it. I had my first date yesterday and it went so well! Ok, the buses made me incredibly late and I got off like half a mile after I should have and had to walk there in the pouring rain without a hood and looked like a drowned rat. But other than that it was the perfect date. It was with this incredibly beautiful non-binary person, and we got along so well. The conversation was interesting, the pauses were natural, I did not make a fool of myself, it was super mutual…I’m really excited about it! They say they’re really looking forward to doing it again. :3 Yaaay. J is away from home tonight but I can’t wait to tell him all about it when he gets in tomorrow. Sadly he has ‘hand foot and mouth’ – who ever heard of that? But I’m really worried about catching it since it’s the end of term i.e. coursework submission week and I cannot be sick! So I’ll have to tell him all about it at some distance. :p
So I sold my N64 bundle thinking that it was worth less than I originally thought but after yet another calculation I’ve found that I fucked myself out of Β£50 by not selling things separately. Considering that the thing has a degree of emotional significance to me and I desperately need money at some point I’m going to cry a bit over the loss of cash.
OH MAH GAWD re the GoT thing. The scene between Margaery and Tommen as it aired this season was more than enough. It gave just the right hint of massive creepiness and exploitation without being explicit. When Margaery cooed at Tommen that her visit was their “little secret” I nearly barfed into my popcorn. I can’t believe people would want to see more. Sickos.
Just found this pic: 1620s French doublet at the Metropolitcan Museum. Is this not the most beautiful garment?
Ooooh, pretty!
The fluffy arms are my favorite part ^.^
On a black background it’s kind of ghostly looking though.
Katherine, it is rather!
Here’s the duc de Montmorency wearing a similar one:
Thanks everyone.
I’m planning on seeing a doctor as soon as I can get an appointment (When I called in November, they didn’t have any appointments for new patient exams until January). I’ll ask about the gallbladder and possible angina then. In the mean time, I’ll pay more attention possible other causes for the heartburn. When I assumed it was a symptom of heart failure, I never really paid attention to what else I’d been doing that might have caused it.
I haven’t started any new exercise routines; I started walking about 40 minutes a day a few months ago, I’m just going to keep up with that for now. The dog enjoys it too.
That said: since I’m only 34; I’m not a smoker; I don’t drink often; my cholesterol, blood sugar, and chest x-rays were normal; and the x-rays didn’t show anything, the doctor said that I should follow up with my primary care physician, but she didn’t believe I was having a heart attack then and I’d be fine going home and getting to sleep.
OMG kittehserf! That is gorgeous! I wouldn’t want to wear it myself, but I could watch other people dressed like that all day. π
@ baroncognito – I really hope everything is OK.
PSA time – please assume that I (and every other internet rando) am full of sh*t, medically speaking. In no way should any comment board be taken seriously in regards to medical or health care advice, or replace a face to face consultation with a licensed health care provider. I really am a nurse, and have been for a while, but you would be foolhardy to take my word for that. Also, I am totally not qualified to diagnose people over the internet!
In my own defence, I just kind of panic when people start talking about chest pain.
grumpyoldnurse – isn’t it just gorgeous? I wouldn’t want to wear it either; those things were not light, they had pieces of card and canvas stitched into them to keep their shape, and what’s missing from this one is the high, stiff collar that came right up to the jawline – it’s what kept the lace bands sitting properly.
But that fabric, that exquisite work, the look of the whole thing … if you click on the picture you can magnify it and see the chain stitching on the braid, the tiny cuts in the silk where it was pinked, and just think what that all looks like life-size, over a fine linen shirt, and with beautiful lace finishing the picture…
Ellesar, I’m having no trouble with the the everydaysexism project site that came up when I did a good search for everydaysexism.
Sunnysombera, sorry about your N64. I hope you can play the games you were fond of on other systems at least.
Grumpyoldnurse, point taken. I imagine that the internet can be annoying to health care providers at times.
kittehserf: Yeah, it’s a really nice fabric, I imagine that a vest could take a lot of those styling cues and look really good. (but I can’t imagine what it would look like if you had the sleeves of the shirt you were wearing underneath it rolled up to the elbows.)
Oh lor’, sleeves rolled up under a doublet would be the pits! XD
@ baroncognito – Thanks for understanding! I just don’t want to mislead anyone, or set you up for embarrassment with your GP because I misunderstood something you said or I failed to ask the right follow up questions!
Either way – good luck and best wishes! π
@baroncognito, as the daughter of a healthcare provider I can assure you that patients found ways to cause annoyance well before the internet π
(My favourite was the kinda stalkery one who found our home number and called at all hours.)
Best of luck to you! Chest pain can be caused by lots of weird stuff but always best to check out the ticker and hopefully rule out problems there.
I’m pleased to report that Dracarys is feeling better. She’s still sneezing a bit but the frequency has gone way down since yesterday. She’s also no longer lethargic.
Unfortunately, Darrow sneezed a couple of hours ago. He hasn’t done it again since so I’m hoping it’s just a fluke and he isn’t getting sick too. He’s more finicky than Dracarys and I’m not as confident that he’ll eat and drink properly while sick like Dracy did.
I’m still baffled at how Dracarys could have caught a virus when both she and Darrow are indoor cats and never interact with other animals. The only other cat I’ve even touched the past couple of weeks is my dad’s cat and she isn’t sick.
WWTH – glad to hear Dracarys is getting better!
If it was a flu virus, it’s pretty easy for cats to get them, according to my vet. They don’t need to go out or have contact with other cats; they get it from us. The virus is hardy enough to be passed via human contact, ie. cat – human – human -cat. Passing someone whose cat has the bug is enough. Fribs has had a touch of the flu the last couple of weeks. I’m the only member of the household who goes out anywhere, and I’ve had no contact with kitties when I have, so I must have picked it up from some other Furrinati servant.
tl:dr Like cats always make so clear – it’s All Our Fault.
@ kittyserf
I can pass flu onto my fur-babies???
Oh gods now I feel mega guilty because I am pretty sure a few of them have started sneezing since I got ill…